4 episodes per year and they look like shit. why is that?

4 episodes per year and they look like shit. why is that?

Attached: wtf.png (1274x2116, 2.12M)

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because they get made in a month and then cartoon network decides to hold onto them for 3 years and release them 4 a at a time because it gets bigger singular airing ratings that way

The people making it are shit.

Storyboard artists that have no fucking clue what they're doing, and animators who couldn't give less of a shit.
The concept artists are the only ones who actually pull their weight, but nobody actually cares about those.

how to make it easier to cope: remember they are shapeshifters

Episodes take a year to make, retard. Learn how cartoons work.

Because storyboard artists and animators are incompetent.

The people actually making the show are the ones who care

>episodes take a year to make, retard.
[citation needed]

There is no way in God's name you think that a batch of episodes take up to a year to produce. Not in today's industry, no. Quality doesn't exist, quantity does.

3D animation doesn't have this problem. It's very easy to maintain a consistent scale.

If you think hand drawn animation takes a month or two for each 11 minute episode you are retarded and no I'm not spoonfeeding you. This is just another excuse for Yea Forums to cry about the show anyway as if SU isn't boarded by how they feel each scene should go rather than logical consistency. This isn't an animation mistake. If it was a show lile Star VS it would be though.

>I DON'T LIKE IT =/= Actual criticism

>they get made in a month
imagine browsing Yea Forums and still not understanding how long animation takes to make

Rebecca Sugar is a hack and a racist.

Attached: What SU's creator actually thinks of black people.jpg (540x373, 25K)

full lips and dark skin tones doesn't belong to one race to be called racist

black people need to stop thinking they're the only race that has darker shade of skin color its fucking racist to think so

What's the problem?

Attached: MmPu_Oilman.png (560x579, 203K)




>Episodes take a year to make
yeah, a regular carton show episode might, but Steven universe episodes are made in about a week or two, that is the only logical explanation of why the quality of the animation is so low most of the time.

Production time and release schedule aren't the same thing. They have a very finite amount of time to work on each episode and then Cartoon Network holds onto the episodes and releases them at their leisure. They're not paying them overtime, user.

I don't get the rabid hate for all things SU but holy shit how did no one look at this and say "yes this is fine"

for the past 2 years I've been telling people how this height inconsistency is horrible yet the only answer I got is how storyboarders have "artistic freedom" and that is the reason to why this is happening

I kinda expect that the same shit will happen in the movie, but I wont get mad If im wrong.

Now that I think of it why was the scene with naked Steven animated so well when most of the show looks like absolute shit?

Attached: 1522751793876.png (470x670, 233K)

what they were thinking when this was printed...

Because it was the first season, and you had to pull out the big guns to WOW and impress the audience. And plus, you know, the people working on it still cared. Remember that beautiful scene with Lars and Steven on the hill? Remember when the show was just a plucky kid going on wacky misadventures instead of a boring space opera? Remember when this show had a soul?

Attached: IMG_5018.gif (540x540, 974K)

What Blackface? blackface has red lips, you're the racist if you think black people are the only one who has full lips and dark skintone.

Animation for SU if you're generous would take about 2-4 months overall. Reason being is because it uses a hybrid style of 2.5D models and static backgrounds for the majority of their episodes. Similar to South Park, the majority of shots for the characters are using premade models with a few variations/warps for that episode. Regardless of if you see it as shitty or not, the reason SU has model issues like changing height/perspective, weird movement, etc is because they're using a pseudo-3D model on a 2D plane and only applying effects like Zoom/enlarge in the final stages. It's a cheap tactic that is normally used in Flash but is becoming more prevalent in shows to save time and money. It's also why the majority of SU eps is townie stuff or them talking with only 1-2 action scenes overall because those scenes are the ones that cost money/time. It also feeds into the Sugar making the story go full pacifist rather than the fighting it had in S1-S3 as less fight scenes/more townie scenes means she can crank out episodes faster and cheaper.

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aren't those the episodes a lot of people complained about where the main character is intolerably stupid lack of plot?

Peridot the character plagued most with this issue cannot shape shift

It's like magic weón I can't explain it in other way, it's not humanly possible to screw thigs this hard.

desuarchive.org/co/search/filename/ 1522751793876/
Kill yourself

Attached: cringe.png (1366x2186, 532K)

>Official reason
Art liberty
>Most likely reason
Art team are a bunch of amateurs with no standards.
>Real reason
Sugar is a hack a shit director and gives no fucks at this point.

It’s so weird how we went from the somewhat consistent designs in s1 to some of the worst later on.


Go back to your pornless site refugee.

fuck really? rig models?

Her face is straight outta Tintin au congo dude

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why the hell do we keep having these stupid threads whenever this show hasn't aired anything in months

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Would you prefer they draw them more accurately and thus uglier? Blackface has done wonders for the negro as it has made him all the more palatable and pleasant for the common white man.

how? just because of the full lips and skintone again?

Thanks for posting Steven's naked butt.

They take no pride in their work.

I legitimately don't care. Nor do I understand the butthurt that picture produced.

Regular episodes are also 20-25 minutes long, SU episodes are like 10.

Are you fucking blind? Or just stupid? Everything in SU is drawn, inked on paper, and digitally colored. All the in betweens are from gooks in Korea. I bet an episode, from writing to finale product, takes 6-7 months.

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ian made that, not rebecca

Can gems apply for EBT?

Yeah, but since it only ever got worse these are still better