Spawn #299

Spawn #299

last issue before 300


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had to compress the shit out of this page to get it under 4 megs, but it should look fine

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Nice issue.
Thanks, OP.

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And that's that.

Download links are in the Win-O' Thread.

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Which cover is this a parody of?

Amazing Spider-Man #299

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A Ditko style 6 panel. I love that

The only one of my dads comics grandma didnt throw out. That issue started my Spidey collection

Pretty cool of Todd to keep you in mind when making that cover

>Spawn #299
>last issue before 300
you don't say

wow that was terrible. how is this still being printed?

Yeah, Todd is a cool dude. Remember his introductions to every Spawn cartoon episode? Definitely not ridiculous

I think the blurbs make it obvious. Spawn will keep going until Todd feels secure in his record of longest running creator owned comic. So probably like 350 or so.

Wait so he's just straight up Venom now.

McFarlane and Larsen founded Image and are the only Image founders who kept working their books and getting them out on time and everything, even after everyone else stopped giving a shit and quit or farmed the books out to others to run.

As such they are basically legacy books/vanity projects that parasitically feed off the money made by the more successful creator owned books at Image.

It's really a tragic irony that despite their earlier pro creator claims Image is perhaps one of the worst ego driven studios around. Marvel and DC are complete shit shows but you don't expect anything else from a corporate first studio.

It was literally founded on ego, why would it be different some 30 years later.

if anyone is still up right now, can you explain what is going on with spawn? I used to collect him in the 90s. i loved the books. I think i got all the way up until al simmons went heel, killed himself and Jim took over..

I remember the heaven and hell war, the child that died as a result of al beating wanda that came back to fight al and all that..

now it seems like issue 300 is spawn against heaven and hell again? its literally the same story again?

It’s not really a tragedy. It’s not like they’re stopping the creation of great comics like Saga.

No problem.

I love it, he's just rubbing in all the crying bitches faces.

Has he been doing parodies of issues with identical issue numbers?

Todd McFarlane clearly is not a writer. His narrations are amateurish to say the least.

That said, I'm still genuinely looking forward to issue #300. It's surreal to see this once-popular character still around and reaching this "milestone" and I can't say it isn't honestly pretty cool from a nostalgic standpoint.

bumping for others

Anyone looking forward to Spawn in Mortal Kombat 11?