You are now the CEO of Disney what do?
You are now the CEO of Disney what do?
Cease production of all live-action films.
Do anything in my power to cancel Amphibia.
Rid the company of its family ftiendly image, massively tone down the princess shit, the next star wars movie is a hard R spin off about dr evazan
Stop pandering to women. I swear, this short video over here sums up everything wrong with the Disney Corporation:
One of the reasons I can't stand Disney is how everything they make is Pro-Female and of course anti-male.
I hated disney for this exact reason as a kid, everything was too safe and made for girls. I liked some of their movies but that was stuff like atlantis or lilo and stitch.
literally eyes wide shut stuff
Kill KK and reboot the Star Wars franchise
>shitfinity stain
Bring back Alien Encounter, first priority.
Internally sabotage the company, right by right, asset by asset until the company ia weak. Then declare bankcruptcy on one of the biggest companies in existence.
I liked some of their movies too like Treasure Planet and Emperor's New Groove, but surprise? They were failures. And once I saw the Disney Princess Brand? Yeah I knew Disney wasn't at all for me. If you got a cock and balls Disney has nothing for you.
Ironically? Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars and what did they do with that? Feminized it. Sure it took a while, but Marvel's Pro-Female garbage is blatantly becoming evident now after Comic Con. And Star Wars? We already saw what Disney did to it years ago and will continue to do after completing the trilogy (because they refuse to fire that Feminist cunt Kathleen Kennedy when they had the chance and they hire other bastards like JJ Abram who has harmed Star Trek as well).
The real depressing thing is Disney can continue cranking out their garbage and stupid ass normies from China, South America, Japan, Africa, etc. will always gladly support the fucking mouse. Fuck.
stop all remakes.
>0 google results
Reopen 2-D animation studio
Collect my pension.
Immediately cancel all film production and begin development on a new theme park styled after 1980s EPCOT that will be larger than all four WDW parks combined.
>Fire every last woman who works for the company, buy out the contracts of anyone I can't directly fire
>Cease all production of live action films effective immediately, and immediate layoffs of all film crews
>Sell all licensed properties with an asking price of $1
>Sell off any remaining physical assets, Disney parks go to the Chinese, Czech's get the studios
>Directly pocket this money and hire brokers to crash the stock and pay off lawyers to avoid insider trading charges
>Rename the company "Walt's Jew Killing House of Fun" And redirect film assets to holocaust denial and hardcore porno
>Move to an island and hire mercs to protect me from angry people
Declare a split of shares
Make R-rated animated movies, with lots of blood, swearing, and T&A.
They WILL do that.....when they can automate it somehow and believe me that's what they want and are working to achieve. That way? They can seriously have a monopoly on both CGI and 2D animation. And Paperman is the key to making this tech possible. Perfect that to the point not even an autist obsessed with 2D hand drawn animation can tell the difference and that's it. Disney will own the medium again and crank out good looking films on the cheap.
>Collect a really big check.
>Bring back 2D animation.
Inevitably get fired by the BoD for 2D's lack of financial success.
>Ride financial parachute into retirement
Like other anons said, I would stop all the live-action remakes.
Revive traditional animation.
Focus on making fun movies, not politically correct ones.
Bring back Spectacular Spider-Man for a third season, Finally make the Force Unleashed 3
They're expressing disbelief that that cringeworthy post isn't a copypasta
Aggressively buy the TMNT from Viacom.
>How does one "feminize" the franchise that have us "into the garbage chute you flyboys" anonymous?
Would a copypasta be better? Wouldn't those get tiresome and repetitive?
Donate entire back catalog rights to the Smithsonian, rendering it equivalent to public domain.
Keep everything else and see how long it lasts.
everyone here gets voted out by the stockholders
>all these people thinking they could simply dismantle Disney without being fired at the first sign of being retarded
>Focus on making fun movies, not politically correct ones.
We kind of live in an era where make believe is expected.
Can you imagine the CHAOS that would happen to any company that dares to show women realistically? You know how women are often portrayed as default smart and strong? Imagine female characters being dumb and weak. Imagine the reaction that today's politically correct losers would have.
I am a stockholder. I have $5500 in shares
Ah but you see, this post is ALREADY tiresome. It's half way there.
Fun movies don't have to appeal to the left or the right. They're just fun for everybody. They have a good story and well-written characters. The offended people are what I like to think of as "collateral damage." They really don't matter, or at least they shouldn't.
You can make strong feminine characters. It's just feminists will be assblasted, as they tend to react negatively to the assertion that everything they've been harping on about has only made them more miserable.
But politically correct cgi movies and live action remakes make money.
I agree. Nothing wrong with strong female characters. Speaking for myself, I think lopsided gender roles are cringey whether it's men or women. Either way, they should be good characters first and foremost!
>If you got a cock and balls Disney has nothing for you.
What is Star Wars and MCU?
>make money.
True, but they don't have lasting cultural value. They will never be timeless or any serious cultural impact outside of shallow, temporary fads.
Here's what I'd do, since I know I'd have to balance my own interests while keeping shareholders happy
Keep live action films while milking the cow out, since people are such fucking idiots that I can't just drop easy money . However, try to give them as much soul as possible, even if just an ounce
Approve 2d animated films to air once every 3 years at minimum. Don't care too hard about the budget or who it would appeal to, this is what proves Disney still has it. This can mix with CGI shit, but try to also bring Pixar back to that happy medium of selling merch and making actually meaningful products. Disney can have 2d films.
No explicit politics in these films. This is what has killed some productions and Disney's image is top-importance. Do enough to keep the IPs intact while not doing shit like suing kids for their grave.
Bring back non-ips and soul to the parks. They have turned into dirty and overcrowded hellholes selling Universal-tier screens with IPs slapped on. The Imagineers are desperate to get out original ideas and any unique ride will bring in the crowds if the right price is paid. Also fix the monorails because holy shit someone is about to die
Keep going ahead with Marvel since that shit also prints money. Reduce Star Wars to once ever 5 year at minimum films. They are events, not a yearly cash cow that will stay long-term
Disney+ allows me to approve some quality animated shows that will actually advance the medium. I'll start with an actual Barks comics adaption
Oh yeah? I think they will.
...Guess we have to wait forever to find out.
That's true. Maybe you'll be right and I'm wrong. Maybe near the beginning of the 22nd century everyone will love those live-action remakes.
Who knows?
>What is Star Wars
Feminist propaganda after disney got a hold of it
It's more a franchise Disney thought they could cash-cow into a yearly event and get people to buy anything, some of which included feminist pandering
Turns out if you don't have a clear plan it isn't going to work. You thought they'd have learned from Marvel
Disney is simply incapable of ever sticking away from its gynocentric nature. They tried to make star wars aimed more at the traditional disney audience and it failed in the process. Unless disney gets over the soccer mom attitude where its allergic to anything that isnt G rated corniness then they will never improve.
But they are profitable. If you are running a business you must do what's profitable or you won't be in business long.
End live action remakes and begin CG animation remakes instead
I know what your saying is right, but i wish it wasn't
I know. I do think there's room for new traditionally animated films even if it's only one every five years or something. Thet should be an event, additions to the canon should be special.
But you have to think of short term vs long term. The problem with a lot of industries is they think of the short term cash and not building up things
Frozen was a great one because it built up a brand that will be talked about decades later and will sell things and be part of the "princess" line, which is also genius
Live action Aladdin? Yeah it made a profit, but no one will remember it in a few years and it won't move DVDs and merch. If people remember it it'll be "Disney was lazy wow". It is not a good addition to the Disney brand
See my response here
In fact, make it even more terrifying.
Find some art student that walks the same path as Giger so you don't have to license Xenomorphs, unless Disney owns them now.
Move it to Hollywood Studios so people KNOW it's not a kids ride
Its only problem was the park it was in. Hell, go all out with the dark plot
Make a gamer theme park and make billions.
Cancel all live action remakes
Order 66 the film industry
Put this girl in the little mermaid
Make another pretty white teenager fall in love and get married. Base it on a European tale everyone knows & make bank.
Eisner tried & failed for a reason
Fuck you, the feminized image that disney prevails has turned me off of most of their output.
Because I respect American history and Walt Disney's intended legacy. I do think more "boy" rides like Cars at Disneyland should be brought into MK, though.
She looks ill
>Because I respect American history and Walt Disney's intended legacy.
Walt was a puritanical faggot who wanted to keep everything stale and PC like some soccer mom bitch. If i could i would tear down everything he stood for because people like walt disney disgust me.
t. Bob Iger
It's not about feminine & masculine. I agree with you that they should make stuff for boys. It's about grown horror freaks and adults wanting to make a park for themselves and not children who are more important than they are.
>It's about grown horror freaks and adults wanting to make a park for themselves and not children who are more important than they are.
Stop raising snowflakes for children. If your offspring screams at anything that isnt little mermaid tier then youve raised an abomination.
Good show us how edgy you are and go to Halloween Horror nights with a bunch of drunk sluts. Disney
Bob iger is doubling down on the gynocentric attitude of disney, not dismantling it like he should.
Disney is for families not fat grown men who like horror and filth. It's Mickey's Not so Scary Halloween, not Universal.
Continue making live action remakes of old movies. Then, start making animated adapations of the live action remakes. Repeat until I have infinite money.
>Disney is for families
So they should be allowed to stiffle animation and dumb down everything from str wars to foxs various properties because their overbearing standards demand it? Fuck no. Disneys outdated mentality deserves to die and rot like walt did.
>Not wanting my kid to watch porn and beheadings and alien sex means I'm raising a snowflake
Let kids be innocent. Childhood is so short.
No I'm honestly getting sick if that sjw stuff myself.
>Not wanting my kid to watch porn and beheadings and alien sex means I'm raising a snowflake
When i was a kid i loved violence and aliens and sexy women. Innocence just gets you stuffed in lockers like pussies deserve.
Toy story was good because it had a certain comedic edge that disney lacks. Same with nightmare before christmas.
>Post- credits scene in maleficient 2
>Its Samuel L. Jackson dressed as Xehanort
>All live-action movies were setting up a kingdom hearts movie
Nerds will forgive mediocrity in the promise of continuity, just check marvel phase one.
Cancel all live action movies, let someone with good vision write Star Wars
Buy the rights to Infinity Train and give it more episodes because i'm not an asshole who can only like one show at a time
fund a shitload more Kingdom Hearts stuff and start rolling MCU into it.
install an autistically faithful Mr. Bones' Wild ride in every Disney park.
Well, hell, now it can be an actual Xenomorph Queen.
Stop the live action remakes or at least make fewer and farther in between.
Stop getting woke.
Decide to take more risks.
Bring traditional 2D animation back.
WDAS will do 2D and Pixar will do 3D.
Strike a deal with Studio Ghibli where Disney will do home video, theatrical, digital, streaming and television distribution for all Ghibli films worldwide, they will still be an independent company and they will still have the merchandising license.
Ghibli films will be given Marvel-tier marketing for their theatrical releases, especially in Asia since Asia (particularly China) loves Ghibli, to the point that a remaster of Spirited Away beat out Toy Story 4 in the Chinese box office.
Release the Ghibli Museum short films on Disney+ and Blu-ray.
Purchase GKIDS.
Bring back Touchstone Pictures.
Purchase Sony Pictures (not the entire company of Sony, just their film division) so that Disney now has full control over Spider-Man.
I make 2D animation popular again by making a 3D / 2D hybrid movie about a pixar style 3D girl from a realistic environment escape into classic Disney 2D animated films, mucking them up.
Can she sing good?
This is also a good idea.
But an ideal one for me would be a 2D/3D blend where most of the characters are in 2D but the backgrounds are in Deep Canvas 3D.
Just like Tarzan and Treasure Planet.
We would bring back 2D animation and still make extra money from 3D screenings.
Win win.
Also, Ghibli films would be through a separate banner ala. Marvel and Lucasfilm but would still be Disney.
Re-release the Disney animated canon films, Pixar films and Ghibli films every five years theatrically.
>Hire broadway actors for the live-action remakes
>Resurrect the 2d branch of the animated movie
>Make Treasure Planet 2
>Stop making the live-action movies no one will watch or remember in a few years (tomorrowland, a wrinkle in time, race to witch mountain)
>Start adapting books published under disney publishing into disney + shows
>Redo the Disney Princess and Disney Prince lineups
>Cease production of all current marvel cartoons and start fresh-ish by continuing Spectacular Spiderman and introducing a new Fantastic 4 cartoon
>Make Beastly Kingdom
>Alien Encounter is back but now it's in Hollywood Studios
>Greenlight 2 more trilogies of Star Wars films but only release them every 3 years or so, with no spin-offs in between
>Fix the yeti in Expedition Everest
>Buy Sony
retcon everuly character into an asexual blue man
Tulip is FLAT
Create something original
>Start adapting books published under disney publishing into Disney+ shows
This is a great idea if it means we get a Percy Jackson series that would be more faithful than the movies.
>Buy Sony
Japanese laws won't allow Disney to buy Sony completely, since Sony is a Japanese company and Japanese companies can't be bought by international companies.
They can, however, buy Sony Pictures and Sony Interactive Entertainment, since they're American divisions.
And I think Disney should buy Sony Pictures, not sure about Sony Interactive Entertainment, though.
The monster in alien encounter had a fantastic design though. Everything awful about a wasp, snake, crab, bat, and spider rolled into one intimidating package.
It's position in tomorrowland was great. Among the optimistic utopian views of the future you got a word of warning about how being too ambitious and greedy can be dangerous.
reinstate the company's original position on jews
>This is a great idea if it means we get a Percy Jackson series that would be more faithful than the movies.
Yeah, that was my main goal with that part. Each book has too much stuff to be a satisfying movie but a show in a streaming service, which are made for binging, has time to include everything that matters without feeling rushed
As for the Sony thing, it was mostly so Disney could really break into the gaming market. Between that and Microsoft, Sony seemed the least unrealistic option
>greenlight 2 new seasons and a theatrical movie for Wander Over Yonder with the original crew on it
>buy the rights to Dan Vs and fund new seasons/specials/movies
>"accidentally" destroy all copies of Season 3 and 4 of Star Vs and order new ones with different writers.
>Greenlight Very Important House for a series instead of sitting on it like the greedy bastards in charge are doing right now.
>Greenlight four sequels, a TV movie and a television series based on the 2019 Aladdin, Lion King and Dumbo for shits and giggles
>Make the alleged porno of Mickey and Minnie that Walt Disney was shown real and release it to theaters
>Buy the rights to The Loud House and make it an X-rated porno series
I'd be a massive black hole in the company's wallet but I'd do as much of this kind of shit as possible before they fire me.
Release every alternate / unfinished / rough cut surviving for films and cartoons. Every Disney TV cartoon gets a Bluray release.
>Every Disney TV cartoon gets a Bluray release
Why does Disney refuse to give their cartoons a proper release? I feel like they could really make bank on most of them.
I'd kill for full series blu-rays of Phineas and Ferb, Wander Over Yonder, Kim Possible, Lilo & Stitch and others.
Fire everyone at Lucasfilm and restructure from the ground up.
Firmly and boldly describe the sequel trilogy as an experiment, in the Disney legacy. Pay lip service to the old EU.
Move away with the family friendly image and focus on IPs in the adventure/GoT genre.
Only actually viable plan that I think actually has a shot of working I've seen in this thread thus far
Realese little sambo books and cartoons so the company can get cancelled by the internet and make other animation companies good again
Princess cinematic universe
in 2d
Nothing, Disney is perfect the way it is.
Rape children and stash away tens of millions a month until they fire me.
You wouldn’t be able to do any of this.
But that's what they already do user
> what do?
Sold all to China, fuck degenerates and fuck Winnie the Pooh
>Eastern influence
Why can't America make laws like that?
Undo One More Day and clean house at Marvel Comics.
I would not succumb to the fat porno goths. Disney would remain child-like and innocent. It's for CHILDREN more than adults.
Magic Kingdom
Fantasyland is already pretty perfect.
Tomorrowland needs severe help. It's like looking at a 60s retrofuture joke. I'd bring Elon Musk in and some Japanese neon artists and make inspiring USA centric futuristic optimistic rides about how exciting progress and scientific invention is.
I'd bring back fake kid rifles in Pirates and a Wild West ride
I'd get Disney Sea underwater Tokyo rides steampunk underwater fantasy 2000 leagues
I'd add a big shaded relaxing garden for strolls similar to the one at Legoland when people want to relax away from crowds
Hollywood Studios
I would add a gaming division for all the children of Gen X who are on Twitch dying to throw money at games.
I would compete better with Busch Gardens and SeaWorld by throwing a few Everest-architect esque rollercoasters in.
Animal Kingdom
I'd get more Animals and add a whole aquarium that's bigger and better than anything we've ever seen and it would have Great White Sharks
I'd rennovate everything they've allowed to get too old and make another kino Norway ride and after that it's pretty perfect the way it is
Replace all active project marketing with an image of a horny rabid Mickey holding a gun to Snow White with a burlap sack with text saying, "We don't care. Put the money in the bag."
Release Song of the South from the vault alongside a complete collection of the animated Buzz show.
Panic because I'm going to get blamed for every poor decision anyone in the company makes
This as well.
I would also release 4K (if not 8K) restorations of the original unaltered Star Wars Trilogy, with all four sound mixes per movie (mono, Dolby Stereo, 70mm six-track, THX LaserDisc) of the original editions plus new Dolby Atmos mixes for each movie.
The Prequels were finished digitally so they would be stuck in 2K forever but I would release 4K HDR upscales of them with the original DTS-ES 6.1 mixs plus new Dolby Atmos mixes for each movie.
The Sequels were finished in 4K and were originally mixed in Dolby Atmos so they don't need special restorations like the first six films.
I would also do a Disney+ series based on the Earthsea books with a mostly-minority cast.
It's not race-swapping since almost everyone in Earthsea is explicitly stated to not be white, and they are probably either similar to Africans, Indians, Polynesians and/or Middle Easterns.
Only the Kargish (white humans) are white and they are very rare in Earthsea.
Tenar is also one of the very few characters explicitly stated to be white.
It's pretty much a win-win.
We please SJWs who want diversity and less white men and we finally get a faithful Earthsea adaptation which also doesn't whitewash the characters.
Disney has the rights to do an Earthsea adaptation since they had to have it so they can release Ghibli's adaptation.
Honestly, if you overcrowd the park, it makes it unpleasant. Too many people ruins it. I'd set a daily cap at a reasonable place where people don't feel anxiety upon entering. This is America, not China. We are human beings, not crammed into like sardines.
>Any Eastern influence whatsoever outside of the China section in Epcot
T h I s
This. It's crazy how good that movie is but they won't release it and yet still have the ride. Pathetic!
Make a movie adaptation of this:
Hire Timothy Zahn to fix Star Wars. In future projects with a shared universe, hire a few nerds (that don't get along with / agree with each other very much) that report to the creative team to help keep track of lore, continuity, etc. Prioritize writing quality, and subject projects to strict examination to weed out lazy/sloppy writing. Stop shovelware that dilutes the brand - Disney should stand for consistently high quality. Critically examine if a project is a good idea, and if it is, give it enough budget and expertise to be well executed. Related - make sure that people in charge of things know what they're doing. Establish mentorship programs where disney's established talent pool trains new people, and get best practices in writing.
Bring back 2D animation for keeps. And if some weasly investor complains that 2D animation doesn't make as much as 3D, tell him to STFU and be happy that in 10 years, the soulless live action remake will make him a billion dollars.
Theme park oriented here. Eliminate monthly payment options for annual passes, lump sum or no go. It'll solve the overcrowding issues with the parks and make vacation guests who dish thousands of dollars out happier to not be mobbed by thousands of casual visitors. Happy customers means future customers.
Get the film rights from Araki and produce a live action adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure starting from Phantom Blood
>Fire Jennifer Lee
>Cancel the production of any live action adaptations that haven't begun filming
>Move all studios to Southeast United States in a realized Epcot. Los Angeles is an overpriced hellhole that cannot sustain the population it has now & is one cataclysmic earthquake away from destruction.
>Buy EA Games, improve game quality, & have all games of properties released by them. Disney needs to get into gaming.
>Release Disney+ now. They are losing out on millions daily by holding it back.
>Push the expansion of Disney's hold in the music industry.
>Re-Theme DCA
>Get exclusive rights to American Dad
>Order more Futurama for folks to sleep to
Give Don rosa One million dollars
Just because?
Yes, the man was abused and denied
Start pushing animation oit of age ghetto. Give mokey island license to guys that made deponia. Make good Star Wars movie. Take over america.
Do something with the Muppets.
>Live action anime hair
Shut up nigger
First, I cancel the MCU and Star Wars.
Then I bust Walt out of his cryo-tube and give the position back to him.
Throw in all of Disney's old animated shows that can be put on Disney+ without any legal hassle and this is the best dam answer in the thread.
Sell half the rights back to the Jim Henson company
shit my pans
Burn it all to the ground, release all works into the public domain, give myself a $2bn severance bonus, and walk.
Sell Fox to a company that doesn't already have a film studio, but keep X-Men.
Sell the entire company to someone that can manage it better than I can and have enough money to comfortably live the rest of my live jobless.
I'll fucking take this whole company down with me, no surviviors!
make Disney's distribution catalog public rather than being hidden from view which makes it hard for people to get the idea of everything they actually distribute
Buy out what's left of KyoAni and make slice of life Disney Princess anime.
fifth park
So because he was a shitty negotiator he should just be paid for no reason? If there was wrongdoing, he should sue. If he was compensated as agreed, he isn't owed a dime.
Fuck off corpo-rat
She's 12.
Disney doesn't have the Ghibli rights anymore. Those all went to GKIDS
Release animated Marvel movies that are top notch like Spider-Verse.
>Release a statement for all the shit they did over the years
>Make every original property public-domain
>Go back to animation instead of live-action/cgi
>Relinquish ownership of subsidiaries (Pixar, 20th Century Fox, Lucasarts and Marvel) and give back Star Wars rights to 20th Century Fox and Indiana Jones to Paramount
>Make Donald Duck as the face of the company (but continue using the Mickey symbol)
>Focus Winnie-the-Pooh as the main franchise of the company
this is a good answer
Adult only erotica division.
So when are the Ghibli movies coming to streaming?
If I were in charge of Disney I would start building the Disney Princess cinematic universe.
Aurora-the planner and strategist of the group
Elsa-Ice powerhouse
Ariel-with Neptune's trident, an ocean power
Jasmine-trained by the hassassins, and in espionage.
Merida-archer girl
Mulan-battlefield commander
It can be that all the Disney villains team up and time travel is used to get all the princesses together to combat them.
There can be a movie where the boy heroes team up and a movie where the girl heroes team up. The third part is the boy and girl heroes all have to team up together.
Disney princess cinematic universe-it needs to happen
Buy an actual planet and rename it "Disneyworld"
>assuming you're telling the truth
how does that work? what powers do you have in the company's decisions for new recruits or movies etc.?
That's like what, 0.5% of their shares
They had a planet. It was called Pluto.
Probably less
intergrate Lucas into fox
Sell fox
Cancel live action films
use money to turn Disney Channel into musical slut factory
just like the good old days
they bought that because they hadn't content for boys and young adults and they have turned SW in female content and Marvel looks like it will be just like that in the next years..... why?
They're just as bad. It would be best to have them be their own independent company run by the puppeteers.
Unnamed Disney Animation Studio works on PG-13 to R, to X -Rated direct to DVD/Stream movies. Release them through Touchstone Pictures or whatever else Disney owns.
explore the secret porn vault
I'd put a cap on the people allowed in.
> Fat Porno Goths
What did Amy Villainous ever do you, Take your kid's Mickey Pretzel?
Make Alex Hirsch an offer he can't refuse to work at Disney at various executive high level positions forcing him to eventually become the CEO of the company he hates
gas myself.
Sorry asshole, but I live in the real world. Get it up front. Life's not fair and if you're too short sighted to do that then you have no room to bitch unless you're a limp-dicked pussy. You probably think AOC is "on the right track." Better go dilate before your axe-wound closes up faggot.
If I had total power? [which a CEO doesn't but I'm a nitpicking whore] I would shut everything down. Every single thing Disney owns. You know how much shit Disney controls?
I would make it all stop, and see what happens. Fox, Star Wars, The Parks, Disney Channel.
All fucking gone. Deal with it.
Work on my evil laugh
My cousin is pretty obsessed with Disney and her family goes to disney world once a year. She's a completely functional adult though with a good career and married a really nice cool dude with a good job too. She just decorated her house with a bunch of disney stuff and they got married at disney world.
Honestly your cousin is SO fucking functional she can afford to have her wedding there shit must've been costly.
IDK how much it cost but only like 16 people could come or something. Her parents, brother, my parents, my grandparents, my aunt, and my other cousin are the only ones that went from my side of the family. If more than that came apparently it cost way more to have your wedding there.
Also everyone that went had to buy tickets to disney world, she didn't buy them for him. That said it probably still did cost a lot of money.
Assuming you meant God Emperor of Disney instead of just a CEO:
-I'd hire people to comb through fanbases to find people who were passionate, knowledgeable, and well liked by most of the community, then hire them as consultants/writers/whatever for things like Star Wars or Marvel stuff.
-I'd try and mend bridges with DC so that Amalgam could come back.
-I'd put out a big press conference explaining that Disney will be putting out entertainment first and foremost and that this entertainment is for children. Politics etc won't be present and people who are unhappy with that are totally fine to not be unhappy with that, and that there are loads of other films and shows that are more to their speed.
-I'd investigate the relative costs of 2D traditional animation and try to do a 'masterwork series' of films that are traditional 2D fairy tales.
-I'd probably fire Kathleen Kennedy and most of the other 'woke' hires.
-I'd have sex with a lot of celebrities. Some because I find them really hot, others because I like the idea of degrading them by paying them for sex.
-I'd shitpost on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
-I'd buy a lot of frivolous shit (Original copy of Alice in Wonderland signed by Alice, some MtG stuff, nice house, car etc...)
-I would investigate whatever secret cabals or societies my newfound status would give me.
Oh I forgot:
-Bring back Touchstone Pictures as a way to further emphasize that Disney is for kids.
Release Star Wars and all Marvel IPs into the public domain.
Disney is really the key to happiness.
>forcing people to pay that much for Disney tickets
she doesn't sound very considerate
i purge all live-action. everything is either 2d or cgi. i take risks and let creators do whatever the fuck they want as long as it's relatively family friendly.
Have Infinity War be the grand 3-hour MCU finale that ends with each of the OG Avengers dying (representing the six infinity stones) and end it there.
Then take the broken X-Men series and soft reboot it to include the larger Marvel Universe. And also give it a definitive timeline once and for all.
fucking fix the world with all my money are you kidding me
also renew motorcity, super robot monkey team hyperforce go, and wander over yonder (whenever craig wants to)
Buy out the cast and crew of the Magicians. Make the female cast into my fleshlights
Id sell Johnny Appleseed apples
How would you feel if I were to replaced Animal Kingdom's Dinosaur ride with Indiana Jones? I hadn't rode it in years until back in May, I couldn't believe how fucking dark most the ride is.
Basically put the CA Indy ride in? Would be cool. I always enjoy the stunt show at MGM Studios.
At least 80% of you would be fired by the board of directors and possibly sued for trying to run the company
>80% of you would be fired by the board of directors
indeed. CEOs have a fiduciary duty to put the investors' needs over all others: employees, customers, country, God, the planet.
this is why people are starting to dislike capitalism. It's actively hostile against everyone but the investor. And I don't mean your puny 401(k) if you're boomer enough to actually have one. I mean that the only job that really pays is finance.
Jeffrey Epstein was a nobody, worked on Wall Street to help rich people get richer, and practically overnight he became rich and well-connected enough to get away with fucking kids for 20 years.
And Disney's fiduciary duty is also to fuck kids. Not with old-man-cock but with 3D remakes of all their 2D masterpieces.
As long as you work on the rest of dinoland at the same time
revive Gigantic
make a traditional animation sequel to Sleeping Beauty about Prince Philip's murderous and cannibalistic ogre mother
once a year, Disney Channel will premier a brand new miniseries similar to what CN did with Over the Garden Wall
traditional animation feature films will be released once every five years in between CGI movies
green-light the first ever stop-motion feature film in the Walt Disney Animation Studios canon
Shut down Marvel Comics.
Attempt to buy back the movie rights to every character that Marvel Comics gave away.
Attempt to trade Marvel Comics to WB for DC Comics. Disney get exclusive movie rights to DC's characters and WB get exclusive comic book rights to Marvel's characters.
If deal is approve, create a DCCU that take places within the same multiverse as the MCU.
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern for DCCU Phase 1.
Justice League, Justice League International, Justice Society of America, Green Lantern Corps, and Legion of Superheroes for DCCU Phase 2.
DCCU/MCCU crossover in the future.
Enforce a Joker and Harley Quinn ban in the company.
Less live-action movies.
More 2-D animated movies.
No 3-D animated movies.
Attempt to start a partnership or buy an anime studio in Japan.
Attempt to buy a high quality video game company to produce Disney games.
Talk to WB about a partnership for a potential DC vs. Marvel video game.
End political correctness in the company.
>fire everyone at Walt Disney Animation except for the best and merge them with Pixar.
>one CGI and traditional animated film per year; one sequel every 2-3 years
>Keep Blue Sky Studios but merge Fox Animation with them
>popular shows get a theatrical film animated by Disney*Pixar
>merge Walt Disney Television Animation and Fox Television Animation
>let Craig McCracken finish Wander Over Yonder
>Give full series order to Amphibia
>make Disney Channel more animation focused
>order a shitload of new animated shows
>Fire Dana Terrace and all her associates; pull Owl House from airing
>dole out Marvel films slower to avoid fatigue
>buy Sony to acquire Spider Man, Spider Verse, and Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Promote them to head of animation at the new and improved fusion of Sony and Blue Sky Studios.
>Have the Spider Verse characters eventually tie the marvel multiverse together; have an epic phase 5/6
>Spread out James Cameron's Avatar series to build hype
>fire Kathleen Kennedy and kill Star Wars. Give it a break and bring it back fresh in another decade
>Have Disney make fun family features and Fox make adult/artsy films
>end The Simpsons with second film
>make 3 animated films, 2 Marvel films, and 5 other tentpole live action films a year; 10 Searchlight films a year
>kill all live action remakes and have Disney make new original live action tentpoles.
I only need to do 2 things. Fix marvel comics. And hire a shit ton of more people to make different animated movies and tv shows. Disney probably has the best job security because its the most successful animation company. I could bring high paying jobs with benefits to so many people if I just hire more people to make shit for the app. All of your tv shows are getting approved! Just dont spend the budget on yourselves
Home on the Range Cinematic Universe
make a squadron supreme movie
using the DCEU cast as much as possible
the fatal dab
Disney Princess action crossover movie and more videogames based on the smash brosnformula or kingdom hearts.
Sell of all properties for 10c to random homeless people on the street and then start assaulting people in Disneyland
>buy sony
>Kill PlayStation since Disney is shit at vidya quality
How about no.
Adult only meet and greets at Disney parks.