G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #265
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #265
I'm not reading
Letters page
And that's that.
Download links are in the Win-O' Thread.
The robots are far from the best attempt at a "3rd faction" for GI Joe, but this was pretty funny.
Wow, so if you get rid of the crappy woke story lines, out of place character changes (fat female soldier anyone), and out of character actions of beloved characters you get a decent comic.
On the tiny chance that you are not baiting. This comic and that one have absolutely nothing to do with one another besides the GI Joe name. Complaining about it here is like blaming a bad air conditioner repariman for your computer not working.
I swear someone posts something like this every GI Joe thread.
You guys are reading a comic of a dead toy franchise, don't get snippy.
>This comic and that one have absolutely nothing to do with one another besides the GI Joe name.
Both published by IDW.
I was actually complementing this comic, I had stopped reading the GIJoe comic due to the idiotic nature that IDW was going in. This isn't so bad now, hope they continue to learn from there mistakes.
I can believe that some one does because it was getting that bad and it is hard to ignore how much IDW screwed the IP.
It's so legendarily bad it's tarnished the entire IP.
5 people praised the woke storyline and fat ladies, yet the entire JOE fandom rejected it. I just think that’s hilarious how badly it turned out. It really is a actual example of ‘Go woke Go broke’
I only read a few issues for the art but who though getting a fucking socialist on GI JOE would be a good idea? He wasn’t even a good writer just a mediocre jackass who mocked people who mourned 9/11 for not being in Mew York
Bumping for the sake of GIJOE
>t. Serpentor user
This is unrelated to the "Hasbroverse".
Most comics readers don't realize this series isn't part of the "Hasbroverse" disaster. I don't think IDW realizes how badly that faggotry hurt their company in general. It completely 100% destroyed any and all public trust in the publisher.
When did Destro lose his hand?
Well, that didn't last long.
>when your birthplace gets a mention
Quick rundown on Revanche and why the Dreadknocks are anti Cobra and the Oktober Guard are anti-Russian now?
Revanche are a rogue third-party of cybernetic ninjas that killed Billy and hate-- I MEAN HATE everyone. But they really hate the Arashikage Clan most of all. Oh sure they hate everyone else but they really hate dem ninjas.
Zartan helped out Dawn Mereno and the Joes when Dr. Venom came back for a third time.
Isn't Snake Eyes a burn victim? And that's why he's always covered up?
Guess so.
They didn't "learn from" anything. This is the comic that was coming out BEFORE the "Hasbroverse" faggotry.
Well shit. Sounds wild. It's interesting when they bring in third party factions to the fold. Thanks for the info.
What is even happening on this cover?
bumping to read
No idea
bumping to finish
this meme needs to auto-ban
G.I. Joe are allowed to use white phosphorous?
Since when the fuck did Destro have a fake hand?
How the fuck did he manage that?
Are there people still talking bad about Hasbro-verse comics?
These comics were good.
bumping for others
Decent issue.
How long do you think this series will run for?
If you don't know the difference between the early Hasbroverse, late Hasbroverse, and Larry fucking Hama, you were never reading GI Joe to begin with.
At this point I kind of don't care as long as Hama is given enough notice to put a bow on it.