ITT: comics that are funny because they are true

ITT: comics that are funny because they are true

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wonder why girls are so obsessed with those kinds of red dresses. They arent sexy.

inb4 a bunch of political garbage without even any punchlines

Where do I find a qt short-haired, pajama pants wearing gf?

>eating in bed

the fact he calls her "the most beautiful person" and not the beautiful woman makes me think this is some SJW bullshit

how do you breathe comfortably when you suffer from such debilitating autism

It's true but it's also wrong for implying that you can't lust after someone you love.

okay gay


90 seconds until the bitching started
You're right, it draws in the sjw crowd

Lust is necessary for love to bloom. Tsk tsk Lust shaming in 2019.

True. I never see a girl just wear a t-shirt. Tomboys are extinct.

In the first panel he's staring at his own ass
In the second he's staring at the burrito

Eating in bed is kind of gross, otherwise right is way better than the left.

>unironically responding to yourself when you realize everyone else is calling you retarded
Jesus christ.
>I never see a girl just wear a t-shirt.
Do you ever see girls at all?

Sometimes you just need to check out your own amazing ass, y’know?

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It's always mobs with these types, even imaginary mobs will do in their eyes

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Even as a food anology this is odd because he is clearly fat and of shape so he prefers cheap junk food over healthy food.

What are you gay

He literally made a comic where he goes out for mcdonalds as a, "Mcdonalds night."

I like both but right gives me a massive erection.

Attached: Women in Pajamas.gif (245x245, 1.59M)

>doubling down by saying additional retarded shit
?? Learn when to give up you spastic dumbass.


And they never let go, they always need to have the last word, they love to hear themselves talk that much

>You'll never have a cute burrito gf

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Never say never.

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It's true.

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Thinking love requires an absence of sexual interaction is a huge fallacy and shows a complete disconnect with the one you think you love.

This was only worthwhile for the edit where the one on the right has a bulge.

Who's Dobson's target audience anyways?

children should be seen and not heard

Very suspicious


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They're both good but the patrician choice is to have her wear one of your t-shirts that's noticeably too large for her with nothing underneath

rollerbladers should be shot on sight

>Do you ever see girls at all?
Yes, a lot. Especially at university. They all look like thots. Apparently they would rather die than wear something unisex.

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>have her wear one of your t-shirts that's noticeably too large for her with nothing underneath

Attached: Hard Pee-Pee.jpg (236x213, 9K)

Why is it even roller skating?

whats wrong with being transphobic?
some people are homophobic, some are arachnophobic, some are claustrophobic...

Those are not inline skates.
Or was your reply to those posts entirely unrelated to what you replied to?

t. Leon

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To get away from reality faster
Remember, it's creepy to treat a boy like a boy, treating him like a girl so he starts taking hormones is normal though

>lowkey admitting he's fat and autistic on top of being a tranny

A man of taste finally

>That lack of self awareness

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>pride is for everyone
>but cops

>le quirky "sport" currently trendy with women

Fixed it to not be stupid. Saying you're not attracted to a certain kind of person isn't anything unless you feel that way for negative and hateful reasons.

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Fixed. Sharing is caring.

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A whole 15 minutes he managed to wait this time, but in the end he couldn't help himself

That didn't fix it at all.
You will never pass.

>This is what conservatives actually believe
Rent free
Seek help

>a burrito in my fucking bed
this is worth kicking the thot out of my house

Attached: Sinfest2019-06-09.gif (740x1359, 513K)

Why is this man(for he will always be a man) so eager to be confronted?

in during a bunch of political garbage without even any punchlines

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>getting pedantic about the terminology
You probably belong up against the wall too.

found another

This is a really great edit on a lot of levels.

Wasn't Handmaid's Tale written by Margaret Atwood? Why was she writing a male fantasy?
Also why were any non-upper-echelon males invested in the handmaid's system? It's not like they'd get to breed and have any sort of stake in society.
Also also, I'm pretty sure they were able to test for male fertility in the 1980's. The 'it's actually the men who are infertile' thing was dumb.

>in during a bunch of political garbage without even any punchlines
One of those you quoted isn't really political.

Conservacucks literally can't help themselves, they can't let a single thread just be about comics. Everything needs to be astroturfed. They don't belong here.

I like it.


McDonalds by myself night is more accurate and infinitely sadder.

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Because he's lacking a bro to have fun social interactions and discussions with. His mind needs satisfaction too,

A comic doesn't stop being a comic just because is causes you to dilate.

Based retard missing the MGR reference

>not the lyrics to this

They've actually done several surveys on this. Men report women wearing red as sexy with higher frequency. The same doesn't hold true with women reporting on men

That's what they said about ponies. But in the end the correct decision was made to quarantine them for the good of the site. You're cancer, worse than bronies, because bronies at least never killed anyone. You don't belong here.

Ugojesse cutting right to the heart of things.

And he keeps complaining about /pol/, I think he wants to be a mod

I'd say there's at least 3 ways to love someone.

Physically (lust)
Emotionally (love)
Intellectually (??love someone for their mind, which I imagine is like falling in love with your best friend or something, maybe that's wrong??)

That's not pedantic. They're two different things.

I'm not trans, retard. Keep seething.

>implying the mods do anything with these threads
you really are a crossboarder

In Medieval France a woman could divorce her husband on the grounds of impotence.
There was a similar law in Puritan New England.

Basically this broad is complaining about an imaginary scenario.

>I loved looking at stuff without buying it
>Why did Sears go bankrupt?
>Better blame technology

I'd rather have a dozen bronies on Yea Forums before any one from /pol/.

I still don't get why having cops is bad

His primary emotion is anger, he makes lefties look bad with this behaviour

>get clubs and bars in 3very manor city
>get parades and movements
>get special protections under the law
>can make people afraid of losing their jobs if you label them one of the "ists" or "phobic"
>have people, politicians, and corporations pandering to you

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>Because there's no way to tell who's trans or not
I know trannies are delusional but they shouldn't expect others to be delusional too.

>That's what they said about ponies.
No, they didn't.
And dabbing on trannies isn't "political".
Or have they formed their own political party now?


>tfw want a woman who does this


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It's like agreeing with and encouraging someone with paranoid schizophrenia. These people need serious help, and they're surrounded by selfish demon people.

You will die alone

They tend to be upper middle class and up. So long as they buy a bunch of bullshit they can do whatever they want.

Attached: holocaust.jpg (1200x380, 93K)

Saying you are not attracted to trans people is transphobic.
Because there's no way of telling who's trans or not without them telling you.
You probably had many crushes on trans people without knowing it.

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It's funny because liking someone literally because they are trans is by definition a fetishist. I'm a dumb tranny, but I'd rather someone not want me because of my dick rather than someone who only likes me because of my dick. I miss when dysphoria was classified as an illness and not a goddamn lifestyle.

Everyone dies alone

Ironic statemenr given how we're now discussing trannies and those rarely live past 30

>any one

I would rather obvious ESLs fuck off back to wherever you came from

where's the joke


personally i like right better. was never a lingerie person

Can't. Keeping dick.

The joke is that in America, people are being detained for trying to break into the country illegally.
Comparing it to the holocaust would be like if jews were trying to break into Nazi Germany illegally, which would be silly.
I hope this cleared things up for you.

"One" meaning any singular individual, but point taken.
I'd rather have a dozen bronies on Yea Forums before any single /pol/lack.

The trans movement is being driven by fetishists, there is no stopping it. Look for the controversy, it's always trans "women " (so men with a fetish) stirring up the shit, getting into altercations with people and police, etc. Many of these exhibitionists just want to get off by making people seethe.

This is a /pol/ website, get over it.

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Saying you are not attracted to 4 kids wearing a costume is quattuorinfantiscircumdatioornatusphobic.
Because there's no way of telling who's 4 kids wearing a costume or not without them telling you.
You probably had many crushes on 4 kids wearing a costume without knowing it.

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you need something funnier /pol/

that was garbage

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Do you even agape?

He/she’s saying that comparing the migrant detention camps to the Holocaust is hehesilly because one is for deportations and the Holocaust was for extermination. He/she’s poking fun at liberals who make that comparison.

ok grandpa

You mentally unhinged knuckle draggers need to be put down or isolated from everyone else. You're a nuisance.

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Source on that image?

does the sight of gifs make you seethe or something

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Now these are based posts and based posters. Long live Yea Forums and shitposting. Live from Syria

Nice one

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>being tsundere for /pol/
They'll never notice you

>Why is it even roller skating?
Haters gonna hate, skaters gonna skate

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Sounds like you're a seething tranny.

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In that place of the brain that never developed in you.

What a pussy, just say who you're trying to talk about, retard.

Are you an incel too? Is that why OP's image bothered you so much?

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>Oversized T-shirt with pajama bottoms

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (900x900, 63K)

We are isolated from everyone else, that's what Yea Forums's for.
The actual question is why you're here complaining about our containment website.

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>already playing the incel card
Running out of steam early

I'm not scared of disgusting freakshows, I'm disgusted by them.

It's The Goon, but I forget which issue.
Same as that tranny picture some other guy posted earlier.

is tranny the only insult you got buddy

really says a lot about your board

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Ah ok, thanks.

Strike the "middle-class," and this is Bojack in a nutshell.

That's the wrong response, sweetie.

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>dumb webcomic thread turns into the /pol/ croasboarder hive thread
>around the same time the stoneypony thread was deleted
It's like clockwork

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I didn't think anyone on this site was capable of having such patrician taste.

This gave me a great deal more to consider than I had previously on the subject.

You feel insulted by the fact that people are pointing out that you're a tranny?

Attached: Similar0Invincible.jpg (511x610, 66K)

you keep coming to our board and sucking our dick so who's the real tranny here

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The threads that are inevitably going to turn into political shitshows and always do is extremely predictable to the point that the only people who reply to them are people who want to discuss politics in the first place.

It's ridiculous we've been co-opted by these vocal assholes and wear this shit on their sleeve like its the only thing that matters. Christ.

The fact that they call them "the most beautiful" is lookism propaganda and very problematic

Where's the burrito


>eating food in the bed.
>eating a fucking burrito and getting crumbs and sauce in the sheets.
you fucking slob, im gonna strangle you.

When the only things that unite you are surgical addiction...

The pics of the superhero getting shot, the hideous tranny and the 4 kids wearing a costume are from a comic called "The Goon".

It's awesome, go read it....
The one that caught your attention is from issue 39, where the author shits on marvel and dc.

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I think it's funny that leftists try to appropriate spurdo because they hate all other memes produced on Yea Forums, keeping in mind spurdo is a ylilauta meme anyway.

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>raging leftie
>nintendo images
It's another follower of the MovieBob school of political activism

Sex makes a big ass mess too. Imagine sleeping in a hot puddle of sweat and pussy grease all night. We usually either use the "fuck couch" or put down a shitload of towels

I've heard people mention the goon before but haven't heard much about it except that there was a goon movie in the works at some point.

>the left can't meme and is morally bankrupt
Important lessons

It’s funny that trannies think they can survive in a society without law enforcement.


Fourth panel proves you wrong, that's way too self-aware for Willis

>still seething

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rent free

Bitch leaves crumbs on the bed theres gonna be some problems

The series is a mix of crazy-absurd comical stuff, and lots of pretty depressing moments.
It could basically be summed up as "Big brute punches monsters in the face, but it is more complex than that.

I know it sounds stupid, but it is actually well written and worth a read.

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>straight from the subreddit that seethes at his comics


At least you're using a cartoon gorilla today and not the anime girls your type usually use

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have sex you cringy motherfucker

i'm not a weeb so of course

Hey, do you have the pic of the tranny that kinda looks like a goblin ?
The one whose mother said he was a disappointment ?

I need to show it to someone.

Imagine thinking detention centers are concentration camps.

I dig the art on that page as well.
It'd be neat to see a storytime here sometime, but right now I'm just exhausted and tired.

Based, gowns are fucking ugly and remind me of hags, right is way hotter.

Imagine trying to deny it, lmfao

>b-b-b-but AOC said so, even tho it was a staged photoshoot in front of a parking lot miles away from the actual border
>her outfit was so cute and her tears were so genuine

Seethe and dilate

>The joke is that in America, people are being detained for trying to break into the country illegally.
But they're also being detained for following the correct legal procedures, so you're lying because you're a political conservacuck shill.

Oh, so the Nazis were just deporting the Jews? I'm glad the left has accepted /pol/'s research.

Why the fuck wouldn't you use your fucking bangs?! It's so goddamn simple jesus fucking christ.

That is what the Nazis claimed the concentration camps were, in fact. Lots of Germans fell for the same lie that you are now. Maybe you should read up about what the guards at those "detention centers" do. Oh, who am I kidding, you'd probably end up signing up for the job yourself when you know how many kids you get to sell.

too bad there is no one filming inside the internment camps

>woah a tranny is ugly!!!
What's the point? For every ugly tranny you post, people are jerking off to five times as many sexy trannies in /gif/.

I'll bet you think concentration camps are the same thing as death camp.

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Lol this is good stuff

Actually, yes, that is too bad.
It's too bad that nobody is allowed in, not even (Democratic) senators.
It's too bad that they don't even keep fucking records of who the children belong to.
Even the Nazis kept detailed records of their Jews. Honestly what the hell is wrong with you that even the Nazis run their concentration camps more responsibly than Americans.

Not him, but I don’t care either way, because I’m not here illegally.

very rude people today :(

>one girl found with ten different semen samples inside of her, being escorted by people who weren't her parents
>it's the guards who are the real human traffickers
Fuck drumpf and fuck borders and shit

Neither are the asylum seekers in those concentration camps. I notice that you don't even attempt to deny they exist, you simply ignore them.


Is that Shiro Ishii?

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The canadian outs himself again

>It's too bad that they don't even keep fucking records of who the children belong to.
While really not in favor of the separation of families, there's a shortage of people arriving with any documentation as proof of who the children belong to.

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Ah yes, the domain of good ol' John

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good thing we have DNA tes- huh, over 30% are not related to the adults they travel with...that is ...odd

Cry more lefty

>wasting money on dna test when you could just detain people who have no right to be here

Do you have a link or source of some kind?

Why is it always the woman?why can’t there Ben ones of women telling men they are handsome ?

can someone add glasses?

yup! that's me

>Uh huh we may be committing crimes against humanity but uhhh how about an OLD MEME??
o rly?
>Wasting money on illegally detaining asylum seekers when you can just follow regular procedures without ruining entire families

>keep fucking records of who the children belong to.
Kind of hard to when most were sold off by traffickers to give criminals a better chance of seeking asylum

I’ve never meet a women that was confident enough to say that their partner is handsome.

Well Yea Forums?

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>>Because there's no way to tell who's trans or not
>This is what trannies actually believe

Attached: The most best.png (950x1150, 297K)

Conflating "gay pride supporters" with "radical leftists" isn't just a thing people on the right do, a lot on the left do too. Results in nonsense stuff like "You can't say you're pro-gay marriage if you don't hate cops".

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Homophobia is nowhere like arachnophobia and claustrophobia. Why are you making this faulty comparison?

Whats normal procedure? I honestly think we need to consider intervening in mexico or setting up something real if our neighboring state is actually in a state of fucking exodus.

>Cops in uniforms are present
You mean like literally every other large public gathering there is?

>there's no way to tell who's trans or not
>but I have to justify my existence to everyone because they immediately know i'm a tranny

Ironically dems were pretty happy with concentration camps when it was the japs they were imprisoning.

I guess it goes hand in hand with the the fact the left hates legal immigrants, mostly because they're right leaning.

Would you prefer the term "bigot"? Honest question I swear.

You’re are responding to both my comments, so let me tell you, I don’t care about anything you’re saying unless you can back it up with data, which you haven’t and can’t. Also even if it was true, I wouldn’t care so it’s a win win for me.

No wonder I never heard anything about this on the news.

Because the adaptation of the Handmaid's Tale leaves out a lot of the worldbuilding found in the novel. The Handmaids are basically concubines; their purpose outside of status symbols is to cement the continuation of the ruling class as a quasi-hereditary nobility. Everyone else can get married or have kids, it's just that Handmaids are proven to be both fertile and lacking in damage from the radiological and chemical weapons used in the war. Most people in the Handmaid's Tale setting have some form of fertility issue. The upper classes control the lower class males through a combination of awarding them access to women and shuffling them off to combat or highly contaminated areas to cull the population. It's basically a combination of ISIS and hardcore Morman polygamy in terms of societal function. It also should be noted that the rest of the world in Handmaid's Tale is more or less the same as reality, the book makes mention of foreign tourists, so escaping Gilead was an option. The book, being written in the style of a memoir that was published with editing and commentary at some point in the future of the setting, also notes that Gilead saw internal purges and changes to how it operated at some point after the events of the book, while still being an oppressive theocracy.

people stuck in adolescence think the two things are mutually exclusive

Who cares? Lol isnt that a really pathetic thing to go back to, when the political parties are hardly recognizable to what they were then, and we were literally at actual nation vs nation war?

Unironically true.

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Grandma, what are you doing on Yea Forums?

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>I don't want to spend every second justifying my existence
>Spends every second justifying her existence
What did she mean by this?

You know, there's one single thing that I do agree with this, and that is it's not needed to assume everyone is hetero. We can't really be certain what sexual orientation one has until that he or she finally tells it.


I don’t want to hear how it’s pathetic to reference history when the left have been doing it relentlessly and dishonesty to shape their narrative.

Attached: shut-up-boomer.png (4500x2256, 1.33M)

>until the allegations surface
>it's source is revealed to be monstrous
>I wish more that so many authors weren't horrible people
It sounded interesting on the surface, but then I thought more on it and realized even if it came out that a person was truly horrible and monstrous, like a child rapist or serial killer, I wouldn't "return" their work, or hold art at arms length for fear of the authors being monsters. Then I realized he wasn't talking about truly monstrous or horrible people, and the allegations weren't necessarily crimes. So I looked up the author and low and behold, he's a hardcore leftist. The monstrous and terrible authors he was referring to? Whos art he can't stomach or have appreciation for? People with differing political opinions. What a joke.

Same, I'm more of a dark coloured bikini/one-piece suit (don't know if they're called that right - it's pic related) kind of guy myself.

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That's because you're stupid.

Why the fuck do I need to decipher this transsexual shit? I appreciate you're going through something but I'm just gonna keep doing what I do with anyone who had lost their genitals due to illness or an accident, call them whatever helps them cope and avoid referring to sex or genitalia in case it might cause stress. It actually worka flawlessly and then you can just judge them for their behavior and productivity like any normal person. At the same time I can't defeat your condition by being coerced into having sex. Sorry trannies, some of you end up incels, every deals with it, its not something you're free from dealing with just for your procedure.

Nice argument, I guess.

Stonetoss predicted this before the Burger King commercial came out.

Attached: race-mixing-advertising-comic.png (1000x1000, 89K)

>blaming city infastructure that was built long before pride was even a thing for not having elevators

i dont know about other cites but in ny just get off at another stop god dammit the parade takes over like 30% of Manhattan

Its just not as convincing as you think. Im telling you as a fairly conservative person, people dont turn on libs for 1940s Japanese internment, they turn on libs for their degenerate welfare policies and infantilization of minorities while willfully eroding the concept of family for the express purpose of easier government control and less family success

The vast majority of people are heterosexual, therefore you assume they are heterosexual unless they, or something else tells you otherwise.

>it pushes an actual agenda on them
oh the fucking irony

>sees patriarchy everywhere
there are some genuinly stupid people in the world

I agree and enjoy the comic because the last panel mocks the fuck out of that smarmy analysis. The author gives that babble and it seems slightly convincing, then they equate it to a ridiculous demand for actors to refilm aged scenes in the future. Its funny because it blasts art critique

It's funny because it's true.

Attached: cop free.png (640x494, 444K)

Pretty good point

more please

found the homosexual

Why explain yourself when you can instead spend more time drawing passive aggressive comics for the internet to make fun of

>look at a police free world
>'im going to start a police!' - concerned genius community minded citizen

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I'd rather shoot myself in the head than associate with a tranny

>n-n-no we didn't start the KKK, the civil war, jim crow laws and so on, those w-w-w-were some other guys
And now you know why they call them democRATS

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What commercial?

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I love you.

The majority of trannies are men. Are you surprised they get butthurt about being rejected? The thing is, it's not tranniephobic to deny them sex/a date. Your penis/vag are not equal opportunity establishments. If you don't want to fuck a trannie, you don't have to. No matter how badly they want it to become a criminal offense.

>if there was no law enforcement we would live in utopia
don't vote, im not kidding, don't vote
You are too stupid and it is alot of responsibility

See Be a better conservative and address the present failures of the left to aid minorities, instead of deluding yourself into believing any liberal will let you recount race history by political party

how do you beat t.

Imagine trying to use the political party ideology flip from over half a century ago as an argument.
I guess you really have to reach for straws to sip the kool-aid

>getting your jimmies rustled at a normal functioning society

The level of corruption and ineptitude in America's police is alarming, but simply taking the police away creates a power vacuum that would be filled with crime. I went to their website, and while they have a lot of good stuff listed like more social services, better mental healthcare for communities, and stuff like that. Sometimes a motherfucker is going to just start killing people or someone is not going to want to pay for something or just wants more shit than they have. A police-free world isn't possible.

>trans people need their own elevators
>autistic people and the deaf actively go to clubs

>>This is what trannies actually believe
It's what trannies WANT to believe

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The guy who writes this has horse teeth, unwashed dyed hair, and a giant fivehead. I know he thinks he passes, but he really, really doesn't. It's hilarious that he says shit like this when his underage self insert in the comics wears fishnets and booty shorts. He shouldn't be deciding what is 'okay' for children.

I'd be upset too if my gf had a hitler mustache

>The level of corruption and ineptitude in America's police is alarming
Naive, shelterd people that have never left the country and watch CNN believe this.
You want to see some fucked up police force. Go to Mexico. Go to Italy. Visit the entire continent of Africa.

They are clearly in turmoil and the comic is a cry for help as well as a list of demands. Sophie is not confident or happy in anything

That varies wildly by area. Many communities have great cops who really always help

>not posting the real version

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Cho ass up fag

>Our board.
>Keeps posting videogame twitter pics that not even Yea Forums would use.
Not that user but ok.

What's this fucking argument you're making? Those countries have shit policing standards, but ours doesn't hit that level so be happy with what you get? Why the fuck wouldn't you want to hold your public offices to higher and higher standards?

Attached: co in a nutshell.png (1000x1000, 303K)

>let's f-f-f-forget about the past and focus on the future
>and d-d-d-don't bring it up again
democRATS democRATS democRATS


>What's this fucking argument you're making?
He's saying that you only believe that because you watch MSM and unironically believe it like a retard.
There are corrupt police, and police who resort to lethal violence too quickly, but you only think that it's bad to the extent that it is, is because our shit media hyper-focuses on these incredibly rare instances for weeks at a time... and if it turns out the officer was completely in the right, it gets memory-holed faster than you can say "I told you so".


So he wasn't actually accurate
got it, stonetoss

It represents the females unending desire to be found "attractive" literally no matter what they are and what they are doing since "attractive" means living-life-easier for them and constantly be seen as right and worthy.

If the man was eating in bed she'd say he was disgusting and complain about how men are pigs. Men don't get to be attractive no matter what they do, women refuse to give the gifts they think they're entitled too.

>don't believe the media bro
>listen to me, bro, I got all my information from Yea Forums
Were you born stupid or is it a Lear 3rd trait?

>I'm right and will argue this unless you're right in which case I no longer care about the argument and not admit I was in the wrong
i'm not the guy you're responding too, but c'mon
bitch move
make sure to reply to this post as well to show how little you care too

But aren't cute anime girls the calling card of the alt-right?

Attached: Yuzu Arc-V.png (1280x720, 711K)

Nigger, this is stuff you should have noticed back in high school.
If you want to know how prevalent something is, you shouldn't use "how much our shitty propaganda spouting media reports on it", you should look at actual statistics.
The only reason the "BLM" movement even exists is because our media treats every officer like they're secret KKK members who only signed up to genocide the negroid race, and incredibly stupid people fall for it.

I'm so goddamn suspicious at this point every woman might aswell be a tranny

That cuts.


Dude people vote on current issues, not a 300 year scoreboard you obviously had to go far back in to suit you

It shouldn’t bother anyone if I choose not to care, also your hypothetical is pointless because all his post where emotional responses with no data to back it up. It’s a pointless argument

>this incel shit
Just call a girl cute while theyre being slobbish and they'll be charmed. Use it to your advantage you sexless whiner

I find it pretty hilarious that the sinfest is getting more hate from his fans for being a terf

Congrats you've been brainwashed, by trannies no less

OJ Simpson may have killed his wife but The Naked Gun is still my favorite movie.

For God's sake, the USA has 327 million people spread out over 3.8 million square miles with over 18,000 law enforcement agencies comprised of upwards of 850,000 officers. Yes, there are problems in American law enforcement but the sheer scale and disparate nature of American law enforcement means that one has to be very careful when trying to extrapolate national trends regarding it. It'd be like saying that police in the UK won't arrest someone for raping a kid because of Rotherham.

Not as relevant to the thread, but this is my favorite.

Attached: 2016-01-15-1191movie.png (720x563, 247K)

lol the democRAT has completely lost here

>implying Democrats vote

>Popularity-based mob rule

And they all think they’d come out on top in that world?

>Dude people vote on current issues,
That's the problem though. You can't find a single politician, leftists in particular, that don't bring up decade or even century old issues to defend their points. It's the greatest irony as they'll gladly use history to defend themselves but completely ignore it if it doesn't help push their agenda or proves them wrong.

This thing doesn't even look like a human male.
It seriously looks like one of those weird aliens in disguises from men in black.

Sure, but that doesnt mean we have to argue on their terms.

>we're the good guys for real, look at all our PR, nevermind the fact every single problem the black community faces can be traced back to our party and our policies


Attached: angrychris.png (1280x536, 767K)

No, this is such a stupid argument. We're talking about police corruption and ineptitude and now you're talking about BLM and news organizations. "If the news is talking about it, it must be fake"? I understand that they care about money and want to sensationalize what they get to get people glued to the TV, but there IS an active problem with police department standards across this country.

But their terms unfortunately work.

Shit Trump's success has been because he's said fuck it to the whole "lose with humility" angle the republicans ran on for years. Now that he's doing the same name calling bullshit the libs have been running on for the last decade he's and the party have damn near splintered the democratic party.

Im not defending liberal race relations at all, see

>Comparing it to the holocaust would be like if jews were trying to break into Nazi Germany illegally, which would be silly.
Who says that?

No, actually, we're talking about the reasons why you believe that police corruption and ineptitude are some massive, overbearing problem in the United States, when in fact, they are incredibly rare cases, and sometimes not even a case to begin with before the media completely ignores their own mistake without apology.
The reason is because you're an uncommonly stupid person who unironically believes the MSM, as if you're somehow "informing" yourself by consuming their propaganda, instead of looking at actual facts and statistics for yourself.

Attached: trust_indicator_combo.jpg (473x1144, 69K)

No, most of ICE's arrests have been people that have already been in the country for a while. ICE doesn't work on the border, that's literally the U.S. Border Patrols work.

>b-b-b-but AOC said so, even tho it was a staged photoshoot in front of a parking lot miles away from the actual border
Did you get that nutty conspiracy theory from PJW?

This, when you point out how utterly full of shit they are they squirm, put their foot in their mouth and lose.
It works, why stop?

Nigga don't even start with me. Here's some FBI press releases on police corruption cases they've taken that you've probably never even heard of:
I'll be back with more cases in a minute.

>i don't believe it because trump told me it was fake

>"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." Orwell, 1984

>"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." Trump, 2018

>AOC orbiters

>trumptard thinks everyone subscribes to a cult of personality because he does
Why are you obsessed with some freshman, she doesn't even have any power.

Most of these have absolutely nothing to do with police.
When I told you to look up facts and statistics yourself, I didn't mean "shitpost the first link on google you could find that you mistakenly believe supports the narrative you uncritically consume from the MSM".

>using incel as an insult

Find the nearest bridge and jump off. Again, Yea Forums can't prove it lost it's virginity but sure as fuck wants to LARP as being in a relationship.

>Roasite detected

Sorry Chad doesn't find you hot because you're a fat slob that no one wants.

when you have an unseeable but life altering condition you need to accept shit's gonne be a bit inconvienient, I mean if you have a severe alergy you'll need to keep making a thing of it.

normal people shouldn't have to change their way of life for an astronomicaly small minority

>that quick to deny
democRAT through and through

Because she's funny, but in a way she doesn't intend to be.
Those fake non-existent tears for a photoshoot at the holocaust genocide camps were pretty hilarious.

Attached: Fixed.jpg (1200x840, 327K)

You have to filter it to police. I couldn't do the work for you, so sorry I guess? No government agency in the United States collects, aggregates, or disseminates data on police crime, so I have to turn to other sources you nigger.
I have to use shit like:
It doesn't fucking matter anyways. You won't fucking see how fucked this country is getting because you want me to be a fucking liberal so you can have your win.

what is up with the current trend of retards seeing themselves as perpetual victims?

Really makes you think

Attached: P2MW8ee.png (908x935, 79K)

Okay, so let's take a step back here.
You don't actually have an any evidence to back up your belief that police corruption is an overwhelming problem.
So why do you believe it in the first place?
I think we both know the reason, and it has nothing to do with whatever your political orientation is.

you? you don't.

Attached: D-7dKcHX4AIQi85.jpg (1200x1200, 135K)

>i dont find it funny
>its garbage
Every single time, 40% yourself

Attached: tumblr_5b4aba043c72e9715ea2dbf7265409c0_3145b56e_540.png (540x529, 159K)

But I'm showing you articles about crimes done by police departments. I'm giving you proof. Why the fuck don't you think there is a problem? You don't want to see a problem do you? I think we both know the reason why and it has everything to do with your political orientation.

dumb niggerposter

You wish, remember my post is in response to somebody who literally whined he would be called ugly for eating in bes

Attached: DipqsLsXkAAGNVU.jpg (600x600, 71K)


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How old is this guy by the way?

Then Cletus and his Coon Conquistadors form a small militia, lynch them all, and start The Confederacy 2.

>just wanting sex vs wanting her burito

I agree, I don't like it much either.

That's not what that post said at all you fucking fail at reading comprehension because you're brain only thinks in terms of "MUST DEFEND VAGINAS MUST DEFEND VAGINAS!"

>stonetoss style
the fuc

>oversized shirts..


guess you got shit taste then

>But I'm showing you articles about crimes done by police departments.
The argument was never that there's 0% police corruption. Of course there is. But you're the one who thinks, and I quote,
>You won't fucking see how fucked this country is getting (because of police corruption)
You think it's something that's such a massive and common problem that it's literally destroying the country, and your evidence is a few fringe anecdotes, and ones that you never would have ever bothered looking up if you didn't swallow the MSM propaganda narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Sorry to hear that man, that’s a bad way to live

Gotta take those risks. Doesn’t feel good in the moment but it pays off

Attached: 1536094256856.png (500x539, 249K)

The post is beyond gay. There are flaming faggots calling you a low T beta for posting this.

> did you mean the left? personally find right to be plain but left is okay i guess. and i like red as a color but i find white or blue more of my thing.

Attached: lupus.png (395x587, 169K)

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>holocaust genocide camps
From what I recall she called them Concentration Camps.
Not Holocaust Genocide Death Camps of Megadeath.
How is that so hard to understand?

Attached: 1563353709178.png (432x320, 151K)

>imma waste my cash on this other e-whore

You think this is some "gatcha" moment and it's killing me because of how thick-headed you are. You've given me NOTHING but your fucking word after I've given you links. Links to news reports about police who have been caught. Imagine what ISN'T caught. I won't be around to read your reply, because I gotta head to work, but whatever it is, please, start thinking beyond what pasta you read here. Your challenging me on the basis of wanting positive change in my country's policing because Big News shit like CNN is also saying it. Man, take an honest hard look at yourself and think who's really drinking the kool-aid here.


True facts

He meant its not a sweeping epidemic but rather a fixation on a regular amount of incidents. I wish nobody was wrongly killed by a cop


Attached: imagine being fat.jpg (800x619, 148K)

He was seething over a double standard and the basic female desire to be doted on. Relax fag. Who even would get pissy at that comic? Its just a drawing of a girl saying she likes to be loved and comfortable

so the daycare workers let you keep your phone?

Itd be 'gotcha' not 'gatcha'

>You think this is some "gatcha" moment
I'm not trying to "get you". I'm trying to explain it to you in incredibly simple terms, since you don't even seem to understand the reasons why you believe what you do.
>You've given me NOTHING but your fucking word
Because you're the one making the claim that police corruption is a massive problem.
>after I've given you links.
That, consequently, do the opposite of show that it's a massive problem; that it only exists as exceptional fringe cases.
>Imagine what ISN'T caught.
Now you're being even more silly. Not only do your links not show that police corruption is a massive problem, but are you seriously going to argue "but it's invisible!"?
>start thinking beyond what pasta you read here.
I'm not even sure what pasta you're referring to. I don't believe that there's a massive police corruption conspiracy ruining the country, because there's no evidence to indicate such.
>Your challenging me on the basis of wanting positive change in my country's policing
No, I'm challenging you on the basis of why you believe what you believe, because you unironically only believe what you do because of shitty propaganda you hear blaring from the MSM all day.
That is no way to go through life. The media does not exist to inform you, as most people have realized by now. When watching anything from any political orientation, you should at least ask yourself the basics:
1. What are they trying to get me to believe?
2. What facts are they selectively including to shape their narrative?
3. What are they intentionally leaving out?
4. Why is this being reported on in the first place?

>it's noon, I gotta work now
Probably the saddest lie among all the other ones you've used so far

As an observer, neither of you have a powerful claim to what happens unrecorded, both of you are completely guessing on things nobody knows

you see? this is how the right is more inclusive.

the left would have this fine user improve his situation. LIES! the right would welcome this aspiring patriarch as a weapon for God's light.


why does calling you an incel bother you so much, is it true?

>I think it's funny that leftists try to appropriate spurdo
What the fuck are you talking about?


>No way to tell who's trans
I know the autistic are supposed to have trouble with faces but surely not everyone is that stupid.

Attached: ms2pyz3jv4901.png (999x609, 631K)

What lercentage of poloce do you suppose are corrupt and murder blacks for convenience? What percent frame blacks? Its gotta be less than like 2% maybe and sure thats too much but I cant go hating my local police who only seem to do good and not prey on our community

stop eating burritos in the goddamned bed
this is why we have rats

source? I don't watch animu.

This one is still the most baffling one I've seen, the lack of self-awareness is next level. It's literally telling you to become a sóyboy because anything but that is problematic.
>right-wingers on average not only have higher testosterone but also higher IQ

>anti-anime newfag
there is nothing more hilarious than just newfag who gets mad at anime reaction images.

Attached: 1330386498152.jpg (675x720, 63K)

Just wanted you guys to know you dont sound stable or competent when you sperg at comics where girls enjoy compliments

>you probably had many crushes on trans people without knowing it
No, because actual transgendered people make up less than 2% of the population, and back before I was in a committed relationship and still had crushes on people, it was in the '90s and this kind of degeneracy was discouraged and made fun of the way it should be. None of the primo, late '90s/early 2000's middle school tail that I was popping a boner over was transgendered.

Clearly written by a fag or a woman.

Is this Dobson's alt account? How an author can be that oblivious of their own actions is beyond me
Nah just kidding, I know it's just an autistic trans guy who wants to be affirmed.

They're bullies! This is Horsey's thrown-together three-hour-workday indictment of Republicans not being liberal for once

Criticize a woman.

I fucking dare you. Give it a try sometime.

and hes provided you with evidence, all youve said is no, step your game up retard.

They're not wrong it's annoying. Some guys will try to make small talk at work and ask if I have any girlfriends or checking out ladies. Although one time a coworker noticed I never seem distracted by girls and asked me how I do it. I don't think he realizes I'm gay despite him noticing my lack of attraction to women

You think I don't know women? Yeah plenty if not all are prissy, but the point is why be offended when you can just understand and work with it? They do everything to please and appeal to men, of course your criticism comes across as rejection, because they're flirting, you dumbass, so they call you an incel, even better because you are one

Left or Right

He provided real cases of police corruption, which is valid and was never argued against, but did not prove it was an epidemic like he asserted. We just dont know that American police in general are corrupt enemies to peace. Most people have multiple examples of good police work in their own lives. Can argue either way.

I love DB!

>and hes provided you with evidence
"He" posted a few fringe anecdotes, which is the exact opposite of the claim that "police corruption is an overwhelming problem that's destroying the country".
Also, shouldn't "he" have left for work by now?

as a tranny, fuck this comic. I can't stand whiney bitches like them.

Attached: 10_01.jpg (1000x1318, 257K)

This is every man when evaluating a picture of a woman vs a real woman who might fuck him.
You gotta understand that when evaluating woman.jpg a man can look at tens of millions of images of women and that's the basis of his judgement, but for the evaluation of a 3d thot he's got a pool of hundreds if he's lucky but more realistically it's a few dozen girls.

>ITT: comics that are funny because they are true
Bait thread to push SJW propaganda. No funny comics in here.

Attached: abandon-thread.gif (324x232, 2.02M)

The youtube comments are great.
>Faggots. Faggots everywhere. Gay marriage is literally insane any way you look at it.

he posted FBI stats showing that theres a widespread issue of police corruption, not to mention the constant deluge of stories of police getting off easy for things that wpuld get me and you in jail for. Now your childishly arguing semantics, you lost.

Fucking gays

Every waiter is gay, you dumb bitch.

Its a 'you rage you lose' daily hate thread, dummy. Think more

>wtf no i didn't baka gaijin
>the empire will rise again and cleanse asia of its degenerate non japanese...

Does it prove widespread?

funny, cause most of the comics posted in this thread are right wing, youre right though that there isnt a single funny one here.

So what do you actually do for a living?

>he posted FBI stats showing that theres a widespread issue of police corruption
It literally didn't show that, though.
When searching through his link, filtering "police" brought up ~300 results, some of which were repeats.
There are currently somewhere around 800,000 officers in the United States.
That's kind of the opposite of a "widespread issue of police corruption".
>not to mention the constant deluge of stories of police getting off easy
Stop letting the MSM rot your brain.

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Also he appears to be a fetishist, which would naturally factor heavily into his judgement.

minimum wage cuck and a student, im not the same poster if thats what youre implying.

Attached: multiculturalism.jpg (1591x3502, 945K)

Attached: gamers rise up.jpg (1024x512, 83K)

What is this comic for?

thats cute

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I like this one

This, but unironically.

Attached: RISE UP.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

People get mad at this for no reason, just that its a statement and not a joke. Really minimal comic tho.

Post something funny

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Attached: LOL.jpg (402x810, 118K)

>been trying to get pregnant for about a year
>still no luck
>see ratty Mexican panhandler with giant pregnant belly
>sign reads "four kids at home pregete again no dad in picture please help us"
>pissed off for the day

Attached: journalism.png (1047x488, 277K)

Why does Dobson make comics?

People have been calling Superman "boring because OP" for decades.

For lazy fatasses to pretend that naked women in old paintings were painted to be 400 pounds instead of how they actual look.


Truly, patrician taste.
A button-up works too.

Those goddamn floating eyebrows

Being an actual woman instead of a tranny would probably help.

you are funny

Attached: You.png (470x469, 489K)

Yet they thrive in the persecution complex of keeping in mind people are laughing at then. A statement they dknt care?

Funny thing, I recently took a two-week trip to Turkey.
Our tour guide kept bringing up how much he fucking hated the syrian """""refugees""""" for getting free gibs from his taxes.

"No way to tell" bullshit aside, how many crushes do people get throughout their lives? I've never seen estimates of transgender people being more than a 1%, usually it's way less. But let's go with this overestimation. Say 1 in every 100 women you see is actually a man after surgery/hormon treatment/just crossdressing. To say that you "probably" had many crushes, it would take above 50% chance. Many is definitely at least 3. Assume you have equal chance for falling for every person you meet who happens to look vaguely like opposite sex. It would still require 268 crushes at least if my math is correct. Sorry for autism.

I'm a fatfuck, I know it's horrible, seeing me actively worsens the lives of those around me, and I'm fixing it but neoclacissism and romanticism did have a way of displaying huge doughy rolls of flesh and illuminating them handsomely.
Seeing as who bought them and why it was like the deceitful selfie angle of its time- kinda neat.

You failed to define "crush" in your analysis. What qualifies as a crush? Does it have to be a long standing obsession or does a passing fancy count? I'd say the number is much larger than a mere 268 if it's the latter.