ITT: Telltale signs a woman wrote a show

ITT: Telltale signs a woman wrote a show.
>Morally dubious character is presented as sympathetic and all of their questionable actions are excused because they were "in love"

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I want Eclipsa to molest me so bad. She is so fucking hot and was the best character on the show and the only reason season 3 and 4 were worth watching.

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>a male character doesn't use violence to fight back because he thinks it's "the right thing to do" instead because he knows his social standing would leave him in even worse situation

ITT: Telltale signs a woman wrote a show.
>Take a show a woman wrote and describe something specific to that show but pretend it's general even though you've got no other example.
Heh heh i'm clever take that roasties.

>Female character in male group
>In fights or slapstick, she avoids injury
>Comes off as a Mary Su and boys seem to be idiots around her.
>She can do nothing wrong, and boys apologize.


Attached: eclipsa the boy eater.png (869x916, 424K)

I'm sorry I interrupted your dilation session.

>constant singing especially during climatic battles
>defeating enemies with words, the power of love, etc
>you can forgive genocidal space tyrants but not some dude that tried to feel you up

>teen male character (straight) doesn't constantly get hot and bothered around good looking girls around him
>male character doesn't constantly check out women in the show
>gay male character "waits for the one" (who of course happens to be found in same school) instead fucking the first dude available because he wants to know what dick feels like after his gay awakening

>Show has nudity and gross-out humor
>Males can only do that.
Where's the female humor?

When I first read who made Star Vs. I went
>This Daron guy seems really creatively defunct if this is the show he wanted made.
Then I learned it was a woman named Daron.
Everything made sense after that.


Male writers do that too.

cope incel
>Female writer
>Writing a mostly male cast
>Talking about a cliche in every single generic action cartoon throughout the 90s to now typically marketed to boys
>Implying they're all or even mostly done by female writers
Are you legitimately fucking stupid.

>cope incel

Attached: incel.jpg (898x1468, 134K)

good, now kys

Go back to discord, tranny

>female character oggles every beefy dude/chick she sees
>so prevalent even the male cast notices


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Basically, it's obvious when your show is full male characters who think holistically. Holistic thinking is very female-like feature, while men think linearly. Men tend to think about the cause and effect which means going forward step by step, like reading a manual (which is why men are so into repairing vehicles etc.). Women don't want to do this, they see the balancing relationships between them instead attacking head-on on the problem.

This is why it's hard for me to find a male character like Steven very relatable. He's written by a woman and he thinks like a woman.

>Female slapstick exists in male written shows
>it's a cliche
peel and bleed


Don't you have something better to do with your time?

Oh I have one more
>male characters act around each other the same way they act around their beautiful female companion
>that one guy who's pretty chill when there's only guys around doesn't instantly turn into a douche towards others guys when a female characters steps in
>a new female companion doesn't affect the dynamics of the male group at all, instead is treated as equal partner
I mean I understand why this doesn't happen, in the end cartoons are just fantasy and it's probably unpleasant to think that in the end men see most women around them as potential romantic/sexual partners.

>Upwards of two gay characters

Nietzsche was a woman?

Yeah, kind of.

I think you got it wrong user. See, you are the transexual; therefore, you are the one who should dilate his taint not I.

>Don't enjoy anything with cheating
>But Eclipsa having Marco has her boytoy gets me rock hard

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That guy seems fun to hang out with though, incel.

>hanging around with pajeets


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>ITT: Telltale signs a woman wrote a show.
It sucks.

>man learns how to treat a lady episode
>man may transform into a woman to learn about them.
>no episodes of women learning how to treat a man
>no women transforming to feel what it's like to be a man
You'll never see anything like this in 2019.

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confirmed for never reading nietzsche

When it's so bad, not even Netflix wants it.

Nobody on this board has anything better to do with their time other than to make the same five threads.

How'd they get away with pic related, Yea Forumsmrades?

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Butch Hartman used to be based. Now he's a tool and uses Christianity as a front to disguise his arrogant shitty behavior.

>Nobody on Yea Forums has anything better to do with their time other than to make the same five threads

Male characters are content in sexless relationship because it's "uwu so pure". This is what Christcucks tell themselves and then they end up raping little boys so there you go.

Whether your male character is straight, gay or bi you should never assume they are going to be happy with not having sex unless they're like 10 years old like South Park kids and they're still not at the point they are constantly thinking about fucking.

Also male characters who are "bitchy" but badly cover it up with niceness. See this type of guys a lot especially in web comics. When a man is pissed off you know it because it's very quick and raw, there's no time for games.

Don't get me wrong I do like some male characters women write. Especially pic related bottom bitch boys who are good fetish fuel.

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>Make thread
>No (yous)
>Derailed and shitposts everywhere
>Jannies and mods kill it
When will you realize, until you make a meme thread, don't expect it to last 2 days before it gets shot down to pg 10.

Severe oversight on my part for certain

Attached: done.gif (300x225, 1.07M)

Telltale signs an incel started a thread.


Chad Cosmo

Eclipsa is the best character in the show though, and it really shows.

>Characters are obsessed with their emotions and how they feel
>Male characters cry incessantly

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A display of Jungian anima possession for men and animus possession for women.

>Male characters are content in sexless relationship because it's "uwu so pure"

Or maybe this is because the relationships are taking place in children's cartoons so they can't really talk about sex? Name one adult series done by a woman that has male characters in an explicitly sexless relationship.

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>male character
the only time that should ever happen is another character dying/something really heart wrenching and even then they should play it off as rain or something.

Off the top of my head I remember roger rabbit being in some sort of psudo-sexual relationship with jessica rabbit, and baby herman, from the same movie, having some allusion to a sex life.

Who am I to believe?