Big Mouth

Why is this getting a third season?

Attached: big-mouth-renewed-season-3-netflix.png (620x440, 266K)

Because you keep giving it free publicity when you bitch about it

Because there are like two other threads about it? Seriously stop making these.

>Wow, that's relatable!

I can't wait to see these two again. The chemistry is great.

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You need to know. Every time you make one of these is a kick in the nads for me.

I think he knows


Attached: DhTT7xXUwAAofId.jpg (645x729, 34K)

It's one guy spamming about a shitty cartoon. Pretty sure this qualifies for deletion

This is the third ship he’s made with Andrew.

This. The show is doing well enough and people keep making threads about it so it makes others want to see what the fuss is all about.

They haven't covered eating placenta yet.

All of my normalfag friends love it and I don't understand why


You know (((why))).

Admit it. This pairing gets you hard.

this dude gets it

How long until Yea Forums starts singing the praises of this show to totally wreck Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/normies/the libs/any attempt at sincerity?

>inb4 "I sincerely [insult]"

What the fuck is that thing?
Why would anyone draw or want to look at something so grotesque?

It does.

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any pairing with sasha as good as long as sasha can be the dom

Sexual bullying is always good

Because it was good. Just because the autistic echo chamber hive can't get into it doesn't make it bad. Now have s
sex, faggot incel.

why has simpsons not been cancled?

>Why would anyone draw or want to look at something so grotesque?

> Peter Griffin tries to use a forklift on a beached whale.

You know (((why)))

It actually got three more seasons greenlit. This is getting at least 5 seasons.

because it's unironically good. fuck what Yea Forums says

Because people like weird, gross, edgy and flat-out nonsensical shit. Even people who hate it will watch it just to make fun of it.

le jeweish bogeyman xD

It took the publicity route rather than the actually-be-a-good cartoon route (ie "DID YOU SEEN THE NEFLIX SHOW WITH CHILDREN GENITALS IN IT??"). Plus with all the names behind it, I'm sure it landed some contracts with some longevity.

Because it's a good show

This show is like the younger version of two and a half men its fucking terrible. All they talk about its sex jokes

Oh, please! You love Kutcher.

thats right. The jews. Nice to meet a fellow intellectual :)