
>Infinity War
>Deep thought-provoking character on the level of Nolan's Joker and Kubrick


Why was Endgame such a letdown?

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There's nothing thought-provoking about DK Joker if you're older than 15, same for IW Thanos.

>Deep thought-provoking character on the level of Nolan's Joker and Kubrick

Not even close, pal. IW Thanos was generic as fuck, with a generic background and motivation. Endgame Thanos was even worse.

>>Deep thought-provoking character on the level of Nolan's Joker
What thoughts did he provoke OP?

Nolan Joker: Society a Shit, blow it all up
Kubrik: Society a Shit, blow it up/axe murder/rape it
Thanos: There's too much society, blow up half of it

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(You)'re welcome fellow Yea Forumsmrade.

>he wasn’t both in both movies
>implying him being “inevitable” was bad

Ok kidd

Your wrong kid

man, this post truly make us think about our society
Rice up, Gaymers

>Deep thought-provoking character on the level of Nolan's Joker and Kubrick

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>Nolan's Joker
Nice try DKek

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>>Infinity War
>Deep thought-provoking character on the level of Nolan's Joker and Kubrick
lol kys
>Deep thought-provoking Nolan's Joker
lol kys

Did you miss like a quarter of Infinity War dealing with PTSD, survivor’s guilt, and finding purpose?

I mean Endgame.

Fuck deleting it proper, this is a troll thread anyway.

>"why didn't thanos use the infinity gauntlet to make more resources?"

He meant Joker DCuck


“Dealt” with it in the most bland, shallow way possible. People like you, who honestly think movies like Endgame were “deep”, are an absolute embarrassment. Go watch some real movies you low IQ pajeet.


LMAO, losers like you are so fucking funny.

>Nolan's Joker
fucking pleb

>Nolan's Joker
>Deep thought-provoking character


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Get aids laddercuck

T b h, Endgame Thanos is more though-provoking by sheer implications of his plan. If he went through with it, erasing the universe and creating it anew with no memories of the old one, would he really be morally wrong? There would be no one to blame him and no one to even prove he did something wrong. I wonder if he'd even keep his own memory and if it would bite him in the ass as he'd be unable to deal with the guilt. The movie doesn't delve into it much, but it's an interesting philosophical topic. How do you guarantee our universe is not constantly being rewritten by an omnipotent being that keeps erasing all our memories? And can we blame the being for that?

>real movies

There's no such thing like a real movie, according to Yea Forums

Most mainstream movies are not deeper than Endgame. That includes "deep" mainstream movies like Fight Club or Interstellar.

Because you literally had 2 different Thanoses dude

Thanos in IW was so bad ass because he was unstoppable. He got the Infinity Gems and proceeded to be untouchable. He doesn’t have to worry about shit anymore

Endgame Thanos was Thanos from 2014. Remember his scene in GOTG when he chews out Ronan for being incompetent and a baby over Gamora
pulling a fast one on him with the orb? He literally was just a war lord still going planet to planet with his giant fucking army. Thanos doesn’t even start to look for the Infinity Gems until 2014 anyway. Of course he’s gonna be a little less calculated.

>Thanos doesn’t even start to look for the Infinity Gems until 2014 anyway.
He's been looking for the stones since at least Avengers 1. He even had the Mind Stone already, so probably way earlier.

That aside, there's clearly growth in his character from 2014 to IW, especially due to the trials he goes through during IW. 2014 Thanos doesn't have that perspective and experience, and in fact is even worse, because knowing IW Thanos succeeded makes him think even higher of himself.

>Infinity War
>Deep thought-provoking character on the level of Nolan's Joker and Kubrick