Yea Forumsumblr will unironically buy this shit

Yea Forumsumblr will unironically buy this shit

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Why not


Are there any Superheroes who would legit beatdown on Antifa?

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Already pre-ordered

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Sam Cap did beat down a bunch of anarchists

All of them, you say that like there hasn't been comics where someone fights radical lefists and anarchists.

Stormfront would

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I’ll have a VPN when it comes out, so I’ll be able to storytime it on a daily basis.

Could be good. Haven't heard any legit reason to think otherwise.


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The only one who wouldn't is probably Green Arrow. For the most part Superheroes hate violent, trouble-making assholes from all over the political spectrum.

Why not the original story is good and this is just a straigh adaptation of it.

And why would liking a comic where Supes beats up the KKK be a bad thing?

Who is this really for?
A white man and a Chinese girl team up to beat up a group that hasn't historically terrorised either of their ethnicities.

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Sorry to be a casual, but does Green Arrow still spout leftist viewpoints in his current run?

what a cuck

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For people who like Superman or the artist or the original story

>his current run
user you might want to have a seat

The KKK hate everyone non white prodestant American.
I've got family who lives in Southeast Texas just one hour west of Louisiana, in a town so small that the only thing for the KKK to rally against was Catholics, and my uncle told me about his teen years where he legit saw them march in protest to white Catholics. He almost even matched with him not knowing what it was at first thinking it was a random party parade.

>Fighting for fascism
Pick one

It's been his schtick since the 60s or 70s. Every run is him doing that.

Don't be a retard
you know there's a difference between being hated by a group and being persecuted and even murdered by them.
Chinese Amercians and Catholic Americans have not been targeted in this way by this racist group, and to suggest that they were in a story that supposedly honors a part of Superman's and America's history is unethical.

If they don't bother you none, why do you always get so mad?

Low-effort baitpost, do not reply.
0/10 derail attempt.

Being pro-fascism kinda disqualifies you from being a hero

lmao nigger

What's wrong with kicking KKK ass?

>Stopping Anarchist from chimping out is Fascism

Do you think every burning cross had a person put on it?
It was always hate and intimidation, and for something that easy you can do it to TONS of groups.
It's really fucking retarded to think KKK's hatred for nonanglos began and ended at black people and jewish people.


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He’s done that since the 70’s.

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>Superman fighting the KKK is controversial
Do you want to know how I know you guys don't know anything about Superman?
Most street level heroes would try to stop the ones that basically used the whole thing as an excuse to riot.

Art looks cute so sure

and its really fucking retarded to equate their hatred of black and jewish people with their dislike of any other group

If you're wondering "why he's fighting a group that hasn't been relevant for a long time?", the story takes place in 1946.

What's your explanation for why the KKK are picking a fight with a little Chinese girl?

And they're releasing right before the election because? Fuck off kike. You're not fooling anyone here

It was that way in the original radio show.

Explaining it wont matter this thread has been made multiple times already.

I will buy if for the Loli.

>Fascism is bad

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Why would a comic about beating the snot of white supremacists affect the elections :^)

Why are you triggered by superman fighting the KKK ?

Probably because the deep state kikes have brainwashed the sheep to believe that Trump is nazi and KKK member

>Most street level heroes would try to stop the ones that basically used the whole thing as an excuse to riot.
Or they'd beat up the corrupt cops and politicians that side with the fascists, thus removing the need for Antifa counter-protesters in the first place

>jews bad

I'm legit hoping you're just trolling and not actually dumb enough to think KKK action against Asians would be next to nothing.

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any and every single one of them that existed 70 years ago

that's giving antifa a whole lot of idealogical credit that they don't deserve

Check out the 1920s Italian over here.

Are you this triggered because Superman is beating up your "heroes" or because the comic refuses to acknowledge or give any kind of validation to modern white supremacist movements?

>fuck off kike
Your president that you worship so much is the biggest jew lover around

Are you retarded?

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Oh they don't to brainwash people to make them think Trump is a white supremacist, just listening to him is enough.

Oh boy, if only he didn’t have white supremacist tendencies

What’s the problem? He’s beating up Democrats. :^)

Batman would if he's portrayed fully in-character and not conveniently OOC to "fit the author's narrative"

Antifa =/= Anarchist
Antifa is just short for antifascism, if you're against fascism you're antifa, even if you're a communist or a conservative

No, are you?

>4 Yea Forumsumblr threads