>Kamala steals the spotlight as Muslim hero
>best girl left in the dust
When will Sooraya get to shine again?
Kamala steals the spotlight as Muslim hero
She openly wear a burqa so never she's too controversial
Sooraya is currently featured in Champions, and if you're lucky maybe she'll be in one of the series of the next X-Men wave
Kamala is just adorable
It's just meme created by an american evangelical christian, anyone who has read the quran know it's bullshit
Never. Once you're an X-Man, you exist only as crowd-filler with occasional lines and maybe a chance to do something on occasions.
They both are
>Kamala will never be your friend
Hopefully that will change now that the mouse has fox
There were no Muslim heroes in comics before Kamala Khan.
Don't worry user, God-Hickman loves all his x-children but one
She’s too problematic nowadays.
Nah. If anything, they're more likely going to double down harder on pushing only the A-list mutants.
It's 2019, oversexualized teenagers like Sooraya shouldn't be a thing anymore
Her hair is the wrong color, but her vultures stay true.
Op's pic was a hype as fuck moment
Because this is forever :-)