The typical Yea Forumsumblr poster

>the typical Yea Forumsumblr poster

Attached: 1563380196495.png (454x520, 13K)

Wow, this guy is literally me!

i wish i had that you know
i kind of envy it because everything ive looked foward too has been abit of a letdown in the recent years
im only in my twenties and im already starting to feel bitter

Kill your self then

Tell us whats on your mind, user

Attached: pepe.jpg (125x100, 2K)

What's with the Yea Forumsmblr posting? Some summerfag learned new meme?

Calm down dude, shits rough right now but something else will come

nah ive got another 30 years of decadency ahead of me
why turn that down just because i dont like few comics and movies?
we dont all think with your retarded mindset mate

Today is a big fucking mess. Company war and /Pol/ bait posts one and all

it's easy to tell who the newfags are by the way they spell buzzwords

Attached: 1554837422284m.jpg (1024x931, 126K)

Slow day on Yea Forums huh?

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>yfw there are no jumpscares in a movie because you prefer slow burning cosmic horror

Attached: ui (2).jpg (451x496, 38K)

Someone post the soi horror image, I always have a good laugh

Here's a more accurate portrayal, bro

Attached: 1563380525163.jpg (542x499, 84K)

>mfw i find something interesting about a cartoon or comic that i didn't know and it changes the way i think about

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

How do you even become like the thing below?

Someone is on /pol/ trying to falseflag and get others to raid us. Check /pol/ now and you'll find the thread

Nah, they're just the casualgate morons leaving their sinking boat like the rats they are

Literally OP

>impling /pol/ spares a single thought for this place
They think comics and cartoons are for immature manchildren, same with videogames
It's cute how you want /pol/ to notice you

I never implied it was /pol/ just that someone is on there right now trying to stir shit. This isn't even the first time someone's made similar threads on /pol/ it's obvious it's just some faggot from Yea Forums trying to stir the pot. So get of your highhorse

This isn't even worthy of a normal reply

This is Yea Forums """"""""'humor""""""""""
Also summerfags

>average Yea Forums user

Attached: soy.png (217x232, 9K)

Attached: the COld hard truth.jpg (1800x772, 644K)