What are some comics similar to Millar's Kickass or Ennis' The Boys that embrace mature and dark themes while adding...

What are some comics similar to Millar's Kickass or Ennis' The Boys that embrace mature and dark themes while adding humor and deconstructing the Superhero genre? I really enjoyed those books.

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>This user is underage.

No I'm not.


yes, that's what I want.

Bump for recommendations.

Ain't happening. This is Yea Forums, if it ain't web comics or Marvel, fac/co/ts don't care. Also they really it hate it when you call them out on their capeshit loving tastes, don't do it, they might start spamming Homestuck or some other faggotry.

so edgy stuff?


Supergod? The Authority? Maybe Punisher Max. Uber if you want to stretch it.

Quantum and Woody by Priest
Howard the Duck by Gerber
The Pro

>Supergod? The Authority?
Thanks guys

Anything by Rick Veitch
Jupiter's Legacy
Sin City (kinda)
Cerebus (kinda)

I'm his mommy and can confirm.


Shitting all over something because of your weird inferiority issues isn't deconstruction.

Do they have sex and nudity like The Boys?

Some of them.

All star batman and robin


The original Wanted comic is about supervillians winning. Much better than the movie.

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