Watching Simu Liu's interviews he seems like a really funny, enthusiastic and thoughtful guy. I hope Daniel Cretton uses some of Simu's personality and imbues it to Shang. Sometimes it seems like he has the personality of a blank of wood.
Watching Simu Liu's interviews he seems like a really funny, enthusiastic and thoughtful guy...
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Yea Forums is -> way. Fuck off.
He seemed like a theater kid at comic con. Eh.
1) It's the other way
2) Are you saying Shang's Yea Forums, just because he's Asian? If so that's retarded.
Well, I can imagine why he's be pretty excited and buzzed. He just got a personal call from Feige 4 days before comic con, telling him he got the role.
So, China's pulling an Iron Fist style backlash against Shang-Chi.
Watched JKNews' take on his casting, and Bart said Simu told him in the script Shang-Chi doesn't originally know he a badass. Is this true in the comics, I just thought at the beginning he didn't know his father was evil, but still a badass?
Around the first 5 mins:
>shitting on awkwafina
Based chinks
All I’m getting from this so far is that they can’t be pleased. They also complain about the original villain Fu Manchu being a stereotype and still complain when they change the character to the Mandarin. They haven’t even seen how MCU will portray him other than the actor.
>If Marvel doesn’t want to insult China, change The Mandarin to The English, it’s that simple.
>The character had problematic elements at its conception, so they should change the race or cancel it, even though those comic elements were changed and we don't know how it's going to be portrayed in live-action
Iron Fist 2.0, difference is Shang was cast straight away.
I don't get why people put so much stock in these types of Chinese. Remember when apparently they said CM/Brie Larson was "ugly"? The movie ended up doing pretty well there.
There's no way that a character as solemn and introspective as Shang Chi would make it into the MCU.
He's gonna be all kinds of hyper and wisecracky.
Does that mean if we see The Cat, he'll be even more wisecracky? Where would the contrast be?
When the Mandarin was created, he was an enemy of the Chinese state anyways.
She kinda is, bro.
Based China. Fuck the asian americans.
Why bother give a character a personality in comics when an actor will just do his own thing when the movie comes and all the comics will follow suit? They're just keeping IPs afloat in comic book form now.
Why are chinks so obsessed with literally everyone looking Photoshop beautiful?
They kinda paid to see it anyway, bro.
She's not ugly, just incredibly plain.
>Click through related articles
>Find this shoop made by an actual chink of what "beautiful women should look like"
Holy fucking shit my sides
The chinese will see anything that doesn't mean they have to like it
However in the case of stuff like the mandarin the mainlanders are a pathetic decultured communist bugman herd with a shit understanding of chinese history that basically boils down to "ignore all the shitty parts or fuck you gweilo", forcing a narrow view that says china was always great and genghis khan was clearly han.
Asia is a bit insane with plastic surgery.
>hot chick is basically a fucking Grey
Would you let her probe you?
Doesnt mean she isnt ugly, bro.
Fuck mainland china desu
They haven't made a good movie in years
All their movies now are jingoistic WOLF WARRIORS FIGHT FOR CHINA STRONG bullshit starring YELLING WHITE BAD GUYS Scott Adkins
The fact that Reverse Yellow Peril is a thing now is pure kino, though.
That's what "anyway" mean, bro.
Reminds me of an article I read about people in China calling Lucy Liu ugly, she has small eyes and a tan and freckles like the lady on the left. Ah well, can’t help East Asia with their obsession for ayyyy lmaos.
>deliberately distorts Asian beauty standards
lmao people on Yea Forums literally called this happening. The entertainment industry in all of Asia is a fucking dystopian nightmare
>All their movies now
user they've always been like that. Their action movies anyways. They just used to always have the Manchus as bad guys, then eventually set their sights on whitey
Is it really that hard to not be a retard?
It's not the case in the comics, no. Shang is raised from birth to be a perfect killer.
Maybe the take away from this is that a billion people will have wildly different opinions but there's enough in each camp to make them seem significant.
Lucy Liu is ugly from the Chinese perspective of what they think is model-tier hot. So is Awkwafina. They also hate freckles.
Like, I understand that beauty standards vary from culture to culture, but East Asians are just so fucking... Narrow? They have this very specific image of a perfect woman in their collective hivemind and anything that strays even a little bit from it might as well be a literal warthog.
Not a denial of my post then, bro. She is ugly.
>I hope Daniel Cretton uses some of Simu's personality and imbues it to Shang. Sometimes it seems like he has the personality of a blank of wood.
This is probably the reason he was cast, to bring some charisma to the role. Hope Shang-Chi doesn't become a full quipper though.
He was a master of kung fu in the beginning with no knowledge his father was evil. Maybe they'll do a Winter Soldier type thing where a trigger word sets him off.
Fuck these guys. Shang-Chi AND Iron Fist are great characters. If Captain America can work in modern times, why can't two characters from the 70s?
The Cat will be more Loki-esque. Charming, slightly effeminate, and still a quipper.
awkwafina is actual factual ugly though
I don't mind Awkwafina, but I really REALLY hope she isn't Leiko Wu. Gemma Chan should've been cast.
Imagine being some insect zoomer fapping to social media influencers and the US is like, hey we've got awkwafina
I genuinely have no idea what you're trying to say here
Yeah I was surprised to see the MCU cast Akwafina, guess they saw her hype from Ocean’s 8 and Crazy Rich Asians and completely missed the backlash she got from progressives and black people