WHOA? They're BACK?

WHOA? They're BACK?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>china is putting religious minorities and political opposition into camps , selling their organs and torturing them.


>some edgy white kids demonstrate against the current culture to make their boomer Democrat parents mad.


If you're not going to start a discussion on this comic in earnest, you're helping turn this board to shit.

user, can you honestly say you're surprised, much less outraged about life being cheap in China? You can only hear about so many kids getting run over or watch so many liveleaks about escalators before you write off the culture in general.

It's nice to finally see a comic that shows some understanding of the topic it's covering.

You're right user I should vote the President of China out with my American vote, and influence the culture of China all the way from America while ignoring everything that goes on in my own backyard.
Fucking retard.

I'm confused what about the pick implies nazis?

he isn't implying shock, he's saying its a double standard to complain about a bunch of edgy kids being edgy while the chinese government is doing the thing the actual nazis did, and do so completely unopposed by the people who said "never again"

cause the USA never exerted political pressure or tried to force another sovereign state to do anyting, right?

Alt righters are actual Nazis obviously

The whole chanting about blood and soil and how Jews will not replace them and the numerous white supremacist groups at the unite the right march.

Isn't it a bit disrespectful to call these guys Nazis when there are still Holocaust survivors out there? if I were one I would be totally offended by the comparison.

Maybe they're too distracted with the camps America has going on?

I'm surprised they were able to know about all that from just one pic not showing any of that.

>cause the USA never exerted political pressure or tried to force another sovereign state to do anyting, right?
Why do you insist on talking like a retard? Citizens of America don't have the power to make its government do anything to foreign powers. Citizens of America can't even get the president that the majority of them wanted into their own office.

>completely unopposed
Oh you're so right user, I should have done more to stop the Chinese government.

What do you think is easier, dedicating an entire page just to give context or having the slightest faith your audience is culturally aware that you can make a reference your audience will get?

>Isn't it a bit disrespectful to call these guys Nazis when there are still Holocaust survivors out there?
The Holocaust survivors tend to agree that the alt-right are heavily reminiscent of the direction Germany was going before the Holocaust. The Holocaust didn't happen all at once. It was a slow burn before it got to that point of scapegoating Jews and advocating for extreme punishments against them.
Fun tangential fact, did you know the architects of the Holocaust disapproved of anti-semitic propaganda? They thought it brought too much attention on the Jews, when they wanted to quietly wipe them out instead.


There were more confederate flags than nazi ones anyway so I can think of a better name.

Attached: uncle_billy.jpg (1232x1350, 178K)

There's playing dumb and then there's being dumb enough to think this disingenuous bullshit works.
Obviously it's a reference to Charlottesville unite the right rally. You know, the one where a white supremacist intentionally drove his car into a crowd of protestors.

either do most people, most european nations get a leader fewer than 20% voted for.

nobody is telling you you should've done something, or that you have to. The only thing pointed out is that these people protesting are just doing that, protesting. While the Chinese state is doing actual nazi shit yet nobody seems to care or point this out.

>culturally aware
Slang for "a total and utter moron".

Nazi originally is just the short form of ignatz or Ignatzius, and was used to describe some simpleton from the countryside (similarly to Cletus in th US). It only became associated with the NSDAP much later. Calling those protestors more or less rednecks is a perfectly acceptable insult if you ask me


My biggest problem with this page is that a black kid from the 80s doesn't know anything about neo-nazis. Way to telegraph your white priviledge Paul Constant.

You're being a huge idiot on purpose, right?

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
National sozialist
Na z i

>The only thing pointed out is that these people protesting are just doing that, protesting
Protesting and driving cars into crowds of people.

To be fair, it's not unusual for people to care more about what goes on in their own countries than others.

Must suck to live in a nation that doesn't have quality news. Because the news in my nation have reported multiple times about the camps in China

hurr no but hurr no but hurr no but the car crash didn't kill anyone the heart attack caused by the car crashing into her killed the woman
checkmate LIBERALS
>either do most people, most european nations get a leader fewer than 20% voted for.
Irrelevant claim. That has nothing to do with the American's lack of ability to make their government do anything. Europe could be a complete democracy or an absolute dictatorship and it would still not change the fact that the American citizen is powerless to make their government do anything to other countries.

This, white supremacists have been a thing in the US for pretty much ever no one should be surprised that they are around still.

what? it comes from how the germans pronounce national, as in national socialist. it was certainly a slur but it wasnt based on ignatz or ignatzium.

someone unrelated to the protests after getting attacked by a domestic terror organisation.

>B-B-But the Nazis were actually leftist because they had socialism in their name!!!

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Nazis were inspired by the white supremacy of the Confederacy and how they shat on the Native Americans.

I didnt make the claim the american citizen isnt powerless, I said not having the majority behind a leader is the norm

>someone unrelated to the protests after getting attacked by a domestic terror organisation.
Thanks for proving you're completely removed from reality.

That's the reason why it suck around, but it existed much longer. Is not Naso (like you would actually shorten that word) for a reason.

Is he defending OJ and Cosby?

>someone unrelated to the protest
Right, he just magically showed up at the unite the right rally where there was a huge torch bearing mob chanting jews will not replace us.

We need a template for that first panel, we need to exploit it.

>using the violence or the threat of violence isnt terrorism so silence political opponents isnt terrorism

> I said not having the majority behind a leader is the norm.
Not in a democracy. Show me your source for this 20% number you pulled out of your ass.

So what is this comic?

He's losing his shit because from his perspective the 80s was a week ago and now his entire world is upside down.

>i think murdering people with a car is ok if i'm so delusional that i convince myself everyone is as violent as me
So you're either an insane person, or you're a political shill.

t. my country

Planet of the nerds, where 80s jocks time travelled(?) to current year which is a hacky idea that is a decade late.

>Cops are stormtroopers now
Compared to the 90's? Fuck no, and they only got that bad because of the shit they had to deal with during the 80's to begin with.

It was mostly the Union that did shit to the Native Americans.
The Confederacy never spread west, and their own land had mostly been cleared of Natives.

Planet of the Nerds by Ahoy Comics. 3 jocks from the 80s are frozen by a nerd they picked on and wake up in modern day Cali where the world has shifted to a more nerd-friendly culture. Started out ok, but took forever for anything to happen. You're better off reading The Wrong Earth or Edgar Allan Poe's Snifter of Terror.

I didn't say I approved, though. I said it was someone who wasnt attending the protest and had been attacked by a domestic terror group beforehand. You are the one trying to associate someone in the general area with the active protest because he did something bad.

>my country
Which country is that?

Oh great thanks for the source user let me just put that into Google.
You fucking retard why even respond at all?

Three jocks get cryogenically frozen by accident in the 80's. They weak up in current year.

Would someone from the 80's really have any idea about who Trump is outside of being a real estate tycoon?

He was already a media whore

>The Wrong Earth
Do we know when the second part of that story will be starting? I usually hate multiverse shenanigans but that book was fantastic.

Nazi was already used by Germans during WW1 to describe the Austrian soldiers, where ignatz was a popular name. But sure, tell me more how its based on the first and some random syllable from the middle of the second word of Nationalsozialist

the netherlands

most demoractic parties dont have a 2 party split, any leader is extremely likely to be from a

>I didn't say I approved, though.
You're parroting the deluded narrative of people who approve, removed from any actual facts. You're such a chickenshit about your own propagandizing, it's pathetic.

"White supremacists" and Nazis are not the same thing either.

White supremacists are typical fat, stupid Americans larping that they aren't all inbred brown mutts with no culture or heritage. Nazis were Germans with a willingness to die for the state so that their country could remain strong and grow. Meanwhile American leftists are typical fat, stupid Americans larping that their country wasn't built on rape and bloodshed and that if they just promote degeneracy enough they might eventually get absolved of the sins of the fathers.

The left and the right in the US are entirely the same from an outside view, both are loud violent retards who have to oppose one another diametrically simple because that's how everything in that joke of a country is done..
"Hurr hurr my side hates abortion."
"Urrh well in that case my side loves abortion, free abortions for everyone!"
"Oourh hurr my side loves guns"
"Arrh uurh ook ook then my side hates, HATES guns! Ban all guns now!"
When you only have a two-party political system and cannot understand any alternative it's not really surprising that everyone ends up entirely polarized, but the smug self-serving stupidity with which both sides screech buzzwords at one another is truly baffling.

The US is a fucking disgusting country with disgusting politics and it is beyond disgusting that such a bunch of clown are allowed to influence the rest of the world in any way.

>Compared to the 90's?
The war on terror from the 2000s lead to a surplus of military equipment that ended up in small town police hands.

>whatabout chinese camps huh? why so concerned about domestic problems when you could be whatabouting something else?


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Yeah but there hasn't been 3 decades of it.

Ahh true, fair enough i guess. I thought he meant in actions rather than just looks.

> #
"White supremacists" and Nazis are not the same thing either.
The Nazis are just what white supremacy inevitably leads to.

>the netherlands
You have a Prime Minister there, you don't vote directly for them the same way you do for the President of the United States, it's more about what coalition gets the majority in the Senate. The comparison is completely off-base.

they pronounce national like natzional

You know the guy that innitially claimed he never hit the woman with his car reviewed other footage and changed his claim when presented with the new evidence, and tried to help spread awareness. You've constructed a caricature of me based on the propaganda from your own side.

I was actually thinking that as I was typing. Probably not considering he wasn't that well known outside of New York. If this was set in NY, I'd have an easier time buying it, but considering it's southern Cali and he's a jock teenager I'd say it's just a hamfisted joke. Shame because the OJ and Cosby mentions work better without it.

Don’t be too hard on the guy, he was trying to find the perfect parking spot

>and it is beyond disgusting that such a bunch of clown are allowed to influence the rest of the world in any way
Well if Europe wasn't too busy burning itself down twice and then handing the world over to the states maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

>You know the guy that innitially claimed he never hit the woman with his car reviewed other footage and changed his claim when presented with the new evidence
Wow the person who tried to get away with lying about his intentional murder lied until he couldn't lie anymore? Fucking brilliant. You fucking moron. How are you this god damn gullible?

I would be more worried about Antifa, really. They're the ones patrolling the streets of the US in masks, beating up anyone they personally deem problematic for whatever reason.

THAT is how true fascism starts.

That's a really gay song.
Sounds like the gingercore punk metal version of some teengirl pop shit from the early 00's.

You know what’s worse than stupid, fat Americans? Ignorant, European cunts who lick boot heels all their lives so they don’t know what true freedom is

There's gonna be a one-shot in November called "Dragonfly and Dragonflyman" that's a prequel to the first book. I'm guessing they'll bring it sometime early next year. Sucks it's not a sequel, but at least we're getting more of it.

Dude I'm from Austria, don't tell me how we pronounce stuff. We don't shorten things by using random parts of the words and Nazi was used at least 20 years before the NSDAP even came into existence. Yes, it sounds similar and that's why it stuck around so long, but it's not what the term originally meant

>I would be more worried about Antifa
Well you know they haven't killed anyone while about 75% of domestic terrorism is actually linked to white supremacist so that doesn't make any fucking sense.

It's like how every time a Muslim does it, it's "NOT ALL MUSLIMS" and "more an attack on Islam than an attack on western people and values".
Really, the alt-right was the real victim because everyone accuses them for the actions of one extremist. You need to learn to see PAST your petty misconceptions.

>ok so white supremacists infiltrated our police, our military, even our highest political offices, but you know who the REAL threat is? The random kids who collectively have zero kill count that these white supremacists constantly scapegoat! wow how convenient for me, someone who is NOT a white supremacist ha ha ha

>They're the ones patrolling the streets of the US in masks,
That's so funny because I live in america and I don't see that shit at all. I see a lot of cops killing people and getting off extremely light tho.

They've killed just as many people as "white supremacy" has.
Unless of course you have anything to back up those claims.

>a Chad is actually named Chad

It's precious that you think there's "infiltration" going on when in reality it's just people who are sick of the extreme left trying to kill their own country.

No, if anything it starts authoritarianism, they are not supporting higher military spending, nationalism, anti-marxism and cult of personality so they are obviously not facist

>I see a lot of cops killing people and getting off extremely light tho.
That sounds like a "you" problem.

The US is only great because everywhere else sucks far, far worse.
Try addressing that first.

If you are in any area with a noticeable amount of cops killing people than you might have bigger issues.

The US is not and has never been great.
Unless you mean great at being shit.

>the chad Chad

>ok so white supremacists infiltrated our police, our military, even our highest political offices
Is it tinfoil hat time already?

>They've killed just as many people as "white supremacy" has.
Well let's do the math here
>0 is lesser than 1
>0 is also lesser than 9
>0 is still lesser 11
>all total that means 0 is lesser than 20
Can someone check my math for me?

>everywhere else is worse


So if you live in America you have bigger issues. Well, I can’t disagree with that

>driving cars into crowds of people.
I didn't realize that was a regular occurance

"America" is a big place and every city has its own culture.
I live in Albuquerque, NM. On every residential street is guaranteed to be at least one active meth lab, and every cop is dressed to raid and kill.
You're lucky if your problem is bored trust fundies larping as political activists / terrorists.

Yeah just checked it and you're completely full of shit and pulling random numbers out your ass.
Another thread saved, brother.

sounds kind of fun

Dude cops barley kill anyone here, most shootings you see on the news are usually between a different group.

>"America" is a big place and every city has its own culture.
Every city has NO culture.
You're nothing but rattling coca cola bottles and styrofoam burger containers flapping their lids in the foetid wind.

>trump joke

Well there's that Incel in canada but it'd be crazy for anyone to draw a correlation between the rise of Incels and white supremacy. I mean it's not like they are both being radicalized through reactionary online communities.

>dude cops barely kill anyone here
Jesus fuck “barely” is supposed to be acceptable? And fuck no, you fuckers are top 10 in per capita kills, ranked right along developing countries. Embarrassing

>both being radicalized through reactionary online communities.
Oh shit, you mean exactly like the extreme left, SJW's and antifa?

>being this triggered
I'm sorry you hate everything so much, but some sunlight can help.

>Jesus fuck “barely” is supposed to be acceptable?
Not at all, they should honestly do it more, would fix a lot of issues.

Oh so Dylann Roof didn't shoot up a church in charleston?
And there wasn't a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue?
And a unite the right protestor with ties to a white nationalist group didn't drive his car into a crowd of people?

Yeah, issues like rampant system-wide corruption and abuse of power, sure. Wake me up when they start shooting up CEO offices and politicians who accept lobby money

Don't even talk to me like you're human, fatty.


we can do no wrong although we constantly “joke” about purging minorities and the “day of the rope”. It’s all ironic, bro

I suppose it actually enhances the Nazi Germany/China parallel that people in other countries ignore it because it's not happening in their country.

Attached: baby pipe.jpg (400x378, 24K)

Is it larping when they have have an actual body count? Was Ted Bundy just LARPing as just a serial killer than?

>Wake me up when they start shooting up CEO offices and politicians who accept lobby money
Why would they do that user? They haven't don anything illegal.

Becuase your laws are twisted to make bribery legal. I have no idea how this is still accepted

>lobby money
The funny thing is, the US has the most "honest" political system on the planet.
When money changes hands, there has to be a record of it and you know who supports who.

If you're more politically satisfied anywhere else, you'd either have to be stupid enough to believe corruption is low, or you're towing a party line so hard you refuse to see it.

Attached: WHERES THE JOKE.png (345x846, 294K)

Fuck men and FUCK their rights! btw white people always be likin mayo, am I correct?!

Isolated cases.
Just some nutjobs in need of help the state didn't give them.
No ties or connections to any known group or persons beyond what they themselves might have thought.

Stop being so judgmental and trying to fit everything into your agenda. Sometimes crazy people just do crazy things, it's not about race or religion. You could REALLY stand to be more tolerant.


>it’s more legit because the absolutely rampant bribery is clear bro

>I have no idea how this is still accepted
Changing laws is made difficult by design. Checks and balances and all that. The price you pay for not listening to the crown.

Just don't vote for a politician that accepts bribes. If it was an issue people would vote against it.

Attached: neat huh.png (345x846, 398K)

And people said "muh lone wolves" was a strawman.

Lobbying is not bribery. Bribery is what happens lobbying is illegal.

How many cases of bribery do you know of in your political institutions?
Compare that to the cases of lobbying in the US in equivalent branches.
Now equate them. You have a lot of question marks, whereas US citizens have a lot of names and numbers.

Leave the original text of the bubble please

I hope we can go back to lynching darkies, then the jews and the alt left. Then America will be back to being the greatest country on earth.

>Isolated cases.
Right, that guy at the rally where there was a mob chanting Jews will not replace us was a totally isolated case. Same with that pittsburgh synagogue shooter, totally isolated in believing that white people in danger of being replaced.

Go back to resetera

>it’s legal because we made it legal :^)
Absolutely cucked, off yourself bootlicker

China's the new best friend of hte world. they are the main reason we have "global warming" problems in every way possible, but government want US to do all the cleaning because of billins they can make abusin China's immunity to our laws. Apple will gladly guilt trip white middle class kids to keep the rights to have low security toxik chemistry factories that kills thousands a year

yesn that literally defines "isolated cases", unless you also aggree we must execuste all muslims for the dozen of thousands they killed in the name of their religion since 2002. Or all blacks because they make up the large majority of criminals in prison to begin with.

Fucking hate liberals.

Damn, conservatives believe in >muh due process so much that they still think he's innocent after a court gave him to two life sentences.


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Per Capita US is still higher than China, but yes China needs to be stopped, however your shitty administration is allowing China to consolidate power

In pretty much every halfway civilised country you have to report every gift of more than a free pen to a politician or political entity


>yesn that literally defines "isolated cases",
Oh yeah, no common ground between any of these attacks. Dylann Roof just one day magically decided to shoot up a black church and there was no ideologically reason to it what so ever.

>if you don’t agree it’s isolated that means you need to murder everyone of that race, guilty until proven innocent bro
What the fuck is this logic

China is also the biggest investor into alternative Energie world wide. While the US clings to coal. China is bad at the moment, but the US have been for decades and isn't even trying to stop

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First edit should obviously be loss.

What do you mean the bri-I mean lobbying causes the US government to cater to the interest of companies and not citizens?

True, but consider, if we did, it would be posted in every Stonetoss thread from now until two years into the future.

I fukin hate comics

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>everywhere else sucks far, far worse.

He says, having no clue America repeatedly fails to come up at the top at several different fields, such as happiness, education, healthcare, etc. when compared to other first world countries.

But dude, THE BEST and the GREATEST.
Not because Trump said so, but because we're fighting Trump and his NAZI ARMY!!

When I see “America number wan” these days I just feel bad for the poster

Well at least they now can buy insulin from canada and not die because no healthcare.

Attached: hey louis look im on a freakin ipad eehhehehe.png (345x846, 384K)

If they can't afford healthcare they don't deserve to live.

It is in Europe.
There was a couple dozen people at most since most have the ability to recognize an extremely obvious honeypot rally.
The only thing you should feel towards Antifa is pity and then laugh at their expense. They're a bunch of middle class white kids trying to get some excitement in their lives.
It's only going to get worse as the media rhetoric against whites continues to get more nasty and their living conditions are continually fucked by globalist policies.

What I love about the "we're going to bring coal jobs back!" bullshit is that now we're getting reports that under Trump's two and a half years coal companies have actually been going out of business far faster rate than under Obama. So all Trump's done is make it easier for the remaining coal companies to pollute, because he's removed regulations on how much they can just dump shit to waterways, etc.


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I feel pretty confident that the OP wanted to make a thread to discuss politics using this comic as a flimsy pretext.
The alternative is that they didn't think this would quickly if not immediately derail into politics. This result should seem obvious to most people.

This is some lazy, hastily written damage control you've got going on here, user.
>oh yeah well here's my vague response about the country of europe and whatabout antifa???

Just part and parcel of city life.

The suggestion that men deserve equal right to women is pure Nazi ideology. Obviously! Cheque your privvy, you hetrosexial cis.

It's even a dumb thing to jump to considering that the USA has their own ongoing issue with what functionally appears to be concentration camps for central and south american amnesty seekers.

That's all Yea Forums is these days anyway.
Retarded alt-left vs retarded alt-right and people masturbating furiously to children in cartoons that doesn't deserve to be on TV.

How dare you use a word that fits the description of those detention centers perfectly!


Who the fuck get their news from an Apple store?

The only winning move is not to play.

Agreed we should institute a no asylum policy so we don't have to spend all that time reviewing cases to send them back where they came from.

>bUt ThEy ArEn'T dEaTh CaMpS!

For the last 8 years, to boot.

Or just continue doing what the past 4 administrations have done that have handled this whole thing humanely, respectably, and saw a continuous decline in border crossings going back 40 years.


It's ironic because apple wasn't big in the 80's and mostly associated with failure, so some kids time warped from the 80's would likely not seek out apple products.
But I sincerely and very, very much doubt whoever made that shit knows this, cares or ever even thought to look it up. To them, Apple is all there is and it must always have been there.

Well, there is a difference between arresting people entering the country illegally and holding them and actively hunting minorities regardless of crimes and putting them in a camp for the sole reason of killing them. Usually

>saw a continuous decline in border crossings going back 40 years.
Because the US has become progressively shit in the past 40 years, which naturally makes less people try to immigrate.
Not something you should boast about desu famalam.

> current year

Attached: John Oliver 2015 Robin War 1449064049121.jpg (435x471, 109K)

In pog form

You should look up what a concentration camp is, and also it seems everything about these ones.

Asylum seeking is legal.
These are functionally concentration camps by all definitions.
The only people arguing the semantics of this anymore are people who are trying to pretend the only definition of a concentration camp is literally Auschwitz.

>what the past 4 administrations have done that have handled this whole thing humanely

You do realize that ICE and said camps have been doing the same exact shit for over a decade, right? There was even a TIMES article during the Obama administration about kids in cages. They used the cover pic as an example of what the current administration does. Wonder why nobody gave a shit back then

Or we could institute less humane policies, if we go hard enough we could see a decrease.

Entering a country illegally is not seeking asylum.
And seeking asylum does not apply to all migrants to boot. If the majority of the people in the borders were like the people who flee syria in droves, you'd have a point.

>Hurr durr make america great again!

>here was even a TIMES article during the Obama administration about kids in cages

The kids separated now vs kids detained under obama has been proven to be functionally different in pretty much every way hundreds of times over.

Kids held under Obama were both temporary, not indefinite, and only under a specific set of circumstances, such as kids found alone.

Kids separated under Trump is the result of a zero tolerance policy he instituted, and has been specifically stated under his administration to be a deliberate act of deterrence. The level of care the children also receive has been radically downgraded as he did this, as part of the deterrent.

Mass deportations, ICE operations and holding camps only started at 2017 user, get with the program.

What is he even on about in panel 4? What is his point about OJ and Cosby, that has nothing to do with the Nazis. Cops have been stormtroopers for decades, black people have known that, hell even white hillbillies know that, people are only now starting to listen.

>Asylum seeking is legal.
Trying to illegally enter another country is not "asylum seeking".
They are free to go through the proper channels and have their applications processed. Or they can commit a crime and be punished for it.

Obama didnt have a policy for separating families, though.

Not him.
Do you have a link or image of this article? Was it from Time magazine or from the New York times?
I'd like to see it myself if you can show me or tell me where and when it's from.

The vast bulk of those kids in Trump's camps right now all legally applied for asylum with their families.

The heat of that being a separation resulting from a legal act is why senate republicans are trying to push a bill to change the law on this to legalize the indefinite detention and circumstances.

Is the joke that they're not actual Nazis?

>Hurr durr make america great again!
Good luck, it has never been great once.

>Nazi was used at least 20 years before the NSDAP even came into existence.
Prove it or fuck off.

>The kids separated now vs kids detained under obama has been proven to be functionally different in pretty much every way hundreds of times over.
>Kids held under Obama were both temporary, not indefinite, and only under a specific set of circumstances, such as kids found alone.

Oh, so when they spent months in cages, at least they had an 'assurance' it was only for a while instead of 'indefinitely' looming. And you really believe there were no separations, it only started happening now. I wish I lived under this level of delusion to excuse shit that has been happening the last decade.

OJ and Cosby are black.
Them being persecuted by the white racist overlords is an overt act of Nazism.

>Oh, so when they spent months in cages
You can go ahead and source that any time, chief.

> And you really believe there were no separations, it only started happening now
We literally have a public record of this. Mass separations started occurring after Trump instituted a zero tolerance policy.




A zero tolerance policy the administration instituted as a deliberate deterrent

>You do realize that ICE and said camps have been doing the same exact shit for over a decade, right

Dude, the administration is literally in court trying to argue that they shouldn't be mandated by law to provide little kids basic hygiene products like soap or toothbrushes. People sleep on concrete floors and the places are now so overcrowded that they're way past the designated maximum capacity. There's talk of people being forced to drink from toilets because the faucet doesn't work.

You have ONE politician who actually delivers, and all you fucking do is bitch and whine about him endlessly.
Every country gets the leadership it deserves.

Even the dolled up center they brought pence too was in horrid condition.

I notice that your response to sources was to just get angry. How does that make you feel about your opinions?

Delivers what? Did Mexico already pay for the wall?

Trump hates China though so liberals will ignore it if it makes Orange Man mad

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I wish...I am a tacolander and hate SJW over that called nazis.

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction five years to live.png (531x575, 243K)

How about that bridge he promised Cincinnati 3 years ago? The coal jobs? The manufacturing jobs? Still shrinking? Oh, that's a shame.

>unironically defending OJ

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I'm not responding to your argument, that's between you and whoever. I'm just saying you're a big fat crybaby.

But user, you can't say that about our oriental friends...think in the market
without China almost all Hollywoo are fuck!

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction dont care anymore EVA Prof.png (400x399, 67K)

The Alt-Right protests are similar to the early anti-jew and -communism protests that lead to the rise of Hitler's popularity and the Nazis in the early Communist Germany.

But Trump isn't condemning it, either.

Is called freedom of speach son, deal with it

Yes, the person who literally brought verifiable sourced facts to the table is the crybaby. Certainly them and not the guy who literally got upset because of that.

The next 4 years are going to suck because Don's already got it won.

He keeps actively praising China's dictator.

Maybe if American politicians weren't all soulless walking puppets people wouldn't vote for the one guy who seems to have a personality, grotesque as it might be.

But Trump lost the popular vote and has never reached 50% approval rating.
He has never had the support of the people.

He's had the support of the people who bothered to vote.
And that's all it takes.

But you're going to have another Blue Wave, too. Trump will win the presidency but the Dems will win the Senate. With a majority in both House and Senate, Congress will be able to successfully impeach the President and his co-conspiring Vice President, and the Speaker of the House will become President.

But this is incorrect, there have been serious injuries and deaths by antifa, it's clear in any charlottesville protest video you see.

Absolutely. The entirety of the Dem debates have been trying to show that they aren't wood puppets and they're just fucking embarrassing. They're trying to catch up, as opposed to showing why they're right for the job. And he fucking isn't, but that's not going to matter with this kind of competition.

But more people voted for Hillary.

A non majority number of the people who bothered to vote.

Of people who bothered to vote, less of them voted for him than his opponent.

Ah, got me there user. That's a knee-slapper!

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Who did antifa kill?

Bernie Sanders has twice as much personality as Trump, and it's genuine unlike his made-for-TV persona.
>hurr hurr ur a bernie bro durr hurr
We're talking about personalities, not policies or whatever. Sanders has consistently been the same person for decades, with the same positions and beliefs no matter what office he's in. You absolutely can't say the same for Donald "I am a Democrat and the Clintons are my friends" Trump.

>the architects of the Holocaust disapproved of anti-semitic propaganda? They thought it brought too much attention on the Jews, when they wanted to quietly wipe them out instead.

The roller coaster was too obvious death trap, which is why it went down almost immediately after it was build and used. The swimming pool and showers proved to be much subtle killing machines and replaced the death carnivals.

Yeah, we definitely will. Which means we're going to stagnate again like with Barack. Not the fault of dems being there, it's the fault of the reason to put them there: To directly oppose the president.


DO IT AGAIN, UNCLE BILLY... quickly, please.

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You're implying your president was chosen by voting fraud.
How can you claim to be the leader of the free world if you can't even elect a president without banana republic election fraud and ballot rigging?
How can you even call yourself a nation?
For that matter, how on earth do you expect anyone to care when you clearly have no control over anything and you're just being herded along and allowed to have your little woke opinions as long as they don't upset the status quo?

fuck off, heindrick.
nazis hated the left.

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He's also bonkers and think free money is going to magically start ascending from heaven and pay for everything.

>impeach the President and his co-conspiring Vice President
That would also kill democracy, void voting and lay the grounds for civil war.

The electoral college.

It frequently allows people to win the presidential election without winning the popular vote.

It's a fucking embarrassing holdover from a colonial era compromise.

National Socialism is still socialism.
It's just non-retarded socialism.

>You're implying your president was chosen by voting fraud.
No, we're implying that he was chosen by the electoral college.
I have no idea what the rest of your ridiculous rant was supposed to mean.

Impeachment is literally part of our constitution.

For when a President commits high crimes and misdemeanors.

>lay the grounds for civil war.
That's absurd. Conservatives solve all of their problem using their free speech.

Which simply means that the people wanted Trump, not Hillary.
Your mistake was thinking you were people.

false. your math is wrong because
>my fee fees > yo fee fees.
checkmate, athetits.

... in all seriousness tho, you are correct.

Not either of those anons, but that's not necessarily what is being implied. It's entirely possible that a president legitimately loses the popular vote and wins the election through the electoral college.

>I have no idea
It shows.

>Less of the people wanted Trump than Hillary
Fixed that for you.

>Meanwhile American leftists are typical fat, stupid Americans larping that their country wasn't built on rape and bloodshed and that if they just promote degeneracy enough they might eventually get absolved of the sins of the fathers.

Really? The ones I see are skinny, basement dwelling faggots.

Then what exactly is the problem?
The president got elected, case close. Hillary can go warm up her grave.

All I've seen of Bernie, as I'm not interest in the character, has been him talking about free money while driving an expensive car and getting his podium stolen by black supremacy activists.

I dont know why you're suprised, americans have always taken an issue, presented differing viewpoints on a very narrow spectrum, and considered them "extreme"

>Then what exactly is the problem?
These people were responding to someone who was claiming Hillary did not win the popular vote.
That person was wrong.

This isn't a fast thread, you shouldn't be getting lost.


They have their share of balding, bearded little goblins who typically hide behind the taller, emaciated-looking homosexuals with the purple hair.
Usually the kind of type that would unironically call themselves "feminist allies".

>This isn't a fast thread
Not him but it's moving fairly quickly given the number of posters. It's consistently staying on the front page so far with only 58 posters or so.
I could see how he might get lost.

So the election followed the rules as set down in the constitution.
But because "the wrong one" won, it's somehow unacceptable. Despite no wrongdoings and such a thing not being uncommon because the US election system was literally designed that way.


There's about 20 posts between his post and the full context, all linked together for further context with post tags.

If you get lost in that, you'd get lost trying to find your own ass with both hands and a map.

You forgot the part where they're putting babies in cages and starving them to death.

[citation needed]

The original argument was that Trump had the support of the voters. It was proven wrong.
Why are you so upset?

I think you may have quoted the wrong post.

>Guy 1: Trump has the support of the people who bothered to vote.
>Guy 2: He actually lost the popular vote.
>Guy 1: lol no that's not true
>Guy 2: No, he really did.

And the sensationalist pictures of leftists crying and screaming against the metal bars of a parking lot, pretending it's the Great Drumpf Nazi Wall.
Those were funny as fuck, admittedly.

>when a President commits high crimes and misdemeanors
[citation needed]

It's not a double standard, it's complete deflection on your part. There's no correlation between the right wing terrorism going on in america and the situation in china. It's a logical fallacy, and you're an idiot for even trying to pull it.

He clearly had the support of the voters who matter.
Stay mad. And enjoy your president.

The citation is literally the constitution. Article 2, section 4.

>The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Pablo Gomez Jr., suspected of stabbing a women in burkley, jan 2017
45 y/o man in hannover, nov 2015

>It's okay to like mayonnaise.
It's like it's ripped from the headlines.

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And this is why trump won and will again

I suppose, but I still maintain the thread is moving fairly quickly.

Though, not quick enough to hit bump limit and deleted fast enough. Though I think this thread should have been deleted a while ago.

Oh yeah, that totally makes putting children in concentration camps totally okay, that story you made up around it. How unhinged do you need to become to defend that shit?

If it was real news, it would say "And Here's What You Should Think" as well.

So a movement with the same name on a different continent?

Yea Forums should have been deleted a while ago.


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Putting children in concentration camps and repeatedly admitting you are doing it as a deterrent, meaning the cruelty is intentional.

Real scummy vile shit.

>It's a fucking embarrassing holdover from a colonial era compromise.
It's a measure that gives the diverse states better integration into a federation. The USA is an empire, not a single nation, and the parts are different enough that accommodation is necessary if they are going to be willing to work together. It's happened in the past that some states felt that the union no longer represented their interests, and it could happen again. Only this time, the states that would feel disenfranchised represent the majority of agriculture and industry, and control most of the country's transportation infrastructure.

user, I hope you're not suggesting that conservatives vote based exclusively on emotion and identity politics.

That's what the senate is for.

There's nothing right about a vote in wyoming having six times the value of a voter in California when it comes to the presidency.

Yes, why would it be different in a different country, if they stand for the same values?

>white supremacist trained the chinese to kill muslims.

It's all white pepos fault.

Yea Forums hasn't been the same since the election in 2016.

It is factually different because US antifa hasn't killed anybody, and that's why you had to search for a case half a world away.

I believe that user was asking for a citation that Trump and Pence have done such things, not that that's what the Constitution specifies regarding impeachment.

Low iq as fuck.

Grow the fuck up /pol/

Oh, that's easy for Donny.

Flagrant violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution and the fact that he's officially an unindicted co conspirator for a crime that the other conspirator is already in jail for would have been plenty under just about any other sitting congress in our history. There's other avenues people can follow for this as well.

I used to consider myself liberal until identity politics fucked everything over

The fact that he keeps having the US government pay to repeatedly use businesses he owns would have made congress's heads spin 40 years ago.

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>Black guys in the background
Why are cis straight males not buying our books anymore?

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That post didn't say anything about Russians or rigging the election.

Not that user. But could you explain what renumeration Trump has received from foreign nations?

People who can't stop shitting on the street shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>Left hates cops
>Cops are openly protecting Antifa from being arrested

Are these the fabled facts and logic that conservatives use to destroy liberals?

>There's nothing right about a vote in wyoming having six times the value of a voter in California when it comes to the presidency.
Neither are swing states, so the marginal power of a vote is zero. Regardless of which way a person in those states votes, or whether that person votes at all, their electoral votes will go to a particular party. The presidential election is not a direct democratic vote. It was specifically designed not to be, and normative considerations about how a direct democratic election ought to function simply do not apply. If you want to make a case for why there should be a different election structure, go right ahead, but that's an issue that should be settled before you have justification for making claims about whether or not it's "right".

A Dinosaur Story?!?

>well you know they haven't killed anyone
Not for any lack of trying, which you probably already know. Every protest they're involved in directly leads to people getting ganged up and extensively beaten, assaulted with deadly weapons, and directly threatened with rifles, as is their whole brand. Probably the most famous case is Eric Clanton, the anti-fascist professor who was video-taped assaulting someone with a bike lock in what can only be labeled as attempted murder, who got off basically scot-free with only 3-years probation for a misdemeanor charge of battery. Anyone who is historically aware of left-wing terrorist groups and their parasitation of institutions in past, like Weather Underground from the 70s, would recognize this as something worrying, especially given reports of local city governments like Portland giving them pseudo-authority. Those deadly violent tendencies, direct institutional support, and the media both directly defending them and trying to deflect all terrorist coverage to the right (i.e. why you probably remember the inert fake bomb scares more than the fake ricin scares that happened in the same month) make something that is more worrying than a bunch of fags that everyone already hates and has hated for years.

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Jesus christ America.
Why do you always have to be so motherfucking embarrassing.

It's more that the police chief has been ordered to stand down during antifa protests. It's not that they don't want to. It's that they've been ordered otherwise.

>Nazi are back
I typed up this massive rant before realizing how dumb it was.

The Alt Right. Antifa. We have legitimate violent white hate groups and violent socialist groups but the larping twenty something's are what people keep talking about.

There's actually been quite a few cases of foreign entities or their representatives purposely staying at his hotels, and even some of them paying exorbitant rates, during his presidency, as well as him setting up to have foreign officials meet at his properties, which would entail them paying for access and other things at said properties, such as his golf club in scotland.

He's also sold space in Trump properties to members of foreign governments, like Saudi Arabia.

You've been telling us for 10 years that Antifa is about to go on a murder spree any time now. In those last 10 years, all of the body bags have belonged to the right.
So spare us your worries and concerns.

>We have legitimate violent white hate groups
Hating feminists doesnt make you a hate group you dumbass

>Neither are swing states, so the marginal power of a vote is zero.
This is disingenuous as fuck in regards to the electoral college.

Swing states aren't the only states that count, ever, and they only really count more in terms of close elections.

The point is that the presidential election should by all reasonable standards be a representation of the popular will of the country, since the already powerful senate is not.

>American capitalist robots thinking they can be Nazis and Communists.
In a retarded puppy kind of way.

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>Of the US.
It's Portland.
Why do people keep saying that Antifa is this massive threat. It's fat white girls rioting in Portland.

I've heard that in reference to Russia releasing the Clinton emails. However, the emoluments clause refers to monetary gifts or tangible things with monetary value, which thereby personally enrich the recipient. Releasing that information publicly definitely helped Trump, but public information has a monetary value of zero.

They can beat you up if they decide you look too white, and torch your car, home and shop because they're "angry about drumf" and get off with no charges because being a hoodie-wearing terrorist piece of shit is OK as long as you pretend you're fighting Nazis.

Yes, but why wouldn't you hold an entire organisation accountable for its actions in a different country, it wears the same logo.

>cops protecting rioters and antifa in every city
>It’s not their fault
Stop being a pro cop bootlicker. Fuck the police.


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How much of a soft little bitch are you?

>OK and Cosby dindu nuffin

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They're not a single organization because they don't organize between them.
Can you name me the global Antifa organization leader?

>you've been telling us for 10 years that Antifa is about to go on a murder spree
No, I've been saying that Antifa has been allowed to harass people and beat them within an inch of their life, and it's only going to get more widespread as people try to deflate them as a threat. Killing people is bad, and that's why we jail those people for life, like what happened when that maniac shifted into third gear at Charlottesville. Attempting to kill someone is also bad, and potentially leaving permanent debilitating injuries to their bodies and brains over differences in opinion as part of that process is very bad. Letting the people who commit those acts go off free is in fact worrying.

>This is disingenuous as fuck in regards to the electoral college.
Not at all. You were talking about the power of an individual vote. In California and Wyoming, the power of an individual vote is precisely zero currently, since it will have no influence whatsoever on the electoral outcome. In a national popular vote, that would be a different story. Same if California and Wyoming allocated their electoral votes according to their internal vote percentages or somesuch.

>The point is that the presidential election should by all reasonable standards be a representation of the popular will of the country
Why? You are simply asserting that this is a thing that ought to be, that the balance in representation between the popular House and the territorial Senate should be 100% popular instead. The current setup is there for a reason. Rather than address that, you're effectively saying that the reason is no longer valid because you say so.

What are those people seeking amnesty from exactly? I keep hearing stuff like this.

Cool it, retard, he says that because he time traveled from the 80s. America as it is now sounds like a stupid joke to someone from back then.

The hacker known as Yea Forums, obviously.

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>No, I've been saying that Antifa has been allowed to harass people and beat them within an inch of their life
Prove it, prove that anyone from Antifa who was caught "beating them within an inch of their life" has been purposefully allowed to get away with it. You're just another astroturfer from Facebook.

>America as it is now sounds like a stupid joke to someone from back then.
America sounds like a stupid joke regardless of time and place.

Not defending the police.
But if the mayor of a city like Portland or Berkeley orders the chief of police to stand down then that's why they aren't arresting them. Blame here rests on the mayor of these cities. And, if memory serves, Berkeley's mayor at least is a member, openly, of BAMN. And Berkeley had at least two riots from antifa I think.

American politics is just lying for votes and obstructing the other party. Once you start taking out persons that people have voted for, you send the message that voting can be vetoed and nullified, which removes the part where public can take part in the governing. Voting is gambling and the US government is a slot-machine. Every up and down in the economy and rights, the average voter justifies as their vote being right or wrong. If things go badly, next time they'll vote differently. And if things go right, they voted the right guy in. If you remove the element where they put their votes in and pull the lever, you break their illusion of control.

Secondly, America is governed by two party system that hate each other, to a point of advocating violence against their political opponents. If you impeach the president now, the other party will in return impeach the other party's president. And if they can't, then its unfair. America is divided into two truths, so whatever you call justice, the other party knows as injustice.

If the voter thinks the system is out of their control and working against them, they'll rebel. Removing the opponents president physically is the obvious act to balance the scales after your president has been dealt the same. If impeachment doesn't work, then other means to physically remove the opposing president are required.

In a more general sense there's the issue that this wouldn't even be an issue in the first place if Trump actually divested himself from his businesses.
He's been saying that he would ever since he first won the election, but has never fully done so. Every US president in modern history has made a point of removing themselves from whatever businesses they owned before becoming president, the most extreme example is Jimmy Carter selling the peanut farm that he owned before taking office. The issue is that if you have a link to any business, then just about any decision that you make that will alter the economy will be open to people scrutinizing how it will effect you and did you rule in a way that would benefit you. Just about all of the US presidents divested themselves in order to avoid testing this. Trump on the other hand owns a complex array of business interests across the world, and never even bothered to go through with it.
If there is an issue it's that as I said, actually trying to push this is new territory in the modern world. Someone who is in the right place has to actually prove that a crime happened in a legally actionable way. Trump's lawyers can probably just stall for 4 or 8 years while the other side tries to suss out unprecidented legal territory.

>You're just another astroturfer from Facebook
Are these the kinds of meaningless nonsensical buzzwords they teach you in your SJW discord seminars?

jeory soros lol

If you lose a fight to antifa you deserve the beating.

So no proof, then.

>In California and Wyoming, the power of an individual vote is precisely zero currently, since it will have no influence whatsoever on the electoral outcome
This is absolutely fucking ridiculous.

You are not arguing this in good faith, by any means.

Modern Leftists would call Uncle Billy a fascist for his views. He was racist as hell.

True, but the innocent bystanders, car owners and business owners do not deserve the collateral damage from those spastic little faggots trying to rebel against an imaginary enemy on daddy's dime.

What about gamers?

>it's a politics thread on Yea Forums

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But it doesn't have an organised leader, it's a lose network, and leader like figures, just like the alt-right. If you can say that the alt-right is a group organised under a single ideology then by the same token of logic you can say antifa is organised under a single ideology.

>Just about all of the US presidents divested themselves in order to avoid testing this.
George Washington notably did not. He was one of the wealthiest people in the country during his presidency, and he maintained ownership of properties and business interests. While it has become customary for presidents to place an illusion of lack of control over their businesses, it is important to keep in mind the distinction between what is customary and what is legally mandatory.

Again, Eric Clanton is a good example given that he was caught striking at least 7 people on the head with a bike lock, which is literally defined as assault with a deadly weapon and caused serious injury to his victims. He was given a mere probation and misdemeanor charge with everything else dropped. This is a direct example of Antifa members committing what is deadly assault and getting off free.

Antifa is the far more violent, vulgar and fascist of the two.
The sooner they get labelled as the international terrorist organisation that they are, the better.

>all the seething leftist and ChiCom shills itt
What would Larry do?

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Is there any organization between US and German antifa groups?

Not him but George Washington was also president before it was a paid position.

Trips but again. If you can't repel the little fucks you deserve the beating.

They can only get away with that shit in Portland because it's Portland.

Do you think it is appropriate?

Silly Americans with their silly hate for mayonnaise

He's just going to drill you with the "within the inch of their lives" bit, user. Stop taking their bait.

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How about like ten examples of obstruction of justice? Telling his WH counselor to fire Mueller, then ordering him to fake evidence that he never ordered it in the first place after Mcgahn refused to obey the initial order, etc.

They are certainly more visible.

It's worth pointing out that most "alt right" rallies have some sort of dude trying to lead it like that turd Richard Spencer or Weasel Boy (pictured here)
Actual right wing people presumably have to be at work.

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Bitch, it's okay to like mayonnaise.
And I'm not apologizing to anybody

Richard spencer did nothing wrong

Do you like to spread a little on your sandwich, or just slap a lot of it on there?

How the fuck do you repel a mob of masked and hooded psychos armed with bats, chains and bricks?
And how do you do it if you're at home, trying to sleep so you can get up for work while the parasites burn your livelihood down?

Did you misclick there, user? That's two lines of discussion from two different anons.

As to the point you seem to be implying there, there is a difference between aggregate and marginal power. California has more aggregate voting power than Wyoming. A single person's vote makes a marginal difference in a state's vote total. Neither state is in play, so a single person's vote will have no effect on how the electoral votes are directed. Such is the power of a single vote.

Ah, you seem to say, but if you divide the aggregate voting power of Colorado and Wyoming by their populations, the Wyoming resident has a greater personal representation in the electoral vote. Yes, but since that representative share will go one way or the other regardless of how an individual votes or even whether that individual votes, it does not reflect an individual in Wyoming actually having a greater personal say in who wins the election. Again, it's not a direct democracy. Wyoming having a share of the representation larger than it's share of the population is there to give Wyoming as a political unit interest in playing along with the rest of the country, not to give greater power to individual voters in Wyoming.

Note that most people did not die in death camps (it would simply be impossible to kill so many in the camps' relatively short period of existence), but throughout the whole history of Nazi Germany. That secret police was not for nothing.

If it's mayo, just a dab.
If it's miracle whip, bitch the miracles don't start happening until there's half a jar in there!

I dunno what is more embarassing. That shitty joke metaphor or the scan of it.

And dox you. don't forget the doxxing.

I really don't want to sound like a wannabe tough guy, but watching the videos of these idiots fighting I could probably get six dudes with bats who'd go through enough of them like a buzzsaw.

They're not even hip hop level of rioters. I've survived enough biker riots to not be all that scared.

Pretty sure OP lives on Earth, user. That makes it a simple task, if a difficult one.

I'm white bitch, the sandwich is just a garnish for the Mayo. I put a straw in the goddamn jar

I mean, their economy was only centre-left compared to the Bolsheviks (who practiced outright state capitalism), but still. Low effort bait.
It was a different time, Billy did nothing wrong.

How do conservatives manage to be so afraid of a group with zero murders while telling us white nationalists are no threat to anybody?

Only a huge retard or someone trying to lie on purpose says that california has no sway in a presidential election.

They need to have a boogeyman they can shout about to try and deflect from the problems in their own house.

Antifa are morons who organize via facebook and discord.
If they "hack" someone it'll be by pure accident.

They would have gotten Hillary elected otherwise. If Russian hackers can do it, why can't they?

>They need to have a boogeyman they can shout about to try and deflect from the problems in their own house.
Oh, oh! Exactly how you're always screaming about /pol/?

>create a massively inflated victim complex and call opponents as nazis or bad people for not blindly following you
>loose the election
>”mhmm, what can we do to fix out mistakes, i know lets double down on the same actions that lost us the election in the first place”
The social justice controlled left is legitimately retarded

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Really explains the blue wave, doesn't it?

What if the milkshakes were actually concrete? WHAT IF THEY WERE CONCRETE??

Yes, everything I complain about is just like actual republican senators complaining about something. Definitely. Good job user, go get your cookie.

user, those group literally refer to theselves as white supremacist and neo-Nazi.

You can't fault the left for calling them that way. use a bit of common sense.

Also, have you considered tat maybe they were right in the first place to call them like that, seeing that now that they have won, they are not afraid to be open about it?

There is no blue wave. If anything youve just created more animosity towards your cause and caused people to vote for trump out of spite.

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>Threatens to release terrorists into Europe

This is the guy you think makes the country look good and sane.

>user, those group literally refer to theselves as white supremacist and neo-Nazi.
No they dont, stop pulling stuff from your ass to fit your narrative

But poor whites are deplorable, though. Even conservatives on Yea Forums agree.

2018 midterms was literally a blue wave.

Cite one person who says that he makes us look good and sane.

>There is no blue wave.
Pretty sure the republican lost the House and sveral seats in the senate.

Not to mention, Many dems who won were actually progressive dems. Not corporate dems.

Rather have trump in office then the same feminist crackpot the likes or rian johnson and brie larson support

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Nazis were pretty much, er, "Radical Centrists". They've got the right's nationalism and appeal to tradition, with the left's futurism and state control. They still let big businesses operate, unlike the post-NEP USSR, but with much more state control than your usual capitalist country. Pre-1933 Nazis wanted to "cull the left and cull the right", before Hitler had to remove this "pure" elements, since he knew his rise to powers wouldn't happen without the compromise with right-oriented business and military bigwigs (who had to choose between socialists and national-socialists, and the latter promised better conditions for business than the former). Hitler then tried to give Germany an image of "the fortress of Europe against Communism" to appeal to western nations... until 1939, whereupon he made an alliance with Stalin, and both changed their propaganda to the "union of workers' nations against decadent West"... until 1941, where Stalin was once again Hitler's enemy.
HOWEVER, the idea that the Nazis were "far-right" is an academic mistake, partially propagated by pro-USSR in the post-war era. Aside from nationalism and militarism, nothing about Nazis is "far-right", but socialists just didn't want to be associated with them, and the academia sympathized with socialism, always. If anything, the result of this is that modern "far-right" groups are trying to ape Nazis and know shit about economy, and are thus mostly populists, which always end up destructing as soon as they get a lil bit of power.

>The Holocaust didn't happen all at once. It was a slow burn before it got to that point of scapegoating Jews and advocating for extreme punishments against them.
I've heard about that. There was a protest when Nazis weren't yet in the government. Gun line was placed to shoot down thousands of protestors as they turned to some narrow street. Most of them died and the few survivors were arrested from hospitals they had managed to be dragged to. Their hatred for jews was unspeakable.

Not like it will make any difference whatsoever. Oh shit 1013 islamic terrorists in france instead of 1000.
Fuuuck oh nooooo!!

Whites are in danger of being replaced. If you don't see the anti white hatred cultivated by the left and it's dominance in academia and the media you're blind.

Despite not controlling the government the left controls the culture.

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Nope, just because AOC got some commie votes doesnt stop the reality of the majority of zoomers and other demographics becoming resentful of the social justice left.

Most everyone on /pol/, the_donald, Mitch McConnell, Matt Geitz, Lindsey Graham.

>No they dont,
They do.

Cite them, if there are so many.

>they do because they said mean things about female ghostbusters
Youre retarded

The Constitution (ratified ten months before Washington became president) specifies that the president gets paid.

I think it is a matter of style, not substance. Not particularly meaningful on its own. It only matters to the extent that it influences actual misbehavior. So Trump is a real estate dude, right. Suppose he hatches a nefarious plot to increase the value of his properties. By, say, making the country prosperous, so real estate is in greater demand, and people have more surplus money to spend on frivolous pursuits. It's not like he's from an oil family or something.

You do know that a massive amount of democrats won new seats in 2018, not just the only one whose name you know, right?

Alternative energy is largely a waste of time when the countries with the least CO2 output do it with nuclear and hydro.

user, it wasn't just AOC who was elected, you know?

>There is no blue wave
>When in 2016 republicans won control of all three branches of government, and then last cycle they lost that when democrats won back the house in a historical upset
>This happened despite you claiming the left only doubled down on the same actions that made them lose in 2016

Does not compute, fleshy one.

They gave you two pro donald pages, and 3 people who constantly suck his dick on TV, which you can add sean hannity to that mix.

Go to /pol/ and make a thread asking them if they think Donald Trump has improved america's standing in the world, and if he is sane.

Again, not sign of a blue wave, and again propaganda like in OPs pic is just going to create more traction against their type of political thinking.

>because they said mean things about female ghostbusters
That's now what they were chanting about while protesting.

you think Charlostte-villes's protest were about ghostbusters?

Roof Koreans know how. Know your history.

>The Constitution (ratified ten months before Washington became president) specifies that the president gets paid.
I stand corrected. Sorry user.

Three posts in and you apparently can't find someone who said what you think they said. Do you think that's weird?

The US subsidizes healthcare for everyone in the world by paying high prices, education is very good but certain races lag behind because of their shitty culture. Happiness obviously down because of the divisiveness in politics and between men and women.

By getting guys who actually know how to fight to meet them?

People keep going on about how dangerous Antifa is, but in California there are several groups with histories of mass brawls that would in all likelihood make mincemeat of the situation.

As someone who grew up in and near rural and suburban shitholes, I've always been baffled by what people think is dangerous and not dangerous. People going on about Alt righters and Richard Spencer's doughy ass when there are 14/88s addicted to burpies and meth stockpiling shit innawoods.

>again, not sign of a blue wave, and again propaganda
>Losing the house and most of the senate sets put for re-election is propaganda
I don't think you know the meaning of the word.

I assume that if you organise under the same ideology of "Diffusing fascism by any means necessary" then violence becomes a means to do so.

As for organising between different continents, I would assume its possible because anders breivik and the new zealand shooter have both been found to have ties with american far right oraganisations. And if that's a simple enough task then why should it be more difficult for a far left wing organisation.

>Historically red districts/counties going hard blue, historical level of seat shifts for the house
>There is no blue wave!
Yeah, just like there's no war in ba sing se.

And yet you see all the other people dropping movies, television, and voting against these people BECAUSE theyre doubling down on social justice pandering, just because some college communist fundies got elected doesnt stop the fact of the pushback against the feminist left being true.

It wasn't really a "wave" per say, just a changing of the tide that normally happens in a president's first mid term election, compare 2018 to 2010, that one was where obama was still pretty popular and still lost one of the houses and a decent amount of the governors

Nope, again all other signs of the pushback and the fact that trump got elected in the first place is proof enough that more resistance (kek) to the SJW controlled left occurs then without.

Maybe because they aren't being gassed and cremated. Thats what people mean when they say concentration camp.

>And yet you see all the other people dropping movies, television

Oh my God, really? That's your argument?

It was a massive amount of seat changes beyond the norm for midterm seat changes.

That's a wave.

I'm not asking if it's possible. I'm asking if there's evidence.

You really think the massive demolitionist attack on popular culture hasnt contributed to trumps popularity?

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Isn't "neo-Nazi" an oxymoron? Neo-Nazis are tattooed up, skin headed hooligans, wheres Nazis are conservative, well dressed, God fearing men.

Its like someone calling themselves Neo-Christian, by tattooing their body with crosses and bible quotes, while wearing a trilby.

Nope, it happened during obamas reign and its typical for mid terms these days

>Democrats winning big in 2018 is a sign that Americans are turning against the democrats!

Is that you, Rudy Giuliani?

Concentration camps have NEVER been solely defined as death camps. The Japanese internment camps in ww2 in the states are recognized concentration camps and they weren't gassing and cremating people.


>he semantics of this anymore are people who are trying to pretend the only definition of a concentration camp is literally Auschwitz.

it's the only thing people think of when people say concentration camp, so yes using concentration camp is hyperbolic.

Nice tinfoil

>obamas reign
Jesus Christ.

All concentration camps are not death camps but all death camps are concentration camps.

>Democrats winning big in 2018 is a sign that Americans are turning against the democrats!
They didnt, its common for mid terms

You understand that people were calling the 2010 mid terms a red wave, right?

Trump is not popular.

To save hundreds...

They didn’t win big, it was pretty weak.

In 2010 republicans gained 2 seats in the senate and 63 in the house. In 2016 democrats gained 43 in the house and lost 2 in the senate, it was a by the books change of power that happens in every midterms

>Trump is not popular.
Popular enough to win once, and again next year too

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Nah, just half of America voted for him
Literally a nobody

It's literally not, nor has it ever been what has been legally and historically recognized, by any country, as a concentration camp.

Your semantics argument is dishonest, uneducated, bullshit. At absolute best, you're accomplishing nothing other than saying that stopping short of killing the children on purpose, is keeping this from being like the holocaust's example.

But user was asserting that the left doubling down on the same actions that lost them the
2016 election meant they were going to keep losing now.

Outside of whatever city you’re in, he sure is.

>look up the bike lock basher.
>Dude put a fucking bike like on a chain or something like that right?
>It's one of those u shaped bike locks
Are you fucking kidding me?

They did, it was a weak midterm for them, see:

>there's literal children in cages in literal detention centres LITERALLY RIGHT NOW!! THIS IS HORRIBLE, KILL THE DRUMF!!

And a few seconds later all is forgotten as the leftist sips his double mochaccino Starbucks frappe and made with beans harvested by child slaves as he thumbs through the latest facebook posts on his iphone assembled by kids in a sweatshop. Then he spills some latte on his Che Guevara shirt that he bought for $20 from a company with an annual billion dollar profit.

What is the point of even pretending to care? Is it just to justify this behaviour or what?

> just half
Less than 25% actually, you forgot the 50% abstention.

>But user was asserting that the left doubling down on the same actions that lost them the
>2016 election meant they were going to keep losing now.
Because they are, of course theyll still win some votes in places with a berkley mentality but everywhere else theyre loosing support. Mostly because of things like pic related.

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>ITT Democrats winning elections means they are losing.


Less than half, though. It was the other candidate that got more than half.


Nobody is buying it, idiots. If you cross into our country illegally, you get locked up until we can take you back.

Diplomacy actually gets you somewhere.

>everywhere else theyre loosing support.

>they weren't gassing and cremating people.
Actually, the US used gas to de-louse people at around that time, and most people who died in the internment camps were cremated.

But they lost the election you fool

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Maybe they care because it's literally their own elected government doing it to people, instead of an international mega corporation doing it overseas.

Massive cope. Learn how midterms work, a minor win is a loss.

Good thing this wasn’t a Californian president.

Well, do you care? Because I don't see conservatives complaining about that, either.

>You're not allowed to care about things you can't affect because you have money
?? You're retarded, go back to Facebook.

Soooooo UNPOPULAR, clearly no one's even heard of the man

Explains how he lost the popular vote by 3 million Americans

Approval ratings.

>wiing the house and most of the senate seats at play mean losing

>instead of an international mega corporation doing it
user... the US -is- an international megacorporation.

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Regional voting. 3 cities is not “America”. Do research on why we don’t go with the popular vote.

>And a few seconds later all is forgotten as the leftist sips his double mochaccino Starbucks frappe
It isn't forgotten.

Is your position that as long as there is something you find wrong with the world, you are not allowed to do anything that you like?

that's super moronic.

Fix yourself before you try to fix everyone around you.

Less at play, historically weak showing. You’re coping hard right now haha.

>a minor win is a loss.
Now that's a massive cope, if I see one.

But every poll shows Biden winning against Trump


>Who did antifa kill?
>[but its a] different continent?
>Is there any organization between groups?
You seem to be shifting the discussion quite far from its original point, and now you're trying to catch me up proving if like minded individuals can congregate on the internet.

You are literally on a comics board for like minded people to talk about comics, there are tags on twitter for like minded people to discuss politics. If these two things can exist then why can't a german antifa talk to an american antifa on the internet?

>drinking coffee means you are broken

>muh wave
Who on the Left thinks; Maybe I should vote for the Right? Who on the Right thinks; Maybe I should vote for the Left?

I don't think Trump can win the 2nd term, though. Democrats didn't cheat hard enough during last elections, which is why Trump managed to sneak by. Next election, even the long dead indians will vote for democrats on all the states. And you can bet that the voting booths will see multiple human errors as some votes accidentally are lost and shredded. You need to cement right now how there is an unforeseen blue wave approaching, to later explain the disasters. Of course the dead are voting, some votes are lost and voting booths need constant repairing. Everyone is here for the Blue Wave!

>If these two things can exist then why can't a german antifa talk to an american antifa on the internet?
Same reason we don't let a German ISIS member talk to an American ISIS member

Doesn't matter where they live. Theyre still voters

I do'nt think you know what losing means.

It's the same point, user. You made the argument that US antifa can be associated to the murders of German antifa. When asked why a connection exists, you switch to "it can exist, so prove me wrong".
No user, it's your job to prove yourself right.

4.3 million Clinton advantage in California.

>Democrats didn't cheat hard enough during last elections
They didn't cheat at all during the presidnetial election.

Ironically, they did cheat during the primaries, making BErnie lose, which is the candidate that could have won agaisnt Trump.

>50% abstention
Why is popular vote even a thing.

You really think you have ANY control over that?

Attached: hahaha fucking idiot.jpg (340x371, 50K)

Their parents know they're breaking the law, they know the consequences they do it anyway.

>How DARE you detain these people who were caught crossing the border illegally and providing them with free food, shelter, and medical care until a court has a chance to hear their claims for asylum and make a legal determination on what's to be done with them? This is EXACTLY like the Holocaust!!!1!

Fucking retard.

>They didn't cheat at all during the presidnetial election.
Depends if you consider selective polling and private e-mails with journalists cheating, which I totally do.

>Their parents
Alleged parents. It's not like they all brought paperwork.

>Yea Forums filename threads

You asked "why can't", I answered - Antifa are terrorists.
Next question, goalpost mover.

I don't care whether or not I personally control it. What a stupid fucking question!

>selective polling and private e-mails with journalists cheating
Read again, all those was for the primaries, which like I said, caused Bernie to lose.

Against Trump, there were no cheat.

It does in our electoral system.

I think you’re coping. Historical downtrend in a time when they need an uptrend. It’s a loss.

It was actually spread across several states with Cali having the largest portion

Why so women pretend it's anything like this. Women have more just for women shit than men do.

For me, mayo is more "food lubricant" than "condiment." It allows me to barely have to chew my food at all.

>Historical downtrend in a time when they need an uptrend. It’s a loss.
>taking major seats that historically belonged to red candidates.

I think you need a dictionary.

Incidentally, what it also means is that even less republicans showed up than dems.

>leftists have their own birther conspiracy

I never asked you anything.
Stay delusionally paranoid.

>gaining more Than you lose is a lose

You need to research how midterms work, I can tell this is your first rodeo. There was no way republicans would have held or gained ground, that’s lala land. A win for the republicans is a weak showing for the dems, and that’s what we got. End of story.

>Largest gain in the House since Nixon by Democrats
You're brainwashed, sorry to tell you.

Under Trump's two years more people have died in ICE custody than in the previous ten years, at least six of them were children deaths. Trump's DOJ lawyers argue in court that the government shouldn't be required to give children soap. There's wide spread lice epidemics. They're kept in overcrowded cells. Children are forced to sleep on concrete floors in freezing temperatures and they suffer from lack of sleep because they never turn off the lights. That's hardly giving them proper and human treatment.

Oops, you did OOOOOOOPS
Oh boy
So embarrassing for you
Soooooo embarrassing

thats not me though

Why is it that we don't let German ISIS member talk to an American ISIS member?

But I already stated that they are organised under the same ideology, is that not a strong enough connection?

Unironically the party of tinfoil.

In the sense that Clinton won some states, sure. But her margin in California was larger (by some 1.4 million votes) than her national margin. Meaning that Trump won the popular votes in the 49 non-California states (and D.C.) considered together.

The fact that I know what I'm talking about is exactly how I know you're talking out your ass with wishful thinking.


That's not at all how numbers work. Who told you this? No reasonable person comes to this sort of leaps of logic entirely on their own.

3 million Americans is 3 million Americans. You're trying to split hairs.

And it's ignoring the fact that dems had way more of their seats up for re-election than GOP.

>Why is it that we don't let German ISIS member talk to an American ISIS member?
Why would we? My side doesn't have to justify its actions to anyone.
Maybe terrorist sympathizers like you should do some explaining.
Answer your own question, disingenuous coward

I don’t need wishful thinking, that’s you. The right is doing amazingly going into 2020. The left on the other hand... borderline unelectable.

Embarrassing for you, considering the post you quoted isn't mine, and nor is the post it refers back to.
Genuinely consider suicide, you've got few other options at this point.

Learn why we have the electoral college.

That's what you said in 2018, and then the Blue Wave happened, resulting in the largest gains in the House by Democrats since Nixon. Your analysis is completely removed from reality. You work backwards from a conclusion. That's wishful thinking.

I did. Did you? Because if you did, you wouldn't want to bring up how slave owners used it to make their votes count for more.

>the blue wave happened
But it didn’t.

wtf are you even talking about
lol what side are YOU on?

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>muh slavery
Like clockwork. The united states isn’t a couple of coastal cities sweetie, all kind of people matter.

do it again, uncle billy!

Largest gains in the House by Democrats since Nixon is a fact that you can't deny, so all you can do is blither with the labeling. You're done. The right has gained no voters whatsoever, and they've been losing support since 2016 with every single promise that Trump breaks. Want to keep denying the Blue Wave? Go ahead. Your complacency is how the Blue Wave happened in the first place.

>all kind of people matter.
As long as they're white, of course.

>history doesn't matter as long as i use memes to deflect
Not how it works, user. Notice how you didn't actually correct me by saying what "the truth" is? That's because there isn't one besides the one I provided, and you know it.

they won a midterm, in an unimpressive fashion, lets see what happens in 2020. I hope the democrats can do something to win but we'll see

Why would you divest from a billion dollar business? it not comparable to a peanut farm.

Clinton won the national popular vote by 2.9 million votes. Clinton won the California popular vote by 4.3 million votes. What exactly is your problem with what I said there?

I'm pointing out that Clinton's popular vote advantage (and then some) can be accounted for by a single state. Meaning that the reasons behind the electoral college are still valid today, and simply repeating the national popular vote like it's the only consideration that matters does not contribute meaningfully to discussion of the issue.

It was a weak showing after the whooping they got in 2010, it wasn’t enough for them and it signals weakness for 2020. I love this cope you’re giving me though, keep those hopes up!

Let's not bring jews into this.

cool, so can we direct all those Hondurans to the No. 1 countries since we're doing so bad?

I’m not spoonfeeding you, you tremendous tinfoil retard. If you think that the electoral college is about keepin a brotha down, then i’m not interrupting an enemy while he makes a mistake.

Every conspiracy theory is convincing, that's why they persist.

>signs say innocuous, vapid shit instead of "gas the bikes, raucous war now"

The only people who would take this seriously are liberal baby boomers and sjws

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>like, actual nazis?
No. No you bloody retards, they're just discontent on being marginalized in the modern world. Their world views are being scoffed at and ignored or told that they are wrong and need to get with the times.

Now imagine some college kid with black rimmed glasses with a bad dye job and equally bad haircut/body odor is telling you, you are stupid and you are responsible for everything wrong with whatever quibble they have with whatever. It's a more obnoxious hippy but now they more political power due to younger congress who are more than okay with calling everything old as racist or extremist.

>it's okay to like mayonnaise

No. No it isn't. Maybe it would be if it weren't on every single goddamn motherfucking sandwich ever served in this country, but guess fucking what?

I absolutely fucking loathe mayonnaise in every sense of the word. I'm whiter than an episode of Full House, and this is the one stereotype that gets my goat, because mayo is absolutely fucking disgusting. Bite into a burger with mayo on it, and every single other flavor is pushed out of your mouth for that invasive, sickening sour taste.

>just ask for one with no mayo
I have. Several fucking times, and more than half of those times they didn't pay a lick of attention and slathered that contemptible slime on with glee, completely and utterly ruining the sandwich. Why can't subhuman mayofags just get it on the side and put it on themselves? The moment that shit touches the burger, it infects the whole thing like a vile parasite. Scrape all you fucking want, SOME of that dog semen-esque mockery of a condiment will still be there to remind you of God's absence.

The absolute fucking worst is the morons that insist a burger will be "dry" without mayo. If the burger is fucking dry, it's because its a fucking shit burger. A good burger patty is juicy, bite into it and you'll have all the "wet" you need.

If it wasn't fucking everywhere, if it wasn't poured in gallons onto every sandwich, if the request to remove it was honored correctly more than 25% percent of the time, then maybe, MAYBE, mayo would be not such a big deal. As it is, it's a culinary blight, and anyone who actively seeks it and request extra of it should be filed away with sex offenders.

Attached: steamedegg.png (841x849, 956K)

>right wing terrorism

People with tiki torches aren't terrorists.

Determined not to be. Also not done in bad faith because he was innocent. You have nothing.

How about you just look up the popular votes by state instead of wasting our time with half-assed math, and you will see it's not "only California" where Hillary won the popular vote.
Colorado, New Hampshire, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, the list goes on. Not just "California and DC together", and Trump did not "wun the popular otes in the 49 other states".
Fucking hell. Like you didn't even realize how bad your math is?

Because flyover states that nobody wants to live in were bitching about under representation

>muh state capitalism

also know as socialism

Urbanites are not the only Americans who count. Regional opinion matters.

It's not that you WON'T spoonfeed me, it's that you CAN'T, because in doing so you will only prove me right.
Just calling it weak doesn't make it weak. Largest gains by Democrats since Nixon remains an undeniable fact. You are still fiddling with labeling, because you can't deny the simple fact.

No, you bloody idiot. You are wrong.

Imagine a right winger throwing a milkshake, 24 hour news coverage.

They don't teach math in the south

>being proud of living in the rat cage

Nope, I just wont :^) please shout from on high how the electoral college is about keeping a brotha down, the more crazies like you out there, the better chance for the right to get stronger.

Attached: empathy.jpg (558x425, 35K)

Would result in jail time and total deplatformization.

>muh gib farm subsidies

>those group literally refer to themselves as white supremacist and neo-Nazi.

From the school of identifying as white meaning admitting to being a white supremacist, because race is a nazi social construct

Still better than ramming a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters

What does that have to do with the fact that you were objectively incorrect in your claim about Trump winning 49 states? And you are saying fucking New Mexico is more urban than Florida? You're just parroting talking points without thinking. It's like someone fed you bullshit to say and you regugrigate it.

>Nope, I just wont :^)
That's fine, that means my claim remains uncontested and I win the argument.
>b-b-b-but my rascally attitude
It just makes you look like the whiny bitch that you are.

>being proud of only having 1 starbucks in a 5000 mile radius
Enjoy the drive

Are these two suppose to be from the 90s or something? The 80s? Cuz honestly, those were worse times.

This may surprise you but I don't sympathise with any far left/far right organisations. Why would you react this way and tar me as a radical?

Trump has intentionally made it exponentially worse than it ever was under Obama.

Sending pipe bombs via the mail is though.

Obama didn't steal kids from parents and have parents sign their RIGHT to seek asylum away to get them back

Can we get a couple of “then one day for no reason people elected Hitler” images in reply to this post?

People were complaining about Obama border policies throughout his reign. It just wasn't national news because people were busy talking about how he was a secret Muslim Manchurian candidate sending people to FEMA death camps

No it's not, when the media says concentration camp they only think permanent detainment until those people die of starvation, overwork, or being gassed. They're aren't thinking of temporarily detained people.

People watch tv and believe it.

>Fucking hell. Like you didn't even realize how bad your math is?
I'm going to walk through this slowly, since you seem to not follow.

Clinton won the national popular vote by 2.9 million votes.

Clinton won the California popular vote by 4.3 million votes.

Now, add together all the vote totals from every state that is not California. Also add Washington, D.C. since the people there get to vote too.

2.9 - 4.3 = 1.4

The popular vote of the entire country apart from California (considered in aggregate) favored Trump by 1.4 million votes.

The addition of California to this consideration swings the popular vote to favor Clinton.

One state, therefore, can swing the national popular vote total. Seeing as California in fact did so.

The other states that Clinton won did not have a vote difference larger than the national 2.9 million vote difference, so they individually would not have been capable of swinging things by their absence.

One state being capable of swinging a national popular vote is something to be considered in discussion of whether or not a national popular vote for president is a good thing.

Got it now?

As an user who is allergic to eggs and will basically want to fucking die if I eat anything with mayo on it, I can identify with this.

Attached: youtellem.png (546x271, 53K)

Different anons, user. More than one person can disagree with you at a time.

>exponentially worse
What's the base here? Positive exponent or negative?

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That's true, but he did personally authorise every civilian drone strike on middle eastern families.

>most recent example is a genius from the 1980s who went HAM when they bulldozed his favor hiking spot

And the leftists didn't care because he was there guy, ironically only Alex Jones talked about it. As far as the birther thing that was never wide spread a tinfoil as Trump/Russia.

they weren't peaceful.

He means we should let them all in because other presidents didn't enforce the laws and it would be mean to do so now, keeping in mind Bush and Obama had a policy of letting literally every illegal stay here as long as they made it more than 100 miles across the border.

And the last example is from the past year, by a Trump supporter.

>Obama didn't steal kids from parents and have parents sign their RIGHT to seek asylum away to get them back

Sounds pretty awesome actually

those were fake and he was filipino aka not a white supremacist.

The Clinton campaign spent 800 million dollars to Trump's 400 million. Since 2008 Wall Street has pretty much always supported Democrats with massive amounts of cash because they're the party which will always bail them out.

Your push for popular vote driven by a billion dollars in corporate cash so they can continue ransacking the treasury while you pretend to give a fuck about corporations while you also oppose voter ID, in person voting for non-invalids and same day voting (like the majority of countries have to prevent obvious voter fraud and undermining the popular will) is so fucking disingenuous and frankly disgusting there is no reason to speak with you fucks

You aren't liberal you're just a retard with no principles and a lust for living vicariously through elites you """elected"""

This is not to speak of the infinite irony of simultaneously claiming to support "democracy" and then your reform to electoral college is to get rid of the 50 races we currently have- which are democratic in that they devolve power as close to local areas as possible- and have a nationwide vote. That is not democracy, that is painfully obviously mobocracy with a bunch of fucking corporate bullshit and fraudulent votes on top.

And this is considering you benefit from literally none of these policies, you just support them because in your head you think you'll have a fucking flying car and free money when in reality 10 years of bailouts and only the rich got richer, but I'm supposed to believe THIS time the Democrats will get it right and pass that FED cash to the people. No fucking thanks, faggot. 4 trillion in infrastructure spending will be the best thing the government has done for the people in decades and it isn't the fucking Democrats (who had all the time and power in the world to do it 10 years ago) who are behind it.

So save your whining about how cuckifornians weren't allowed to blow Goldman Sachs for another 4 years. Your vote is a joke.

>filipino aka not a white supremacist
Is that a challenge, user?

Attached: Banana American.png (693x710, 331K)

Facts don't matter, watch him talk about the proud boys and oafqueefers as though right-wing street gangs aren't entirely a response to antifa violence that started almost immediately after Trump was elected. He's upset because his side believes they should be able to punch you in the face, break your legs and get away with it and starts throwing a limpdick tantrum as soon as someone gets in his face and says "No". A little tyrant, wishes he was Stalin while he sits there with his 300 pounds of fat crowned by blue hair and a star wars t-shirt underneath his shitty chinbeard.

Actually. Clinton had 1.4 billion and Drumphf had 957 million.

But it is right wing terrorism.

Yeah but that includes congressional spending.

All fake plants/events, CIA shit designed to create dischord, fracture a unified populace and to have populace demand& pay for more surveillance,authortarianism & expansion of the MIC.
See Operation Chaos, COINTELPRO, Project MERRIMAC etc. These plants/events are on both the Left & Right. Notice that both sides have super radical extremists that most people dont align with. Most of us whether Right or Left are more to the center & dont agree with the extremists tactics or rhetoric on EITHER side. These “radicals” want to pull us apart from each other so we dont recognize any commonality with each other.

The problem is what you are trying to do is conserve the republic's status quo which automatically makes you part of one of the sides you reject. Congratulations, you'll be called a nazi in a few minutes.

This comic is about kids out of time from the 80s. Note that they don’t show them reacting to things like pride parade sex shows or Desmond is Amazing.

Do it again, uncle billy

>the people without guns think they can take on the majority of the military

kek. But seriously you deserve the impending genocide against your person.