This new Carol Danvers design

>this new Carol Danvers design

holy shit i am diamonds marvel pls make this the real one

Attached: Carol New Design.jpg (745x1453, 212K)

thats hot

tfw carol looks more like black canary than dinah looks like black canary

I see a bulge...

Attached: 1554466219127.gif (239x282, 438K)

Is that a mask in her hand?

Smells kinda like Motoko Kusanagi, maybe it's the bomber jacket and dark colors, but definitely has Motoko Kusanagi vibe to her.
Also reminds me of Magi. And Yea Forumslby.

Why are naked thighs so kino guys?

It's called a mons pubis, and yes that means vagina bulge

Marvel Vs Capcom Amalgam Universe is looking great.

Attached: CharlieMVC2.jpg (540x768, 65K)

Screams Cammy White to me, but w/e

who drew it?

Attached: 1564699491355.jpg (1952x1604, 1.04M)

>motoko is leotard and jacket
>cammy is leotard and leg paint
You disappoint me

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What's this from? Looks like fanart.

the hair is more cammy-esque than motoko

I was thinking the same thing. Like a mix of Charlie and Cammy.

Attached: cspike-cam-cha-end5.jpg (370x175, 24K)

Danvers violently impregnating kamala will now be my own personal canon.

>cammy has long braids
>motoko has short hair
Yeah, still looks more like Motoko
You almost make me embarrassed to be a Cammy fan

Attached: 1493354808511.jpg (472x600, 241K)

Cammy was based on Gally you fucking casual.

Attached: 1198796596481.jpg (684x476, 36K)

Right, but that doesn't make OP look like Cammy more than Motoko
I'm sorry I have two eyes and you have dogshit for brains

this is from a porn comic

where the hell does motoko have a long forelock like cammy and op does?

motoko sure as shit isn't blond either

>implying she wouldn't be into it

share with the class then

>>this will never be Carol Danvers design

Shame, it fixes all the problems with both of her looks. It's militaristic and uniform-like with a cocky confident air, but it's also feminine. Literally the best combination.

this is shit

Her current look has no problems.

Attached: best carol.jpg (1280x828, 213K)

makes her look like a secondary support character.

how many cape heroes actually have brown as their default costume color?
Die Fledermaus

Empty paper bag, from the liquor store.

Disgusting. Modern Carolfags have the shittiest of tastes.

>makes her look like a secondary support character.

Which is what she is as a military superhero.

even better

Attached: 1564051500410.gif (480x310, 244K)

>makes her look like a secondary support character.
That's what she is. That's what she has always been.

Is it the Carol x Jess one?

Attached: cammynostalgia.jpg (800x450, 50K)

i love it

spandex + jacket + sunglasses is fucking kino

Are you calling me out? Also, I probably don't draw Yea Forumslby enough, because can't find find an appropriately similar art work to that.

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I think Cammy was around before Gally, but I'm not sure

Her crotch is very low.

>Her crotch is very low.
That's because of the penis.

Jesus christ what happened to Hawkgirl? Are they still alive?

>She looks like a mix of Street fighters Charlie/Nash and Cammy

I love it but not for Carol Danvers. Give the design its own persona, let it be her new character, give her a cool utility belt and Guiles theme music and your done.

Attached: 1_d7QrOZPngsagB_RgumcpzA.png (269x427, 123K)

I didnt even read this thread and it looks like several people noticed the same thing

Well, even without the penis, women's crotches shouldn't be that low.

Quick and dirty fix.

Attached: fix.jpg (745x1453, 393K)

You know, that design isnt half bad. It suits comic "military" Carol , if marvel wanted her to become their equivalent of captain atom it would be perfect. Just smack her emblem on her tits


Speak of the devil! Well, just musing that OP pic looks reeealy like Colby and your style, is all.
But yeah, how you doing man? Still drawing neat stuff I hope?

Everyone overreacting to her defined pelvis should be treated to an edit where carol has a massive cock bulge. Just fuck it, no fun.

Attached: 25a37b586423bce46a7ca4e5a2792ecc--retro-fitness-hot-fitness-babes.jpg (474x669, 24K)

Kinda, I wish I can draw more but I get tired easily after work and even on my day offs stuff comes up. Although I do try to keep a regular pace on things. I really like this take on Carol though, particular her hair style so I might steal it.

Attached: 2019MAY03_petercarol_dontmesswithmyspidey_colored.jpg (848x1200, 213K)

Someone should add the lightning bolt in that leotard.

>old costume but without the mask/lightning bolt.

Stupid. They could have just done an amalgamation of both. Give her the body suit but style it more like the old leotard. Cut down on the reds and yellows, more black and blue. Boom, done.

>Just smack her emblem on her tits
It could probably be done with a good shop.
Are there any editors in the thread?

steal it.
I want to see what you pull off

you should draw it for sure. put one of her logos on it somewhere

Attached: LuluNyessss.gif (320x308, 23K)

they finally got her penis bulge right

another picture I can't finish before passing out. ...

Attached: 2019AUG02_maverick_carol_leotard.jpg (848x1200, 127K)

That's kinda generic desu

Perfect art on this, man.
I really wish this was her main or alt.

For y'all wondering, it's from the Gender/Bodyswap Cape Webcomic, Lady Valiant.

Attached: 124.jpg (2480x3508, 2.93M)

>Tan supersuit and sunglasses
I can't think of a tan suited Superhero so it actually might stick out because it's more understated.

Eh the symbol should have been more subtle.

And it had a literal Captain Marvel ripoff for a few pages even down to the Fury equivalent.

too low-hanging and defined for that.

Isn't that just Black Canary from 1996?


Based and vaginapilled

>make sure to clarify that her smile is smug and her face is punchable. I want everyone to know this character has an inflated sense of self-importance.

Just add sunglasses and a character will be hot.

So, stupid fetish comic, got it.


I don't even hate her appearance, her personality is just garbage though. Why can't she just be female All Might? Then I could buy that she's beloved in universe.

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Doubt all you like, it's a fact that Cammy was directly inspired by Alita/Gally. Just like Guile's look comes from Stroheim, Rose is based on Lisa Lisa, and Juri by Jolyne kujo

Have sex.

Attached: 1560631146794.png (578x661, 411K)

Still better than Marvel's "official" designs

Too easy!

