Welcome to the salty spittoon, how tough are yah?

Welcome to the salty spittoon, how tough are yah?

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Well I’m looking at your face without throwing up. That tough enough for you, ugly?

I browse without filters.

I got arrested for littering and creating a nuisance. (No father-raping though. Maybe next time.)

So you got a sharp tongue, don't mean you're getting in. Need to see some toughness, pal.

Well I sat through every episode of spongebob season 5-8 in one sitting. How tough is that?

I sat through the entire Band Geeks episode and didn’t even smile a single time

I systematically dismantled a fandom that had the audacity to say that they were making a comeback.

I think Garth Ennis smells bad.

I once ate my own shit without vomiting

I masturbate d to two girls one cup

I call people incels on this website while using reaction images with tumblr filenames, and 50% of those images are doge and pokemon.

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I’ve candidly told Yea Forums that the Powerpuff Girls are shit, without apologizing after

Which one?

How tough am I?

I once read all of bendis' comics
for the dialouge

I got out of a Playstation vs Xbox flamewar without a scratch.

Only incels argue about videogames in a tribalist manner

I once bluffed my way into the Salty Spitoon despite being a weenie.

Я твoй дoм тpyбa шaтaл what now, bitches.

How tough am I? I report my own shitposts!

Tell that to brave crew of the S.S. Triangle.

Once I slept 21 hours, without waking up.

You've mastered a dead tongue, but can you handle a live one?