Give me your best Megg, Mogg & Owl reaction images

Also MM&O thread I guess

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Other urls found in this thread:!ztNlSCLS!UC_boyPja9AtidtQXzsdWYyuKeiokTEKR3vvHehOC-8

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anyone has that reaction face of wwj riding the bike and got hit by the car? the face he makes is so good, or post the page and i can crop it

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I don't use this one nearly as much as I should

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If you had to life one month with one of them who would you choose?

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Tough question. On the one hand, it feels like choosing anyone other than Owl has a very real less-than-zero chance of resulting in serious injury or death.
On the other hand, if you're the sort of person that would choose Owl, you're probably very much Owl-like yourself, so why even bother?
Fuck it, give me WWJ. At least if I survive I'll have some interesting stories to tell.

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If it's JUST one, I'd pick Owl.

i want to say wwj but i have a lot of valuable objects they might end up being "missing"

That's easy.

Mike is just so good to hang out with. How does he do it?

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out of the main group? probably megg. owl is the "safest" bet but i don't think i could stand to hang around with him. if it's any of the cast though i'd definitely choose mike, mike's a fucking bro

WWJ and basically fuck everything/everyone that is in our way

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You didn't rule out Booger or Mike so I'd choose one of them.

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I'm right there with you Owl

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You mean pic related?

WWJ facing the camera is my favorite thing.

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he just fucking based

Owl, the rest are sociopaths who would fuck with me or fuck me up in some way


Mike seems like he's pretty chill.

Here are the tiers
Safe but kind of akward tier: Owl
Usually not proactive enough to do shit on her own but still may make you miserable tier: Meg
Shitty tier:Mogg
Utter sociopath tier: Werewolf jones

Megg and Mogg are both bad choices. Not as bad as WWJ, but they're going to be manipulative and untrustworthy at the best of times. If you're even marginally productive, they will try leeching off you and sabotaging your life to prevent you from leaving.

Owl is an awkward fuck but he's a safe bet.

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Alternatively, choose Owl, live like Megg for a month and trick Owl into paying your expenses

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mogg because on his own he's just a housecat who can barely operate a wiimote
what harm is he gonna be?

Owl, I’d just watch him play vidya.

Given that people who are adopted have a higher tendency to become criminals did mogg ever stand a chance at having a real life or was his father's financial support for his music career a mistake?

He could lock the door to the house while you're walking home really needing to take a shit, as he did to Owl in that one strip for basically no reason other than it amusing him.

The thing is owl is not the kind of guy who will kick down the door if he pulls that shit
I think if you showed them you wont take their bullshit they would back off

mike or booger seem more decent than any of the main cast. even though owl is a relatively good roommate, i can't stand being around that sort of pathetic burnout misery for too long.

I don't know. He's just hangin'.

Megg honestly doesn't seem that bad.
She mostly plays off Mogg. They incite each other, egg each other on, try to one-up each other, and just generally try to get the other to do any stupid thing they think of, and simultaneously will do anything the other tries getting them to do.
Mogg can be a sociopoath, but Megg just seems to have more of a "rules aren't real let's just have fun" attitude. Living with someone friendly, responsible, and benevolent for a change could have a better influence on her to some degree too, as long as they don't expect anything from her. If you made sure not to go out in public with her anywhere, you're mostly fine.
If she decides to get fucked up on mega-drugs with her friends in your place though, that could be troublesome.

I have a friend who is just owl. I'd hang out with him yeah

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Megg and Mogg definitely would, but WWJ might literally murder you.

it's so weird seeing wwj facing other ways that's not profile view

not megg, she is too depressing to help her out
im allergic to cats so mogg is out of the question
owl seems fine but he might get wild if left alone
wwjsounds convincing if i can fool around with him, as long as he gets rid of his kids

Yeah, Mogg and Megg are both sufficiently weak-willed that they'd probably back down if you seriously challenged them. They want to take the path of least resistance in life so you need to show them that fucking with you will create adversity.

On the other hand, WWJ seems like he'd seriously consider committing a murder-suicide if you crossed him. I'm surprised he hasn't done that at any point, given his obsession with keeping his friends from abandoning him.

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WWJ is much more creepy when you see him as an average middle aged dude.

It's shown that Megg is capable of being a good person sometimes, or at the very least not being a raging asshole like Mogg. She seems to be a bit more thoughtful and proactive than Mogg, and she is at least capable of introspection even if she continually refuses to change her ways. She acts like this because she's given up on trying to live with her depression in a productive way. Her personal problems are exacerbated by her bad lifestyle, a bad environment, and her toxic friends enabling her (which she also does to them). Megg is more laid-back when she's hanging out with Booger, as they have a mostly positive relationship.

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as long as you sort of help her out to not feel depressed or remind her about her mother, she can stay in peace. problem is, mogg and wwj always seem to be the ones who pull her back to live in this miserable life but not because is intentional, but because she frequents with them

It's all more depressing when you realize all these people are in their thirties, and not young adults

it's at the point where they are unlikley to ever get out of their situation

Y'know, the fact that Megg and Booger seem to have a somewhat good relationship might come into play later especially considering Owl left and WWJ's fate is sealed. Megg and Mogg's relationship is probably gonna go crashing down in a glorious, weed-scented flame.

WWJ's antics are fun to laugh at, but there's a lot of stuff about his character that's ominously realistic. I've known people like him in real life, even if the similarities are only in the broader strokes (IE, the irrational thirst for attention, the complete indifference to what other people are feeling, the constant binge-drinking and drug use, etc). I feel like I've found WWJ more creepy than funny as this series has progressed. He's almost a middle-aged man and he's spent basically his entire adult life acting like a psychotic teenage delinquent who cuts class to drink Steel Reserves behind the gym.

More than anything else, I feel bad for Diesel and Jaxon. Initially they seemed like disgusting monsters when they broke Owl's beak, but later strips show that they're sad, confused, and malnourished kids who are desperate for some kind of affection.

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Has Booger ever done anything horrible?

Picking up on Megg while she is still with Mogg is a dick move.

wwj reminds me of some people who were close to his living style which i cut all contact with them because i started to felt the bad influence affecting my life. i feel bad how jaxon is becoming to be the less likeable of the two

Jaxon seems pretty upset about it in the index for "One More Year"

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Does cucking Mogg count as horrible?Not like it changes anything. Once you drop out of society you can never go back, same thing if you were never "in" to begin with.

Like the others said, cucking Mogg.

Which begs the question: Is it justified cucking someone who is a completely irredeemable piece of shit like Mogg?

It really does seem like that's what it's all leading up to. Whether that affects Megg positively or completely destroys her instead is what I think is really up in the air, because even if her relationship with Mogg is shit, she clearly is heavily co-dependent on him.

I think the worst would be just condoning all the horrible shit that WWJ and the others do, although she mostly doesn't take part in it. I guess there's also having debauched orgies with WWJ and Megg from time to time, but if they want to be swingers than that's their prerogative. Other than that, Booger is usually the least evil member of the group after Mike. Straight or chaotic neutral at worst, relative to Mogg being straight evil and WWJ being chaotic evil.

That is kind of skeevy, although Megg is equally culpable for agreeing to go along with it even if she didn't necessarily initiate it. Then again, Mogg's shitty behavior is the reason those liaisons happen so it's hard to feel bad for him. Still, the proper option would be for Megg to just break things off with him for good and not run around behind his back without his knowledge.

There's a surprising amount of depth and moral complexity in these characters.

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I don't know if it's justified exactly, but it can be more understandable depending on the circumstances. In Megg's case, I sort of get it because Mogg is such a miserable bastard, but at the same time she's not breaking up with him because they're both lazy and want to maintain the status quo. Ideally you should never be an adulterer because the action itself is skeevy.

It depends on how much of a dick they've been to you personally. If you don't know that person is a piece of shit and only find out after the fact then the cucking is not justified. It is also not justified if they are terrible to other people, but treat you decently.

Possibly yes, but only if you stuck in an abusive relationship with someone like WWJ who would threaten to kill you if you tried leaving him. Mogg is obviously not that, although he's definitely a shitty person.

I like seeing Megg with Booger. She just seems so content or even a little happy.

Well we know that Jaxon somehow becomes a decent young adult years later, though Diesel's status is up in the air.

women on women barely counts as cheating but then again mogg hasn't been very supportive for megg since all he cares is to get high

Which comic/collection is this from?

it's from Portraits

>Well we know that Jaxon somehow becomes a decent young adult years later

In one of the comics Owl meets him while at WWJ's grave.
They go have lunch after and chat.

I don't have it saved but he went to school, was wearing glasses and refereed to Owl as "Mr. Owl".

i love the interiors, the surroundings and lifestyle simon illustrates in this comic, is like everyone is living in a limbo were despite having a day and night, time doesn't move

good for jaxon, though diesel is gonna have the short end of the stick

It really didn't for the longest time.

wish time could stop for me

They're both shifty people but I get the feeling they have some goodness in their hearts.

anybody knows where to download all of it?

That's appropriate given how a lot of strips are just brief glimpses into their day-to-day lives without much in the way of plot. This is enhanced by how hazy and ambiguous the canonical timeline is. Save for certain fixed events like Owl leaving and WWJ dying, time doesn't really progress for them. They're stuck in the drugged-out time bubble where their lives never move forward or change in any meaningful way.

I normally don't put a lot of stock in those "Everyone is dead/in hell" theories because they're very cliche, but I could almost see that as one possible valid interpretaiton of the comic. It might be like "No Exit" by Sarte where the characters could escape from hell but they're trapped there by each other and their own failings. Owl tells Megg he's over her before he moves out, so maybe that's him coming to term with his problems before ascending to heaven?

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>all their beds have no feet, just lies directly on the floor
this brings some nostalgia to me

How can he have the short end of the stick when he's bequeathed with "FAST & THE FURIOUS" blue-ray box sets? The ungreatful little fucker is set for life after WWJ kicks the bucket.

God, he's just so done.

>For when you try to fuck the baby the day she turns 18
I'm gonna have to write that one down holy shit

the links posted every thread mate

i don't believe this is an allegory of being in actual limbo or they are dead, i think is more of a mental state most people usually experience. they reach an age were they can't go back to be what it was before but are scared to move forward or don't know how to move forward. in their minds, they are stuck in a constant loop were they don't acknowledge time moving on and just want to settled down repeating their same activity. almost like living in denial

They're totally living in denial. The trip to the welfare center is always the wake up call. Doubly so when Owl left and Mogg's dad stopped giving him pocket money.

>WWJ turning Owls cabinet into a sauna
>WWJ shitting all over his bed
>WWJ pretend rapping owl
>WWJ planting CP he made onto Owls computer and getting him arrested

He's kinda fuck.

He didn't shit on his bed at all. It was Jaxon who diarrhea'd all over it.

it hits close to home because i was having a neet phase and felt miserable getting money from parents

Thank you friend,

Yeah, WWJ never got to do a Boston clanger.

wait booger is a post op trans or just crossdresser?

The favored child of a sociopath junkie is almost never gonna have another kind of future. In a lot of ways, Jaxon probably turned out like he did because WWJ hated him so goddamn much.

I'm struggling to answer this, because at one point she was described as a "gender elusive boogeyman" or something and performs at drag shows. But in newer comics she's called trans in her bio.

Pre-op trans identifying. We see balls in Knife Crime.

I can't even tell Diesel and Jaxon apart. Which one is the grey one?

Just a crossdresser. Most of the characters in the comic are reflections of the life of the actual writer, who himself is a crossdresser.

Jaxon is the grey one, Diesel is the yellow one.

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Glad things worked out for Owl.

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I can’t wait.

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I'm glad Owl's doing good. Even though he was pathetic, you could tell everyone was dragging him down. Looks like he escaped their grasp.

As for Megg and Mogg, I can't fucking wait to see what happens to them next.

I bet it's with that Tucan woman he works with.

That's a more accurate synopsis. Although I was entertaining the "everyone's dead" theory, it's more accurate to say that their lives have a purgatory-like quality rather than them literally being there.

she started off as a cross-dresser but according to the newer comics she's trans now

I mean, she's convincing.

Speaking of, and I hate to start tranny talk, but is it me or does Simon look more convincing when he crossdresses than most trannies, even after their surgeries? I mean it's obvious he's a dude but damn.

>when you see him as an average middle aged dude

Which we actually get to, after his night in the pokey

after reading a lot of his comic, this entire thing can be interpreted as millennials having a hard time with life

unlike most trannies, simon is actually one that really and i mean REALLY makes the effort to look like a woman unlike the ones you see that won't hide their 5 o' clock shadow

That's the thing, Simon ain't even a tranny!
Imagine being out-trannied by a dude who just crossdresses.

crossdressers, drag queens and traps can pull a better disguise as a woman than the ones who want to be a woman

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i would have sex with wwj, not joking

Just as you don't stick your dick in the crazy, you dont let the crazy stick their dick in you

Just got my copy of Bad Gateway. Gooood shit.

he would give you so many VDs

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>cat canines, the rest are human teeth
how horrifying

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This sounds halfway based.

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Please start taking pics of the second story. I need my fix and I cant maintain.

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>Simon ain't even a tranny
I don't know about that. In numerous interviews he's talked about having some issues with gender dysphoria as a kid, and experiencing some severe depression when his girlfriend at the time made him stop wearing women's clothing and makeup. Like, he seems comfortable dressing as a dude, but he apparently becomes pretty depressed when he doesn't have the option to dress as a woman. Just crossdressing for the sake of crossdressing usually doesn't come with those kind of symptoms.

I wouldn't explicitly label him a tranny but something more than just just a crossdressing hobby/fetish is going on there for sure.

I think he does it for attention

>its a megg mog an owl thread
>it has no storytimes
>it also does have storytimes but its only the ones everyone already read but never the obscure ones

if im going to come back completely safe after the month ends even if i die wwjones

thats pretty fuckinng decent of owl

wwjones, im going to turn him far right for laughs

dont waifu megg

become a transgender

cucking someone is both hurtful to the person being cucked and disrespectful to the person you are cucking with and yourself because what the fuck do you figure that says about yourself? im a whore who cant stop having sex with everyone? i cant refuse sex from anyone because i treat my body like a bag of meat designed to give me pleasure?
live your life with some dignity, fuck whoever you want but do it in a propper way

most of the strip happens in the same square room and even when it doesnt it always goes back to it
I dont want to give simon enough credit to claim this is on purpose but its visually very telling of the characters and their lives, it certainly gives out the vibe of being trapped

While it almost definitely applies to both of them, Diesel has been sexually abused, Werewolf has him starring in some sort of webcam porn

Well, I guess Satan trips don't lie.

Oh yeah I forgot about that. I wonder if they're ever gonna show Diesel post-WWJ, since they showed Jaxon.

is there a chronological way to read them?

I'm not expert or even passingly familiar with the subject of what leads to someone crossdressing. But I'd wager it was caused by sexual abuse as a child and a caregiver expressing dissatisfaction with the gender he was born as.


is your armchair comfortable?

This gets asked a lot. There are two big events in the loose cannon. Owl moves out and the death of wwj. One event is also mentioned as taking place before megg's coven and another is post Amsterdam. Story wise you should just go by the year a story was published and be fine. His early art is a little raw and simplistic as he developed. In short just read everything you can find and get hooked into wanting to read bad gateway.

something i noticed is jaxon and diesel have wrinkles compared to wwj despite being way younger than him

Hanselmann seems both delighted and repelled by the human body; he refers to his own as “animated, sentient meat”. “I am full of impulses to shove animal matter into my poorly designed facial rot hole,” he says. “I must endlessly defecate. I need to fuck. I need to be fucked. It’s fantastic and terrifying. Fascinating. Pointless, swirling molecules. But, yeah, having a fun time. I spent $300 on a T-shirt last week.”

My favorite Bad Gateway page
(not story spoilers)

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I think when I was like 2 or something. My aunt and my mother dressed me up in all of my aunt’s underwear and threw balled-up socks at me. Apparently I got a boner during that. That’s a weird thing to do. Let’s dress the baby up in women’s lingerie, and throw balled-up stockings at him. I don’t know if that’s what warped me or whatever. I was cross-dressing when I was 5.

Post some more pages.

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Megg is honestly just as terrible as Mogg she's just way more passive.
Don't confuse being inactive with being a good person.
You know what Indian's have a word for this.
Megg is tamasic: dark, confused, dull, inactive, etc...
WWJ is rajasic: hot, passionate, violent, etc...
Megg being less rajasic than Mogg doesn't make her a better person it just makes her less of a person.

So would owl be sattva?

or he just enjoys dressing up for some ineffable personal reason.

That's incredibly dumb and immature but it still made me laugh.

Megg is capable of being just as bad as Mogg, but I'd also say she's more capable of not being bad (which Mogg is not).

This is such a quasi-obscure reference. I love it

I don't know why but "Game Over" being in quotes is hilarious

>Booger and Megg
>women on women

user, I........

Booger doesn't seem to use her cock does she??? Did Megg suck her off one time? Idr

>tfw all your life you felt like you should have been born a girl, but you dont want to be a living freakshow so you just deal with it and live as a man
>if some crazy drug treatment/SCIENCE came around that turned you into a 100% real woman you'd probably go for it in an instant

Feelin' fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

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Get out transnigger

How long before MMO gets too popular and mainstream?

>already a newyork times best seller

Will it be a washed up sellout series when it gets a watered down cartoon?

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Dang, the austalian version of aqua teen is fucking depressing

>Seattle cartoonist Simon Hanselmann tackles big issues in new graphic novel, Bad Gateway - New Day N

He has a life and doesn't hang with the others so actively that it ruins his life and job

I love MMO, but I cant take Hanselman seriously at all. Goddamn.

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What a cutie.

God I'm so happy for Owl. Live your best new life, bud.

I don't think it'll ever get a cartoon but the six hardcover books it's gotten have been very popular. I think Megahex was the one that got the award.
Though when it comes to those books four of them are actually full length, like at least 180+ pages.

Does anyone have a good place to read this? Vice's layout is giving me cancer and aids
This is an user's Mediafire folder with a majority of the books/zines.

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Top fucking lads

Does he deserve to be taken seriously?

But, specifically what do you mean?

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Literally when she starts to feel lucid and not completely drugged up.

He did just let WWJ rape owl that time, he didn't even get pizza, just noped the fuck out

Requesting owl saying he'll blow off a girl's mind with Danzig, that was a great panel

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Man that's dead on. I live with a few friends (ex friends at this point though I think) that are Megg and Mogg tier, minus the drugs. Stuck in limbo, no drive to do anything about it. I'm pulling an Owl and fucking moving out soon, I can't keep myself around that bullshit, it really gets to you.

Reminder that if you find yourself the Owl of your friend group, GET THE FUCK OUT ASAP

What's going to happen once Owl's two months of paid rent portion are up?

From that one bit of Bad Gateway that was shared, they have 6 months worth of welfare money now because Megg absolutely humiliated herself in front of the officer trying to look fucking insane. After that six months? Who knows.

Everyone will be finish. Years later after wwj passed away megg and mogg are still together and owl is still moved out. Simon says that eventually everyone will grow and become better.
I wonder when he will finish megg's coven as he said that was going to be the darkest story since it's about his mom.

can't you just pretend to be a woman digitally?

>geezer morning show covers MM&O
>had some 60 year old flip through the book
Ha ha, what the fuck?

I'm quite sure it won't, it already had its 5 minutes of internet fame and now it's just background noise again.

Hell no.
He's passive as fuck as well.
None of the characters are sattvic.
Give me a specific example of Megg being nice.
Not passive and not doing anything but actually nice.

Seeing it talked about on a basic bitch USA morning show is just weird. You know that old lady host didn't like it that much.

I doubt Girl Mountain’s readership or demographic watches much morning television either.

>the comic sometimes touches on personal trauma
>oh? Give us specific examples.
>I don't want to and that makes me uncomfortable
>I insist that you tell us
That part felt like something out of a Megg Mogg and Owl.

Only example I can think of was the end of Owl’s birthday where they just let him play Twilight Princess and enjoyed sitting on the couch watching him. One of the only instances I can think of where everyone was just getting along.

I had to watch a shit-ton while providing elder care for my horrible grandma.
worst three months of my life, resulted in my dropping out of school and both ruined my relationship with my grandmother and all childhood memories I had of her.

Mogg, and life would be a living hell for him because I treat him like an actual cat. He has to piss and shit in a box, and if he doesn't I squirt him him a little spritzer bottle in the face. He has to eat cat food, he can't do any drugs except catnip because I don't own any, and if he's bad he gets put in a little pet porter for a time out. I'd also clip his claws, brush his fur, and put him on a little leash to go for walks around my house so I can show him off to the lady across the street who takes her cat for a walk. If he's good (which is unlikely but maybe after the initial drug withdrawal phase ends and he figures I'm way bigger, stronger and smarter than he is) he gets cat treats or if he really wants I can print out pictures of sexy cats for him off my computer or other such inane (non drug) things he might want.

But, yeah, he's going to live like a pet.

>I can print out pictures of sexy cats for him off my computer
Am I a bad owner if I don't do this for my cat?

Is making Mogg act like an actual cat some kind of weird brainwashing fetish shit?

No, but I wouldn't want to live with Meg because she's gross and hard to control. And Owl is fucking annoying. So that just leaves Mogg, but his personality is trash, but he's just a cat so he's 2nd easiest to bully around (first is Owl, but he's too annoying to stand and I'd actually feel bad about bullying him) and Mogg is small and weak enough I could throw him in a box if I had to. And while I don't like parasitic leech people in my life, pets are basically parasitic leech people that get a free pass for being a pet, and I can handle that. So living with Mogg would be more palatable if I were in charge and he were more like an actual cat.

No, you're fine, your cats can't talk (probably) and tell you what kind of cats they think are hot, so you might be accidentally printing out pics of cats the think are ugly. Mogg can talk so he could actually tell me what cats are hot and which cats aren't.

>I'm way smarter than Mogg
Nah, you sound like a basic bitch redditor.

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why? he seems really intelligent and down to earth in interviews. it's actually a little strange to see a (cis identifying) man giving interviews in drag while sounding more reasonable and grounded than most people.

Getting to see that go down is going to be pretty fun, honestly. The latest strip that came out, Megg finally started standing up to Mogg a little bit and it revealed just how fragile Mogg is underneath his horrible attitude towards everybody. He's gonna get what's coming to him.

According to spoilers from people that actually have Bad Gateway Megg leaves Mogg alone in the house while she goes to her coven to tend to her almost dead mother. He's just there, alone in the house.

i really hope megg finally breaks off with mogg and gets together with booger or something, she actually seems noticeably a little more happier and comfortable around booger

I think he is at the least bisexual. In interviews he talks about finding spiderman erotic, kissing this dude when he got married to comics, and liking getting fucked. His mom really fucked him but by dressing him up as a girl.

Keep in mind that when Megg went to commit welfare fraud and Mogg went out looking for jobs, they were trying to cover the remaining twenty percent of the rent that Owl hadn't covered. They mention that it's been two months since he left, and he only paid his share of the rent for two months. The fact that they're already tremendously struggling to cover such a paltry amount of money even with Owl's assistance indicates that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

I've always found this page strange because it's the only time Mogg sounds smart in the entire series. I thought at first that it was Owl talking so I was surprised that Mogg is so knowledgeable of European politics.

It's the same deal with John Waters. Like him, Simon Hanselmann is very open about his perversions and weird quirks. He wears his eccentricities on his sleeve. You immediately get what he's about and you don't get the sense he's hiding any dark secrets from you. It's the polar opposite of a sleazy, moralizing televangelist or reactionary politician who rants about the evils of homosexuality and "family values" only to turn out to be a secret sex weirdo.

It's what Amsterdam weed does to you.

That is very exploitable.

People are hung up on Mogg being a "dumb jock" because of the highschool flashback comic, even though he obviously only dominated at running short distances because he was a fucking cat competing against humans. I think Mogg's deal is that he's a smart guy who's lazy, depressed and deathly afraid of taking any risks.

I found Amsterdam weed to be pretty mild when I was there. Not that I mind necessarily, as I prefer a mild buzz to being completely delirious. Given that both him and Megg have such a high weed tolerance, I would guess there strange mental break was caused by being off their antidepressants, which they apparently forgot to pack. Maybe they were feeling the onset of Serotonin withdrawal, as well as the confusion of trying to navigate life without Owl's assistance.

So Jaxon is relatively cleaned up but Diesel's in limbo?

We don't really know. Jaxton at least seems to be doing relatively alright, we know nothing about Diesel.

diesel is fucking dead

That's what I mean by limbo, really. I wonder who they(?) live with.

Susan? I think that was their mum's name. Maybe foster home or some such.

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Out of the main 4 there's no conceivable reason to pick anyone but owl.

He'll either keep quiet or hurt just himself. The rest are liable to ruin your life.

Even if you extended it to the wider group I've no reason to think I'd befriend any of them, and none of them are as safe as Owl, so it remains Owl. If it had to be one of them Booger seems calm. I wouldn't want the wizard guy cause he was in on the Owl rape thing. Basically any character who knows the group through WWJ is a hard no go.

This and I gotta scan Mogg's dazed smile in Amsterdam when he remembers breaking Owl's leg.

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Also, finished Bad Gateway today, quick read.

Slow, padded, a bit humorless but entirely fitting for the characters' current situation.

To those who have read it, gimme your thoughts on the Birdcage story. A real cringe-reader, that one.

oh man I sure wished I could've read it to discuss with you; if only some generous soul would scan and post it here

>Bakugo. jpg

be an absolute legend and scan it would ya

if wwj turns back into human when he is sober then that means diesel and jaxon can turn into humans, too?

WWJ is just one my one bogan Aussie friend from when I lived in London, so probably him.

I just wanted to chime in that this is exactly correct.

Owl is just as bad as they are.

It was thought sugar was their booze but whichever one it was that became a studious young gentlemen sorta disproved that?

If anything he's worse, because he can, and should leave at any time but doesn't.

owl is supposed to be the calm and collected but just like the rest, he also screws up big time. he just covers his flaws by thinking him having a job gets him a pass

This is not wrong. Sometimes people are not in the right state of mind to do what is best for themselves tho and shit happens. Dealing with the aftermath is never pretty.

Oh god simon is so edgy it could cut you to the quick. I think he looks better in drag without kitchen knives.

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Was anyone else caught completely off guard that Owl wasn't a virgin

So is Bad Gateway not the end? We're gonna have to wait like 5 more years for closure?

Megg's Coven next, no?

That's not being nice that's being passive.

Has anyone in this thread known a WWJ tier person? What about Megg/Mogg/or Owl

I've been terrified of the bottom that is Megg's Coven for years

Used to be the Owl to a Megg and Mogg, it was alright for a bit, i mean they're not as fucked as the genuine article, never cheated or broke my leg

>not breoooowth

No. Owl is exactly the kind of guy who gets laid through sheer patheticness. Like that comic where his girlfriend can't break up with him because he got beat up by kids.

>There's a surprising amount of depth and moral complexity in these characters.

Because, while the extent of their shenanigans is outlandish, the nature of them is not. They are very true to life losers.

I fucking hope so. The prototype version Hanselmann did years ago totally drew me in but then it didn't have a conclusion.

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why megg has to have the saddest family situation? it's so unfair

welcome to the life zone

Man Mogg is such a piece of shit

There was a very WWJ-esque dude in my grade that a couple of my hardcore stoner friends were acquainted with. He became something of a campus legend before he dropped out because of all the insane shit he did on a weekly basis. The most dramatic incident, which I'm astonished he didn't get expelled for, was the night of his infamous "acid" freak-out (read: N-bombs). It was almost midnight when this happened and there were two police cruisers outside the dorm. I soon learned that he'd:
>Ripped all his clothes off save for his boxers
>Ran up and down the hallway of the ground floor screaming at the top of his lungs and banging on the doors
>Attacked his equally unstable GF in the lobby when she tried to calm him down (no lasting injuries, although she got a few bruises)
>Tried taking a swing at a couple security guards who came to check out a noise complaint
>Tried taking a swing at A COP responding to the scene not long after
I don't know exactly how he was transferred to the hospital, but I would guess handcuffs were involved. The dude was pretty short and thin, so fortunately he wasn't able to put up much of a fight. He ended up not being charged with anything, partly because he came from a rich family and I think no one wanted to go to the hassle of pressing charges.

Aside from that, he was responsible for a number of smaller incidents.
>Got drunk in the recording room of the school radio station and smashed a hole in the wall with his head
>Wandered over to the local cemetery and damaged an angel statue near a grave by high-fiving its hand and knocking the whole appendage off
>Had a reputation as an incredibly skeevy, perpetually-drunk libertine who'd show up all the big parties even if no one invited him
>Apparently had been a real bad heroin addict before coming to school and had transferred to being a serious alcoholic
>Apparently cheated on his gf with other unstable stoner chicks
I'm glad I never associated with him. Real scummy dude.

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I don't know why, but I can't shake the feeling Simon must be a huge dick irl. I could be mistaken and I've got nothing against him, but his face is extremely punchable.

Holy fuck, hadn't seen this one in years.

i only met people who were into weed, had dirty rooms to sleep on and almost were high most of the time. im glad i didnt end up like them

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He doesn't seem very likeable at all in that French TV interview, or in the letters page of that one zine. Hurt people hurt people ;(

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I think Megg's Coven might honestly be my favorite MM&O story. Knowing that it might continue after the end of Bad Gateway is really exciting.

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I don't get that all from what I've seen of him. Unless someone has a personal anecdote about him causing a scene at a party, I'm inclined to believe that he's just a reserved cross-dresser who talks about things in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

It's going to be brutal. Hanselmann's said he's been trying to put off doing it for as long as he could because of how personal and difficult is for him (his mom's a heroin junkie).

If you say anyone but Mike, Owl, or maybe Booger you're just asking to have your life ruined. WWJ you might at least have fun ruining your life, but Meg and Mogg wouldn't even let you have that.

It feels weird that it ends like this. Like there should be at least one more page.

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Well, it is an unfinished prototype. From what I understand it's a proof-of-concept for a strip Hanselmann will eventually fully do.

Definitely. He's mentioned before that Megg is a bit of a stand-in for him, so her troubled relationship with her mom is an instance of Hanselmann writing from personal experience. The whole series has been building towards this grim and apocalyptic conclusion where all the characters' personal demons are laid bare. It's like watching storm clouds gather on the horizon. "Bad Gateway" is a stumble down into the abyss while "Megg's Coven" will be the darkness at the bottom (and hopefully the climb back to the light of day).

I haven't been this hype for a comic since back in the day when "Goodnight Pun Pun" was being translated and storytimed on Yea Forums

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This is a very upsetting story man. I don't know how nobody is acknowledging the weird shit you just dropped in this thread but I hope you're doing ok.

You may be remembering, but it was Megg who did that.

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So... who's looking through Megg's window? Those are clearly eyes. Was it the prowler in the yard who left the "blood-soaked pants?"

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Holy shit I never noticed those eyes in the window. Freaky.

>They all have white eyes
I hadn't realized that in the earlier comics they weren't high literally 24/7.

There are a lot of bizarre, unnerving elements like that throughout the strip. I don't know what the weird noises in the yard, the "blood-soaked pants," the mention of murders, and the ruined panties in the park are supposed to imply exactly, but it's nothing good. Is that Megg's mom spying on her? Is it the suspected murderer/rapist? Is it a spirit similar to the one that haunted Megg's nan?

I think the rapist spirit and the murderer are the same person. There is definitely something wrong with Megg's hometown, the atmosphere is fucking smothering.

Hanselmann strikes me as the western version of Matsumoto Jiro.
I'm not sure how accurate that is.

i really want to know more about jaxon's live after wwj death. i want to see what happened to him during that time and what a mess diesel has turned into.

Which story is this from?

I'm not overly familiar with this series but I've read the comics when posted here.

So is everyone actually human?
WWJ seems to turn human when he sobers up so I assume that the witch/cat/etc are just their "high personas" so to speak.
Except for Owl, which I guess doesn't make sense as he's usually sober except for when he gets bullied enough to take a blunt.

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Maybe yes, maybe not. Doesn't matter really.

I'm not gonna say MM&O is a bad comic but every character is so detestable it's hard to enjoy at times

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WWJ is a werewolf after all, though he's only a werewolf when he's under the influence of any drug.
When the others aren't under the influence they stay the same. Megg's actually a witch and Mogg's actually a cat.

It's really no wonder Megg grew up the way she did with her coven and hometown being such fucking shitholes.

That's the hook.

I'm gonna guess the one where WWJ's birthday wish is to shit on Owl's pillow.

It was Mogg not WWJ.

I distinctly remember WWJ commenting that it was going to be a horrible, runny shit. Maybe he just showed up halfway through and wanted to get in on it. His kids started doing it, too.

Boston Clanger!

My exes brother was WWJ to a tea and he brought anyone in his circle into the endless pit of his fucked up world. He beat me and others several times in a drunken rage and for whatever reason had that cult leader charisma that'd have you defending him and calling him a legend for deplorable human behaviour the next day. Glorified stories of tackling his friends through windows and severing their artries in their legs, miserable drunken temper tantrums the second he wasn't the centre of attention. Reading these comics gives me a little PTSD honestly because you get so sucked into this fucked up world it's all you know for a bit and it seems normal. The comic where WWJ tells Owl to sit the the garbage happened almost word from word and I was just so beaten and over it just like owl I stayed their complacently the whole party. He'd claim it was a joke probably but there were definitely power games and it was just less painful when he got his way.

Every time i see this, i have a brain melt

Because i swear Megg Mogg and Owl was a children's book i read as a child.

Am i going nuts?

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No, it was.

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You aren't going crazy. It's "based" on the Meg, Mog and Owl children's books, but only in the way that the three main characters are a witch, cat and owl and the witch and cat are called Meg and Mog with extra g's.

Thats meg and mog. This is megg, mogg and owl


IIRC the names and characters are a complete accident.

Rather have an asshole artist than a sexual predator like every other one in the industry.

I dunno, those books were sold in Australia.

Did a colouring class with Simon at the Vancouver Library couple of months ago.

Started the lesson by violently destroying a tablet, then just casually painted panels in front of us, chatting nicely to this audience of kids and old people norms who hadn't heard of (or would enjoy) his work.

I also stood in line outside beforehand next to him without recognizing, since he didn't have a dress on. It was a good day.

I think Nan's senile and that she actually was raped by someone.

In this world people exist alongside fantastical creatures, it's kind of like Ugly Americans but super normalized.

Not me that's from an interview with simon Hanselmann

When was this done?
It's sort of surprising though seeing Megg and Mogg both without their eyes red.

some people hate him because of his truth zone/portrait stuff, which is 80% comix gossip and 20% criticism. apparently, making fun of dumb online drama is an asshole thing to do.

shit this one hits me hard at home

Probably the witch who wanted to share a bed with Megg.

The seal panels really speak to my soul. As messed up as Megg’s mum and home town are, it’s impossible for there to be nothing nice in existence.

Anyone know why Megg’s mum doesn’t smell despite no longer bathing?

She's a ghost. They're all in literal Limbo forced to relive their sins and failures forever. Don't do drugs.

not actually though, right? Cause in one of the strips its implied that megg is really concerned wether or not her mom is alive, only for her to finally call asking for money.

Do I look like Australian stoner tranny to you? How could anyone know for sure.


>Do I look like Australian stoner tranny to you?
>How could anyone know for sure.
I'm laughing.

I heard once that as long as you don't piss or shit yourself or expose yourself regularly to very warm temperatures, the smell will mostly die off after a period of time. The skin is very very dry, but the hair and scalp would be a nightmare. They'll still smell off, but it won't be pungent.

I didn't have the best mom, but at least she never did heroin

Mine is just into booze and amphetamine. Ended up in hospital once after partying for two days.

I met him a couple of times for book signings. He was friendly and chatted with me and the other people that came to see him.

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They are all as they appear. There are lots of specific story elements relative to Mogg being a cat for example (like how he can't play Zelda)

It's just not for you. That's not me gatekeeping, I promise, I just mean that if you don't want to read about a bunch of truly hateful burnouts you aren't going to enjoy it.

>Wandered over to the local cemetery and >damaged an angel statue near a grave by high-fiving its hand and knocking the whole appendage off

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I used to live with Owl, only instead of being pretentious faux-intelligent he was a manchild super into nature and nintendo.

No it wasn't. And later on WWJ didn't end up shitting on the bed, but his kids did. Megg and Mogg just watched

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That's what makes it great, when you grew up in the ghetto you know at least one person who behaves like every one of these characters in the comic.

We all had a good laugh after hearing about it, although the family who owned the plot were pretty displeased. In that instance Not-WWJ's family ended up paying out a settlement for the damages.

I feel like it's kind of like, an even-more-degenerate, hyper-grungy version of Always Sunny.

I knew a WWJ in high school, he loved to party and would go nuts at house parties or when everyone went out drinking. The he'd get this look in his eyes and do something crazy, like set his hair on fire and try to hold a conversation with a stranger. Or another time when he was hell bent on breaking into the zoo to steal a koala. I once saw him lose €500 on a horse race and use it as an excuse to drink about €80 of booze (he had rich negligent parents). I don't know what happened to him after graduation, it's honestly impressive that he graduated. His grades weren't even the worst in the class, he was just a maniac.

He should become banana republic dictator.

Mog if it's just one person I feel like he would be the most chill

You joke, but like says, certain people have some sort of cult leader charm about them that makes people LOVE them. Under the right circumstances and if he could control himself, I could totally see him becoming a cult leader or dictator. Or just a high level politician. I knew anther guy who was less crazy but would still take drugs and get nuts every now and then. He got sober and became a successful insurance salesman.

I was friends with an Owl they're a drag after a while no one could chill because they were hyper nervous and off putting they liked weird shit and never had anything interesting to say

I'd say it's more grounded and depressingly realistic than Sunny even though it features a witch and a sentient cat as its main characters. Sunny gets completely absurd and unrealistic as it goes along.

Jim Jones was very charismatic even though he was kind of unstable and had some bizarre personal problems.

Was your ex a Megg?

is there an order for MMO books?

>tfw i'm an owl trying to become a mike but turning into a werewolf jones

This is just the way I've read them.
Megahex, Megg & Mogg in Amsterdam, One More Year, random zines in year of publication, then Bad Gateway.

There's a lot of going back and forth in time and place as nothing is a real solid timeline. If you've ever wasted years of your life doing drugs, it's like this. Events and things that happen meld together, where five years is like one long year.

just owl - you're fine
just megg - some shit might go missing, but you're probably just watching TV stoned for a couple weeks
just mogg - worst case you punt him out the window or lock him in the closet
just WWJ - you're gonna wake up with a dick in your ass, robbed blind

If the guy that said he was dating a weeb Megg from a third world country is here, I have a question. Does she share her name with a famous Greek city?

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Which famous Greek city? It's not like anyone is going to dox her with just a fucking name.

I knew a WWJ type but I had the common sense even in high school to know that stepping a wide berth around his junkie, sex obsessed ass was the better choice. No idea what happened to him really but every time I think about I get the feeling that he is absolutely, definitely fucking dead. He was already indebted to some local gangs because of his meth addiction and it was basically an unsaid fact in the student body that he blowing the meth dealers behind the gym nearly constantly even when he already had his meth. Dude was a goddamn wreck but he sure the fuck was chipper about it.


Not so much in personality department but a definite a match in the depressed slobby free loader way.

Not if I rape WWJ first

>really turned on by dumpy loser chicks with average looks

I think we all know who I'll pick.

You can't rape the willing, user.


Not with that attitude

Well I admire your determination if nothing else.


Why the fuck are threads for this depressing fucking comic always actually kinda nice

Because we've all been at least one of the characters at a point in our lives.

Pls don't die, thread.

Anyone have scans of Bad Gateway yet?

hey, i read megahex and a couple of loose comics here in like, idk 2016

just realized fanta released 3 more books. but i remember vaguely reading here that everything wasn't included (like a couple of pages in a few zines or whatever). is that still the case?

To be fair I feel like the post limit is coming pretty soon. Who knows, I may make another one after this dies, unless someone decides to make a storytime thread for Bad Gateway.

there's a mediafire link in this thread with everything known to be scanned

Solid choice. We're likely less than 30 posts away from the limit.

>Copious amounts of sex and/or violence
>Tons of gross shit (scat, piss, vomit, etc.)
>Other fucked up shit
Sounds about right, only Jiro isn't a crossdresser/tranny.
But his brother was.

Doubt anyone will scan a physical copy. Maybe some crappy photos though. Bugged a few of the indie scanners and either they don't have it or won't bend it to make a scan.

Fantagrpahics needs to rethink their digital pricing. 19.99 is way overpriced. The only good thing with them is you can actually download a DRM free cbz backup on comixology.

ok, great resource. i just wanna know if i buy the 4 fanta books will i have everything? im guessing not

They don't have everything, no.

just learned about lingerie witches, neat

"everything" as in "everything canon" or as in "every single strip featuring MMO characters"?
if you want "everything MMO" regardless of being canon or not, you'll have to check the mediafire link and read the zines/anthology strips/online strips/truth zone stuff.
the link is the ultimate MMO resource but it still lacks some material (WWJ&S 2, random strips on anthologies, etc).

It's fun to analyze the depths of the characters' despair and dysfunction.

Maybe some enterprising user will get a digital copy and post individual pages.

>"every single strip featuring MMO characters"
yeah, i meant this

thanks so much for the info. i guess ill wait for a complete edition in idk, 5, or 8 years? i'm already downloading rare stuff to read tonight

Has everyone seriously been too cheap to buy the digital version for the past week? There's over 100 of us here. Doesn't anyone have a nice computer toucher job or something?

No, we're all brutally poor failures. I live in my car.

But he did leave...

The mediafire link doesn't have even close to every single comic even together with the collected volumes

There's been a few one offs in anthology books and there was a version of Bad Gateway that was released as a limited edition that came with a zine exclusive to that edition (of only 15 copies; it was over 400 dollars).

There's all sort of random shit that people here dont have.

Hanselmann actually plead with readers on his twitter not to buy it digitally.

Where do you purchase the digital copy, I'll buy and storytime after work.

Mine was a feminist child psychologist who hated me for being male, smart but not smart enough and autistic. She then died of ovarian cancer while obliquely blaming me for it. She also once forced me to get a massage from her hippy friend that for some reason disturbed me greatly. I relate to this comic too much some days.

>tfw you personally cropped most of the images in this thread several years ago
Here you go, it's the Comixology link. Thanks a lot!

Not really. I grew up in a pretty ritzy part of the country and went to a nice school so even the "stoner" kids I knew went to decent colleges and turned out alright in the end. The closest person I can think of is a cousin I know in West Virginia who got divorced twice and works at the Walmart, but even he has his shit together when compared to the characters in this comic. Its like... I'm aware that people like these exists but only on a purely abstract level. Like, how do you wind up spending all your time smoking pot and eating pizza? How does Megg pay the bills? How do you even get to that point in your life?

Ooooh no!

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A realistic view of the purpose of life, welfare, see above. Respectively

So if the freak who makes this crap is a tranny why does he still use a male name?

He's just a crossdresser I guess.

oh noooo

I am. That's kind of the problem with doing post-graduate studies. I work my ass off both for school and a shit-ass job but I still never seem to have any money to spare. My living expenses and my kratom habit have complicated matters.

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what is Freddy got Fingered doing on there

1) It's similar in tone and spirit to the more surreal, whacked-out parts of MM&O
2) It's about a deranged NEET and his continual failure to do anything productive with his life

I would have bought it if my country's economy hadn't shat the bed. Dollar is too expensive for me to consider either physical or digital.

For some reason one of my favorite pages.

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Casual shitposting retards don't go near them for starters

who cares

A Scanner Darkly seriously needs to be added

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That uncaring face that mogg makes as he says he's gonna rape owl is great

Requiem for a Dream may fit due to drug abuse, but the film is far too normie for a MM&O movie playlist.

Meg picking Mogg up so he can kick Owl is probably my favorite joke in the whole series.

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The problem with living with Owl is he's a self-destructive asshole (like myself), so if things were relatively normal for him, he'd find a way to fuck everything up terribly- not necessarily on purpose, that's just the kind of person he is.

That's why he sticks around the others. They're so much worse than him that he can feel like he has the moral high ground in the relationship.

Simon Hanselmann has said his life growing up was like gummo

Same, bro. When I lived in Chicago I was too cheap to buy a bed frame, so I just threw that bad boy on the floor. Cozy as shit, and my 14 year old cat could easily hop up because it was low to the ground, AND she couldn't hide under it like a little asshole when it was medicine time.

Someday, I hope I get so angry/upset that I physically can rip my own head off. That'd be super rad.

>The problem with living with Owl is he's a self-destructive asshole
give me an example

I just checked out Gummo after seeing it in the list, couldn't get half way through it.

He chooses to live with Megg and Mogg

Red edition

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tbf it was his kids who shat all over Owl's bed

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Out of context WWJ is the best

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That's the only movie on the list I've actually watched and enjoyed. The humor was ahead of its time and it makes a lot more sense in this decade.

The perfect use of a rattail.

Amazon is the worse place to buy it. Straight from comixology is the better choice.

I never knew about these promotional videos.

He also has a million STDs so you can't even use the toilet.

Now give "Julien Donkey Boy" a shot. It's like if they made an entire movie with just the blurry camcorder footage bits you see in "Gummo."

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I love how Owl is displeased at hearing that but at the same time he's hard-pressed to dispute it.

It's more the animal abuse I couldn't stand than anything else.

Wow that art looks awesome. I'd buy a copy if I didn't have to explain it to my parents (I'm 28)

Maybe it's the crazy outlets that keep us sane

>Still no Bad Gateqay rip
Richfags rise up.

>Aussies are WWJ
This matches my experiences with them 100%.

well there's no animal carnage in that one, so it's not as off-putting for that reason

God, Kids depressed the hell out of me.

MM&O finally made me realize what Captain Lou Albano meant when he said "if you do drugs you go to hell before you die"
Your life becomes a living hell! (Well, usually I guess)

I think it will be one of those indie comics that's big if you're into comics, but not that big otherwise. Just bragging rights like NMH for Yea Forums. Which is a bummer because I really like the stories Simon writes and I think he captures the 20-30s burnout culture so well and not a lot of people write honestly about it.

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It's seriously only $29.99 get a job

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I would have a nice computer toucher job but nobody wants to hire me for some reason

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Post it cunt. I brought Captain Underpants to the pirate world, by god I'll do this too.


I just order mine since none of you cunts is able to use a fucking camera.

Guess i'll have to get a job to pay my credit card. Hope you are happy you autistic pedophiles.

What's a general order for reading these in?

Left to right, usually. Sometimes you can go other ways but that's just for laughs.

Attached: 180px-NipperPlant.jpg (180x136, 6K)

That's an orientation.

Yeah in the orient they read it in all kinds of wacky directions. I never knew there was a name for it, thanks user.

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She goes through the trouble of painting her whole ass green and WWJ can't even put some furry gloves on?

Man, Megg punches him in the fucking face.

Is that Simon's ass?

no that megg is credited as some actor

Alright cunts I'm ripping it now hold ya panties.

Fucking love you. Want anything in return? Sadpanda links?


Be kind to your other Anons and one day rip for them.

Tell me something I don't know love.

based user

Attached: 1478392993089.png (638x473, 285K)

Think I might have fucked up the settings. Will try again later. y2ouzqj2 pardon the tinyurl, but the filter won't accept filedropper links.

Oh add tinyurl(d0)c0m to that y word. Filter won't let me paste.

Attached: 00072.jpg (1112x1566, 229K)

Attached: 00121.jpg (1219x1718, 221K)

Here it is as a cbz:!ztNlSCLS!UC_boyPja9AtidtQXzsdWYyuKeiokTEKR3vvHehOC-8

im freaking the FUCK out


you right now

Attached: werewolfjonesroyalty.jpg (640x718, 224K)

Megahex, Amsterdam, One More Year, Bad Gateway
With Zines and various online work all throughout most of which are in the collections posted here

can someone post the phil elverum bit from television plz

Keeping the love in Yea Forums alive, I see. I'm trusting ya user.

thanks boss

Fuck. Just lost some respect for Mike, he used to just hang (and an accomplice to some shit), but the move on WWJ sucked.

thank youuuuuu

anyone who pre-ordered bad gateway from fantagraphics recieve their copy yet? i dont think mine even got shipped out

Mad lad

You are possibly the most based and redpilled man in existence, user. Thank you for doing this.

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Apparently mine shipped out on friday, there was a delay as the zine that you get with it wasn't available(?) or something. Now its gonna arrive next monday or next next monday and the scan is already out

Just for you nonny

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So exciting that the final part of Bad Gateway and the entire next book Hanselmann is making is just an extended rearranged "HD" version of Megg's Coven. Can't wait to actually see how it ends compared to the "ending" the prototype had.

Literally the worst thing Mike's ever done. He use to be cool, now he's a cunt.

Yep, fuck em.
Went from a top tier character to a cunt in literally seconds.

What did Mike do? Is this something that happens in BG? I'm still on the welfare office part.

>mfw the book starts on a dismal note and it's somehow going to get even worse

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Yes, he does something incredibly idiotic.

It could be vague on purpose, like how the characters are barely keeping track of time due to being so fucked up all day long.

ughghghghghg uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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why would someone do this?

>sadpanda links

I guess you missed the new news

It's back.

What are you all listening to while reading "Bad Gateway?" Seeing as it's so much more grim than the previous books, I'm going through all the grittiest, most disgustingly loud sludge metal in my music library. I've found that bands like Godflesh, Acid Bath, and Eyehategod really compliment the book's atmosphere of despair and depravity.

For reference:

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So... in the second part of the book, Megg and Mogg are down to pawning off their meager material possessions to scrounge up weed money. That's like what crackheads do. This is getting increasingly depressing and not funny.

Yep, they're true drug fiends now. Selling all their shit just for another taste.
Owl really was their anchor.

never got to that point, but definently been in the situation where I spent my whole check on weed.
good times, but they don't last

Fuck, the part where Megg is having weed withdrawals in the sports bar and starts sobbing over pawning her stuff is low-key sad. She sounds so torn-up about selling her childhood possessions for chump change, like she betrayed somebody (or herself) to feed an addiction. The grief feels so real and palpable. It's a rare instance where I actually feel somewhat sympathetic for her. She and Mogg do a lot of shitty things but they still have relatable human qualities that make it possible to feel for them.

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The bit near the end where it goes back in time to when her mom gave her the rollerskates was pretty sad. It's interesting how her mom's design has changed since the original Megg's Coven.

Man, bad gateway was some shit.
Mike was always cool, but after that shit with jones, i just dont know anymore

Nah, he's done. No redemption.
You don't do that to someone.

it's so fucked, I just never would have thought it would be Mike.

How did it end? Wasn't it just Megg crying over some guy selling her salad for weed?

Was it an act of malice? I assumed he'd mistakenly left his phone off, but why would he tell the gang to meet him in a few hours and then just not show up? That's a very un-Mike thing to do, to just blow off his friends.

Yeah, that's how it ended before. Obviously won't end like that this time though cause it's already being extended on.

Thank you, my friend, the based-est of anons, the niggest of my niggas.

It's less that and more Mike getting WWJ back on drugs after being sober for the longest time he had been.

WWJ was clean and working and being a good dad. Then Mike gave him drugs.

same, I realized I had to turn my life around when I realized my group of friends consisted of people like Werewolf Jones and the rest of the cast.

Ah, my mistake. The thing with not answering his phone was pretty odd though.

As someone that was in drug circles forever, a friend with a dealer will randomly disappear, that part was normal to me.

I wonder what kind of other degenerate shit Dracula Jr. and Ian get up to when they aren't around the main cast?

Owl was the stabilizing force, without owl they get desperate


In Knife Crime, WWJ mentions that Dracula Jr. puts yeast in his ass to become a "living brewery."

I like the idea that he's somehow even more fucked up than WWJ, and also that WWJ is jealous of him for that.

They're by far the fucking worst. I'd bet they were the ones to get WWJ into fisting and all that extreme stuff.

god human WWJ is just.. surreal

He's actually a pretty okay guy

>Warehouse Jones

hahahaha , i just bought the hardcover , 20 dollars i dont have, i guess i'll sell some stolen chairs to pay for it

Shit I wasn't expecting it to get so grim.

Making WWJ sympathetic when we know he'll die

That flashback before Megg's Coven

hahaha what? are you seriously blaming this one on mike , that it's just what druggie "friends" do, wwj gave up at the the second c'man. week and pathetic, i would be seriously pissed if i were i not anxiously waiting to see him going really derange. the part with the bird cage was just... man .

I've posted this a couple times but I know a rich tomboy weeb Megg, nose and everything. she's stoned 24/7 and constantly sketching, borderline furry and prone to screeching or walking hunched like a goblin with no provocation, we live in the middle of the 3rd world so she might as well be local aristocracy

she flunked from the country's top uni and NEETed for a couple years, just got back into a local animation college and her parents got her a job doodling there. she keeps thinking all the good shit that happens is -The Universe Amplifying her Vibrations- or some shit and not her family pulling all sorts of strings to keep her afloat. shes self delusion incarnate and thats not changing anytime soon

im mad, yall

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same, WWJ just amplifies whatever Owl is trying to supress. if you feel like being a chaotic bastard then go for it and have fun

if you manage to do that easy and without fucking yourself up for life you're in Mike-tier for sure

Im here, she's got a roman name so youre not too far off

Not the same Megg I was thinking off then, mine's from Mexico btw. She got her shit together-ish and now only does dmt and ayahuasca and is SUPER into astrology and hippie bullshit.