Do you like old style comic writing? Sometimes i miss unnecessary narration
Do you like old style comic writing? Sometimes i miss unnecessary narration
I had an epilleptic seizure in the subway with this. Thanks OP.
You are welcome. Glad you feel fine now
I liked how Claremont's narration in X-stuff. He used it in all ways, from exposition devices to modern style thought cloud expy
I do not.
As opposed to unnecessary dialogue, ala Bendis and 99% of the current industry?
i liked reading the character's thoughts.
you still can read characters' thoughts in modern comics tho. They are just in word boxes instead of cloud bubbles
Its enjoyable in small doses. I can read an issue or 2 of stan lee fantastic four and then it can be too much
Fuck, no.
I like the narration in 80's comics, thought bubbles kinda suck though
please don't sue this board kurt eichenwald
Narration, thought bubbles, Ed. Notes with issue references were all good things
The problems not the exposition but the pacing. Its always akward to read dialogue mid battle. But a lot of the kirby dialogue can be fixed by using thought bubles instead of speech
Literally the worst part of reading anything by Stan Lee. He had absolutely zero faith in his artists, and would describe every movement as if kids are more likely to skip the pictures than the words.
Epileptics are so molestable.
the worst thing is that most of the time he fucks up good visual storytelling with his shitty dialogs
Which seems like a meaning less distinction, except for some reason it's writers that HATE the thought clouds
I liked it when Moore or Morrison did it back in the 80s.