Why does Marvel love to shit on him so much?

Why does Marvel love to shit on him so much?

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I've never seen a character who is as blatantly disrespected as Hank Pym.

The slap

Because he can take it.

What about it?

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After a simple miscommunication among creators, and discovering a cheap source of drama, Marvel forever damned Hank Pym. They love to pretend Hank is a wife beater, because the shocking imagery and "HES CRAZAY" shit is just easy to write around

Eh, he's got it better than some folks.

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Because of how shitty the attempts to dig him out were.
I'm not sure I've ever read anything as cringe inducing as Slott's attempts in his Mighty Avengers run in comics.

Some day, it will get better

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Two reasons:
1. Stan and crew never knew what the fuck to do with him in the 60s, and to make sense of that in-universe the writers were forced to make him a guy with identity issues.
2. That fucking panel. Everyone knows what im talking about

>"HES CRAZAY" shit is just easy to write around
They're not writing around it, they are just flat out ignoring it

The whole "HE CRUAZEY" shit is really fucking cheap when its not even properly explored, you could make a great story about him telling his PoV or being an accidental scientists turned hero and him having issues with that, like struggling because he doesn't wanna be a hero he preffers being a scientist first, yet feels like he owes the world this shit because he lives on the marvel universe where people like reed richards are also superheroes him having the pressure of responsability from both being a hero and a scientist, and to top it off a husband, him reaching a breaking point he would regret for the rest of his life and hitting the love of his life, he really has a lot of potential.

Ohhhh come on! Stark is safe thanks to the MCU at least... when was the last time someone mentioned when he killed Yellowjacket and the others during The Crossing? yeah, he was controlled by Kang but nobody even mentions it! they aren't even mentioning Civil War anymore.

You call this being safe?

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Next think you know he'll be wearing a collar and getting whipped by nogs.

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Based Ant-Man 3 poster

>Hank has it better than Stark

do yall think ant-man 3 will be apart of phase 5

i know phase 4 might do some switching around

>love to shit on him so much?
That's one of the oldest meme but the truth is Pym does fine most of the times, during his time as the Wasp he was posite on all fronts.
The thing is, sometimes he set himself to a fall from grace bacause he is an insecure who think he has to prove his worth to the others and in doing so, he mess up. The last time it wasn't even on him but on Ultron being needy (and he still had some good moments, like the Avengers' dinner).

Hank Pym is crazy. He has always been unstable. The slap happened because of that, not the other way around.

we will be seeing cassie lang aka stature shortly