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Other urls found in this thread:


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I love her/him

Attached: my love.jpg (1105x968, 624K)

oh god, what happened to her face???
is this one of those makeup edits???

Attached: Rubber Walrus protector.jpg (639x479, 44K)

i believe it is


you can tell this show was written by SJWs

Yeah, I was on two hours of sleep when I made this. Don't know why OP is so in love with it tho.

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Post moar of her. I dated an injun chick like that

Attached: penumbra.jpg (522x522, 34K)

Tell me more.

Attached: 267.png (1865x1589, 521K)


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Met her in arizona. She had short black hair, a perfect body and was a total sweetheart. She was smoking hot. Shes now my wife.

Attached: yung hee.jpg (337x693, 72K)

wash your waifu

fucking nice, dude

Attached: 236.png (1421x2015, 2.04M)

Best princess.

Attached: brave_redhead_by_suthnmeh-d3o5vux.jpg (750x1064, 103K)

I wish she carried her arrows in her hair

I want to be in her platoon and go innawoods with her to kill trolls!

Attached: 324524354235325.png (485x810, 530K)

They'd probably get lost.

Attached: brave_redux_by_davebardin-d6e6gt4.jpg (774x1032, 142K)

Attached: 1.png (552x473, 238K)

Being dirty is cute though

Shes an apache. Trips to see her family are always fun

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yeeeeah dude

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Claiming her now.

Her sweet and bloody pussy will be mine for all eternity.

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Glad you're happy. Met quite a few indians, all of them have been nice.

Attached: marie.png (634x889, 217K)

Post moar BW

Fine, fine

Attached: 273.png (842x1000, 212K)

UNF, reminds me of our honeymoon in the bahamas


Go wild, just don't want to flood this thread

>reminds me of our honeymoon in the bahamas

Attached: wat5.jpg (189x267, 8K)

Attached: Azula Chart.jpg (1215x1215, 303K)

We went to this ritzy resort and had fun in the sun all week

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Best waifu. No doubt.

Attached: adf4414.jpg (1334x750, 58K)

I'm disappointed that it's not John K.

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She looks ugly as fuck with makeup

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Waifu not husbando

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i need a sorce


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The best waifu are the kind that isn't Yea Forums related.

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easy choice

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Husubandos ok?

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No faggot

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Let's hope so.

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I realize you're fucking retarded, but you can god damn read, faggot.

Cringe. The only time dedicating yourself to a character (no matter the gender) is acceptable is when you believe in what they believe in, and hold their values as your own with high admiration.

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i am curious. how far do you people take this waifu thing? do you treat it very seriously, or is it just a word for girl you like?

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Attached: Fifi dress.png (981x877, 552K)

There is just no competition

the Bumble

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Hope this counts.

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You're waifu-fagging a homeless bum who makes bets with truckers about how many breakfast items she can scarf down?

I knew this board had low standards, but damn.

Yeah. I like trashy girls.

God tier taste

Attached: victoria.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

Who dis bih?


Holy fuck shes hot

i thought Yea Forums didn't talk about good comics.


Attached: Zeta_the_Sorceress_Shimmer_and_Shine_FF.png (1440x810, 1.21M)

You mean a monster girl. With bad verbal syntax. And height + muscle + curves
Sure. WE’RE the faggots in this thread, user. You’re the same kind of guy that says Oga-San isn’t perfect waifu material on /fit/


I want to see her get bullied by sunchad

is it specifically Peridot with Eyelashes or Peridot in general?

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I love Alakshmi.

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I mean, if my waifu is practically an older me who is equally depressed, tired to a point, hates her job and lax, that's more than acceptable.

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Show of middle?

Why are the rest of the videos in blyat?

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>What do i think about villainos
It has great potential


Personally, I try not to take it TOO seriously, or else I'd probably go insane.
Damn, that's cute af

Attached: aspects are wonk, but women are stronk.png (1077x1077, 2.26M)

Define "seriously" in this instance.

shit like taking your body pillow to places, talking to your waifu, etc.

Attached: entrapta.png (800x1150, 525K)

Well, I don't have a body pillow but I do talk to her. Of course, she never replies. I'm talking to a picture. But it's comforting, you know?

>shit like taking your body pillow to places, talking to your waifu, etc.

No, we aren't that desperate.

The most I've done is "talk" to her like if she was a person and draw her when I feel like it, just to get it out of my head.

Webcomic named Bomango.

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here to claim the queen

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>Pantha needs a sparring partner! How badly do you fail?
The most I could do would be to rehearse the "manager distracts the ref" bit from every match that has a ref. Maybe help her with her promos.

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Attached: Sharon Spitz.jpg (1390x1050, 137K)

I want to do very sexual things to this one.

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>Oh shit, Lily found out about you and *rolls d12* Milly! How fucked are you?
You know that thing in comedies where the smaller person is kept at arms length by the taller person? That. Of course, when Lily calms down and explains what a two-timing shit I am, then I'll be tasting the kerb.


Attached: tumblr_ol5r60kxus1vcbbtmo1_1280.png (1280x1280, 329K)

>First date with DCAU Vixen?
Probably at a nice restaurant (not too fancy) but kinda quiet at first - her, because this is technically a rebound date after John dumped her to go back to Shiera, and me because holy SHIT I'm on a date with a freakin' supermodel. Things get more lively when some supervillains attack (let's saaaaay... Body Doubles). The one with stupid glasses hits on me only to immediately get clowned on by Vixen. There's a fight that doesn't last long (she's fighting Body Doubles, ffs) and Vixen immediately goes back to her date as though nothing happened. She teases me about the one who supervillainess hitting on me; I explain that I'm not into "evil chicks"... plus, her glasses were way too goofy. Fade out, with it clear that the date goes much better from then on, maybe have a montage of us having more dates.

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Having a body pillow isn't an option for most Yea Forums waifus, that's more for Yea Forums waifus. Talking to your waifu when she's not present sounds like a bad idea unless you do it in private or people will think you're crazy.

>Ywn have a buff biker gf who likes heavy metal
Why even live bros

Hildy Gloom

>Talking to your waifu when she's not present sounds like a bad idea unless you do it in private or people will think you're crazy.
People already think I'm crazy, or at the very least not "all there". Does being insane really matter as long as you're happy in the end.

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wheres my goddamn pizza?

Attached: 1564773654460.png (768x1024, 568K)

Who's this cutie?

Polly from Samurai Pizza Cats. Has a pretty kickass NES game too boot

>Great, Volcana's been hypnotised by... fuck, I dunno, Dracula. How does she do?
Badly, especially if Claremont is writing

>Road trip with Asuka-chan?
A week across the Kansai region. I want to see all the cool shit where she lives, and to watch the smile on her face as she remembers the joys of her youth.

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Don't have a chart. Re-rollin'.


Attached: D817C90B-72FC-47B4-9A16-A1AFA77DA1BC.jpg (1225x1225, 459K)

One more re-roll. I'm tired of this question.


Attached: dbimyld-9bf057ff-d882-4cad-8831-113b4299925e.png (1000x1076, 399K)

Enjoy your ban

I would watch a cartoon of this

>She seems sad and dejected. How do you cheer her up?
If she wants space, she's got it. But if she wants comfort, my arms are open. I let her cry on my shoulder if she wants to. Then, I get her to look at me. And as I'm staring deep into those beautiful blue eyes, I ask her what's wrong. My response might differ depending on her reply, but I want for her to know what she can trust me and that I'm always there for her.

Attached: broken_pride_by_niuner-d56l5au.jpg (806x990, 83K)

She wasn't that sexy! REEEEEEEEEE!

It exists, but its in blyat speak. Stupid slavniggers wont make a dub

Attached: 1472457082223719881.jpg (1200x1200, 860K)

t a s t e

>Which Lantern Corps would recuit Lily?
Green. Duh.

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Gentlemen, I believe I have found my Yea Forums waifu and she's Norwegian

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Wow user, that's a lot of good taste.

Attached: co.png (1000x1000, 1.23M)

Anyone got the template?

Attached: waifus 10.jpg (1620x1590, 824K)

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Anyone have a template that isn't for ants

will this do?

Attached: yo.png (225x225, 1K)

>posts smaller template

Well done, user

Attached: 1474406314364.png (346x427, 251K)

I did one for Yea Forums and one for Yea Forums

Attached: gurks.jpg (2154x1071, 1.63M)

I'm not done yet

Attached: chart.png (1080x1079, 850K)

Attached: waifus abc.jpg (1200x1899, 549K)

maybe you can help me user, a lot of people seen to like the butt witch and I just don get why. What do you see in her?

I return from my week-long ban for posting a Yea Forums-related image and thread on Yea Forums

Attached: doms and moms harem v8.jpg (3309x4437, 3.89M)

I'm sorry to ask this but do you like getting fuck in the ass?

Glad to hear it, who are you again?

>Comdemns your Waifu to an island full of monsters so that she wouldn't snitch

Attached: 1557830403320.jpg (437x394, 31K)

I'm the cook.

That Raven looks gorgeous!

>choosing the artistic one and not the one willing to spite her enemies by destroying the world

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Maybe, so what if I do

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I wanna hug Gwen

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Anal sex is great

Attached: 1501339706975.jpg (475x546, 51K)

Prostate orgasms are amazing


Attached: chart.png (1080x1079, 1.03M)

who's the mean-looking mommy in the bottom left?

Mereoleona Vermillion from Black Clover

you seem like a man who likes to be scared into having a boner, lime myself

Which episode?

Your waifu wants to Netflix and chill. What do you watch?

>forcibly stuffs giant phallic object into partner's mouth against his will
>"You liked it!"
Hope you enjoy being analy raped.

i cant wait to see a million of annoying girls wearing this shit and yelling really loudly

This mouse makes me feel things

Attached: Valentine-day-2013-Disneyland-Paris-0057.jpg (1001x1000, 234K)

I love this giant marshmallow goddess.

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How do you feel about ships/pairings involving your waifu?

cute, but only if the guy and relationship style is self-insertable

Can't stand them. Shipping is cancer and shippers are the lowest life form.

Attached: 1564264327770.png (1009x1560, 511K)

why did you photoshop these crusty pussy lips onto her, you fucking coward.

anyway here you go. there's some Yea Forums cuties on here.

Attached: MY_WIFES.png (1002x890, 1.21M)

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Heka a best

Attached: hekapoo_by_nashrow_dc7ck63-pre.jpg (868x921, 64K)

there are some ships that makes sense, then there are others that just baffle me.

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Watch netflix and chill

Attached: Waifu.jpg (3264x3237, 1.06M)

adventure movies maybe?