this is just disturbing
This is just disturbing
Other urls found in this thread:
How did
How did you obtain this data
Momcest > auntcest > siblingcest > cousincest >>>>>>>> other forms of incest > non-incest
>not expecting Incest from the Ben 10 Fandom.
You have only yourself to blame.
It's okay they're just cousins
More like GOOD TASTE
>Nothing for Ben/Lucy
>Looma and Attea not even on the chart
>Kai is at 2% despite being worst girl
give me one reason why homosexuality is accepted but not cousin love
The habsburgs
answer the question
There isn't one. At least not a good one. Homosexuality is objectively more destructive to society than incest.
cute feet
>Charmcaster that low
they brought back the clown and lolified her?
NuCharmcaster looks abysmal
Charles II
Good for Rook
I hate both
What a shame.
An animator has basically admitted that LGBT pushing is a political move with the goal of forcing the normalization of homosexuality in the mind of children
You're referring to rook right?
At least the second one looks fun?
She cute.
I know
Not everyone is an amerimutt redneck or come from a shithole country.
i'm referring to the incest part
>using reboot shit
Now that's disturbing.
I think it's Japan's fault honestly.
>Japan's fault honestly.
INB4 "Yeah, shithole countries"
>looma is not even on the chart
How can one fanbase have such shit taste?
Holy fucking based
I honestly have no clue. While incest results in unsuccessful offspring, homosexuals can even produce offspring(at least by themselves).
That twitter user sounds ungrateful
Since people wouldn't want any offspring with either, homosexuality got an advantage there.
>No Max
>no tini
Where the fuck is Max?
>No Myaxx
People have shit tastes.
>vilgax 1%
>Rook 32%
My boy Rook getting some well-deserved human mangina.
It's more genetically destructive for a woman to have a child past the age of 30 than it is for goddamn siblings to fuck. Cousins aint shit unless their kids are fucking too.
Why is Grandpa Max not on here?
I'd rather my kid be a homo then fuck his sister.
Daily reminder that Gwen is getting LEVINED while poor Cletus is jacking off to shitty pedo incest porn.
What are you, a retard? Oh wait, just your kid will be.
How does Rook have more Fujo fans than kevin?
Probably went on and sorted by pairings.
Disturbingly small amount for Kevin
Dumb reasoning to be honest. I'd rather some people not exist than to be born with some awful defect that will considerably be a burden on themselves and others down their life.
All his fans jumped onto the far superior BenRook
What is this referencing in particular? Did they put Homos into the show?
>no ben10k
Kevin's got a girlfriend.
El Hechizado
both should not be accepted. The end
>i'm referring to the incest part
>Posts Lion King, a movie about incest love
Nice one retard
Seriously, who uses the new series art? and who even is rook?
Cousins arent even incest
>one doesn't contribute to the overpopulation
>one contributes to the overpopulation by literal breeding of degenerates
It is.
Homosexuality still creates degenerates; it's just through abuse and propoganda rather than direct breeding.
Rook was the alien parter he had instead of Gwen/Kevin in Omniverse.
Did someone say an overpopulation problem?
Not to defend incest, but pointing to Charles for why incest is wrong is like pointing to a dying alcoholic for why alcohol is bad.
Vilgax 1% is the only true way.
didn't you last thread get nuked? are you ban-evading just for this, user?
Incest is wincest and also based. Loudcest and Pinecest probably make it among the top ships in their respective shows as well.
why is there shipping in ben 10 in the first place?
t. inbred
I dont understand why /pol/tards take the normalization of gay people as a fucking secret conspiracy. The majority of people arent biggots anymore so obviously homosexuality would become "normal". But no, its always a jew plan to prevent them from getting laid like everything else that happens in this fucking planet.
>Pointing the severe consecuences of the action in question to prove why it shouldnt happens.
Whats your point?
The animator is from Equestria Girls. Recently they had two male background characters hold hands - barely noticeable btw, I did not notice until I saw that fucking tweet. They previously did a whole special that was thinly-veiled dykebaiting. (Tho they sorta fucked up by giving the characters male crushes afterwards lmao)
Point is, bit by bit they are purposefullt introducing this shit. Thank God Hasbro pulled the plug before they could do more.
Gwen was literally the endgame ship for the OG series and they changed them to cousins last second.
it seems like you are confusing the concept of not hating homosexuals with mandatory homosexuality
No, pushing for homos is definitely intentional (how "secret" it is has varied over time, nowadays its blatant) on part of the media/entertainment industry and LGBT lobbies. The weakening of religion & traditional morals + the sexual revolution opened the floodgates.
Russia is very homophobic specifically because the Church has influence, Putin crippled lobbies on purpose, and communism kept them from hearing Western pro-homo propaganda until 1990
Hell the word homophobia in both its structure and usage is meant to shame and shut up people.
You're right, why is Rook so high?
That some people just fucking drink on holidays.
What do you mean what's my point? The dude was the product of 30 generations of incest and had water for a brain. A single generation of cousin fuckers isn't going to produce frogs.
Cletus go home.
>A single generation of cousin fuckers isn't going to produce frogs.
I will bet money on Charles's grand poppys thinking the same.
And how do you think it started?
No, they were relatives literally from the very beginning. Even closer as siblings but changed it to cousins.
Self inserting mostly
I would agree with you.
If we were talking about medieval monarchs.
the chances of a fucked up kid is greater when its siblings, less so when its cousins, but not by that much for regular couples. But if that kid tries to get with their sibling then problems start coming up
Gee, if only we had invented a tool that prevents us from having a baby if we donnt want to
I never said it was an accident, of course is fucking intentional. More people today are more comfortable with two people of the same sex kissing in public than gay lynchings on the streets, so of course if someone has a medium to spread a message of tolerance (especially if it would reach young malleable minds) you can bet your ass they would use it. Its the same thing Putin does, but instead of control it aims for equallity.
You know how the daughter of a skank who got pregnant at 16 ends up knocked up around that same age? The fruit doesnt fall too far away from the tree.
Im sure it never happens nowadays, right? And never with negative outcomes.
That's why is allowed everywhere and everyone think is fine to bang your relatives after all.
I mean fucking your cousins and aunts FOR FUN I wouldnt mind, as long as it doesnt produce offspring.
If only people were responsible enough to use it and wouldn't want kids even when incest is involved.
cause best boy
I'm pretty sure I started this by saying "not to defend incest".
And it does happen now. I recall a documentary about "genetic sexual attraction" which followed several incest couples. One was a pair of idiots from Germany that had like 4 kids that kept getting thrown in foster care, and him in prison. Another was a pair that said nobody could prove they had sex because they didn't have kids.
But to say that a family in the modern world would without difficulty interbreed for several generations is retarded. They're not being married to already fucked bloodlines for influence. If you want to make arguments against incest, cite those fuckin foster kids before you post about Charles II.
Omniverse is the hottest Ben so you should pay attention
you'd think there'd be more vilgax
It wasn't me talking about Charles, user.
Funny you talk about retardation while talking about incest btw
Have you heard of Tim Colt? It still happens nowadays, but it's not something people would like the world to know obviously.
I think he meant the reboot.
"progressives" always are
Not nearly enough Gwen.
Other than gravity falls is this one of the rare times incest is preferred to every other ship Western wise?
Firecest is popular with male Avatar fans, it’s just the female fans solidarity with Zutara can’t be beat.
gee if only we had invented a tool that prevents us from having babies if we don't want them
Kevin has a canon girlfriend/boring relationship and isn't an alien so ben can fuck him. Plus, he doesn't have any real shippable moments with ben in almost every iteration.
Fujos can't do all the work user.
I'm so tired that my brain thought "don't click that image, it'll be too loud!"
Was already debunked here time ago though.
I'm interested
Something like 3/7ths of the entire world's population is in China and India alone. Europeans are not contributing much to the 'overpopulation' problem.
Is it really? Fanfiction was a lot smaller when the OS aired, and with each iteration of the series the pool of potential writers has gotten bigger. Rook was from a particularly long running series, that was also the most recent. It surprises me that he’s up there with Gwen in terms of how much he’s shipped with Ben, but I’m not at all surprised he’s the most popular male ship.
>I did not notice until I saw that fucking tweet.
Sure you did.
Yeah but if cousin fucking was legal and acceptable in most places then you'd have mass amounts of cousin children getting with other cousin children. Not from the same family but all those fucked genes and susceptibilities combined would still end up in bad outcomes, not necessarily Charles II but something closer to the Middle East/India and the sheer amount of deformed hobgoblin incest children they have except more widespread. Plus even one generation of cousins can fuck their offspring up pretty bad, I had a middle eastern friend as a kid whose parents were cousins or 2nd cousins and he had a bunch of fucking problems with various parts of his body and was having liver problems and bone problems in his fucking teen years.
Based. I don't really care about many of the ships for Ben 10 but I'm glad it's taken over Bevin as the main homo ship since that was always garbage.
>"Cartoon creators are putting more gays in things to quell homophobia in kids unlike the media they grew up with like they've been saying for years now!? What a shock!"
user you absolute fucking retard.
Eh. Vilgax May have been a good villain in the OS, but he gets progressively worse as time goes on, while at the same time getting less and less screen time. And TBF, he didn’t even have that much to begin with.
With so few scenes available to him, there isn’t really a whole lot that can be twisted around into shipping nonsense. He doesn’t have anything that can be misconstrued as a hidden soft side, with the exception of that one fucking weird episode during UAF where they apparently turned him into a benevolent dictator on his home planet. But that felt so contrived that not even shippers tried to use it as fuel.
The results, or that someone went through this shit?
>if cousin fucking was legal and acceptable in most places then you'd have mass amounts of cousin children getting with other cousin children
This is actually a problem within the African American community. A woman has a baby with 3 or 4 different men in her hood and none of them know who they daddy is, then they go on to fuck people that may very well be their cousins or even half-sibling
The more you know
Cousin is not incest
>t. redneck in denial
kek wasted trips
>2% Kai
that's too much
You'd really think more people would be into KevBen, given the usual trajectory of fierce rivalries among fandoms.
We'd need to know how this chart was made to verify its accuracy.
Source? Which site is this from? Because I found it in ao3.
I found the source. It's from the FFN.
This one looks more accurate than OP's
Gwen was an established character since the beginning, so it makes sense.
I'm surprised about Rook, I had to look him up.
Everybody will tell you, hur dur retard kids - but they don't actually understand why or even how it works. You could have more retarded kids with a woman who doesn't share more common ancestors than with your cousin or even sister, but fags will just site a few inbred mutants from a certain dynasty and just ignore all the normal inbred royals because it fits their worldview.
Making it legal doesn't mean it stops being incest though.
They brought back the hottest girl in the original series and turned her into a loli? These motherfuckers have serious issues...
Sweet Home Alabama
She is too good for this show...
Seems about right.
He's the top gay ship and his relationship with Ben is more natural, so even being newer it remains popular
>#1 ship is incest
>#2 and #3 ship are pedophilia
Who are you quoting there
AO3 is not reliable source because it's mainly M/M while FFnet is M/F.
Unless any of them have the three close to each other, non of them is reliable either.
I mean sure, if you do buttstuff with your bro you run the risk of getting the dreaded butt disease, but at least with that you don't run the risk of procreating a child who's as dumb as Ed with the looks of that mutant from the Goonies named Chunk.
Moral of the story? Always use protection fellow Yea Forumsmrades, always.
You just don't fuck your relatives, user.
Think what you'd think or say to someone trying to convince you that fucking your mother is fine. Makes no sense at all.
> Russia is very homophobic specifically because the Church has influence, Putin crippled lobbies on purpose, and communism kept them from hearing Western pro-homo propaganda until 1990
It's a bullshit /pol/ wants to believe. Russian people are generally not very homophobic but government is. Chechnya is the only really homophobic region and it's already semi-independent state with it's own Muslim culture alien to absolute majority of other Russian parts. Church doesn't really have much influence though Putin is pushing it very hard.
>adults shipping preteen characters
kill yourselves all of you
>1% Vilgax
fucking what
Doesn't make sense, chart is clearly BS. Nothing comes close to Ben/Gwen shipping and I'm damn sure Charmcaster has a lot more support than a measly 3%. Rook isn't even really a thing in anything but Omni, so he really shouldn't be anywhere close to a constant like Gwen. BS chart is BS.
Get over it already. It's massively popular. The fact that Yea Forums doesn't talk about it much and US CN airs it so slowly compared to the rest of the world seems to have given many people a false impression. Newest clips on YT are STILL pulling in millions of views with each comment section showing immense positive interest.
>homosexuality is accepted but not cousin love
There is none, user, is just arbitrary cultural restrictions based on traditional knowledge that has no scientific base.
>But birth defects.
If that was what actualy mattered to people governments would go full eugenics and ban anyone with genetic disorders from reproducing (No family for you, Warwick Davis).
The reason why society is against incest is the same reason it was against gays back in the day and the same reason most communities that are against them today usually held religious views, baseless traditions that makes them cringe at the tought of it.
The same goes with things like age of consent, which instead of biologically stablishing a minimun age in which the individual can willingly engage in sexual activities while not endangering themselves (would put the legal age of consent around the age of 18) it's just about of how confortable is the place you live in with letting people fuck them young.
But their reproductive capabilities are not hindered in the slightest. A homosexual couple can easily produce and raise healthy children, the individuals just won’t be related to both of them. I guess it would be harder for male homos because it would be hard to find a woman willing to be get pregnant for someone she’s not in a relationship with - so in their case, pure adoption is the way to go - but they can still pass on their genes easily through sperm donation or previous relationships. Teaming up with a lesbian couple
would be ideal
Of course, the same goes for siblings, and is already a fairly common thing, sisters/brothers all pitching in to help raise a child. But trying to reproduce together is being irresponsible with genetics and unfair to the child. Even if they came out fine, that child will still be passing on inbred genetics, and would be horrified to know the truth of their parentage if they live in normal society
In any case, I think the expansion of the idea of a family beyond the nuclear concept of just two parents is a good thing. Having numerous people concerned with a child’s welfare will increase how well-cared for they are, their options for role models, etc.
I think it's an Avatar type deal where there's a Zutara like straight ship where they can self insert dating a bad boy. That in turn attracts more self inserters than fujoshis which in turn creates a snowball effect for more content being made and less incentive for a fujobase to form. Plus this was before Omniverse which was a time where the yaoi herd was already preoccupied with other fujo bait juggernauts. By the time Omniverse and rook came there were less big fandoms to keep their attention and the only reason why Gwen is higher is really because of how long the ship's been around now.
>If that was what actualy mattered to people governments would go full eugenics and ban anyone with genetic disorders from reproducing
People can’t control what genes they were born with, they can control whether they reproduce with their family though. And yes, people with genetic disorders can control whether they reproduce as well, but banning somebody from reproducing altogether is of course going too far.
That said, is incest banned either? Even if it is I don’t think anything could stop you from having a kid with your sibling, it would just be, same as if you have a genetic disorder, dumb
Probably because Gwen is the one he has the most interactions with and has been there since the original series, so people see a lot of chemistry in them regardless of the fact that Ben and Gwen are cousins.
Fucking sickos.
>It's massively popular.
Then take it to YT or don't expect people here think is nothing but a shitty reboot.
Pinecest was big but it was hardly the most popular western ship.
>I want to fuck my family cause no one else would care about me
No I'm just saying as the preferred ship for that show
The majority of ships are the series where they are teens
As it should be
Man, ao3's userbase is awful.
>the main love interest is one of the least written about characters
good fuck kai
...So if the point is that homosexuality is bad for society because they can't reproduce, doesn't that make cousin couples that don't reproduce just as bad?
The point wasn't that incest was better, it was that it wasn't worse. Oh, and let's not forget the fact that far more diseases spread through homosexual sex than incestuous sex.
Nah, it's based
Eh sometimes you gotta dig through dirt to find that diamond some good rice on there now and again
>don't expect people here to think it's nothing but a shitty reboot.
I actually gave up thinking people on this board would ever give the show a chance back in 2017. But last year with the introduction of Charmcaster and this year with the introduction of Kevin public opinion here seems to have shifted greatly. We've actually had a number of positive threads for the reboot here. Either the haters finally backed the fuck off or people gave it a chance and found out it's essentially a super cutesy, sillier, and rushed version of the original which isn't the worst thing in the world.
In any case I won't waste time trying to convince people with hate-boners like yours that the show is worth watching, so don't worry. The fact we aren't making bashing thread after bashing thread for reboots anymore is more than enough.
Not even 1% for Argit BAKA.
I disagree.
DaDau is the greatest form.
Fun Fact: You're more likely to have mutant and retarded kids with a woman over 30 than with a direct sibling.
So if I wanna have a kid in the X-Men just go for older women?
Got it
Hope that works out for ya.
We needs us some laser eyes or psychic powers.
>Kai: 2%
Why the original Ben 10 writers ever thought she was a good love interest in the first place remains a mystery. Or why Omniverse felt the need to bring her back and destroy Ben's only good love interest in the process. Thankfully, Omniverse flopped hard, so no one will every remember it.
ultimate alien put in the majority of the work in wrecking julie though, and it was on par with alien force bar a few hickups
It really is, I expected Gewn to be much more.
>Criminal offense
Imagine being a cop and told to kick down some guy's door because he's banging his hot cousin
yeah it is pretty gross that many people ship him with a character as garbage as kai
Best ship coming through.
That pie chart is wrong, there's no way Gwen is only 38%. No fucking way.
it's shocking that Russia and canada haven't banned it.
like the US and China I totally understand it being banned based specifically on the number of backwater idiots in said countries
Tf is Kai
As someone who has only watched the first episode of the reboot, I can't say I know next to anything about it, but it just rubbed me the wrong way.
And that's not just saying "new thing bad" and throwing my hands up. Maybe if I watched more episodes I would like it more, but honestly I'd rather just go back and re-watch the original. Something about the dialogue makes my skin crawl.
By comparison I hate TTG while I loved the original series, so there's that. Just a complete difference in taste, I guess.