Does bob iger hate Mickey or something ?

Does bob iger hate Mickey or something ?

You have one of the most iconic characters in US pop culture and whose personnality can be adapted to numerous scenarii of any genre

Yet you barely even allow him to appear in any piece of media, only limited to a bunch of shorts on youtube and a japanese video game that comes out every 10 years

This character used to be a big name hollywood super star, wtf is iger's problem ???

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He's just not that popular anymore

He can't be popular if you don't do anything with him user
Plus he's very popular in Euro comics, so your reasoning is flawed

Just make an interesting story starring Mickey, make the audience remember why Mickey was such an iconic character in the first place

It's not that hard

Plus I thought Disney wanted to extend the Copyrights on him, how do they plan to do that if they lock him up in the vault ???

Iger's actions don't make sense

dunno but thast the sweetest picture ive seen ina while

Bob Iger only cares about profit. Damned be vision and the company's legacy.

Not too terribly surprising though, he's a kike

minnie is cute

Attached: Minnie-Mouse-disney-34946339-450-530.jpg (450x530, 171K)

mickey has a personality?


Attached: tumblr_inline_pminw6KXuk1sxvcub_540.jpg (540x540, 79K)

he's optimistic, nice, smart and adventurous

Literally just fucking watch the Mickey shorts on youtube. It’s probably the best Mickey content we’ve Had in decades

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And I hope he ends up destroying Disney over his desire for profit over legacy

>the Mickey/Donald/Goofy movie that the animation studio was working on years ago probably got scrapped in favor of Frozen 2 and other princess stuff
>Russi Taylor died before Minnie got her big-screen debut
It hurts

>and a japanese video game that comes out every 10 years

You do realize that said video game? The only reason it sells so WELL is because it's made by Square Enix and they create solid music, definitively excellent graphics, and decent enough gameplay. The Kingdom Hearts fans do not check the series out for "Oh my god it's Elsa I have never seen Elsa before!" in fact it's the original story what keeps people returning wanting to see how much more crazy it can get. The Disney worlds are no different from the cheap licensed games they individually got in the Genesis and Super Nintendo era. It's just that because of the nature of Kingdom Hearts you get a bunch instead of one specific Disney film. And Mickey Mouse is one of the worst jobbers good for nothing idiots in Kingdom Hearts (he forgot Aqua was in hell, some friend).

As far as Mickey Mouse goes, he's not interesting. He's a bland everyman. And if I want an everyman worth watching? That's what Hank Hill from King of the Hill is for. Right fellas?

That's sad oh wow easter eggs and mini cross overs and Mickey OVER reacting to everything bizarre. It's basically a toned down version of Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat. And frankly I find Mickey's voice annoying in general so in these shorts to see him spaz and scream so much is grating.

Disney has been run by Jews since before Iger. And I assure you whoever becomes the new guy? Also a Jew.

Are you really surprised? The Disney Corporation's bread and butter has always been Female Audiences young and old. So of course Disney Princess Shit is what makes money over a rodent. Good god man the teenage mutant ninja turtles are more liked than Mickey Mouse.

You better not be implying Twisted Tales is anything short of a masterpiece

They could've done a Minnie movie if they really wanted to please the female audience

I miss Russi so much already, guys

Meanwhile at Warner Bros their bread and butter has always been Male Audiences young and old. So of course Bugs Fucking Bunny is what makes money over a scared dog who eats alot thats badly animated. Good god man if the Justice League are more liked than Bugs Bunny.

The lack of a Jack Mercer mimic voice for Felix is the only thing thats bad about it, other then that it's the best thing Felix has ever been in.

mickey mouse, a character whose name is synonymous with "cheap, disposable garbage"

>Does Bob Iger hate
Yes. Even you.
Especially you.

No thats Sazae-San, Mickey's output (especially pre-code) has been just as memorable as Snow White and Cinderella.

Bugs Bunny on the other hand never had a truely bad short in his life, some racist ones and others don't hold up as the greats but he did better then Daffy Duck who post-1964 is best not worth talking about in their original run.

James Bond is MGM and the Wabbit eclipse The Dark Knight hence the term...
>>Good god man if the "Justice League" are more liked than Bugs Bunny.

>Bugs Bunny on the other hand never had a truely bad short in his life
Are we ignoring Wabbit? Or are we just strictly speaking the original theatrical shorts? If so, Bugs and Mickey both had good runs (although Bugs was in way more shorts)

Just the original theatrical shorts.

>Does bob iger hate Mickey
No, he's a grown up and a successful corporate executive. He doesn't give a shit about cartoon characters.

what about the shorts?
but its probably because like always, they don't want to do anything risque with their mascot

>Mario is too popular, we won't ever make another video game to avoid the risks

What exactly do you want? Mickey gets new cartoon shorts all the time and they're excellent. He's getting his very first ride at Disney World soon too. Are you asking for a theatrical movie? That has never happened and never will happen and you know it.

Nintendo is risky, look at the wiiu
Disney absolutely avoids risks, look at the live actions

nintendo and disney are completely different companies
and either way mario has been portrayed as a little more vanilla and his world has been a lot more homogenized in recent years

Isn't there some current series of shorts? There's definitely something relatively new out there that captured my niece's attention, she loves any and all things Mickey/Minnie, and she's only 3.

He only got 1 this decade (Get a Horse) and it was excellent we just need to see how well The Bob's Burgers Movie (the first Disney Canon film to be 2D frame by frame since 2011's Winnie the Pooh) before getting more Mickey shorts.

>What exactly do you want?

Animated movies starring Mickey, like the Three Musketeers one

Mickey as a regular character in Ducktales, maybe as a famous detective

High quality Mickey shorts at the start of every Disney animated films

Nice reading comprehension

It's the only Mickey content we've had in decades. I'd like to see a House of Mouse revival but there'd be nothing to put in it.

>The Bob's Burgers Movie
>Disney canon
Are you joking, or just misinformed?

To add

Bob's Burgers is not being made by Disney's main animation studio, and is not a part of the Disney canon line of films.

Classic Mickey is like Disney's Superman. He's just too perfect to be interesting.

New shorts' Mickey, on the other hand, is very endearing.

Mickey can't bring in billions of dollars with one movie, ergo Iger doesn't care about him.
Iger only cares for one thing, getting as much money as possible, doesn't matter what character he use, be it Ironman, Mickey or what, if it doesn't make bank Iger will just throw it to the side

>classic mickey
Classic Mickey wasn't perfect. He was mischievous, he was a trouble maker, he was scrappy. Mickey didn't start becoming inoffensive and boring until like the 50s.

I doubt its any specific agenda by Iger as much as that Mickey has, over the decades, become less of a character and more of a symbol. Whenever anything related to Disney happens, good or bad, they usually use Mickey as the base for addressing it. So I'd imagine there's an inherent hesitation of using the character too frequently, because there would be some risk of the character's in show actions affecting the perspective that people hold on the company itself.

I would love an animated adaptation of some of Disney Italy's output. Just imagine an animated film noir style detective story starring Mickey Mouse, goddamn. I'd settle for him appearing in Ducktales in a similar form, but I'm concerned the crew would find some way to fuck it up.

damn shota mickey is cute

Mickey is, unfortunately, more than just a character now. He's the face of the company. The mascot for one of the biggest companies in the world.
He doesn't hate him, he's just afraid to use him for anything because one mistake with the mouse can cause serious, irreversible damage to not just his reputation, but the reputation of Disney as a whole. This is why Mickey's character has been gutted in every single appearance he's made for the passed fifty years (excluding those Mickey Mouse shorts made fairly recently).

You don't fuck with the one thing that represents you most.

It was a mistake to ever let Minnie wear a shirt.

>TBA=November 25, 2020
Thats the Bob's Burgers movie.

Mickey soon will fall in the public domain and this time there's no sign the law is changing again, so I guess Disney doesn't see much point in pushing him strongly.

Previously, they didn't touch him because he was intrinsically tied to their marketing and merchandising, but even in that aspect his presence is very reduced nowadays, which is why we get those new youtube shorts that give him more personality, but they don't push him in a stronger way.