ITT-Yea Forums characters that you seem to be the only one whos a fan of
ITT-Yea Forums characters that you seem to be the only one whos a fan of
Why does he always add a fuckin G to words
it's le quirky
Its a gag on the old trope of ventriloquists not being able to pronounce b without moving their lips.
The face paint thing just looks so fucking dumb.
These guys
That blue flame girl is looking pretty fuckable desu
Fucking hated what Gotham did to that character towards the end of Season 5.
You're dumb!
Why didnt they confiscate the puppet?
Did you ever see her in that Suicide Squad movie?
Unironically did nothing wrong
You mean that trashy punk chick who kissed Doctor Douche? No thank you
Star HAD fans.
Not any longer, at least by sane people.
trashy punk chick appeals to my low standards but I get why you wouldn't like it.
makes him sound more like an old-fashioned, fat jowl'd italian mobster to me
Second-best Knightfall villain, but pic related beats him out.
>50 thousand Gucks
Wesker just makes other puppets out of whatever he can get. Remember "Socko"?
I unironically like both but wish they were two separate characters.
On top of that they gave Scarface a prison uniform too.
He's not very good at ventriloquism.
try to make a b sound without moving your lips...
Why do you guys like these characters?
Jarro is so cute.
I wish Bushwacker was associated with Punisher more than, say, Kingpin or Jigsaw. He's the only super powered villain Frank stands a chance against
Here he is. I love how he calls Batman dad.
Always loved Scarface, ever since the Batman Adventures comic that gave him one hell of an origin (way better than the "possessed wood" one in the main DCU).
He had to do it a lot to get past the guck filter, now it's become a habit.
I like that current Speedball still has the Penance spikes in his costume
Wesker would go catatonic without it until the point he woudn't even bother to eat.
Aren't seasons 1 and 2 unironically good?
I thought Ventriloquist was pretty popular.
You are not alone user, I love him in both arcs
Are these the Metal Men's arch enemies?
Not really, the first season is too lol-random; mexican karate kid and hyperactive magical girl fight bumbling henchman.
Season 2 is good, and we'll never get something like it again.
Season 3 was bad, and Season 4 made me think of Old Yeller.
They're the gas gang, one of the Metal Men's enemies, yeah. Though the green guy in the back is an OC that was only in this cartoon episode.
>Picture for ants?
I guess she doesn't know
What happened?
This guy would be fine if he had debuted in a comic other than Batman's. He's going to be in Gunn's Suicide Squad so you can probably guess what will happen to him.
Why waste good villains in a show that doesn't even have batman in it
Gotham, Krypton, WB & DC love making idiotic decisions. Whoever the fuck thought "lets remove the main character, they'll draw in viewers!"
This guy got shot in the head in the same episode he got Scarface and before Bruce became Batman...
What’s the fucking point?
I'm pretty sure a genetically manipulated gorilla can get a huge penis.
The actor was perfect for the character, and they utterly wasted him for a cheap death scene.
I think that everyone that knows about Green Lantern loves him
Actual chad
I like these guys too
Who is he?
Which one was that?
Would Scarface's "G" habit make him too narmy in a darker toned Batman show?
dont say narmy
but no, the whole thrust behind the character is that its a violent criminal gangster trapped in the body of a meek milquetoast goober and is only let out when he has the appropriate puppet.
he's a portrait of real mental disorder, but with a gimmick
there are real stories to be told about a man who can commit mafia atrocities while completely disassociating from them because there's a wooden puppet between them
I guess viewers would eventually get used to it.
Yeah. Especially if the puppet also is hostile toward the person controlling it.
Isn't he also Selina's baby daddy?
Get cucked new earth Bruce.
Poor Top, they tried to replace him not once, but twice in the New 52. He had a small appearance in Rebirth though, so hopefully he gets to be the focus of a story again
This is from Dredd vs. Batman, isn't it? I remember reading this one as a kid.
No. As far as I can find, he fought her in War Games. That's it.
batman aniamted series was dark enough.
What comic is this from?
>Isn't he also Selina's baby daddy?
Selina's baby daddy was Smart Bomb.
I REALLY liked Mr. Fun in the original story he appeared in. Then he just vanished for years, returned as a shitty throwaway one panel villain in War Games I think, then vanished again permanently. I never see anybody even mention him.
I loved Bloodhound, DC's short-lived attempt at having a Punisher (kind of). Nobody else did, I think his comic sold like 4k per issue and was canceled at issue 8 or something. But it was fucking great and the character had tons of potential.
DC #661. Part of the Knightfall arc.
The best I can hope for is an animated short like they did for Spectre and Jonah Hex.
Share a clip with us, user.
Both old and the new one. Shame Birds of Prey is gonna fuck it up
Forgot pic, Goddamnit
I liked the og comics version of him best, without the dumb creole accent they gave him in the cartoon. I just think he's neat. I'd like to see a deathbattle between him and killer croc
Based Jason
it's the story with the old lady, CEO of wayne entreprise and friend of martha who's secretly a mob boss right ?
yes for under the red hood jason
no for nu52 edgy boi outlaws
Jason Macendale as Hobgoblin
A better character than Matt Hagen.
Does that look like Antman to you?
If you're going to drop a Bombshell, make sure its big enough to get the job done.
Clayface. Not be confused with Clayface, Clayface, Clayface, Clayface or Clayface (Lady)
Oh, I only know the TAS Ron Perlman one. I mean, melting people is pretty badass, but srsly fuck those other clayfaces.
All of them dead and gone because the original non-powered version didn't like copycats.
Captain atom
He’s the only supervillain I find horrifying.
He should play larger roles outside comics
What about Savage Skull, Corrosive Man, and Cornelius Stirk?
Where is that from?
I wonder how he'd get along with the Spinner
Yeah, I really like this guy. Cool powers, cool backstory, cool personality.
His original comic's really fun too.
>Yea Forums characters that you seem to be the only one whos a fan of
Have fun diagramming that sentence.
Does anyone here on Yea Forums loves the this good alien boi
that's a great design. looks like murder to draw though.
>not a chick and not from Mars
Yes. You are the only one who’ll likes this character.
Magpie (Pre-Gaga)
Enemy Ace/Hans Von Hammer
Vigilante (more the run itself, seeing how there was about four men in the costume in the 50 odd issues)
Dr. Hugo Strange
The Mime (purple punk slut not the johns oc)
Mustang Suzy
Unknown Soldier
More Bat-Villains than i care to name
Late 80's Manhunter
A good chance at least two of you already know who i am desu
I seem to be in the minority as an Arcade fan, especially after Arena/Undercover.
Know that on this day we are brothers, anons.
Good taste. Preston Payne is best Clayface.
Because comics
Socko was a good man who deserved better
You could just pull old Speedball out of a different universe/ time
Boom problem solved
This version of prankster, i hate what new 52 did to him.
Not that user, but what i like about Preston and what i find most terrifying is that he's a totally chill dude up until he isn't. Those guys you mention are crazy all the time. Preston will be there watching his stories, minding his own business but then suddenly lose his shit and melt you into jello.
>The Mime (purple punk slut not the johns oc)
my wife
One issue waifu
Hey now! A few one panel blink and miss cameos count. maybe.
The Lego Batman Movie writers must have been skimming through Wikipedia.
Circus of Crime
Lee and Ditko wrote an issue with the clown as the main bad guy and it was really lame.
Well I am the only fan.
Right. I forgot that's what this thread was about.
How bout a whole panel full of them?
>So based he jumped from Marvel and had a cameo in the Suicide Squad film
There was never going to be a full batman series based on that universe, but even if there was they could always use the second ventriloquist
Excellent taste user
Didn't Preston get blown up by Prometheus?
Legitimately my favorite character in Superior Foes of Spider-Man.
And I'm not being hyperbolic.
I prefer the classic design