

Attached: conspiracy-theories-comic.png (1500x500, 81K)

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Report and hide alt right babyfur threads

I always take care to bump based comic threads

>report and hide comics you don't like

Hasn't he done this style of joke many times before?

Pointing out various forms of hypocrisy in 3-4 panels or less?

I wonder which stories are features on page three of that newspaper. Something about the weather, perhaps? Without a textual clue, I suppose we'll never know.

>Report and hide alt left tranny threads
Jesus, Raimi

It's always really weak example though, like this one.
>comparing tin foil hats to believing in russian meddling in US politics, which has been documented before 2016

>being this disingenuous

>Yeah I know we do this shitty thing, but did you know le libtards do THIS shitty thing?!! Checkmate, discord trannies!
Literally every Stonetoss comic


Attached: preferred-pronouns-comic.png (1000x500, 53K)

Ah, that's what you see in it?

Funny that, Stonetoss comics only really work if you are already deeply entrenched. Otherwise it's incomprehensible drivel.

Attached: bernie-sanders-2020-campaign-comic.png (1000x1000, 79K)

But they did. It's proven that they did. What's unproven is any involvement on Trump's part.

Imagine being too retarded to understand a Stonetoss comic.
Wait, you don't have to.


Just because the front of a newspaper says a headline doesn't mean that's what's in middle of the paper. Dude could just be getting Hockey scores.

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>It's true that "russia hacked the election"
Even your fellow retarded democrats have had to admit how utterly insane that sounds, so have had to trying to walk it back to "interference", and now just "meddling", by which they mean
>Some drunk slavs bought a few Facebook ads. DEMOCRACY DESTROYED!"

They did, and they have been for a long time, dipstick.

Attached: female-scientist-comic1.png (1000x1000, 127K)

>some slav faggots spamming memes on facebook to like 0.000001% of the population
>"hacking the election"

Or maybe its just believable that Hildawg was a fucking awful and repelling candidate.

Pizzagate on the other hand...

My sister probably know more about science than this faggot.

I'm not a dem, I'm not even American. Foreign countries meddling in elections is a common thing, not some kooky conspiracy specific to the 2016 US election.

Russia did hack the election.
There is irrefutable proof now that Vladimir Putin sat in front of a computer typing very quickly in a dark room at night wearing sunglasses, as synthwave blasted in the background and incomprehensible gibberish code showed up on the screen, until it started flashing "TRUMP WINS" over and over again.

One does not contradict the other.

Attached: national-borders-comic1.png (1000x1000, 80K)

your sister isn't representative of women as a whole though

Like a clock

>ignoring information that doesn't fit your narrative
Cringe and bluepilled

Attached: fake-hate-crime-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)


Pretty based. The amount of fearmongering about Russia is just ridiculous. They can even prove it at some points, but so can most tinfoil retards about reptile World goverment.

Attached: anti-semitic-leftist-comic1.png (1000x500, 54K)

And 3 hack doctors are representative of women as a whole somehow?

Oh yes, I forgot how every man has a phd and is specialist in "science"

>post "whataboutism" the comic
>complains about it

Attached: D_1tZWWwAAYAgB.jpglarge.jpg (757x495, 82K)

Based and redpilled OP.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-17 Gab.png (619x805, 638K)

Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

Sounds comfy

How does that reflect in anyway the current situation?

Bernie is usually in second place, which is in no way close to losing. Especially with Biden committing blunders over blunders.

Stonetoss readers don't actually know politics, they just know what they're fed.

Attached: transgender-in-military-comic.png (1500x500, 227K)

And the whole group of female doctors is in no way close to what he depict.

Are stonetoss posters the new MLP spammers?
We should call them StoneyPonies.

>when white people chimp out
Well if he was a better stundent of history he would know that when white people chimp out the first thing they do is killing other white people.

Attached: slav hackers.png (780x455, 364K)

Attached: dangerous-memes-comic.png (1000x500, 59K)

>announcing a report
That's against the rules!

Attached: 7869325_f520.jpg (520x293, 49K)

Attached: christmas-race-statistics-comic.png (1000x500, 53K)

>voting for the commie loser who lost to Hillary

>the FBI is WRONG
>the Mueller Investigation is WRONG
What is he basing these assertions on?
There's no counterargument to the investigations that brought about these conclusions. It's just brainwashing.

Attached: censorship-by-the-left-comic.png (1000x500, 32K)

Attached: waterisbad.jpg (1024x488, 95K)

>What is he basing these assertions on?
smug shmorky face

>bragging about beating hillary by letting jews and ruskies brainwash you on purpose

Attached: vegans-and-cyclists-comic.png (1000x1000, 106K)

Except those dudes were literally spouting /pol/ memes and citing them as influences as they were carrying out those mosque and synagogue shootings. Eric and Dylan never said anything about Doom.

>who lost to Hillary
"lost", Hillary literally bought the primaries. The email scandals about Hillary are mostly about how she rigged the primaries to win the democrat candidacy.

This is his only good comic.

>The Committee has seen no evidence that any votes were changed or that any voting machines were manipulated.
>In its review of the 2016 elections, the Committee found no evidence that votetallies were altered or that voter registry files were deleted or modified
All I read is they got attacked by script kiddies from multiple countries, and those script kiddies didn't manage to do jack shit. Big fucking whoop.

Attached: covington-smirk-maga-comic.png (1500x500, 67K)

Well yeah they failed to influence the election, that doesn't mean there was no hacking. Learn to make better claims.
As it says in your pic, the system's reliability prevented the results from being influenced, not lack of trying to influence them.

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So what you're saying is that there were hacking attempts, including from Russia. Glad we agree.

>What is he basing these assertions on?
The fact that the Russian investigation resulted in "no collusion", because it was one of the dumbest conspiracy theories ever?


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Reminder. You share a board with people who beileve Trump won, and will win in 2020 due to "Russia"

Attached: Retsuko.png (100x100, 15K)

This guy legitimately believed bitcoin was going to replace all currency

I think the investigation proved that no Americans conspired with Russia in any of their activities. So all those people who were screaming about Russian collusion for years got played.

>failed to influence the election
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it's not illegal for foreigners to try to convince Americans of things. If it was, why allow AIPAC? Or you know, any international communication?

I think bicycling is a fun way to get around.

Attached: communist-workers-comic.png (940x300, 41K)

The best thing about these threads is how they expose the stonetoss audience as stupid.
Remember yesterday when they got btfo so hard, they went to /pol/ and started a small raid?

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