Holy based
Holy based
if you're not voting for bernie you're fucking retarded
Live look into Ben Garrison's work studio
>getting this salty over Biden shutting down some asshole acting like Bernie didn't know what the he wrote was about
I'd wonder how anybody could be this retarded, but Zyklon Ben has been fucked in the head for a looooong time
He wants to write a free check to the pharma industry.
what did he mean by this
Is this best political joke?
Right wingers needs better material.
Bernie "white people don't know what it's like to be poor" Sanders, who himself is a 1%er jew.
Bernie "never said anything like this" Sanders.
that's so fucking retarded it's actually funny.
>Voting for "I love the DNC's cock in my hole" Bernie
Why would you want the guy who couldn't defeat Shillary, who couldn't defeat Trump.
God, I'm so fucking tired of all these fossils running the show.
if he hates white people so much how come he wants them to have healthcare?
intellectual checkmate
The Right can't meme
im voting for that china man.
White people pay for their healthcare already, he wants illegal Mexicans to have healthcare at white people's expense.
He literally said this on camera.
Omg dropped!
He clarifies what he meant here: nbcnews.com
It’s what lost him 2016
>white people cant have something nice if mexicans get it too
like I said, intellectual checkmate
Virgin Garrison vs the Chad Horsey.
>he "literally" said this on camera
>Double D has everything well organized
>that one scalpel is just stabbed into the desk
This made me cringe for no reason.
Imagine getting paid to make the same exact comics over and over. That's the life.
Who was that right winger that said smoking pot was causing global warming?
citizens of the union can't have something nice if they have to pay for all of the western hemispheres poor
If conservatism.is so good, how come the South has maps like these:
White people already have it.
One of the biggest tv shows in the past decade centered around how a high school teacher couldn't pay for his cancer treatment.
But they don't use it because it makes them go broke.
Yeah, but it would have to be worth the political BS, death threats, and maintaining relevance beyond 4 years
Now Jim Davis, that is the life
Anybody else have the growing suspicion that Trump is just gonna win another term?
>white people can be poor!
>no not that poor!
Ben Garrison is brainlet tier, but on purpose. He puts out the most low effort bullshit because he knows his audience will eat it up. Political cartoons are traditionally facts over feelings, but his work stands out as the most aggressively uninformed. Just put feelings in a picture, throw on labels, and you'll find an audience.
Lots of African Americans.
yang won the debate and i hate the yang gang meme