Making Manhattan the threat works better
Making Manhattan the threat works better
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>An American weapon murders millions
>Other nations being cool with this after the shock wears off
The squid alien falls apart after the lightest scrutiny. The level of conspiracy Ozymandias would need to keep up over the years to keep up the pretence that it really was an alien attack would extend to hundreds if not thousands of people.
At least Manhattan is a known and quantifiable threat, that nobody would be able to deny
It doesn’t, because it asks other nations to be totally fine with America after the super weapon she’s used as a cudgel to advance her foreign policy for decades misfires.
If the US nuclear stockpile started taking out cities at random, the response wouldn’t be “let’s peacefully form a national government.” But “We can’t trust the US with power, they got to either go or be restrained forever.”
I forgot how bad the filter in this movie was
1. The entire point was that Ozy was no better than the other superhumans at solving irl problems. His entire conspiracy was busted by autist Question and fat Batman because he has to kill the Comedian with his bare hands rather than blow him up like his other kills.
2. The Manhattan version of the plan has just as many red flags and tells.
In both versions the dude surrounds himself with more bodies than the Clintons all paid by companies with cute wink wink names like Pyramid deliveries. You squint at Adrian Veidt you come up with giant paper trails and questions.
This is why Rorschach was right, and the beginning of Doomsday Clock with people calling for Veidts head made sense
>Moore writes Veidt hiring an assasin to kill him and then killing the assasin to show “hey I’m not the cape killer.”
>This is to show that the man is insane. People are of course going to be investigating the hell out of him and his company after some nameless rando tries to kill him, especially when Rory is likely to be added to the cape killer conspiracy kill count now that he’s MIA after escaping prison.
Even Johns realized that there was no way even without the journal for Veidts plan not to crumble.
The first of many interesting ideas that were dropped almost at once...
How? An alien monster helps sell the idea we need to gang up together and stop a threat to the entire race. Manhattan being the threat pisses off every other country and potentially starts WW3 after America's living weapon turns on humanity.
>Manhattan attacked all major world powers, including America
>welp, better nuke America
What? I can see them saying “we told you so” but why would it start WW3?
They're both stupid and won't fool anyone for long. But at least with the squid, it's an intangible and alien threat that will at face-value convinces people that there are forces out there greater than Earth's fickle nations that require cooperation to defend against. Everybody knows Manhattan and his connection to the US, so him being the cause of the destruction isn't going to be a catalyst for peace anytime soon.
tldr: Oz will always be wrong
For all the “le epic twenty minutes ago” memes Adrian was just as stupid as any supervillain.
His computer terminal in his own office has everything on it and the password is Ramses II.
That’s not even going into how stupid it is thinking Earth is going to form a benevolent one world government. Who gets to head the new government Ozy? America? USSR? China?
Johns is an expert at making interesting plot threads and then dropping them.
The stupidest part was Ozy thinking that faking a space alien threat would make the superpowers get rid of their nukes...
Those would be the main and only viable arsenal available to them for potentially fighting aliens, why would they get rid of them?
>gee guys, I’m sorry our bio weapon that you always said was a bad idea just inflicted mega deaths. We cool?
Think 9/11, but it’s America causing it on the entire world.
Because Manhattan's American, thus offering a country to pinpoint blame on. That was the whole point of the squid alien, to unite Earth against a foreign agent. If the agent's instead internal, everything's going to turn against it- and in Manhattan's absence, his creators shoulder the fault.
No one would give a shit if America got attacked by Manhattan, if anything people would say they had it coming for bringing him into existence in the first place. But people would absolutely look for somewhere to place the blame, and the US government was the one who chose to use him in Vietnam and other government-based programs. All this does is shift an all out global war into an attack on the United States.
They wouldn’t. But that’s the entire point. At the end of the series things are just as they were before with seedy tensions hidden under propangada bullshit. Dan and Laurie pretend to be happy and chill but are living in disguise and Laurie talks about buying a gun.
It never ends.
Dude, you’re really thinking too much about Moore’s writing. He literally decided what the ending would be in the last couple issues after watching an Outer Limits episode, which he then stole the ending from. His editor told him he couldn’t just steal an ending like that, and he quit when Moore refused to change it
Actually, wouldn't in theory both movie and book reach the same ending, just taking different ways to get there? In the movie obviously everyone goes to America since Manhattan was US-made, but surely in the book once the truth comes out because of Rorschach's diary and general investigations, the world's countries will be crying for America's blood too since Veidt's in the US?
>His computer terminal in his own office has everything on it and the password is Ramses II.
Don’t forget his gay porn
As Lex Luthor said to Adrian, “If you’re the smartest person on your planet, I would hate to meet the dumbest.”
If your gonna call him Question then call call the others Thunderbolt and Blue Beetle. Youre hurting my legitimate autism
I love that for all of Ozymandias planning, in the end he still asks Manhattan if he did the right thing.
Only New York got blown up in the comic, so I don’t know why the rest of the world would be calling for America’s blood due to veidts actions
>His editor told him he couldn’t just steal an ending like that
Yeah because we all know great writers like Stan Lee never stole anything from a B movie
>Manhattan then resurrects the comedian but not rorschach
Fuck you blue man group
his editor wasn't lee
He probably really disliked him. Roarsach is focused on minutiae while Manhattan is a big picture guy. Meanwhile, Comedian is related to his wife.
His wife hated the dude though
No, because it's illogical for the Russian early warning systems to assume that Manhattan's assault on their cities was purely his own idea.
Second strike would have been optioned immediately. Nuclear war would have begun.
>The superman exists, and he's American
Who the fuck do you think the rest of the world is going to blame?
Veidt maintaining a cult-like secret society surrounding his big plan is cool so shut up
why do you get up in the morning? can you not?
>What I actually said was... GOD exists, and he is American
God. They’ll blame god
From my point of view, Ozy's plan is more of a testament to his ego rather than poorly written supervillain-ish stupidity. He clung to his dumb fake alien invasion plan because it was HIS uber special idea - he thinks he is destined for greatness, after all, and thus believes his "greatest plan" must be infallible.
Pyramid deliveries and its computer passcode are still dumb, however
>Unite humanity against an unkillable entity
>This somehow makes more sense than uniting against beings that CAN be killed
>Literally have a file named Manhattan
I cringe every time some normie bastard thinks Ozy was a great villain.
1. Not to defend Moore's writing, but any dumbass that can read beyond a surface level should be able to tell that Ozy was meant to be a supervillain version of Dan and Rory--completely incapable at solving real world problems and who uses attempts at solving them to vent his own psychological hangups.
For fucks sake, he had the whole pirate comic subplot as a way to drag out the point for the smooth-brain readers.
2. Everyone points out Architects of Fear. Hardly everyone points out that Dr. Manhattan was the result of stealing Billy Pilgrim and splicing him with Firestorm.
I can't wait for Johns to not explain why to.
Fucking Johns.
Reminder that Manhattan was totally fine with kicking Veidt's ass until he watched the television.
Osterman doesn't like Veidt at all.
He's gonna regret saying that once Clark hands Dr. Blue Dick his own ballsack.
>cool with it
You autistc?
>Other nations blame america cant handle their weapon, will band together to prepare for manhatten if america pays reperations!
Manhatten can sense or knows the future. Its like asking a medium. Or with manhatten criptic words, the eightball.