How would you improve his character?

How would you improve his character?

Attached: Adult!Zuko.jpg (474x355, 33K)

make him a black woman

Let him fuck his sister.

And plus sized.

Why would I?


Is a spinoff series done by half the original creators, who evidently have a grudge against the original cast

>Aang is a shitty father, for all the wrong reasons
>That's right, I call bullshit when you say he didn't take his kids to see the giant koi, that's massively out of character
>Toph is a deadbeat living in a swamp, with two estranged daughters who no longer speak to her
>Sokka died alone and childless, except for potentially being the father of the younger beifong sister
>Don't go into that though, that'd be interesting
>Katara stares into a pool all day, missing her husband, occasionally healing someone as they're brought in front of her

In terms of respect for the original story, just consider Korra non canon. I'm not gonna get into how they massively nerfed firebending.

he impregnates his sisters, his mother, his wife, his sister's friend, his friend's girlfriend, a burn victim, and a whore

>I have become chaddest, destroyer of pussies

>>Toph is a deadbeat living in a swamp, with two estranged daughters who no longer speak to her

You should have expected this, Family was never Toph's strong point.

>I'm not gonna get into how they massively nerfed firebending.

Firebending was always one of the weaker elements, it almost never burns anyone and it also can't take advantage of Iits surroundings like earth or water

>Family was never Toph's strong point.
Not really? She wasn't good with her parents, but she was really close with the rest of the gaang, its not like she was a complete loner.

>Firebending was always one of the weaker elements, it almost never burns anyone and it also can't take advantage of Iits surroundings like earth or water

Yes, and they still nerfed it for some reason, no one in korra can fire bend properly past season one. There's a scene where they're fighting on the train in season 4, and a scene in season 3 with Zuko, where Mako and Zuko start chucking fire, and it doesn't even reach their opponents before going out.

But she wasn't even good with the Gaang. She was selfish but not evil (that's it) Toph would be a horrible mother

Firebending is so weak that you start to wonder how they even survived the 100 years war in the first place. I feel like the writers have a personal vendetta against the fire nation sometime kek

some things never change, eh Zuko?

Attached: In Harm's Way_trim3.webm (960x540, 3M)

>Zuko at age 88 is as strong as zuko at age 16

Epic writing.

Is there any reason why Zuko isn't Ozai tier?

zuko is like 40 years older than ozai, and they're fighting in a frozen tundra they made the prison there specifically to stop firebending
>Toph: My fighting days are over. Don't tell Korra, but my back is killing me now. This is why you didn't see Katara messing with that civil war nonsense. At some point, you gotta leave it to the kids.

I personally don't have problem with Aang. He human, he make mistake. He still felt guilt over the extinction of his people and want to rebuild his people culture. Not having the same caring level for all his child is understandable since it came off as carelessness rather than intentional.

By giving him one in the first place!

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Did part 2/3 of the kuvira comic release yet?

>ATLA: The order of the White Lotus is full of old badasses, including the #1 Earthbender who is over 100
Korra: “W-we’re too old that’s why Katara did nothing as her homeland was invaded and her people rounded up for execution”
yeah nah

give him the balls to bang more of the cast

>if some old fucks can fight, then that means all old fucks should be able to fight, always
Korra is pretty bad, but come on now, what kind of logic is that?

He’s arguably the best character in all of ATLA. Never watched Korra because fuck what they did to the setting.