
Ronnie's not even afraid that a sexy lady might dislike him, or even find him gross. No, he is afraid that she will love him as a dog owner loves their grunting, lumbering bulldog. He might become her subhuman life companion to be presented to her friends who have each also adopted a slouching, abominable creature to parade about at charity events as a social coupon.

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this is a little bit relatable and i hate it

Hush, puppy.

That sound like a fetish.

I'm not a pet! I'm a grown man with a job and a bank account!

Friendly contempt is never a fetish.

A nice twist on a classic setup

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>grown man with a job and a bank account!
CIS white male.

Begone, cumbrain

>not a pet
>giving your money to the bank
You're someone's pet, goyim

> Existing
> Not killing everyone you meet
Y'all just rats in a cage.

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How did M-Dude convince her?

Or is she secretly another replacement?

being beta

M-dude is just a figment of imagination so I don't know

I thought the joke was he didn't want her to see his gross room full of empty soda cans and dumb nerd shit. That's a real fear of mine.

Who else afraid of women here?

I can relate

im not afraid of no girl if they laugh at my penis ill beat them up haha

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M Dude is real, but a construct like Runnie's Replace and Ice Ronnie. And Krampus I think?

I'm afraid of not meeting standards, for the most part. Women themselves or men don't scare me in the slightest, as it would be nice to have somebody actually giving a shit.

If they laugh at mine I'll get a boner

Krampus is santa's construct.

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>It's a "scared man with imaginary friend shills mysteriously appearing blonde beauties" episode
ffs let it be brunette or redhead some time

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I too am afraid to let people see the inside of my room.


He has a history with redheads and you would know this if you knew about Whomp.


agrias is imaginary not the M-dude

i feel like this is why she's dating me

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Ronnie is literally me.


Isn't that what Agrias is to him right now?

Don't be a pussy.

Just prefer your own company and consider women as background decoration like everyone else.

>underlying McDonalds attraction

Does anyone else have a deep seated anxiety that when a woman is nice to them it is out of pity rather than care?

I believe people should be nice to each other in general.

I get around that by not letting anyone close enough to worry about it.

or a distorted view?

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Where do I find a guy like Ronnie

Look in the mirror.

The point is he sees himself the way you see your gross room.

>tfw you're trying to get with a qt that wants to do exactly this but she's trailer trash tier hot
>tfw she has no qualms about it
>she already has the leashes

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who are the leashes for

user is a dog, obviously

H-hi Ronnie.

>Runnie's replace is the only one actually caring for Ronnie

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Just a reminder that if a crime ever happens around your area, and the cops search your home, they can take all of the cash money they find in yout house unless you can account every penny you have ever made since birth.

>letting cops inside my home
im a sovereign citizen, i dont recognize anyone's authority but my own. DONT TREAD ON ME

>trailer trash tier hot
How hot is that?

It's superhot for like 3 years before the hard drugs take their toll.


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A woman of no relation has never been nice to me.
I resent Ronnie for portraying the most pathetic man imaginable, but is still better than me.

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I'm not anxious because I have full confidence that they ARE doing it out of pity.

Jesus fucking Christ this guy must be a wreck
Poor guy

LMAO Agrias' look of endearment as Ronnie sashays back into his lair.

>tfw 6'5''
>tfw when too big and scary to ever be someones pet

I am forever unnoticed.

ronnie pls

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imagine the smell

nah she probably bathes

6'5" and lonely seems common for Yea Forums for some reason...