Yea Forumsumblr will defend this

Yea Forumsumblr will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Of course they will. It was self-defense!

Yea Forumsumblr and SJWs are triggered by chads like him

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What does Mark Waid think of this, by the way?

>this is just like kristallnacht
So you're saying Ethan falseflagged himself?

>skinny white loser obsessed with fat white loser
lmao /pol/ u always make me giggle

What exactly are they supposed to be defending here?

>the left is hypocritical and morally bankrupt
That's never been up for discussion, it's a fact of life.
The real question is why lefty types are drawn towards Yea Forums, and cartoons in general?

SJW attacking an innocent man for his beliefs, they are almost as bad as the nazis they claim to hate at this point.
dilate seething tranny. He a thousand times more chad then a faggot that cut his dick off

>The Comicsgate guy
>just says "SJWs" did it
>tries to play the victim
>when he just hates women and minorities
I can pretty easily defend this, because he hasn't proven jack shit and they're not killing him.

You lost me with the 2nd image. Unless you have some video evidence, we don't know what the heck happened and don't act like Antifa or hardcore activists haven't broken windows.

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We past that line long ago.

I love how you idiots try and portray Liberals as these nazi supervillains when all the evidence points to the opposite being true. There is a very clear overlap between alt-right cronies and actual, unironic fascists.

lol altrite snowflake triggered

>there are no wrong tactics, just wrong targets
Yea Forums subscribes to the moviebob school of political activism, good to know

>Sciver not paying to replace that glass
bold power move

We're a year from reelection and the left STILL can't meme

Not everyone who doesn't agree with you on comics hates women and minorities.

>SJW attacking an innocent man for his beliefs, they are almost as bad as the nazis they claim to hate at this point.

No, Nazis judge you based on your religion and skin colour. Having garbage beliefs means you're to certain degree a garbage person.

Is he trying to pull a Smollet?

taking action towards facists and facist enablers isn't wrong, and considering this dude is pretty damn Nazi it's fine.

Also it's not a fucking moviebob school, he's the type that would be against violent action and instead would sit at home whining about working class people and make it all by himself.

Why do SJWs hate Nazis so much when they almost unanimously are Anti-Semites who would love to see Israel ceasing to be a Jewish state, thus virtually guaranteeing their slow genocide in the middle east?

It seems like them and the Nazis have a lot in common, ya know, what with the genocide thing.

>Not everyone who doesn't agree with you on comics hates women and minorities.
True, but Ethan Van Sciver does.

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Israel is a piece of shit that commits war crimes like their neighbours. And I just love how Israel defence force like you tries to paint all criticism of Israel as criticism of Jews

Insert Grammar Nazi meme here, please.

if allah is real why doesn't he save the palestinians ?

Can you blame him?

Allah isn’t real. Neither is jesus. If they are real well they are pretty much shit anyways so I would rather they be fake

being against Isreal for it's war crimes aginst Palestinian isn't being anti-semitic you dumbass

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Yes, most normal well functionally adults don't nor tries to justify it.

lol, /pol/ sucks the dick of trump and America, known supporters of Israel

>Yea Forumsumblr
it's Yea Forumsmblr, you stupid /pol/yp

/pol/ is full of idiots who defend israel tho

Being against apartheid isn't anti-Semitic. That's just the classic deflection tactic because you know you can't actually defend the corruption of the right wing government of Israel that treads on human rights and international treaties.

You've obviously never been to /pol/.

>the board that IMMEDIATELLY believed Kavanaugh was a rapist is now asking for hard evidence
Really makes you think

Excuse me, i have a announcement to make

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I have you dumb bitch, don’t even try to rewrite history of 2015-2016. I was right there getting called a shill because I had the gall to say trump was an idiot

this is neither comics nor cartoons. fuck off

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my boy pussy is dripping

Oh yea I remember this, people were all 'listen and believe' when it game to this guy claiming the SJWs broke a window.


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Huh, that kind of goes both ways don't you think? The board that demanded that the woman claiming she was raped demanding hard evidence now immediately believes this story.

This is Yea Forums. Everyone you has an opinion gets called a shill, you shill.

>I never met a woman or a minority

cringe spambot
>Everyone you has an opinion
based retard


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based manu calling out the bed wenches

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Somehow, the rampant Trump shilling didn’t get called out as much. It’s almost like they just want to suck Trump’s mushroom dick

Who's Ethan Van Sciver and why should I care?

So you got bullied in /pol/ once and you never got over it

I literally live in an country full of what you consider minorities

He's the guy that saving comics and BTFO SJW MARVEL and DC

A man I don't like the political beliefs of is making a living selling comic books?! We'd better do everything we can to ruin his life instead of someone with actual political power, because that might be dangerous!

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Israel is the only Jewish country on earth. And it exists in a region of the world that (according to Democratiic Party Presidential Nominee and Obama's Secretary of State) is experiencing genocide and ethnic cleansing directed at all non-Muslim minority groups.

You can argue that Israel is currently under apartheid, but the history of Africa has well documented that ending apartheid will inevitably result in the persecution of the minority group. It's happening in South Africa. It happened in Zimbawe (50,000 white people in 1950, about 100 white people live there in 2019). And it happens all across Africa even in places where white people didn't rule, like Egypt, which has virtually wiped out Coptic Christians.

If you are anti-Zionist, by default you are pro-genocide, because there is no other outcome if Jews ever lose power in the middle east.

Not quite, I never got over how fucking fast the board deteriorated pre 2016 elections. It’s like it became unrecognisable almost overnight

>more than half of the thread is OP
Really makes one think.

>skinny white loser obsessed with fat white loser
>He a thousand times more chad then a faggot that cut his dick off
not content to let the jews have the spotlight, this nigger is false flagging himself itt

And Yea Forumsumblr will defend the SJWs that did this. This board is truly a cesspool for the left, mentally ill and trannies

So why are you here?

Yeah yeah Israel, we know you want your American aid bucks, but there’s no need to shill here

Again, you've never actually been to /pol/. All of the /pol/ oldfags hate Trump. Anyone there who's pro-Trump is an r/the_donald refugee.

I swear anons like you check under their bed for trannies at night.

>all the evidence
>that i forgot to mention here

Okay but what does he do specifically? That tells me nothing except your own bias.

He did say mentally ill

so attacking people for your subjective opinion about their beliefs is okay

He's basically in charge of comicgate

I'm just pointing out, your worldview aligns you closer with Nazis than you want to believe.

You refuse to acknowledge the long-term consequences of your ideas if they were ever put into practice.

>All of the /pol/ oldfags hate Trump
I know, I’m one of them, but the newfags flooded the board like a cancer. Fuck, it makes me irritated thinking about it

Nobody here is going to defend this, you colossal retard. Go back to jerking off to Trump's tennis pics.

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Fun fact there are more Jews living in France and Germany than they are in Israel. So it’s clear that even with the draw of being an ethnostate Jews aren’t exactly chomping at the bit to find sanctuary there. If Israel crumbled the tribe would be just fine in terms of numbers.

They’d just be with fuckwads like Bibi

My idea isn’t to dismantle Israel. My idea is actually condemn them for their crimes. They get so much aid and have so many nukes, they can handle a cutback in donations. Actually a cutback isn’t even needed, I would just want the current administration to admit it’s happening publically

>muh election tourists
Word for word, always the same thing, it's like you fags are reading out of a script

>even trannies can fuck with /pol/tards

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I like redpilling SJWs with facts and logic and watching them squirm as they try to sallow hard truths.

yikes make sure you don't say that around jewish people

At the end of the day it's a mental illness

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I have discussed said matter with Jewish friends before, in fact they started the conversation

>dumbass fired shots at his own side

This is ironic right

user no one is changing their minds here

>nazis didn't persecute people based on their politics
American education.

>it's a mental illness
like having trannies dilating rent free in your head all day?

It's a battleground of high level ideas.

His movement is dying and now he needs to defend it with fake controversies, kek that's so funny.

this. the sjws in this thread are conveniently forgetting to #BelieveAllAccusations

It's only certain group who can't shut about trans people and have to bring them up in every possible conversation

My brain may need to go into recovery mode after this.

I for one love the left of Yea Forums, they keep shooting themselves in the foot and creating even more support for Trump.
God bless Yea Forums, /tg/, /his/, /r9k/ and all the other shitholes


Always a drama queen, EVS. They couldn't even break the glass all the way through, how is that kristallnacht?

you mean /pol/?
>more than half of the results come from a single board

This is the most retarded shit I ever seen in this board in a while

That's called diarrhea

Telling Jews to move back to Europe is a very naughty thing to say user

This is the crux. Moral purity against war crimes and non-democratic evil forces you to be against Israel existing, because only by not existing as a Jewish State will Israel ever not be in a state apartheid and at war with the Muslim locals.

However, being morally pure leads to genocide, the loss of a major strategic liberal American ally, and strengthens the regressive forces of ultra conservative Islam over the region.

>creating even more support for Trump and Israel*.

dilate tranny. SJWs attacking innocent people are a serious business

double yikes they were just feeling out your anti-semitic tendencies watch your back goyim

>innocent people

I'm pretty certain the Jews weren't openly mocking and berating the German people (they considered themselves Germans) in the media.
And I'm pretty sure no comic book artists have been killed/imprisoned.

There's a slight difference between good old "talk shit, get hit" and a progrom of extermination.

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no, it's not. it's using a different means to achieve the same ends.

There are other two archives
boards.fireden and desuarchive
Why aren't you bringing those up?

>Telling Jews to move back to Europe is a very naughty thing to say user
he didn't say that what are you jewish?

Fuck off

I don't think the Germans were trying to intimidate the Jews to quit shit-talking them in the media. That didn't seem to be their "ends".

/his/cucks pay Yea Forums passes so they can be tsundere for /pol/ more efficiently

>Fun fact there are more Jews living in France and Germany than they are in Israel. So it’s clear that even with the draw of being an ethnostate Jews aren’t exactly chomping at the bit to find sanctuary there. If Israel crumbled the tribe would be just fine in terms of numbers.

>If Israel crumbled the tribe would be just fine in terms of numbers.

So he was instead saying it'd be find if Israel was wiped off the map because Jews exist in France and Germany? It'd be fine if the Israeli Jews died?


>the loss of a major strategic liberal American ally
Oh no what will we do without our best and greatest ally Israel. They have done so many amazing things for us over the years.
Seriously gas yourself you vile piece of shit

>I'm pretty certain
>I'm pretty sure
thanks for those facts user
There's a slight difference between good >old "talk shit, get hit" and a progrom of extermination.
maybe in the degree but the principle is entirely the same you're advocating for violence against people for wrongthink

>What will we do
Lean harder on our Second Greatest Ally?

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yeah that's not your ends either

And what the hell is comicsgate? It's like you think everyone knows everything ever.

nope he didn't say those things either rabbi

So you are saying the Nazis went after the Jews for "wrongthink"?
That's what you are saying, right?
And yes, I'm pretty certain in a historical perspective, that none of the well-documented complaints in the German papers were "Jews: They won't stop calling us names".

Incel Ass-Rustling II: Electric Boogaloo.


So many things in that post seemed to be implied.

But now you tell me that the post actually said nothing. Just nothing. Perhaps not even consciously arranged, only by mere coincidence formatting into a readable sentence.

Unless you'd like you tell me what he meant.

>but SJWs are the REAL nazis

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>So you are saying the Nazis went after the Jews for "wrongthink"?
didn't they? they thought being jewish in germany was a-okay. the nazis disagreed.
>I'm pretty certain
oh wow look more facts

On fireden Yea Forums (a /pol/ colony according to some faggots) takes up half of the results.
On desuarchive the board that says tranny the most is /r9k/, but its numbers are nothing compared to /pol/ and Yea Forums's.

I wish I knew the words you were saying. Please, just tell me what the fuck it is instead of using memes and buzzwords.

Liberal = Nazis
simple as that

>the left steals memes
Morally and memetically bankrupt, no wonder they lost 2016 and will lose 2020

they are

>the loss of a major strategic liberal American ally
this is your brain on /ptg/

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>So many things in that post seemed to be implied.
that's a hallmark of being jewish user maybe have yourself checked out

>didn't they? they thought being jewish in germany was a-okay. the nazis disagreed.
Imagine building this elaborate life-narrative for yourself based on made-up bullshit and the ravings of Internet celebrities.
Just Imagine.

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>SJWs identify as socialists, harbor known anti-semites and call for genocide against jews

>surprised when people think they're nazis

STFU tranny. Don't blame me if you missed out on the biggest and greatest thing to happen to comics this decade.

>will lose 2020
no, they'll manipulate the elections

unironically though

what is this, war campaign trying to win some goodwill back?

What did you mean by this?

It seems to be another anti-Semitic attack by a SJW

What a bunch of scumbags

Fascism doesn't even mean anything anymore. I could be a fascist because I don't want tits censored in video games.

you're strawmanning


I mean it, what the fuck is comicsgate and why do you refuse to tell me?

You make them sound based af

No, jews were just a scapegoat

Ok, let me spell it out simply.
Sometimes Incels (people who cannot get others to engage in sex with them without money inducement), get involved in rather insular hobbies where they can congregate and hang together in a totally not-gay manner. Bitches are disregarded, they are vapid (insert slur here) who are without worth and could never grasp "Muh Hobby".

Then something awful happens, and these hobbies are invaded by "degenerates" (ie people who ARE getting voluntary sex, but not the RIGHT kind) and women. Never mind the fact that in many cases, the very hobbies the Incels gravitate towards were often created by know degenerates..but I'm drifting off-point.

The Degenerates start saying "Hey incel guy, how about not saying shitty stuff about us, we don't really want to play with you, so much as just play this game/buy this comic".

Banter gets heated, incels start invoking "Muh Hitler" and rallying in the streets because my "race is dying", which is pretty ironic given their lifestyle revolves around being too angry for sex.

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What were his beliefs?

mmm where do you think the term scapegoat comes from user

Gee, Mr. user, sounds like everyone involved in this shitshow is an awful person! How can I get involved in this without being one or the other?

>someone typed this out thinking they were being witty
The left simply cannot meme

pretty sad cope ya got there chief

>Never mind the fact that in many cases, the very hobbies the Incels gravitate towards were often created by know degenerates..but I'm drifting off-point.
You really were because that implies only people with the right politics can enjoy any stupid hobby, whether it be taiwanese mangos, burger funnybooks or your preferred type of music.

Consume. Do not question. Be excited for next product to consume.

Lmfao you are absolutely brainwashed. Even Wikipedia disagrees with you. You are a radical and completely out of line with the mainstream.

Oh, and the women start demanding female characters who aren't walking onaholes in stiletto heels and DD cups, or whimpering waifu/daughterfus in need of rescue.
The outrage!

How can you make your eyebrows go like that, it's very cartoonish

Really makes you think

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>Breaking someone's window was popularized with people persecuting the Jews

It's from jew culture but it can be applied here. The main goal of the nazis was the restoration of the german empire, and without their african colonies they go to the east, that's why the slavs were part of the inferior races, the jew menace was a excuse.

>using Wikipedia as a reliable source.

I'm going to save this and post it on Yea Forums and Yea Forums for easy (You)s.

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>Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.
so wait you're saying he's on to something?

It's pretty telling that you ignore the moral inexcusability of genocide, to focus on Israels status as Americas ally instead

Have a life outside the internet, user with reasonable mind

“Even Wikipedia disagrees” is in no way an endorsement of the site. You are evil AND a mongoloid.

I know right? I use my favorite E-Celeb, that sincere look in their eye assures me they are giving me the straight dope.

>Yea Forums much like reddit likes to be tsundere for stonetoss and edit his stuff

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it's pretty telling that you ignore genocide when it's at the hands of jewish people and not of jewish people

Could you cite one instance of Israel committing genocide?

Who are the Jews genociding again?

I don't even know what the americans are mad about now

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>implying editing shitty comics for fun isn't part of Yea Forums's (and other boards) culture
I guess everyone is tsundere for dobson

The main goal of Nazi Germany was to conquer eastern Europe and enslave it's population, jews were just Hitler boogeyman

Sure. Next you're gonna talk about how EPIC WIN your basic bitch conservative beliefs are

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Their Right to be belligerent, abrasive assholes to anyone and everyone are under threat.

Ok and? Does it really matter what your oppressor's "true" agenda is as they train-car you to the camps?

That sounds like a very balanced take on whatever they're championing that will in no way shape or form only polarize things more

foumd the jews
but seriously, you're genociding palestinians please stop

Everything i don't like is related to incels even if i stole it from them: the thread.

Agreed but killing jews was never a important part of Nazi ideology

I'd be curious, how those numbers change from pre-op to post-op.

I know the suicide rate skyrockets even further after surgery.

Lying piece of shit as always, your programming is overriding your brain again. You things are more machine than man.

slow your roll, that's freedom of expression user, the same tenet that allowed you to cut your dick off and pretend to be a lady

>even if i stole it from them
>Incels now have "Muh Culture"
The lifestyle is basically a dead-end drain hole that only leads to despair and anger. Basically you have more in common with trannies than you could have ever imagined possible!

That's why germans spend so much resources fighting in eastern Europe right?

>people who use "incel"
50% are thirsty orbiters, 50% are trannies

>killing jews was never a important part of Nazi ideology
For a warring nation in tight need of resources, they sure spent a lot of time and effort and manpower on something that "was never important to them".

Incel cope

i don't know what world you live in user, but chads go to reddit, incel virgins go to Yea Forums like us.

>major strategic liberal American ally

prove it
prove even 1 jewish prisoner was gassed

You're the center of your own Internet, you can make them anything. They can be anthro Puma-people who put jelly on their asses.
Be more imaginative!

nice thread about comics and cartoons

Chads don’t use anything other than Instagram

Prove even one settler was killed by hostile natives in the New World.

Yeah, it’s like when Antifa popped that lady’s tires!

Literal false flag with an actual false flag.

This one is an orbiter for example, the girl he orbits is overweight and has at least two tattoos

This one is a tranny, one of the lazy kind who still aren't on pills

Why gassed? Why not just point to the numerous Jewish camps? Gassing is only a subset of spending so much time and effort

It was politicaly inportant to Hitler, that's why they don't called for general movilization until it was too late, without that Hitler will be died lynched by a mob in Berlin

This is like the fifth thread on the front page whining about SJWs.
I'm so fucking tired of the fucking astroturfing, don't you cunts sleep?


shut up fag it's literally more Yea Forums than marvel movie threads and that's half the catalogue every single day

>Right memes
>Right memes
further proof that npcs can't create anithing and are authomatons that steal shit DESU

Just a reminder Vic's going to lost the lawsuit.

Yes, but the fundamental interest of those colonizers was finding a place to live and rule directly. After a few initial revolts, the Anglos fell into Roman rule quite comfortably, and only fell out because the Empire literally couldn't afford to keep the province. By most accounts the Saxon, Jute, and Frisian integrated with the Anglos quite smoothly through lots of intermarriage and somewhat fair trade, something European settlers wanted nothing to do with the African natives. The Danish and Norman were a bit more violent but ultimately had the same outcome.

The conditions of medieval colonization for England is massively different from the Industrial Colonization most African tribes faced, which was a small group of invaders forcing the native population to extract massive amounts of resources, under horrible conditions. It'd be like if the Normans arrived, rounded up all the Anglo Saxons, and demanded they go to Scotland, find and kill every sheep for their wool, but if they don't find enough then they're gonna cut off one of their legs.

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i can't, but see, i wasn't just making claims suggesting otherwise

True, both should be banned

The power of hate is a source of endless energy

I see that Yea Forums and /pol/ are bored again

I bet they are bitter they can't fly without jetpacks yet.

>Why not just point to the numerous Jewish camps?
because that doesn't prove that any jewish people were gassed, but sure, let's move the goal posts to "intentionally and maliciously killed while interned", i highly doubt that's going to help you score any points

Yeah we get it you're fucking faggots.
Politics politics politics.
You're annoying.

you're free to leave at any time

>their lifestyle revolves around being too angry for sex
are you suggesting they could get laid if they tried?

Why were the Germans canning so much Zyklon? Did they have that serious an ant and termite issue?
But seriously, no one is interested in dragging you to "the proofs" when you are utterly resistant to believing anything that doesn't prop up your personal narrative of persecution.

Funny how this guy NEVER goes into the same level of scrutiny when discussing gulags and the over one hundred million people directly killed by communism
What a crazy coincidence

Yes, with areal effort, clean clothes, use of a bar of soap, and going a full day without expressing their anger towards "those people", anyone of them could get sex from someone at a bar or club.

It like the fouth time you've replied to yourself, be less transparent

don't (you) me i'm not involved in that conversation

all relevant to this board
stay mad queers

I never claimed any of them were gassed though, and gassing isn’t the only way to kill someone

White women love black men but nobody likes white women.

And for good reason.

*nobody likes black women*

Hypertension too!

Attached: d69.gif (500x375, 852K)

All spics love them (yes even lesbians, bisexuals and bicurious women)

Objectively false. Ranking is:

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>Why were the Germans canning so much Zyklon?
that's not proof that they were gassed
or killed intentionally and maliciously while interned. do we need to move the goal posts again?
>no one is interested in dragging you to "the proofs"
why not when they're apparently so self evident, when it's apparently such a short trip? it's only logical to begin questioning whether those "proofs" exist at that point.

Truly someone who haven’t met most Asian women and get all their information from fantasies

Asian women have all the flaws of white women but amplified, especially the gold digging aspect

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oh right just that they spent a lot of time and energy and resources killing them, which you couldn't support either


>White women love black men
another sad cope, white women have a higher in group preference than just about anyone else

It’s all there. They spent quite some energy rounding them up and marching them to and fro, not even getting into denying access to sufficient food and medical care in camps

Fun fact, the Germans got the idea for Zyklon B use from the United States' racist practice at the southern border where among other practices they were using it to disinfect all Mexicans crossing the border.

But he's right. It's not even a good thread, the usual trolls are just going to sperg the same bullshit and even trolling them became boring really fast

>obvious /pol/tard bait thread turns into holocaust denial thread
>for the second day in a row
Yea Forums: comics and cartoons

they're all explicitly about comics

Someone went on /pol/ trying to falseflag idiots to raid here just now

Stop it with the jungle fever, Yea Forums
I will not tolerare it

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Your denial of reality can't change the facts.

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>impling /pol/ spares a single thought for this place
They think comics and cartoons are for immature manchildren, same with videogames
The board feud you're so eafer for doesn't exist

>It’s all there
>has no idea where "there" is, can't point to it on a map or give useful directions to get "there"
how about you just skip all those mental hurdles and admit that you have no proof to suggest that any jewish person was intentionally and maliciously killed while interned by the germans in ww2

>the absolute STATE of /pol/tards

You're a fucking retard, we know it's not a feud, it's the same redit raid we've had going on since 2016.

>They think comics and cartoons are for immature manchildren

They are for children. If you think otherwise you are literally retarded.

>off topic threads i like are okay

>I want /pol/ to notice me
>I'll settle for reddit
I don't get guys like this

Dude, read the article, it’s a simple but condensed version. Get over your mental blocks yourself

>/pol/ board traffic spikes during 2016 elections
>at the same time there was a mass exodus of retards leaving redit for /pol/
>"w-we're not redditors, you seething t-tranny!"
Cope harder, redditfag

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>muh election tourists
Again with this?

no an article is not evidence do your own research and come back when you think you've found some evidence so i can refute that same non-evidence

It is envidence, it has eye witness recounts and testimonies within it, as well as references to historical events like speeches and announcements

Try harder my man

>implying it’s wrong
Election tourists ruined /pol/

Seethe harder tranny

>Again with this?
This is the ultimate cope, fuck off back to where you came from.

>redditor talking making fun of trannies
Trannies at least feel shame.

They were killing communists you dope. And all of the communists who tried to overthrow the nation of Germany were Jews. Shut the fuck up with your “coincidence” bullshit.

>it has eye witness recounts and testimonies within it
lol all of which amounts to absolutely nothing without physical evidence to support it