This movie’s fucking awesome holy shit. Edgar Wright is a genius

This movie’s fucking awesome holy shit. Edgar Wright is a genius.

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it's shit compared to the Comics.

I know this is based on a comic but please go back to

They made Scott less of a tool which ruined the entire point of the comics

but it's not itself a comic so fuck off to Yea Forums thanks

Honestly I enjoy it better. The comics might have been “deeper” and told a more complex story with a way more morally grey protagonist but the sheer polish that the movie shines with makes the simpler more fairy tale storytelling work. It’s fucking great in its own right.

I like it for one reason

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The game was better

And better than the comic


Wright’s best film.

Shit taste you have there

You're a fucking moron if you actually believe that.


Go and fuck your gay Stephen Stills, Brian


I really hate Ramona Flowers. There is nothing good about her. She's a slut, a bitch, has pink hair, and never takes accountability for her actions.

I think Ramona leaving Scott for Gideon came too out of nowhere in the movie.

People change, user. Scott freed her from her own past mistakes. You didn't even take in that they started over at the end of the book.

Also, character development is a thing.

Shit movie. Shit comic.

Plus Micheal Cera was a horrible casting choice.

This but unironically

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I'm old enough to remember when Yea Forums HATED the comic. Who else 'members the "IT'S PRETTY OBSCURE, YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER HEARD OF IT" meme?