What am I in for?

What am I in for?
I've never been a huge fan of Silver Age stuff, but people keep saying this is great so Im gonna give it a chance.

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It is fantastic, especially the musical numbers

It's cheeky because it's well aware how ridiculous Batman can get and it takes it in stride

the best aquaman

Expect Adam West level camp but with more visual action since it is a cartoon and they can pull off more.
Also prepared to be introduced to a LOT of new DC comics characters you might have never have heard of if you don't know much beyond the JL big titles.

Press F for platelet.

Sexy dames and plenty of'em!


Attached: BoP song.png (650x364, 149K)

Watch it with an open mind. It's fun and there are lots of references to less popular comic book characters.

Also, this

It is a really fun series that lovingly mocks comics from the past in a self aware and very knowledgeable way but isn't afraid of telling more serious stories from time to time.
The amount of characters that just straight up die is kind of shocking for a kid's show from this era
It is also a really great way to learn about lesser DC characters. It was my first real exposure to the Metal Men, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Etrigan, Jonah Hex, the Doom Patrol and probably quite a few others.
This too.

Based and OldJewishManpilled

Probably one of the best superhero cartoons created. The amount of detail and love for the history is immense and the ending is fantastic.

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You remember being a kid? And you're playing with your toys and you'd construct these epic storylines that made no real sense but fuck it you were working with what you had?
It's like that, but framed in a way adults can enjoy it.

Felt more golden age than silver honestly. Embraced how dumb superhero comics fundamentally are in a fun way.

Batman and his involvement with the DC universe is the central focus so there isn't much of Superman or Wonder Woman but when they show up it's great.
Also Chill of the Night is amazing.


Just got to that part

Attached: overwhelming sadness.gif (434x320, 3.17M)


It's the ridiculous played straight, and it's executed perfectly. Prepare to love a bunch of C through Z list heroes that you never heard of before

Oh God, that ending. Ambush Bug vs Batmite to save the show from jumping the shark is such a fantastic wacky wonderful deep dive into obscure DC shit, it's amazing. Plus they got Winkler as Ambush Bug somehow

>Did we save the show?
>The important thing is that we save the day

Won't spoil the end, but it's touching

Surprisingly high body count