Anyone hate how SJWy this show got in the later seasons?
Anyone hate how SJWy this show got in the later seasons?
Kinda liked it. What I hated was the whiney incels that bitched about it
What are you even talking about
I hate how they stopped using characters like the Mooninites, Plutonians and Dr. Weird. Save for a few exceptions.
Your brooks from no bullshit aren't you?
>Look mom I said it again! My favorite internet buzzword!
how was the Carl hair episode SJWY
The Markula bits I didnt care much for when the three weren't the focus.
ATHF is literally the least SJW cartoon in existence.
They stopped using dr weird because his VA died idiot
You're gonna have to be more specific. Otherwise you're full of shit.
He died in 2016. The show ended the year before.
>Everything is SJW
Fuck you, you paranoid freak
What episodes had moments where even Shake got freaked out?
What the sucking polar bear's funky ass, racehorse's cock with Heinz Tomato Ketchup, donkey's shitty ass, male camel's dick with Hoisen sauce, European bison's smelly ass,woolly mammoth's dick with Miracle Whip, snow leopard's ass with whip cream, hyena's spermy dick,llama's shitty asshole, panda bear's spermy nutsack, sloth bear's bootyhole, greyhound's musty ass, are you mother fucking talking about OP?
Suck a cheetah's dick.
what the fuck are you talking about?
SU > ATHF in every way, especially writing and characters. Some jokes are better than late SU tho.
I disagree with your opinion.
Truly they were a Social Justice Warrior Force
Reminder everyone. This faggot of an OP will not be banned, but if you point out to the faggot mods that this shit /pol/ spam has been going on for years, they will give you a time out.
based mods putting backseat jannies in their place
dont you have anything better than that?
You now realize that the ATHF are literally crystal gems, because they all run on crystals.
got that nigger brain goin' on huh?
Literally what
There was that one episode with the Satan sandwich. And that time he bevame a "hero".
Broodwich and video ouija were amazing episodes and you have fine taste indeed.
why do retards from /pol/ have to ruin every other board on this site? This is why reddit is so much better
This thread is nothing but bait
Literally what episode? The one where Hitler was a balloon and they popped him? Or the one where Carl engages in genocide and strip-mining a magical kingdom and this is presented as "bad" but also nobody does anything to stop him?
>that episode where Carl attended SGDQ
It truly was ahead of its time.
No, I hated the show because it was randumb and had zero production values.
Why are you comparing a story driven show with an episodic comedy?
This post was so fucking stupid I had to read it a second time to make sure.
>that episode where Shake relinquished his white privilege and joined the NAACP
Truly groundbreaking for the era
You're the one who called motherfucking Aquateen sjw. If Aquateen is SJW then every single Yea Forums comic and cartoon is sjw
Brooks is an SJW himself and he can't even see that.
Rent free.
What are you talking about? The Aqua Teens are Low Class New Jersey Trash. Frylock is literally the one black dude trying to make it out the ghetto thru business deals, but falls back on the gangster mentality.
ATHF has better townie episodes than SU
Best episode
this is some quality apples to oranges comparison. here is your (you)
0/8 sad b8 m8
What would happen if you ate the entire Broodwich while wearing the Interplanetary Insanitarium t-shirt?
good job outing the sjw op
>46 replies
I would say it was effective bait
Die in one realm, appear in the other, again and again and again forever.
super spore, the one where that Japanese business alien thing keeps taking over shake and he gets freaked out about losing long periods of time.
Why does Yea Forums fall for bait so easily
People are dumb, dumb as hell.
when the show gets uncancelled (again) I want them to make an intro in this style, if only just to annoy people.
Ah, yes, the black transgendered lesbian who also had to deal with the whitest, gayest man she knows and their welfare child. Totally SJW.