>"So let's just go out, let's walk to get a coffee amongst all of the fans,'" Mara explained to Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. "And we were like, 'Well, maybe this is a bad idea. We'll get mobbed and it'll be crazy,' and not one person...not one person noticed us."
"So let's just go out, let's walk to get a coffee amongst all of the fans...
This article is from 2017. No one cares about this train wreck, Trank, or the cast. The most memorable thing about this film was the Denny’s ad
>We didn't wanted atention
>RRREEEEE why they didn't paid attention to us?
Why the hell is Sue still white if Johnny is Black? If the're all gotta go all diverse, commit to the role and go all the way, especially if the characters involved are related, which means the packaged deal go through the diverse changes together.
I still don't know who any of them are
If I were there I too would pretend not to see them
Then the movie may become too black. And we can't have Reed be the black guy.
Human Torch became Killmonger
Miles Teller should be brought back as MCU Maker.
Sue was adopted. Johnny and Dr. Storm were black and funny enough they were the two best actors in the film.
Not even Jordan?
I know Teller and Jordan.
No, he became Captain America.
wait...there was a fantastic 4 movie?
It wasn't really even so much that as much as just Trank being butt buddies with Michael B Jordan.
>Ben Grimm is Jewish
>let’s put bacon on the burger
i dont get it. are you not allowed to eat bacon if you're jewish?
Pork and shellfish are forbidden outright. Also meat and dairy being combined is a no-no and all meat must be slaughtered and salted to remove all the blood apparently.
What is Adoption, Alex!
no smelly pigs or shellfish! God said its too weird
That being said if you’ve ever been to a Jewish deli they know how to make some really good sandwiches.
There's been 4 fantastic 4 movies. And they've all been dogshit.
>Disney and Marvel Studios will work their magic and turn FF into household names gain.
I tell myself this every night to help me get to sleep
Cannibalism is frowned upon I'm most cultures.
2005 F4 was good, fuck you
Can we take a minute to acknowledge how stupid this script was?
>Reed Richards becomes friends with Ben because he hands him tools
>Reed, already way too old for high school, demonstrates A FUCKING DIMENSIONAL PORTAL at a school science fair next to grade schoolers
>Sue is good with patterns
>Ben's famous catchphrase originated from his abusive brother
>Reed, Doom, and Johnny are all selfish cunts who were dumb enough to think they wouldn't hire/train astronauts to use the portal
>They get drunk and visit another world
>Sue gets powers despite not being in the machine
>Ben suffers more than anyone, and doesn't say A SINGLE LINE to Sue the entire film. Not to mention Johnny is a complete prick to him
>Doom is evil now and has telekinetic powers you'll only see for one sequence
No user, it is you who are fucked.
But god also used to say that evolution wasn't a thing. So apparently god made a bunch of loud pink retards who only know how to dig and taste nice just for us to look after and do nothing with.
What a cunt.
only if you eat kosher
it's in Leviticus, the same book of the bible the fundy Christians like to get tattoos quoting the shit about homosexuals from (tattoos are also forbidden, as is ejaculation without purpose, which happens automatically anyway)
most jews are secular and do not observe kosher custom in daily life, only when it's a family thing and some more traditional members are going to be around
when it was written, not eating shellfish or pork or a lot of the other stuff made sense - some of it is holdovers from long-forgotten religions and cults that pre-date judaism by millennia (jews in the modern sense, rather than the biblical we-were-here-first sense Jesus liked to ramble on about, date at the earliest from about 600BCE)
and of course these people lived in climates where food spoiled in hours because of the heat, so pork and shellfish, which any good chef will tell you need a little extra care in the walk-in, would give you food poisoning so often (which again, you know, we're talking about a world where nobody understood hydration and illness at all) that it just wasn't worth eating, so to stop the whiners going "but why" they said "because god said so"
i mean, refrigeration's been around a while - in various forms a few hundred years - but back then? nobody was really doing anything you'd call refrigeration or observing a cold chain from slaughter to table
this, Jordan should had been noticeable, he had already done creed
>jews dont know what its like to have shrimp or dungenous crab
at least they have their potato pancakes i guess
creed didn't come out until a couple months after f4
Crazy how people who didn’t watch a film somehow have an opinion of it
Not enough white characters in fiction huh?
Well I mean Christians also get quotes about homosexuals from the New Testament, Paul writes about them a few times in his Epistles.
How often are blonde girls adopted by black families?
I know white families often adopt black children, but I never seem to see the opposite, so I was wondering if anyone had stats on it.
>Not enough white characters in fiction huh?
Race-swapping is never the answer
It was shit in the DBZ movie, it was shit in the Airbender movie, it's shit in the Spider-man movies (Flash, not MJ, though they were race-baiters by giving her those initials), and it's shit in Fantastic Four.
I mean Ben's casual enough that he probably doesn't keep strictly Kosher. A lot of jewish folks I know are falling off of that anyway because of the expense these days.
>the cast.
I think people care about Killmonger.
The original scripts had Annihilus as the villain, and would be responsible for the F4 getting their powers.
And this pic related is the most comic accurate concept art I could find.
Fantastic Four movies suck at villain costumes, what the fuck. Thats not even Annihilus, its just a weird bug. It doesn't share any similarities with Annihilus. Its like getting a weird looking lizard and calling it a Skrull. Fuck Fox
Just because it's watchable and not offensive doesn't mean it's good.
Paul is pretty much fanfic that made it in to the final anthology
I'd like to see the original script for Trank's F4 so we can compare the original horror-driven idea could have been.
>Fantastic Four movies suck at villain costumes
The 94 film's Doom costume was almost good. Like they at least had the right idea, but the material they used looks too fucking cheap.
Michael B. Jordan is the only one who managed to not get his career fucked by Fant-four-stic by soon after starring in Creed.
nice job making the same post twice you faggot.