Welcome to the salty spittoon, how tough are yah?
Welcome to the salty spittoon, how tough are yah?
Well I’m looking at your face without throwing up. That tough enough for you, ugly?
I browse without filters.
I got arrested for littering and creating a nuisance. (No father-raping though. Maybe next time.)
So you got a sharp tongue, don't mean you're getting in. Need to see some toughness, pal.
Well I sat through every episode of spongebob season 5-8 in one sitting. How tough is that?
I sat through the entire Band Geeks episode and didn’t even smile a single time
I systematically dismantled a fandom that had the audacity to say that they were making a comeback.
I think Garth Ennis smells bad.
I once ate my own shit without vomiting
I masturbate d to two girls one cup
I call people incels on this website while using reaction images with tumblr filenames, and 50% of those images are doge and pokemon.
I’ve candidly told Yea Forums that the Powerpuff Girls are shit, without apologizing after
Which one?
How tough am I?
I once read all of bendis' comics
for the dialouge
I got out of a Playstation vs Xbox flamewar without a scratch.
Only incels argue about videogames in a tribalist manner
I once bluffed my way into the Salty Spitoon despite being a weenie.
Я твoй дoм тpyбa шaтaл what now, bitches.
How tough am I? I report my own shitposts!
Tell that to brave crew of the S.S. Triangle.
Once I slept 21 hours, without waking up.
You've mastered a dead tongue, but can you handle a live one?