So...this is the Maker right? Ultimate Reed Richards? Everything going on here is pretty much exactly what Ult. Reed did in his little pocket universe thing back in the Ultimate Universe.
So...this is the Maker right? Ultimate Reed Richards? Everything going on here is pretty much exactly what Ult...
No. He's already going to be a villain in two other books coming out at the same time and the flashback stuff in Powers of X makes it all the less likely.
So Hickman is just retooling everything from that Storyline here then?
It's like poetry. It rhymes. Also, this has far more in common with Ultimate X-men's Utopia arc than it does Hickman's Ultimates.
>So...this is the Maker right?
Fuck no. How many times does this have to be spelled out to you? It is not the maker.
Why does he look so twee?
No, it's not Maker. It's Hickman being Hickman and scorching earth turning Xavier into an INO version of himself to fit his bullshit view that "real good guys" are amoral pieces of shit who are above morals and ethics and do sick, depraved shit because they are God's chosen ones by birth/divine right and being born with super powers.
And Hickman's forever been butt-hurt that Bendis screwed him over years ago by killing Xavier off in AvX; effectively denying Hickman usage of him in New Avengers.
Had Hickman been allowed to use Xavier instead of Beast in New Avengers, he'd already be like this and Hickman would have forced the X-Book writers to write Xavier with a mask over his face and remove all of his good qualities and write him as being just as much of a racist bigot as Silver Age Magneto.
I haven't read cape comics for a few years, but is this really not the maker?
Why is this character design identical to the maker if not?
No it's not the Maker, the script of HoX #1 confirms that this is Xavier
Because this story is being written by the guy who created The Maker.
Fuck me that's some lazy shit
oy vey
There are many Makers, user, and they all work together. Hell, it wouldn't even be the first time Maker has brought in another body from an alternate universe to further his plans. This would hardly be a stretch for him.
And then there's the fact that the Powers of X/House of X runs use the 1610 font, which makes the whole "he can't be Maker because Maker is doing something else" and endless threads about how the X-Men's 616 timeline taking place over 10 years makes no sense fairly moot. These stories very likely aren't taking place in 616.
Nice get, user
And yet I still very much doubt Hickman would want Maker all over a bunch of books he has nothing to do with if he had big plans for him, duplicates or not.
And the font means absolutely jack shit. Tons of 616 books have used that font before, including Morrison’s run. This is such a moronic theory that’s going to be demolished the moment any non-X-Mem book refers to this run’s events.
You, user, don't seem to know Hickman. He delights in his own cleverness. He uses a lot of misdirection and red herrings (sometimes at crossed purposes). He tosses out breadcrumbs with his charts, charts, charts. He loves slathering his work in Latin and even makes up his own fake languages so he can doll out messages before you can read it. Of course this time someone just as nuts as he did figured out the language ahead of time. This could indeed be Maker. Or it could be legitimately Charles. Or Charles psychically infected by his time in Red Skull's skull resulting in his Mutants Über Alles scheme. Or it could be High Evolutionary. Or Doom, because why not. Or it could be a Charles clone or time displaced psionic ghost of Charles or any other number of shit.
All this arguing is reminding me of the anons who swore Maker wouldn't still pathetically in love with Sue because he'd spent a thousand years doing other shit. Yeah, we saw how that was. But hey, Hickman had already handed over that run to someone else so maybe they fucked with the story. It helps some people sleep at night.
>It could be the Maker. Or it could not be.
Brilliant argument. Truly a post of substance.
You seem to be under the impression that at any point I was attempting to prove, conclusively, that it was Maker. I never at any time did so. I merely provided what information (which wasn't my own but taken from numerous other threads on this subject) that show it could be Maker or that this might not even be 616. Since I was responding to someone (you?) who said it could not be Maker I believe just pointing out his current situation as spread in numerous instances across the universe and that he has utilized multiple versions of himself in the same universe before can easily disprove that one mention of why it could not be Maker.
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
>Hickman likes a certain aesthetic
>literally the same vein as all his other books
Fucking Hell. Might as well say it's Newton. Christ, sometimes there's no subversion. This is just Xavier who's changed due to things we'll get to see in HoX & PoX. Jesus Christ... Maybe it's goddamn Fantomex taking control of his body and going on a rampage like in X-Force, in the vein of Red Skull using Xavier's brain. Wait and see. But nah, you people are so braindead you see a similar design and your brain just stops.
Like others said, it may or not be Maker. Ironically the similarities to Maker are just as likely to mean it isn't Maker than showing it could be Maker. Hickman might want you to think it isn't Maker because that's too obvious and then later in a GOTCHA reveal, oh shit, it's Maker. Whodathunk?
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we see X without his mask showing it was really Charles only, oh wait, Maker was stretching his face to look like Charles this entire time! Or it's really Charles only Maker shrunk himself down, crawled in Charles' ear, and is piloting him as a kind of flesh mech by stretching to tap individual nerve endings. Anything is possible no matter how stupid it sounds. Throws himself in a time bubble, destroys Europe, almost ends the world, but he was really just doing it because he can't get over blond thots. No wonder The City dumped him.
I'm not just seeing a similar design or aesthetic. I'm seeing similar methods and execution. They are calling themselves a Family with Xavier set as the Father. Everyone has unfathomable loyalty to him believing he knows best. Very Cult like. He is creating something to benefit humanity and help them for the better but it is actually a political tool to give him leverage. I believe that Orchiss or whatever its called is also working for him in order to create the threat needed to eventually create some kind of incident he can use as a rally point to start a war with Humanity and Mutants.
I also believe that all the X-Men are pod people clones or something along those lines. Everyone is to happy and nice, with the exception of Magneto and the Cuckoos, and Mystique, the former of which are just being intentionally intimidating.
There's that weird moment in the first issue of HoX where the Professor welcomes Jean and tells her that she's safe there. Why would he even need to do that? There's no way she'd bring a bunch of kids to Krakoa if she didn't already know it was safe, right?
I mean we have a somehow self-aware island run by an incredibly powerful telepath who is wearing an incredibly powerful telepathic amplification helmet. This all reeks of mind control mayhem. No wonder Wolverine actually looks happy.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that moment was "Xavier" reinforcing whatever telepathic mind control he is using and that tears she shed was like her reacting to whats happening to her and everyone else.
Imagine being this mad
I've seen suggestions that this is Maker fucking with the X-Men as a smokescreen. His real design is getting his hands on Franklin, hence the stated obsession Krakoa has on obtaining all Omegas. Why? Supposedly to fuck with the local Reed. Screw up his happy family and obtain the child Ultimate Reed never had with Sue. The kids powers are another reason. Little fucker helped create a brand new multiverse after all.
Apparently Maker's goals these days is fostering the "evolution of the multiverse". Whatever the hell that means. He's also repeatedly been made a total chump. Apparently despite being the ultimate 5000D chess player something in the makeup of 616 retards, snerksnerk, his intelligence.
>the font means absolutely jack shit
The font difference has been a big thing with modern Marvel specifically to differentiate between 616 and 1610. Displaced characters from 1610 visiting 616 typically use 1610's font. When Miles earned a favor from Molecule Man by giving him a sandwich he was made a native of 616 complete with switching to 616's native font. Relatively recently when Maker restored 1610 complete with resurrecting the Ultimates they used the 1610 font.
That font showing up in these stories is surely important, but it isn't certain what it means. This could be taking place in an altered 1610, another universe that uses the same font, a pocket dimension that mimic's 1610's properties, or, referring back to earlier in my post, if this is Maker maybe he somehow altered 616 to allow for the restoration of his full intelligence and the font is meant to show this tampering. I wouldn't put that past Hickman, but at the same time I don't know what any of this means. I don't see any point in trying guess what Hickman will do, but I expect it to be convoluted.
>So...this is the Maker right?
So... you are a faggot, right?
Cape villains usually just have the same story with a different coat of paint
Look at apocalypse, thanos, Doom, when they go full villain. It’s rare it’s anything really new.
Jesus christ, you Maker fags are retarded.
>Relatively recently when Maker restored 1610 complete with resurrecting the Ultimates they used the 1610 font.
And it was shit.
What kind of gay ass pose is this? Its like he wants us to get a bonero off this trap. Bit h looks like he wants a good dickin. Fuckin hands all sideways and shit. Mouth all smug. Doesnr even have the balls to show us his pretty fucking eyes. What a bitch. Whoever drew this us gay as fuck.
>get btfo
>u-u-u-u m-m-m-mad
Take the L faggot
Xavier was already shown coming out wrong after getting imprisoned by the Shadow King with his all around fucked up revival.
>This would hardly be a stretch for him.