whawhat went wrong
Whawhat went wrong
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What do you mean? Ever since tumblr blew up last year(even though it's still alive) many more people have flocked over to it.
It's just as good as you left it, user.
Newgrounds didn't change. You did.
fuck off arin
Some of the edginess lost for a while when they tried to monetize the site with advertisements. They brought the edginess back when they realized Youtube was buttfucking them hard but the damage was already done. Also the site got flooded with shitty, unfunny video game parodies.
Nothing, it's actually got more popular!
Nothing, newgrounds good.
It haven't been updated to be more art-friendly, which they promised when tumblr """died""".
in a last thread people said arin is just doing this to look good for his corporation masters just so he could get a good job with them at the cost of being seen wrong with the rest of his old fans but the best option for arin was for not commenting at all, sometimes the best strategy for a game is not to play it.
*destroy your website*
>Nothing, it's actually got more popular!
As someone who was 13 in 1999 you're an absolute idiot
Even if traffic is up the marketplace share Newgrounds once had went way the fuck down
It's like how eBaumsworld was huge before there were 50 billion meme sites
This. The /incel/ faggot just wants to pretend this makes good bait.
shad has never come back people just left with him also what did stamper do he seems to have some big skeletons in the closet and I would not be shock to hear that he has done some fuck up shit but what did he do fill me in
this a reply from the Arin thread
>shotgun man is gone forever
I can't even find that alien shooter flash game anymore. I miss the old stuff.
I still think about all the old NGBBS regulars from 04-10 when i was there. I miss you guys.
Are you talking about the assassin series? That's internet history, surely they wouldn't get rid of it
Malware ads, continued reliance on vulnerable flash plugins, proprietary browser extension player that's probably also malware.
Newgrounds has always been shady as fuck. They don't deserve money or users.
Suck my fucking chode, Arin.
Tom Fulp placed all of his bets on indie game development instead of laying the foundations for a truly internet-based animation studio. This led to all of the initial talent that existed on his platform in the mid to late '00s to suddenly emigrate to YouTube, where changes in the algorithm by the early to mid '10s would permanently strip what little income they were making anyway, and were thus forced to either make other forms of content (letsplays, podcasts, etc) or simply go offline to take their chances at making it in the industry (voice acting gigs and freelance work). All of which had fizzled out long before a renewed interest in the site proper as of late last year, of which is still unable to provide a genuine support network for aspiring animators, let alone other artists beyond ostensibly being more welcoming of all things NSFW.
Fuck off arin
imagine being anything but Blue Knight with his ice magic
I'm sad flash turned people into paranoid schizophrenics. Now whenever someone mentions a fun flash game people flip shit and claim it opens a portal into the virus realm and infect them with mega AIDS.
It reminds me of the old days when technologically illiterate parents thought playing Unreal Tournament online infected the computer.
Except Flash:tm: is insecure as fuck you retard.
t. /g/
Thats not how it works you double nigger. You get a virus from flash because the flash object was trying to infect you in the first place. If I go to homestarrunner and leave it open for a thousand years I wont get a virus. If you go to a normal website like Newgrounds or Armorgames you won't get a virus. Browsers automatically block flash these days. Don't go to attack sites and use an adblocker and you're completely fine
>t /g/
What kind of idiot goes to /g/? Thats where you go to pretend you know about computers while hoping you might learn something.
lmao aight bro, enjoy your fucking botnet
>What kind of idiot goes to /g/?
The same kind of idiot that goes on Yea Forums to discuss comics and/or cartoons. If you sift through the shitposting, you can sometimes engage in actual discussions.
It sucks that only the first image in a set will be full-size and the rest will be downscaled for some reason.
Unwillingness to update the website so it can be more "art friendly"
and an awful art vanguard defending this decision from portal to portal
To be fair, if he did the indie game thing more successfully, he would absolutely have made the right choice
games will always be more popular than cartoons and one of the biggest reasons the biggest cartoons out there don't have a lot of effort put into them is because good animation is not cheap animation
there are dozens of resources that will allow you to make a pretty decent game in a week, if your idea is good--no similar resources will ever be available to make a pretty decent animation. Even if the idea is good, it would be good because of the writing and not the animation itself
I say he made the right call, but not all of the right calls
It's certainly depressing because I feel like (and I may be looking at this with rose-colored glasses, but) early Newgrounds had just the right amount of momentum to produce something that would've flown in the face of that once emergent, Hanna-Barbara "always standing in 3/4ths profile angle" style of cheap animation that's still rather endemic to many cartoons to this day.
As for popularity, old school Flash animation used to be pretty accessible back then simply out of circumstance. There was like a whole decade before everyone realized they could make bank repackaging their shitty Flash games and selling them on whichever app store of their choice; all of the guides and how-tos came soon thereafter.
Meanwhile, Flash has itself expired due to its long standing problems and "good" 2D animation software has sorta fragmented.across multiple platforms as a result. Which is both a good and bad thing, I suppose.
>Meanwhile, Flash has itself expired due to its long standing problems and "good" 2D animation software has sorta fragmented.across multiple platforms as a result.
Homie, making the animations themselves is nothing but easier today.
That's what I'm sayin; it may not look like it, but that's it. Still, the '00s Flash animation boom was largely made possible by everyone using one piece of software.
But everyone using the same software is kinda irrelevant when you are exporting to some video file.
its on its way to becoming hentaifoundry 2.0
Is Egoraptor the biggest Hypocrite in the internet? And his retarded fans still try to use "cancel culture" to excuse how he consistently bash people for things he never stopped doind.
Even these new Looney Tunes cartoons are cursed with this.
get fucked Arin
go suck Jontron's dick arin
Youre right user.
He's a terrible hypocritical bully because 8 years ago he wrote a review calling somebody's flash complete shit, and that somebody turned out to be an egotistical serial sex offender.
Fuck off.
There are like 10 artists who migrated to NG. That's fucking nothing.
The only thing Newgrounds ever had going with it was that YouTube didn't exist back then.
He consistently made fun of people for 13 years until now, then threw Sr Pelo under the bus due to the later making fun of people even though Pelo video was far less harsh than any joke he ever said.
It backfired then to save face he claimed to "regret" making fun of people in a half assed public apology even though he was still making fun of people 2 weeks and shat all over a girl for doing a similar public apology 3 weeks ago
YOU fuck off
Who has he made fun of in the last year user? The last five years?
This sort of flat staging was pretty common on earlier Looney Tunes though, unless a gag called for a different sort of short.
Don't say that about him,user.
Jon has better things to do
Nothing. I don't know why Arin is such a drama queen. Newgrounds made him and he shouldn't be a little bitch to old friends
Jokes on you most of his current fandom is from being a Pewdiepie rip off.
>what went wrong
you're really pushing this shitty joke. especially since this thread has to do with an ANIMATION website
Most of them are nobody porn artists too.
Arin is a fucking stooge.
But all the best shit was NSFW.
Last I remember of Newgrounds was the AGNRYMAN ANTICS cartoons where he shoved a dildo in his ass and the Pube Muppet showed up. Then I grew up and realized there was more entertainment than pee and poo, which are still funny, but only when used sparingly. I went there a couple of weeks ago to see what was up, meh, I'm sure a twelve-year-old me would find the content funny, but that's about it.
>Drunkmagikoopa actually managed to parlay his weird humor into newfound popularity
What a hero.
Remember the first time you saw Numa Numa Hentai? Or played SimGirls?
Arin is such a mature guy now.
Said no one ever
The first "porn" game I remember is the one where a gypsy gives you X-Ray glasses, and he kills you if you use it to see his dick, don't remember those.
I have no idea how I recognized that name, but I do, I just can't recall anything but that AGNRYMAN cartoon with Pube Muppet.
I fuckin remember Frank's Adventures plus the Kramer one
>the one where a gypsy gives you X-Ray glasses, and he kills you if you use it to see his dick,
Fuck, I remember that too.
It's a time-tested masterpiece, I hear it's on the NFR induction list this year.
>Frank's Adventure
Now here's a real nigga.
Then there was the Love Hina dating sim that was fun
Reminder that based Matt Jolly and based Adam Phillips are the only two NG animators worth their salt.
The one where he goes to Amsterdam was fuckin god tier
You look at my balls, and for this, I will kill you.
What the fuck, that's racist
I dunno, man, you look pretty pissed
Oh now i fuckin remember this
I hate myself for chuckling to dumb shit like that, but there was something about the frantic pace of the whole thing that made it both funny and very low key unnerving at the same time watching it again, like a fever dream where things slow down and speed up.
Cry more faggot
they probably made the right move leaving all of this considering how retarded both arin and chris have been acting
All porn nostalgia aside, the guys behind FA, Mausland, made some seriously fucking cool games, including what I still consider to be the best Flash game ever.
The guy from the sonic adventure guide, poor sperg unironically almost killed himself.
Holy shit i just remembered how awesome Miami Shark was
They put rules in place but don't enforce them.
Do we even know what bowlbo is
Some of his early works in the site is gone too.
I was trying to find his Shite flash comic thing and it's just said it was removed.
They've always been retarded in some way, the drama that's been going on recently highlights the whole notion of separating the art from the artist kind of thing. People are too caught up in the characters and work and forget that the funny man they laughed to might just be legit awful people or a simple pain in the ass to deal with under most circumstances, Twitter just makes these things more apparent.
You wanna know?
Tom removed classic videos with copyrighted music.
Even Numa Numa is removed
It was a different time
2d platformer i believe, i thought it would be like a banjo kazooie thing but i suppose that would be a lot harder to make
honestly i wish chris would shut the fuck up about arin. the past year he kept taking shots at him and his girlfriend joins in too. just comes off like a vengeful child.
Serial sex offender? Source?
Oney's said he wants it to be a fun game to speedrun
I think he's said stuff about sonic style momentum building
It's 2D with a clay aesthetic, originally it was going to be prerendered like DKC for the clay aesthetic but they quickly ran into filesize issues so they switched to realtime 3D rendering
Several times, even when it gets uploaded in the dead of night and the servers are prepped for heavy access.
i didn't say i wasn't mad, captain tardo
Man current internet sucks. God damn I remember being a kid and going to Newgrounds to find new music watching those shitty music videos people made because MTV and the radio had both gone to shit so finding something new felt impossible. In the descriptions for every single video they would include a link where to buy the albums online if you wanted, it was endless free publicity.
He wants to be loved by the PC crowd which all of his old friends are hated by.
went from thinking the worst of these two to finding out they got backstabbed hard and fucked over by the grumpspace
after projared im willing to believe the absolute worst about most of youtube behind the scenes
how the fuck do people become someone like arin
DD&J literally never did anything wrong
Dream Daddy is exploitive bullshit
It's okay to make game instead of being a professional let's player
Fucked over how?
DD&J, a gay couple, had issues with Dream Daddy (you can look into it more if you want, tldr they felt the game was exploiting gay people). Ding Dong spoke to people on the team who had issues too so he brought it up with the people in charge, it caused massive shit and he got thrown under the bus hard by the people he was trying to defend. This was around the time oneyplays stopped recording at the grumps studio, it's commonly believed to be because of what happened with dream daddy.
Pewdiepie. He opened to people the idea what you just boot game, talk shit on camera for several hours, cut like 10 mins of stuff for video and make a big bucks. Why bother drawing something and spending time writing plot and stuff, just that easy. No offense for person thro, if not him, someone lese would do it.
Arin has a fucking voice for how he thinks everyone who disagrees with him sounds like, he literally starts off his Zelda video by pre-emptively mocking any criticism that might come his way. He fucking bullied his audience to be afraid to speak up against him so much that they now genuinely believe his playthroughs of Zelda games are good entertainment.
>Nearly every story time animator but jaiden and theodd1sout thought the video was funny.
Christ those two are so fucking pathetic.
Fuck egoraptor
The Zelda video is nearly a decade old. Are you honestly upset because he talked shit about Ocarina of Time.
Not OP, but that video has a lot of problems, which is fine, but it's also widely used in a lot of game design spaces for educational purposes, which is frustrating because many of its points aren't actually true, or very very subjective.
Neither of those points are valid and I was a sega kid. I never beat Ocarina of Time.
>he talked shit about Ocarina of Time.
Man I remember it, the guy spend over 10 minutes saying how the old games are better because "side missions and stories are lame lol" .
>Are you honestly upset because he talked shit about Ocarina of Time.
Not that guy but his OoT criticism was atrocious. Beyond blaming the game for his own ADHD, he fails to understand the most basic shit & constantly gives false criticisms. His GameGrumps OoT showed how incompetent he is at OoT. He's DSP-tier.
I like Arin, but I really wish he would be more level headed with other people. I mean, when the gay guys say that your game about dating gay guys is offensive, maybe listen to them.
Newgrounds was the place to be in the late 90s early 2000s. So many great memories.
To be fair, between Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, and Battleblock Theater Fulp seems to have made the right call for himself.
>He's DSP-tier
Woah woah woah. Nobody is that shit except for Spoony.
Newgrounds had porn.
>jaiden and theodd1sout
Did they comment on it?
Cletus the Fetus was the best.
That shit was fucking based
It's not new anymore and is a web 1.0 relic that only oldfags and bulletin board autists still know about.
I wouldn't have it any other way. Especially the musicians.
Cornandbeans is dope af
God damn, that sucks! That's what made the original site so much fun. All the parodies.
I used to post my music there in the early 2000s before Myspace too off.
as long as they keep hiring stamper to voice act, i'm okay with it. i cannot get enough of listening to that man
Arin fucked with some of his closest friends, you cant blame Chris for not treating the guy like a saint.
To say Newgrounds is still popular is kind of outlandish. It's relevance fell short simply because social media and Yotube took over the platforms for videos, art, and animation.
Newgrounds is just kind of a relic of internet history; a foundation that pioneered but just could go beyond that.
This is still around, it's weird, I'm subbed to illwillpress on newgrounds not because I ever even watch it, I just can't bring myself to unsubscribe.
It seems that Arin didn't apologized to Pelo in private.
Looks like they also tried to take extra steps to stop people from saving the flashes, so that's kind of a downer, too.
There is already a pretty large cache of .swf backups floating around, most of the things you remember are available.
>jon now has more subscribers than game grumps
Pelo just doesn't like this thing overall. He said in his stream that he didn't like Arin's post but he also didn't like how people used it in a way to cancel him. twitch.tv
He even made a joke post about it twitter.com
There comes, a time, when we must realize, whos the best player and that's JON
>people used it in a way to cancel him
is he even cancelled? Does twitter getting mad at you count as being cancelled now? I thought there had to be some actual consequence, like losing subscribers or getting fired?
I'm just quoting what Pelo thought. Take it up with him.
>implying half of those weren't old subscribers who don't watch his videos anymore but never bothered to unsubscribe
How many live shows has Jon had?
Arin is being a bully himself rallying his rabid faggy fanbase.
Must be why his vids get into the millions in a couple days.
I honestly don't get Arin. He skips all the instruction & then complains that he doesn't know what to do. I'm unsure if it's deliberate or not but he clearly sets himself up for these situations. I don't get how some can defend him.
I genuinely felt bad for Pelo, you can clearly see in his reply how he was shocked and hurt by Arin. Also the way Arin made those comments usually end up in the fandom bullying the target so I'm glad it backfired to Arin instead.
Seriously what's up with this faggot throwing random people under the buss in the most brutal way possible like that? That's no the first time it happened. Is he bipolar or something?
For arin, Let's playing means performing comedy, so his mind is solely focused on the next funny thing to say. Playing the game is just a background task which he pays minimal attention to
Is Arin more racist than Jon?
>Jon says a stock /pol/ statistic one time
>Suzy says that Arin had to say the N word 30 times after dropping off a black guy in his car to "get it out of his system", Arin confirms
>Game Grumps n word compilations is mostly soft rs, but one said by Arin that's censored and gets a serious shocked reaction out of Jon seems to imply it was a hard R
Are supermega the only boys without drama?
Chris Niosi.
>implying it's a couple of days
He releases a video like once every three months, people who look don't have much in the ways of options except to look at that one new video. It's disingenuous to compare to a channel that actually updates with multiple different programs a day, not including their streams and their live segments (which will be on a new channel).
You're alluding to inflated numbers because that's all you have. You can't say that Jon has live tours around the world, you can't say that Jon frequently hosts celebrities on his shows, you can't say that Jon managed to develop new careers in voice acting and even video game creation out of his channel, you just have "muh inflated views bc i only make one video every quarter of a year and it's not even any good"
Is 2019 just the year of internet drama or something? I know this type of shit isn't new but it's been more in my face recently.
I dunno how that explains some of his Sequelitis videos. He's got complaints that suggest he doesn't know what he's doing there either.
Poor boy was living this meme. He just wanted a discussion about story-time animation but ended up having Egoraptor turning it into a soapbox then having Oney, shadman, and Spazkid air out some old simmering grievances.
Welcome to the new decade of the internet user. It's no longer about connection or sharing information. It's about screecap catfights, and career kneecapping because the internet stockpiles every single fucking syllable you've typed over the past decade.
Do you even watch jontron? He has access to professional studio shit now. He’s doing super well for himself. Live shows aren’t a metric of success.
The new GG live action channel is explicitly because the YouTube algorithm doesn’t favour let’s plays anymore - it’s an acknowledgement that they’re in some form of trouble and have to change content to stay successful
Lel you Youtuberfags are still going on about your little dramas here? The fuck is wrong with this place. Yea Forums used to be quite good at recognizing and repelling Personal Army bullshit. Now we get shit like this or those Anti-Oaxisfags blogging here all the time. and who gives a shit about Pelo either the guy is literally a 56% face mutt.
>Arin had to say the N word 30 times after dropping off a black guy in his car to "get it out of his system"
That's kinda creepy
>Personal army
>56% face mutt
>Do you even watch jontron? He has access to professional studio shit now.
Good job, he managed to hit the very bottom of the basic necessities of hosting programs. I'm soooo impressed.
>Live shows aren't a metric of success
You seriously can't even handle the concept that the Grumps are successful just because Jon left. You Jontron fanboys are delusional.
I was drunk when watching this stream so sorry if I'm wrong in blaming Grumps fans, but I'm pretty sure they started doxxing Ding Dong and sending text messages to his friends and family, harassing them to the point of where Ding Dong saw no other choice but to harm himself to stop it because of how his friends and family were turning against him all because of how he said Dream Daddy was exploiting gay people, but Julian stepped in and after a while things turned back to normal between him and his family. The Grumps fans literally cannot handle them being criticized in anyway.
>if I call someone else reddit, it will obviously distract from the fact that I came to Yea Forums treating it like a regular internet forum where discussions and usernames carry over from thread to thread!
>Yea Forums used to be quite good
Things were good before, boohoo if you don't like it now then go kill yourself, you cum dumpster
Stopped reading there.
who are you quoting
That's what happened, yeah
Except "the grumps" is ambiguous. It was most likely some random on the Dream Daddy team who doxxed ding dong, rather than anyone big like arin or suzy
If you don't want to do live stage comedy, you don't do live shows. That doesn't mean you aren't successful just because you aren't doing a format you're not interested in.
Game Grumps is arin's soulless business. Let's Plays are losing their value in the algorithm so they're moving to other formats like live shows, livestreams and a new live action channel. It's all pragmatic business moves. Jon left because he wasn't interested in the direction things were heading.
I didn't mean the Grumps themselves did it, just that the Game Grumps rabid fanbase did it because of how Dream Daddy was being rightfully criticized. It could have been a dev on the team though, who knows. I'm just surprised there are people that obsessed to the point of trying to get somebody to kill themselves because they didn't like what they said about a game published by Game Grumps.
I assumed it was someone on the team (because that would explain how they had DD's phone number) but it might have been a fan, you could be right. Either way the game grumps's dev team are super unprofessional and I can't imagine it's a very good work environment
oh yeah, is that still alive? I haven't seen Butch in my recommendeds for a long time now
>Jon left because he wasn't interested in the direction things were heading
Jon wins
here's your upvote
just for that Gif I will like, comment and subscribe
>If you don't want to do live stage comedy, you don't do live shows. That doesn't mean you aren't successful just because you aren't doing a format you're not interested in.
You're right, if you don't want to be successful, you don't have to be successful. You can just do that one thing you do every quarter of a year and do it poorly, like Jon does.
How much does Game Grumps pay you to suck their dick?
>clearly new /pol/shitter talking about what ruined Yea Forums as if it wasn't his breed of pondscum that ruined it far worse than any wave of normalfaggotry, blogposting, or zoomer e-drama prior could ever hope to achieve
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Glad JonTron still keeps it real.
sorry, you're wrong, but Strawberry Clock's "B" was best
Ehhh to be fair that attitude is behind at least 75% of the bullshit on here now a days. In one form or another. People actually debate race and gender swapped characters they know nothing about and whole heartedly don’t even are about. They’re just looking for an unwinnable argument in a sad attempt to make everyone as confused as them.
Ya knw?
Wait a minute,
It's Jon, because Jon won the gold and he went for the win.
It went to shit after Tom removed content for being to controversial after one of the american school shootings the very reason and method he as a creator gain traction and attention with. Anyone who stuck around after that level of hypocrisy is a fucking moron.
This drama has been building up long before youtube was even a thing.
>arin doesn't even swear anymore because then he can't get the good ad money
>what went right?*
what's wrong with HF?
Still hasn't helped anyone get paid.
I'd kill for anything but more games. There have been hints off and on of what NG /could/ be over the years but they've never really amounted to anything.
>What went wrong
What went right? as the internet became more centralized newgrounds managed to survive and even thrive. Sure, a bunch of original trendsetters have left the site but the fact that the site remains and continues to produce great art, music, movies and games says something about it's tenacity. It's endearing. As the underdog anyway. Fuck Google.
Arin is literally either autistic or insane, old guard newgrounds fandom was extremely friendly and tolerant to artists content being mediocre, he in the other hand was by far one of the most toxic persons in the community giving ridiculously harsh and mean criticism(that not even his own animations could reach) and straight up bullying people.
He's projecting his mistakes into his own friends.
Found the Ocarina of Time fans.
That game was always shit and your childhood sucked. Get over it.
>implying ocarina of time is the only reason to dislike egoraptor
Arin Hanson
egoraptor a jerk
Hey Arin, how does it feel that none of you colleagues like your sorry since you turned into the quintessential California phony?
I always felt that Arin was autistic
I always felt like Jon and Dan were his babysitters rather than the "beta sidekick" he tried to push them to be.
Seriously, Arin is like an anchor around the neck of people with actual talent.
Excuse you?
Studio Yotta has that taken care of somewhat
Didn't Dan have a band before Starbomb?
Yes, and he still keeps up with it actually from what I remember.
His cover of Africa is completely spot on
>mentioning oot out of nowhere
None of those posts did. Why'd you automatically assume such?
That would be where it failed as user is saying, Arin tried to forcibly portray them as a thing they clearly weren't.
Jokes on you faggot, i owned a PS1
Ninja Sex Party? They are still a thing aren't they.
I'm still pissed they never finished Sonic 06.
To be fair, they really seemed to be getting burned out by the end. Had it kept going I'm not sure if it would've gotten better.
Alot like what happened with the Super Best Friends channel, you could tell Matt was just phoning it in for a LONG time.
Im pretty sure seeing Octopus Face snog the dead hedgehog would have been even more of a mindbreak than the cave glitch
Maybe not because they already knew it was coming where as the cave glitch came out of nowhere. Hell, they didn't even have a reaction to Shadow kicking Silver in the head multiple times.
How so? First time I'm hearing about em.
Oh they did Sonic Mania; cool.
pls, newgrounds europe, NOW
Phoned in so hard he phoned the other Best friends that he was on a vacation and not making videos with them for weeks at a time
I still upload stuff to Newgrounds and you actually get more exposure there then YouTube. But to answer the question they’ve failed to modernize the platform. It could’ve become a better DeviantArt/Bandcamp competitor and stay relevant but it feels like the site has been stagnant for the past decade. They need to get some people working for them with a vision for the site.
>they’ve failed to modernize the platform
This. The star-based rating system is fucking broken and worthless. The simple like/dislike button is unironically superior when it comes to getting randos on the internet to rate things.
Newgrounds also sucks for porn because nobody fucking wants close up crops of the art. I wanna see the full image in the thumbnail just like on every booru ever.
Becoming a hugbox where downvoting did nothing and any response that was the least bit negative got deleted for a long time didn't help them much. (The site still cries at you about 1 or less stars)
Honestly, there's merit to the star system when it's not abused by bots.
The problem with Youtube is that all the promotion is automated and Youtube has no way of knowing what a "good" video is. Even if there were no bots, a thumbs up is a thumbs up. A watch minute is a watch minute. It doesn't tell them how you actually feel about the video, and let's be honest, Pewdiepie would not have been a fucking 5/5 on all his videos, and neither would most of Youtube's "top" content because that shit is FUCKING BORING. People opening boxes is not a 5/5 experience, it's a "meh, I'll watch this I guess" experience.
The real problem with Newgrounds is that it lacks the infrastructure to deal with being big and profitable if it ever became big and profitable, because when that happens those sites become inundated with Malaysian click farms.
It bothers me that people on Yea Forums are discussing some drama between old Newgrounds animators without actually posting the tweets so I can see for myself. It's an imageboard, you'd think these fucks could take a screencap.
We're in American hours, and one of the biggest ISPs in the United States is rangebanned from uploading images, so I wouldn't expect many images to be uploaded until the ban's lifted.
I mean it's Youtuber drama, which doesn't mean it matters if anything actually happened or not because hate and controversy is just a normal part of that machine.
Rest assured, whatever popular Youtuber is being talked about is indeed probably a narcissist and hasn't done anything lately to really deserve his fame.
Well here
>There's a ban on American ISPs to not post images
Wait what?
Not all American ISPs, just one of the biggest.
There were a couple threads on /qa/ about it but they've already longsince gone to 404ville so you'll need to look on the archives - Basically for some reason, Hiro rangebanned Verizon as a whole, then lifted it slightly to allow posting but not images. Initially people assumed this only punished phoneposters but myself and others confirmed it's happening on PC as well.
It could be any number of reasons why - someone spamming to actively get the range banned, Verizon causing another internet fight with Yea Forums like what happened years ago, Yea Forums trying to mitigate bandwidth costs by cutting a massive population of users from uploading, or Hiro just wanting more Yea Forums pass money. But either way, until it's lifted that's up to 4.9 million monthly users who cannot post images.
Could be related to bot farms. Mobile phones are how people run them these days, so maybe Verizon just had some massive farm dicking around with the site.
I've found that I can't post (at all) using mobile data on my at&t phone; can over wifi though.
AT&T owns Verizon, or at least kickstarted an acquisition fairly recently.
Just like how Shadman draw Edd getting fucked by death the day he die of fucking cancer, right?
its toxic as hell, when I was on there everyone would insult me and it didn't make me grow thicker skin. It just hurt.
>dark humor between friends is the same as throwing people under the bus and fucking with them financially in order to elevate your own professional career like some kind of cowardly nepotistic snake person
Okay Arin
>Hiro just wanting more Yea Forums pass money
It's probably this, I stopped going on Yea Forums when using mobile recently because of the massive malware ad popups I've been getting and considering Hiro's history with money and websites I'm going to assume both are related
Shad wasn't Edd friend and it was the day he fucking die, I'm just saying that the members of Oney group aren't saints.
>Draw's someone getting raped by Death right after they died but it's cool because they were friends
Arin's mind has been warped by the libcucks.
Thank god I'm no filthy phone poster.
Like I said, it happens to PC users as well, it's a hard ban against Verizon as a whole.
>Honestly, there's merit to the star system when it's not abused by bots.
I don't think so. People do shit like rate a video a 2/5 instead of a 4/5 because they genuinely enjoy it but feel it's overrated. There are also people who never ever rate a 5/5 while others that always rate a 5/5. It's inconsistent and meaningless. Even professional movie and game critics don't even know how to quantize their feelings on what they're reviewing, and every single one of them operate on their own made up arbitrary scale on what a "4/5" or "3/5" "actually" means. Critics are better because they actually put more thought into their ratings, but average people just rate things at complete fucking random. So when it comes to average user reviews, fuck the star system.
>or Hiro just wanting more Yea Forums pass money
This is absolutely the raisin. We should have listened when the nip posters tried to warn us about him.
>getting offended I'm behalf of someone you didn't know
>when the Sleepycast crew confirmed they were all friends with Edd
>while simultaneously defending someone you don't know via whataboutism
Okay Arin
Who said most of us haven't? Not like we can stop m00t from selling to the nip. As long as I'm not a cuckleaf clover. I did all I could do.
>getting offended I'm behalf of someone you didn't know
White liberals do this all the time. They have some kind of white guilt complex. They are fucking broken human beings. Liberal brainwashing.
r/Cope phonecuck
I wonder how a Let's Play with Jon and Dan would work.
What Shadman do is completelly irrelevant to this Arin vs Chris siatuation. And this "oney group" is basically every artist including the storytimers themselves because no one sided with Arin.
Backstabbed? explain!
Grow the fuck up
Nazi incels go away racism not here to stay! Yea Forums don’t belong to you.
>He releases a video like once every three months
He's been putting out new videos like once to twice a week for the past 2-3 months.
>not using clover
>jon fell for /pol/ memes one time before getting slapped out of it so he's #cancelled forever
where do you think you are?
>Siding with Jon over Steven "Ethical Child Porn" Bonnell
Well, this doesn't help.
I think you mixed that up.
The out of touch retard has arived
>exhentai comes back up
>newgrounds goes down
The troops are still at war, don't think they're gonna stop just cause they don't know what to fight. The gsmes gave them a good income to keep the site, at jts consistently cheap rate, going for some time
I miss him
I was more of a hatty Hattington guy user
wade left
>>exhentai comes back up
Holy shit. Its time for the datahoarders to go nuts