Which cartoons have the worst fandoms?
Which cartoons have the worst fandoms?
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Rick & Morty.
SU.I have never before seen fandom bullying someone into suecide over their fanart.
Currently? SU, by far.
Star is still pretty bad but as quieted down recently.
The old guard of autism, i.e. MLP is slowly dying off but still pretty bad.
Old Fandom: Star Wars
New Fandom: Either between Steven Universe or Voltron: Legendary Defender
Voltron was pretty fucking bad.
In order:
Rick and Morty
>The pinker and more pastel a show is, the more rapid and vile the fandom.
Why is that?
Star Wars is basically walking on eggshells at this point, especially when a few years back prior to the release of the sequel trilogy, everybody talked about which obscure EU character would win against whom.
Sometimes, it feels like the debates are either rigged or extrapolated upon to make you feel worse when talking about it.
It was truly an awful, awful time to be in for Star Wars. Even more so now.
What made the Voltron fanbase so bad?
It was a fujoshit dream cartoon so it attracted them, then catered to them, much like the fanbase that shall not be named on Yea Forums
Because they are, and I hate to use this dumb phrase, "Woke" shows and these shows that do try to create some diversity and inclusion attracts the type of people who will gladly create drama and discourse for woke points(as in the, "I'm a great person for calling out this person, aren't I great?") and will turn on each other like wind vanes in a tornado when a New discourse is in the air and they want to find a new victim to bully.
appeals to women more
They carter to the crowd of mentally unstable people
The CGI Clone Wars.
Cartoons with hidden "deep lore".
Topless Robot? I use to love that site
The SU fandom is overall excited for the movie rn and keeping to themselves from what I've seen on other sites. There hasn't been any drama since that Lily Orchard cunt kicked the hive.
I'm interested, cause I didn't know there was even much of a dedicated fandom. What exactly is wrong with them?
Any that gain a ratio where the shippers outnumber the rest of the viewers.
Look at the final season and take a guess.
The horses, I am not sure if any fandom will top that-
little equines almost nuked down this website, my man
God I hate frogs
I thought fluffypony threads were banned.
Constantly screeching about how amazing and deep the series is.
FFF was hilarious
>Goku vs. Hitler
>squid fucking Hogwarts Castle
>Yoda getting drunk as fuck
>"do not fuck the pig from the Black Cauldron", followed next week by just that
>the ET urethral foot insertion that nearly drove Rob to suicide
>everything from ShakespeareHemmingway and ComixNix
All of them. Fuck cartoons.
V:LD. The SU fanartist drama was actually the tail end of a bunch of pre-existing tumblr drama, and the SU fandom never actually pulled anything that risked crewmembers jobs or threatened the continuation of the series.
I'd say the SW fandom was at its worst in the 90s, dipped low again post RotS, then had it pretty good with the cartoons. The biggest issue with SW right now isn't the fandom.
The hard question is what cartoon has the best fandom?
GL:TAS had an amazing fandom.
Voltron, SU, Rick & Morty, Dan Harmon in general, NuStar Wars, pretty much any cartoon made for Netflix.
The Steven Universe fandom is honestly not as bad as people say. Nowadays they just keep to themselves; for some reason they get hated on quite a bit though. Some of the stuff that has happened within the fandom was pretty bad, but nothing compared to others.
I'd say SU but not for the SJW or bullying crap. What really annoys me about a fandom is if people think a show is deeper or less flawed than it actually is on top of rampant waifufaggotry. Horny elitists essentially. Sure you can have some idiots trying to prove that an art house film is actually good. Sure you can have a cheesecake thread with obnoxious and creepy saccharine devotion. But when you combine the two it creates a new form of annoying autism that grinds my gears completely. At least people will admit Voltron is pretty shit at times at least enough to counter whatever similar behavior SU has. I hate Madoka for the same reason.
any semi-forgotten cartoon with animal characters, like Balto
I don't know of any other fandoms that tried to harass artists out of existence simply because they didn't prefer a certain ship
Madoka was good, Rebellion was garbage but the fanbase is awful.
When you say worst you just mean so big to the point it has lots of obnoxious fans. So anything listed in this thread are simply the most popular shows/series.
I'm not an SU fan but this is what I mean. The fandom is so huge that it has more toxic fans than average. Those toxic fans represent maybe like less than 5 percent of the entire fanbase but let's just ignore that so we can farm outrage points. Another example is Horse fandom who has done amazing and heartwarming charity events but no one cares. Ya'll just want to hear about the perverted sickos and pedos, a small fraction of a huge fanbase.
Rick and Morty
the last airbender back on the day.
as long as we're going back, Harry Potter was pretty bad too.
Star wars isn't a cartoon and I feel like the portion that actually likes the cartoons are much different from the movie portion.
I’ll never forgive the SU fandom because around 2013-2014 when they use to spam the tumblr tags of every other CN show because they thought SU was on the verge of getting canceled, since CN would shuffle the schedules around and take off the SU re-runs.
Like, CN would dump a new season of Ninjago and air the whole season in a week with like two new episodes a day, SU fans went ballistic becuase Ninjago aired during the time slot that was previously used for SU-reruns.They can bullly and suicide-bait themselves all they want, but when they start acting rude to people outside their fandoms, then it’s a problem.
It seems SU fans were so hell-bent on not having their fandom turn into MLP 2.0 that went crazy and overboard with the whole fandom ‘policing’ and were so anti-porn and anti-anything and wanted the SU fandom to be completely sterile that they pushed any one who did anything ‘wrong’
Literally any of the numerous shows airing right now with a teen or preteen female protagonist
Star vs is extremely bad
because they attract garbage nu-women
Now I remember the time when Teen titans go got its first "bomb" and SUfans attacked some storyboards of the show because the boom format was for SU. Even the SU crew told them to stop.
The last thing TTGo needed was a bomb format in addition to their regular schedule.
That was actually before TTG took over CN. Back then, TTG was just a fun show that aired at 8:30. It becoming all encompassing didn’t happen intill like 2016 or so.
There wasn't ttg spam in 2013.
Whoops. I meant 7:30 pm
To be fair, the SU fandom has never done good, and the only artistic thing I cn think of is that one garnet vs jasper animation.
>fujoshit dream cartoon
Maybe I'm stupid, but what does this mean?
basically it means that girls who like gay shipping will find a lot of potential in the show
In that case,
>much like the fanbase that shall not be named on Yea Forums
does it involve tiny equines or being trapped in one's house?
there is no such thing as a good fandom
it attracted an unpredicted fanbase which influenced the show for the worse, thats about it
I'm assuming the guy who brought up fujoshit was talking about the latter, which is what I responded to.
Star Wars, eternally. Voltron. Steve Universe. For the classics, Homestuck.
I like Star Wars and Voltron, so I just ignore most of the fandom as much as possible.
Legbutts and legbutt fetishists got butthurt the show didn't validate every single one of their legbutt representation fantasies. Woke white girls and black girls getting pissy that Allura, the brown alien, was shown in even the slightest bad light. Lotorfags, acting like Lokifags, with the "so misunderstood" shit and then getting pissy when he showed up in season eight as a grease spot in his mechs cockpit.
Also, ponyshow was autism on a level so bad, it had to get it's own quarantine board here.
Gays and women are intolerable
MLP. Some others just don't match it because they have less cancer obsessed with rape.
Fanbase gossip threads are cancer and against >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom was pretty awful
No go play mod somewhere else.
I also have a micropenis so you should really listen to me.
I may be wrong, but I remember the show being pretty obscure until Jailbreak, when it suddenly exploded into a pastel-covered cancer,
>SU fans were so hell-bent on not having their fandom turn into MLP 2.0
It's almost like people overreacted to MLP and went so far back into hating it that they started the puritanism of the new 10s.
>they pushed any one who did anything ‘wrong’
Honestly a good idea at this point, the MLP fandom should (or should've) tried that. Better sooner than too late.
SU was big from the beginning. Rebecca Sugar was already popular because AT and CN shilled the show hard.
Emotionally immature people seek childish media because it is non-threatening. When confronted with adult situations they react like children.
This, I looked forward to Saturday morning GL threads, and I remember how devestated we all were when th cancellation happened all of a sudden.
Voltron fans are legitimately the most autistic congregation of humans I've ever witnessed.
Best part is they don't even talk about the show. It's all fucking shipping
SUfags may be bad, but the Voltron crowd blows them out of the fucking water
Nowhere near nuking the website as user said, but horsethreads were fucking rampant in half the boards until moot made the containment board
That was a very specific clique of people who were responsible for that.
I'd be hard-pressed to blame most SU fans for that when most people only heard about the whole ordeal after it'd already happened. I'm not particularly fond of the broader "fandom" either, but that's like pinning the blame for the Manson family murders on all Beatles fans.
as autistic fanbases can get SU is the only one with a body count
Loud House, Voltron, Steven Universe
My Little Pony at peak popularity was so obnoxious, you could hardly go anywhere without it being mentioned at least once.
Star Vs is also annoying but only for the autistic ship wars.
Steven Universe is getting dropped a lot here and I'm not sure why? There was the bullying over art and the whole Awestruck Vox ordeal but those are really small parts of the fandom.
Bob's burgers? Don't really see people yell at one another over which episode is best or getting uncomfotably horny for the characters. Not counting the threads on Yea Forums obviously.
Same applies to kirby but that isn't comics or cartoons.
If you ever want to see a good, positive Yea Forums thread start talking about Pikmin. Pikmin has the best fanbase in all of videogames.
The cartoons with the best fandoms are ones that aren't popular enough for a fandom.
Adult swim. Not just rick and morty, but the fandom for adult swim in general. DUDE WEED LMAO aside, they have some dedicated fans; there's even a group of people trying to create a full archive of every bump, ID, schedule, etc. that they ever had. Plus they don't constantly treat it like the holy grail and admit when something they aired was crap.
The one that I’ll always remember is the one where Goofy jerks off PJ
Balto was my first online fandom, it was full of insane teen girls
>Not all ___!
Venture Bros
As a fag i agree
Was that Rick and Morty stabbing incident ever confirmed to be true?
Also, Undertale is fucking cancer. That's the one where some fan baked needles into a bunch of cookies and tried to give them to an artist at a con, simply because the artist drew a ship they didn't like.
>a small fraction of a huge fanbase
I wish... you look at the booru and most fucked up shit has scores of 500+, few downvotes. Throw in some gore or a black eye and maybe it gets a few more, but in general, no standards. Here I thought there wasn't that much cancer out there.
I dunno if it works like that. For a counter example, how popular nuVoltron was with girls vs how popular MLP ended up with guys.
Voltron fanbase is fuckawful. Literally butchered their own show.
For some reason no one is listing Adventure Time. The fanbase is fuck annoying and clearly influenced the creators far too much.
Star Vs is awful not only because of muh fetish fucking everywhere, but because they put themselves in other shows' threads.
Not even sure why people are bothering to list Rick and Morty. There are rarely any threads here and they consist of people screaming it's Reddit.