
Archer just woke up

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He realized he's Bob

yawn let me know when barry's back

This shit's still going? I quit after Vice.

That already happened, no?

Literally the same episode

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Fucking finally

>Mom! Why is there lipstick on my dick and *sniff* why does it smell like bourbon?

they left it too long. honestly i get them wanting to try something different, just dont call it archer

I was hoping he’d wake up and find his daughter at age 18

and what completely innocent reason would you want his daughter to be 18 for?

This would have been way better than being only 3 plus young archer is boring old archer would have been more funny.

So we could get a joke about him wanting to fuck before finding out its his daughter.

stop projecting your sickness to others you dumb faggot

sorry i was trying to have fun with it.

Yeah but that other user's implication was more funny
Old Archer would totally try to bang a random 18 yo, only to regret it (after discovering her identity) the same way he loathe any other freudian reference

What the fuck was that dialogue at the end? Fucking creepy.

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Yeah, either it was a movie reference I didn't get or Malorie loves Archer a little TOO much.

Anyone else get a incest vibe from archer and his mom at the end?

yeah, I´m really hoping it´s just a joke and they don´t do any incest shit.

I dropped archer after season 2 and if memory serves correctly there was always some incest vibe to them.

Malorie loves Archer.

I think it was just the show's creator taking a piss out of the amount of internet fans complaining because "the show characters' dynamics changed too much as Malory stopped being Archer's mother"
He's saying
>you were right, the show was totally about archer's relationship with his mother guys! Isn't that what you wanted?
It's a cheap strawmanned joke that nobody outside of a very small niche can get and it comes off as fucking creepy to the average viewer, I had no idea what was he thinking, also who the hell approved it

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Yeah I think the Mallory part at the end didn't pan out the way they were thinking

Can't wait to listen to the same recycled one liners.

Why? I liked the same crew interacting with different scenarios

Reed wrote it because Archer 1999 was always supposed to be the series finale and this was him wrapping shit up/reminding us that the show's main focus was always on the fucked up mother/son relationship between Mallory and Sterling.

But then FX realized.... "hey! why the fuck are we letting this faggot ruin one of our top shows? we own the series lock, stock and barrel and the faggot doesn't even voice a main lead character!" and renewed it, with Reed all but officially locked out of he creative process and probably lucky if they keep Ray around for him to voice.

>lose Ray
I'm ok with this.

Moonbeam City didn't even last a season.

She's essentially lived with her son for 3 straight years since the accident. Her maternal instincts have finally caught up to her body but because Malory is Malory, she fucked it up. Plus there's the realization that all their drama and hardship have been between them but I'm going with maternal instincts

I stopped watching Archer at the end of the 'real life' season,aka at the season finale when that movie star shot him in the pool.
I didn't bother watching the 'non-cannon' coma dream seasons cause I don't see a point in it,and just literally saw the last third of the last episode of season 10 (aka when he wakes up).
So I have 2 questions:
>Are the coma dream season worth it?
>When will Season 11 start airing?

The coma seasons are a mixed bag because their different genres but with Archer characters in it. Out of the 3 I think my favorite has to be Dreamland for the story, Danger Island probably has the better jokes, and 1999 has the gorgeous art and the twist from the last two episodes.


>>Are the coma dream season worth it?
Dreamland was a decent pulp noir ride, BUT it needed more episodes the way they left things made it fall short of actually feeling accomplished, Danger Island was straight up fun would've watched an entire spin off with that setting, and with 1999... I honestly can't say anything good about it... I've never cared less than watching that season, they were just drawing way to far outside of the lines with that one...

I usually do the same thing when it comes to "non-canon" dream episodes, and fast forward through that shit, cause none of it actually matters except for the lesson the character learns at the very end, but Archer really doesn't learn anything, they're just senseless adventures with his mind trying to cope with the coma.

Apparently Archer is going to need a cane due to atrophy and everyone has moved on. What do you think has happened to all the characters since the Coma?

Either way I'm hard

Calling it now, Lana married some other faggot and half the season's just more sexual tension between her and Archer.

But it should have gone longer

dunno, it wasn't that brilliant

Well you've clearly got no taste


Way I'm thinking.

It didn't have the charm the characters needed

>Fucking Figgis

the writing was fucking atrocious

Someone even more pathetic, Cyril was a cuck but even he drew the line at raising Archer's child.

there has never been a point to ray being there
he's not funny or interest at all

I thought Archer would be a lot less like his regular self when he woke up, specially after they said that he was out for three years. I mean, when my dad was in a coma for a month he ended up with a trache to keep breathing, a catheter, a colostomy bag, and a g-tube to feed him. He also lost a whole lot of mass (fat and muscle) because the most stimulation he had was being turned every so often to prevent bed sores.

Moonbeam city put to much stock in LOL REMEMBER THE 80s to the point it didn't have any characters or jokes

it got really good by the end, just sucked at the start

Well Kreiger probably came up with something lets say and his body is pretty resilient

Why do i have a feeling its gonna be a clone of Barry just to get back at Archer?

frisky dingo is clearly the better show




>Cyril, who canonically has a 12" penis, is still a pathetic cuck

How is he even that wimpy

shouldn't archer be on a vent? why does he still have muscles?

Reminds me of the How To Archer book where his excuse as to why he's always in pristine shape despite his hedonism is "fantastic genes"

From the descriptions about next season that had been posted here before, that's accurate.

Was Malory getting all incesty?

Chris Parnell will always be an insufferable cuck

Krieger is secretly keeping him fit

Adam is clearly into incest and he decided to let the world know in his final episode.

mega link pls

Is it wrong that I liked the Sci-Fi setting? Maybe Reed will finally make that Xtacles series.

Would probably be a lot better than dragging Archer on and on and on.

It felt pretty good some nice place to flesh things out if they wanted.

He's pretty hot though

He's been getting stimulantion from his mother for three years

Not your dad, Archer, I mean. Unless your dad is into that, which he probably isn't

The same reason why Archer went into a coma in the first place instead of drowning in that pool from floating face down in it for hours. IT'S A CARTOON!

It's been 6 years since Archer was watchable bros....

And now everything will get better!
Honestly what the fuck was season 10's point? Is it so called anti-climax? anti-narrative? anti-sitcom? It was as if Adam Reed was deliberately making it goes nowhere.

>THOMPSON: Adam has always said, “I’m out after season 10!” But it’s like Godfather III: “…then they pull me back in.” He’s not with us day to day. In season 10 he wrote four episodes, and then Casey and I came up and got the writers and the rest going. This season he’s taken a further step back but is still in. He plotted out the stories with us. At this time, he’s only slated to write one episode. His involvement was mainly at the front end of the production. It was Adam who said he wanted Archer to wake up, and for him to be atrophied and not able to perform.

He's came back. After all the coma was his salary negotiating strategies. Or a power trip.


>he doesn't know

They rejoin the CIA, then they become a detective agency in hollywood in the 1960s and it's pretty KINO, then Archer gets shot and goes into a coma

Then you have his "coma dreams" or something where it's 1940s LA noir, 1930s Indiana Jones vs. the Nazis and finally "1999" retro-futurism in space.

And now he's awake and season 10 is supposed to be the last one. I'm not exactly sure why it would be the last one because the show doesn't really have much of a plot and it seems like you could probably end with season 9.

Oh nevermind this was season 10, got confused

>season 11

And right back to my point- why does it need another season? 10 years is a good run.

>the plebs who stopped watching after VICE

family guy
american dad

How old would Abbiejean be now?


AD is an exception because the comedic styles manage to avoid degeneration for whatever reason, probably because the characters were never established as "wholesome people cast into wacky situations" and Stan's character was always "wacky" to some degree being a CIA agent instead of "average joe who likes a beer" like the other adults in those shows.

i hope not, archer subconsciously knows it wouldnt last with him and lana

What do you think AJ's first word was?

If she's still relevant to the plot Malory would have been obsessed with her, as a replacement.


So we're just going to forget the fact that Archer grew as a tolerable and even commendable human being towards the latter seasons before the coma. That he and Lana were definately growing closer and more intimate. That the introduction of Abbiejean promised a conclusive, wholesome way to end the series....

And the reward for putting all that on the sacrificial altar of Fox television constantly keeping this show on alive, despite it being decrepit and terrible... is that we get more NTR-Fetish Cuck Shit and the same. exact. recylced. jokes?

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I've seen it said before that American Dad is better than Family Guy because while both shows rely on the humor of non-sequitur comparisons or fantasies, AD always has it be a part of the universe rather than a random cutaway.
This is a series that canonically:
>Has werewolves running around
>Will end with the Rapture followed by a war between Jesus and the Antichrist
>Has a real Santa and a real Krampus, one of whom is was replaced by Stan's Dad I think?
>Has a much larger alien presence outside of Roger that is sometimes referred to
>May take place either within Stan's personal heaven or Stan's "It's a Wonderful Life" style alternate universe.
And yet all this is brushed off because there's no time to think about the impending war between Man and Machine that causes Stan to become a hispanic cyborg when Steve has the chance to steal over $1000 worth of gifts from this rich jew's bar mitzvah Ocean's 11 style.

Danger Zone

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Completely wrong, if anything it was too wacky and didn't lean into the cheesy cop show premise enough.

The humor will now be derived from Archer trying to be a good person and everyone around him being bastards.
And you will love every second of it.

Maybe the idol and the cube was the metaphor of AJ.

When Barry-6 turned into Classic Barry, that was the best shit ever.

Doubtful, the last time Reed tried to move on to something new FX couldn't kill it fast enough (in favour of a Louis CK animated show that got shelved after jerkoffgate, of all things).

I didn't like the way the Cyril expy was immediately turned into "god's chosen loser" after the pilot, but he grew on me when he spent an entire episode making up Blues musicians names so he could impress those rich guys over losing his entire collection, and then it leaves it ambiguous if they were fucking with him the entire time or if he really did manage to name all these existing artists, becoming especially more hilarious when he starts using objects within eyesight to come up with names.
If there were a season 2, I think they would've done more jokes in that vein, where he's constantly under the gun, never getting found out but never feeling secure enough to relax.

Jesus Christ No!
Whenever we have the "it's a X does Y episode" thread that's always the first shit I list. I hate it when someone tries to actually do good and people shit on them. That's not entertainment, and that's hardly funny. It's just bad.

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>And right back to my point- why does it need another season? 10 years is a good run.
People want some closure with the REAL characters, not the dream versions of them from Archer's subconscious.
Just give me a proper final battle with Barry and I'll be happy.

The montage at the end was a trip. Seeing how vastly the animation's improved over the seasons. I didn't actually notice it until I saw it side-by-side.

And all the costumes and props. They should make a mobile game.

That's just bojack season 2 though

Moonbeam city died because South park fans are normalfags who watch south park because they remember when they weren't 40 with kids and don't have time to watch anything else

Episode 3 especially showed that if it had focused strongly on the wacky criminal side of things it would have been great in the second season, but CC is a "one and done" network unless you're Tosh with BROCKLEBURRY or a handful of other decent but underutilized shows.

RIP Ugly Americans, you will be missed.

>cucked by Louis cuck

must sting

>blaming South Park
How about I didn't feel like watching an unfunny Archer ripoff?
How about no one felt like watching an unfunny Archer ripoff?
I'm pretty sure Moonbeam City died because it was an unfunny Archer ripoff.

>Adam Reed was 24 when he got his first show
>he got it because he easily got a job out of college at a place in his field and his boss thought he was funny

Being a Millennial sucks dick holy shit

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Don't worry, it'll turn out his waking up from his coma dreams was itself another coma dream.

What was his first show? When did Sealab 2021 start?

Very late 2000.

"Tropes you hate" threads are nothing but proof someone is too autismo to handle normie media, every single fucking time. And if the premise alone wasn't proof of that, almost every single god damned one of them posts a fucking Pepe.

>i didn't watch it but I have strong opinions about it
Good job proving anons point.

It's Archer, it could have worked with a 16 year old

That southern post apocalypse thing?
Did that even get a pilot?

Just goes to show that if you have a 12 inch cock, some woman will try you once, but all of them will cuck you if you're boring.

1994, handpuppet show

>with this one simple trick i can make 1 opinion look like a list of complaints
Literally the only thing the series had in common with Archer is a horny main character and even that is handled differently in Moonbeam City. Maybe you're thinking of Pacific Heat.

He only thing I still care about is how hot lana is.

While I agree that AD's style of humor and storytelling has tried a bunch of different ways to stay fresh and humorous, I will admit I would like them to go back to the CIA stuff every once in a while and not show it as completely wacky. The argument could be said they've used up all the material they had for Stan's job and that's why they don't use it but I disagree if only because it ties to Stan who as the main character of his own show barely has a presence anymore.

But i won't deny, placing continuity this late into the game was a pretty KINO desicion

they didn't go back in time to the 60s

Cassius and Clay, yes, and if it got a pilot it was never shown publicly. All we saw were a couple of stills.

>Stan barely has presence

I liked Archer Vice but stopped watching when they became PIs. Is Archer watchable again?

Honestly I just assumed it was bait. The artstyle is only similar if you think everything should look like family guy and the humor relied on wacky situations within a police unit instead of banter- which is why Archer transitioned away from spying, because spying wasn't necessarily inherent to the humor.

A Dazzle-Archer teamup would have Archer as the obvious straight man, Dazzle has little in common with Archer.

I never got the complaint that they looked too similar, the type of stylisation and use of colour were completely different, not to mention that Moonbeam City was obviously modelled on Patrick Nagel art. The only real similarity is that they were both heavily cel-shaded shows with somewhat stiff animation.

So Archer woke up from his coma and they're back in the real world now, continuing the real timeline? I stopped watching when Dreamland was introduced because I hate dream worlds/AUs episodes. I'll return to watching for season 11 then.

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I'm gonna call your call I bet she's gone lesbo as an excuse for Aisha Tyler's girlfriend to get a job

>hates fun

checks out

Ten bucks Pam ate Sheryl alive
Double dukes!

The problem that I had with the first two seasons of the dream seasons was that it focused on an overarching plot line. Which felt like it dragged each episode done because it had to focus on the plot rather than the jokes. To me Dreamland was better and I did not enjoy Danger Island. 1999 got back to the episodic format and it felt closer to the original show with some twists to it.

>it focused on an overarching plot line
Binge watch it and it works fine

I would argue that the only thing that they truly went crazy with is Roger, which I am still a fan of but I can understand why people would get sick of that whole schtick .

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I will probably have to, I watched it week to week when it first aired and I think that was the problem. I am still a fan of the episodic format more though.

What episode was the flashback with the konoichi's?

>Margorie's couch
>"This was always about you and me"
>"It's a love story really"

Did not expect those feels.

>Just give me a proper final battle with Barry

But they already did that, in the episode where Barry gets burned with Pam's barn.

Yeah, Watching the pilot/first season stuff next to the current animation is incredible. They have improved so much.

oh god Archer's mom is like the creature from "Beyond the Aquila Rift"

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Roger is the best character to ever exist in any TV show or movie.

The most versatile, if nothing else.

what kind of feels are those

wait, what?

Comatose Archer went nuts

Cyril’s VA is allowed to write his characters, or at least give input.

That’s why all his characters are losers. Its the comedy he likes.

Jerry from R&M is Cyril with a small dick, because that’s what he finds funny.

Just looked it up and now I'm really disappointed this never got a show.

Wait, w-what

Some clips are available on vimeo so the pilot is out there


Not enough vague lesbian tension for the network.

Dreamland was alright even possibly good, but the Island and Space were underwhelming.
Danger Island in particular was downright disappointing.

See, I feel like that was less a problem for Dreamland, because it leaned harder into the overall story. Which, I think served the better episodes of Archer as well, when the comedy was the situations and the characters rather than just forcing in jokes.
While Danger Island felt like they got the mix of the two entirely wrong. The jokes just didn't land and the overall story was weak as fuck. The only high-point being that they didn't work in ANOTHER Berry Cyborg... though that kinda happened anyway with Cyril and his Nazi power armor.
1999 did better, but still felt a little off. Would probably be the best to make an entire series out of, but eh. I was worried that we'd have way too much fucking Berry but book-ending the season with him was actually good. Though they couldn't resist dredging up old jokes with Space stapled to the front...

yikes, big oof

If they did 1999 for the 3 dream seasons I would had been happy. It was refreshing to see the characters in some new environments and all the sci fi references.

It is literally a fucking cartoon. Pic fucking related can be applied to the entire show

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Look it up, I dare not invoke her girlfriend's name

Let us say she plays a controversial figure in live action superhero television shows

Oh god no. Don't speak that evil into existence.

It's kinda heartwarming that Mallory stayed with Sterling to the point she slept in the hospital. Though it got creepy gross in the last few seconds.

the fuck are you talking about

I thought this was supposed to end on season 10 but from the looks of it's gonna keep going. Welp.
Also are they gonna address the tanks of clones krieger had?

Seems a fair comparison to Krieger. Though when people call him cringe I've come to believe that the word "cringe" now means, "It used to be funny and arguably still is but the normies have embraced it, thus we need to deride it so we can feel superior." Similarly I see people hating on early Adult Swim even though the randumb/non-sequitur stoner humor was precisely what Yea Forums was all about.

Not to say flanderization isn't a thing, and can't be extremely annoying. It all comes down to personal tastes and tolerances. Doesn't mean modern 4channel isn't full of people who practically get off on expressing their disdain for things they've become too cool for no matter how much they once enjoyed them. Probably still do, they just come here to shitpost about it.

I watched the first episode of the season, realised that I didn't laugh a single time, and then never watched the rest. The series is dead. It has been dead since Vice fucked it. It's been dead since it stopped being an office sitcom cum spy thriller. Reed is dead. Everything is dead.

It's been so long. I would slit a goats throat for another season of Ugly Americans

>the last time I caught reruns of UA on CC was October 2016

I understand not renewing stuff, but why do they never show reruns?

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Careful user, you had a space in between your paragraphs so someone will accuse you of reddit-spacing.

I wonder what will happen next episode.
I hope this wasn't the last season.
I miss Moonbeam City

Anyone ever compare him to Guts? They both have the dream thing, are really good at fighting, and a quadroon GF

Your loss.