Let's be honest, he's by far the best super hero

Let's be honest, he's by far the best super hero.

Attached: 1551126874008.png (250x333, 186K)

How can anyone else compete?

That’s not Hal Jordan

they literally can't

Attached: 1551927689997.jpg (1987x3056, 780K)

God, spiderfags are pathetic

give me 100 reasons why or you're a fag

The flash rebuilt a building did SpiderMan? No he’s probably the menace that destroyed it!

>DUDE ______-FAGS!!!!!
Eat a fucking bullet.

They keep forcing this weird Sue x Spider-Man ship last few days
They think Spider-Man can beat Thor and Hulk
They love the parts of the character that don't reflect what the character is 95% of the time (when Spidey goes EPIC RAGE MOD and doesn't hold back!!!)
They shit on most Spider comics to come out after the 90s

I think he'a t his best when there's no multiverse/50 fucking spiders in one book bullshit. It's just Peter against the world, trying to do what's best. It's fine when someone like Ben shows up because, of course, he's a clone, but when all these fucking people get Spider powers the little accident of the radioactive spider doesn't feel so accidental now.


Attached: Guy.png (353x370, 86K)


Attached: daredevil3.jpg (400x331, 159K)

That's a really weird drawing of Swamp Thing


The only problem with that statement is that Hal doesn't have to be a superhero. GL: TAS shows off how the Lanterns only share a world with superheroes. As in, there's no secret identities and they're more akin to space adventures.

This, he does what Spidey does but with less powers.

>They keep forcing this weird Sue x Spider-Man ship last few days
they force "Sue is a slut" meme user

A secret identitiy is not a necessary part of a superheroes.


Sue is made for big WAKANDAN cock, and big ATLANTEAN cock, and basically every single male superhero there is aside from Reed (cuckold that he is)

Nuh uh Batman is, loser


No one would want to fuck Sue if she wasn't Reed Richards' wife

What's that from?
It looks super cute.

That is fucking adorable

Attached: 1563753281513.gif (498x322, 1.07M)

Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #310

Attached: 1546712200646.png (800x1219, 1.4M)

>hey carl do you separate the veggie dogs
>I suppose you have too
>because otherwise that would be cross contamination
>Right Carl?
>Mind if I take a look?

Better than Batman ?
Better than Superman?

I dont know about that OP

Wealthy industrial playboy that would rather beat up poor and unfortunate people than try and stop crimes via methods that work.
Illegal alien.

Got anyone else?

Ahh....that’s not Hal Jordan


Attached: CfuGmNgWEAAgbCL.jpg (400x316, 37K)

Praying to god Spidey never comes to my kitchen

Spider-Man: Health Inspector