The X-Men work best separate from the rest of the Marvel Universe.
The X-Men work best separate from the rest of the Marvel Universe
Why? The whole point is that racism is dumb. Like how people condemn black people for doing the same things white people do.
Hatd yo sell the world hates and fears them when the same population is screaming YASSSS KWEEN over every female superpowered hero like CM
It doesnt work. Its like saying racists hate some white people for being black
I agree.
Pretty much true. I kean look at the new house of x and powers of X. Wether you like or dislike the story, does anyone believe the rest of the marvel heroe community will stand aside as mutants kill off all the humans in a human-machine-mutant war? Fuck that's stupid as hell. But marvel had this issue where their books and heroes are not that well interconnected. Also it never made sense that the humans would hate mutants and yet not hate anyone else that had some k8nd of powers. How the fuck can they tell if anyone is just a mutant unless they have horns or sxales. Again, completely stupid.
Also in all those realities where the sentinels take over?
Where are the avengers in all that?
What about Ultron?
user. that's why it works. It's the only way it could work.
OP is wrong, end of discussion.
/pol/ has a meme based around that
No one does that, the Marvel average citizens hate superheroes, only the MCU turns them onto nice people
Nothing to discuss, OP is correct, end of.
There's one that shows over time the sentinels going from kill mutants to kill super-humans.
Wolverine alone has plenty of great stories working outside the X Men.
Why would we want this?
Isn't Captain Marvel currently the most hated hero in her ongoing?
My Hero Academia unironically did it better. The racism shtick is old at this point and has made X-Men stagnant. Racism still exists in MHA, but it doesn’t steer the entire fucking plot. Granted it’s a bit different considering in that fiction 80% of the population is powered people this society has to adapt, but when’s the last time Mutants really felt like a minority? There’s a shit ton of them. Could Xavier’s school fucking matter for once? How about actual registration and government programs that benefit/restrict mutants? But no, we have to keep pushing “muh oppression!” every fucking plot
Obviously, you'd have to have 2 be autistic to think otherwise
It doesnt make sense for someone to be prejudiced and afraid of shadowcat as some kind of monster but adore and idolize the Thing as a hero of new york
people condemn black people for acting like black people
Literally everyone with a brain knows this. X-niggers being normies that actively hating the rest of the MU doesn't help either.
Ben was given shit for his appearance, what are you taking about?
Ben first appear as a hero and he is rich too.
>Like how people condemn black people for doing the same things white people do.
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According to Day of Future Now the US banned all superheroes so they went to live on the moon.
Ben Grimm isn't part of a shadowy paramilitary organization occasionally run by species supremacists