is being deleted
We're coming home! Did you miss us, Yea Forums?
>>>/mlp/ is being deleted
i take this over /pol/ threads
Neither is it getting deleted, nor do we miss you. Fuck off back to your containment board.
Good. /mlp/ was a mistake.
/mlp/ is a draconian hellhole and barely serves a purpose outside of smut threads now so deleting it would be fine by me at this point as long as you horse faggots can keep it to one thread.
you know they wont
No horsecocks, thank you. Please stay strong against the /pol/ cancer. god bless.
i wish i even cared
just pretend i insulted you
>cringe talking about other cringe
I don't want them to delete my circlejerk general
>Yea Forums pretending it's not as bad as /mlp/ these days
I'm on the fence. I don't know which causes more salt, is staying or being deleted.
Is there any?
Seems like an obvious lowbait thread
we get a plethora of obsessions
they get one
Best girl
>Used goods
what if mlp gets rid of /pol/ trolls like it did for /mlpol/
Don't tell me you're a fan of that blue one?
>delete /mlp/
>keep no ponies rule on Yea Forums
Fuck no, she is a cunt
no, it was okay for the first 3 years. then show ended its relevancy. people wont spam mlp reaction images anymore
Delete /mlp/. Make /cog/. Problem solved.
I'd rather have neither
Those things look like they belong on /mlp/. cringe.
white pony unicorn master race [younger edition]
>board that is more active than /po/ and /ic/ getting deleted
Nice try but no.
Yellow filly is best filly
>containing one of the most autistic groups of people in the site's history in one single board
Peak retard
Replace /mlp/ with /dcg/
We need a furry board
>make /trash/ the de facto pony board
everything on /trash/ should be on Yea Forums
We just take the site by force then
things likes mlp or trash generate autism, not contain it.
That's /trash/
>He doesn't know about the furry board
You're better off
What does that stickied word salad even mean? It's like CWC wrote it.
We also need an anime board
Well, I guess it's time to find out how far we can post Fluffy Pony's before we hit the limit of blueboard gore.
>delete /mlp/
>delete /trash/
>instate site-wide furry ban
All would be right with the world. Furries truly were the beginning of the end. Like opening Pandora's box to all other stupid bullshit. We should have never let them in.
>the sheer autism of /mlp/ posters drives out election faggots and actually restores Yea Forums to a semi-usable state
What a twist!
Horse threads were rampant in about half of the boards before containment happened. The autism happened regardless, their own board was an effective way of making them fuck off
yeah, 6 years ago.
>Furfags and horsefuckers start spamming the entire site again
>Mods only hope of combating it is to just make another containment board
>We're back at square one
Mods are ridiculously incompetent, you honestly think they could enforce a site wide ban with any sort of efficiency?
Furryshit also encompases alot of old cartoons we would be shooting ourselves in the foot.
oh god not again
Honestly that's a good thing. The brony shit happened almost 10 fucking years ago. The fandom is near non-existent compared to what they used to be. If pony stuff started to be allowed on Yea Forums you would get an influx of pony posts for a few days and then it would just become another show.
>delete /trash/ move to Yea Forums
>delete /r9k/ move to Yea Forums
>delete [s4s] move to Yea Forums
>delete /pol/
>delete /lgbt/
>delete /mlp/ allow limited threads on Yea Forums
>delete /vip/
>delete /soc/
>delete /news/ move to Yea Forums
Never ever, we are here until the sites dies, 9 years and counting.
also delete /vp/
>delete /mlp/
>delete /trash/
>delete Yea Forums
Ah, there we go.
It wouldnt be that bad as long as its deleted a month after the finale airs.
people keep thinking it's Voldemort of Yea Forums
it's ridiculous.
or maybe they do it ironically, either way, they should stop
this is exactly what happened when /trash/ was made
It was all pony for about a week then they concentrated into 3-4 threads.
Tribal war "cunny" bullshit like with Amphibia is worse and more annoying then anything Yea Forums furfags have done