Start your morning off right with a new comic

Start your morning off right with a new comic.

Attached: conspiracy-theories-comic.png (1500x500, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

where's the joke?

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The middle one would make a good reaction image
I guess the left one would too if you're a filthy /x/ poster.

>euro time
>the time someone posts comics by a neonazi
really makes you think

this thread will be deleted before anyone can post an edit of him looking at anime tiddies instead of a newspaper

His faces are so off-putting.

The joke is that you're as much as a tinfoil hat retard as flat earthers

Its a shame that fun is now banned on Yea Forums. I just want to post comics.

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>this thread will be deleted

What year do you think it is?

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>wannabe smorky styled art

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Just post Stonetoss edits.

>zero effort ragebait
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

His Garrison (You) bait got nuked ~20 minutes ago. There's a small chance hotpockets is still on the clock.

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As always, Martian Magazine's latest update provides rough but soulful art beyond close ups of exaggerated faces, and manages to bring a chuckle even if you disagree with Wormwood's views, rather than putting preaching before humour. Truly the thinking man's Nazi (and that's a good thing!) webcomic.

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>not fun
You're here, so checkmate, friend

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It's funny because africa is a stone age shithole

Close, but the thinking man's nazi comic is actually hehesilly.

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>baited so easily

>Saying the n word is better than universal healthcare

>I was only pretending to be retarded!


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>>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>the n word
Nigger. Type it out britbong. N-i-g-g-e-r. Careful, the Bobbies are watching!

What if be bought an N-word license from the Queen?

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>already has a reputation as "the offensive webcomic"
>still too cowardly to say nigger
I can feel ben's disappointment

is this comic seriously bragging about not having health care because you can say 'nigger'
>i'll die of easily preventable disease but at least i can let black people know i hate them

this is like the tenth comic from this guy about "the n-word pass"

Free speech is a more fundamental right than forcing other people to pay for your healthcare backed by the threat of state violence :^)

Don't you see user, Americans think they invented free speech, which is an inalienable right! Also free speech = racism without consequences, nothing to do about government. No, it's about being offensive towards people you hate, and they have to take it, otherwise muh freedoms!

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>forcing other people to pay for your healthcare backed by the threat of state violence
it's like i'm talking to a retarded alien
do you even pay taxes you underaged moron

Pretty sure it's literally the only one by him, but ok. I guess all vaguely right wing artists are the same person to you or something.

Stonetoss have like 4 jokes: tranies kill themself, nigger ,"that person believe something I don't believe in, what a retard" and stealing meme

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Imagine being a yurocuck and going to jail for wrong speak.

You keep saying having free healthcare is a good thing yet the only countries where it's fine to have it are small homogeneous countries while the US has hundreds of millions of people with a percentage of the illegals
>3rd highest number of deaths is easily preventable hospital accidents so why not for free

>wanting to ban freedom of speech because you might accidentally overhear a white person say the n-word at some point in your life, instead of the billions of times n-words say the n-word each day

>two wrongs make a right

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Men using the women's laboratory because they identify as such is wrong and that should be common sense.

wow you sure showed those imaginary people you made up

There are restrooms specifically for little girls? Why didn't Yea Forums tell me about this?

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Roasties need to stay about of my lab.

Who said anything about banning? You're the one equating freedom of speech with being offensive without consequences instead of having your rights protected from government censorship. That's literally what it is about. I don't give a fuck if you're an uneducated hick still living in the 50's, that's on you.

I can't wait for the Moloch part.

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>You're the one equating freedom of speech with being offensive without consequences
And what "consequences" would those be?
Just so, you know, we're on the same page here.

>anyone who is remotely right wing is a nazi
Are monarchists nazis? How about actual, legitimate theocrats like in the developing world? Calling American Republicans Nazis is nonsense, they’re far more pro-business than the actual NSDAP and far less, well, socialist.

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Getting chastised over it. You know, like every other dumbass who says something racist, gets sacked, then claims they're getting censored.

>stonetoss comics make leftypol and """""centrists""""" seethe once again
Based rock thrower

See, this one is the same openly racist strip he has, zero variety with this guy. And this is supposed to be funny?

wow you sure showed those imaginary people you made up

And that's why stonetoss is trash. These threads getting deleted is no loss.

This got me.


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perfect file name

>can't call people out on being hypocrites

>Americans think they invented free speech
We don't, precisely because
>[it is] an inalienable right
>free speech = racism without consequences
The precendent of letting an authority decide what you can and can't say and the totalitarianism that power naturally tends to, despite even the noblest intentions, means people getting their feelings hurt is a neccesary evil to defend the Good of public discourse. You might think saying "nigger" is self-evidently not productive discourse, but the point is that no one should have the power to define that, even in the most seemingly obvious cases. History shows free speech is either all or eventually nothing.
>it's about being offensive towards people you hate
Even if it can include that it doesn't mean it's about or for that, you are arguing in bad faith and you know it.
>otherwise muh freedoms
The precedent any restriction of free speech produces, and the fundamental belief no one should have the power to make these decisions over the truthful expressions of one's beliefs in the first place, cannot be refuted by phrasing it as "muh x"
Freedom of speech is the freedom to tell the truth about your inner thoughts and views, regardless of what the passing political trends of the day deem outre, and if we allowed censorship of what was considered the most absurd and indefensible, we would not be where we are today, because in the past that included many of the things taken for granted today. We have to retreat behind a veil of ignorance and assume maybe we don't know everything about what is right or wrong, and let a free marketplace of ideas provide future generations with the most open forum possible to determine these truths for us in retrospect, rather than biasing that lens with our current taboos.
Tl;dr freedom of speech is literally the most important freedom, kill yourself boot-licking Eurofag.

Imagine being a yurocuck and replying.

>ooga booga he made a wrongthink time to assulat him
I mean, I guess if I were as retarded as you and couldn't form a basic argument using my big bow words, I would support violent censorship as well.

I'd step on the gas too if I was a white guy yelling "nigger" all the time

I miss her(?)

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This is actually funny.

Imagine being so indoctrinated and terrified that you can't even type out the word nigger on a malaysian fish scaling forum

why are you larping john-juan? you are a jurobaboon nazi too

We all do.
I think they might still be on Patreon, though. One of these days I will save up $1 to see more of their comics.

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Well you got that right, ain't nobody gonna read all that

>muh wrongthink
Nothin more hilarious than neocon zoomers using this double-speak wrongthink bullshit from 1984, a book I guarantee none of them read.

So you're admitting blacks are violent and willing to assault people over a word?Would you expect a black person who said cracker all the time to have that fear driving through a liberal white neighboorhood? Perhaps your statement reveals some truths you wish it hadn't.

NIGGER just type it already. You're already thinking it.

funny because he's unironically a nazi but somehow doesn't want to be labeled one for whatever reason

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UKuckistan would like a word with you

>wrongthink bullshit from 1984, a book I guarantee none of them read.
have you?

Her. She was on a podcast once and she was clearly a girl.

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Why because it doesnt involve race or politics? Grow a pair.

It was required read in highschool, and I'm 32. Absolutely.


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I kekd

Took me a while to connect it to to the Tiki Torch guys from the South.

and the goverment censoring statements they find offensive with imprisonment doesn't strike you as them trying to stop wrongthink at all?

That is factual though. That image does not involve race or politics and Yea Forums is the most /tumblr/ friendly i.e: liberal leaning board.

>so you're admitting
lmao stopped reading there

Except it's not the government doing anything? That's the fucking point.

And it's required reading in American high schools, so I fail to see how you can claim that the evil American right wingers who reference the book have somehow not read it.

At the end of the day it's a mental illness

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t. has never been to an MLK street
the only time I've been robbed at gunpoint was on a fucking MLK street.

it’s called being smug, he knew wearing the red hat of butthurt would cause controversy so when it did, he smirked it would make a hell of a story on r/the_donald
the old cunt harassing him wasn’t a saint either, iirc he was some fake vet that loved to harass people, an analogy would a Jew brought up the 6 million when they encounter anything German

Either way, the comic is misleading

Because they're dumbasses using it wrong.
Are you seriously using a comic as a proof that the US government censors people over racism, even though that's supposed to be the UK which I still doubt they ever did?

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There's an entire subreddit dedicated to SEETHE about this guy's comics and make shitty edits of it

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There's no federally mandated literature syllabus. My high school never made us read it.

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>literally victim blaming for what they were wearing

>even though that's supposed to be the UK which I still doubt they ever did?
Countries on another continent and you live in America and have to deal with other types of bullshit, but it absolutely does happen .

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I never called American Republicans, I called stonetoss a nazi because he is one, and how it seems that these threads always pops up when Euros are awake, learn to fucking read moron

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Yes, freedom of expression is more important than getting government handouts.

>doing something you're coerced to do only so that you don't go to jail makes the coercion acceptable, or implies that you accept it
>it also makes doing more of that thing backed by even more coercion acceptable, or implies that you should accept it
I pay taxes. Doesn't mean I want to, think I should, or support things that require more taxes and are by definition an even greater trespass. I don't hold contracts signed without consent at birth as valid, "social" or not. As for the supposed chaos of a world without government coercion, the "muh Somalia" arguments, fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus.

>an essential service that is paid with your taxes = government handout

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>fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus.
t. lolbertarian trying to sound smarter than he is.

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>the british health system is bloated, inefficient, on the verge of collapse and costs (you) a shitton in taxes
But we should totally get it here guise

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>government arrests you if you refuse
>that not state violence
just say you disagree

Nothing is essential but your fundamental freedoms to yourself and your property, that is, from infringement of those things. "Positive rights" to something provided by others don't exist and are a dishonet ploy to present welfare policy as on the same level of fundamemtal moral truth as manifest rights and freedoms.

Hmm, I wonder if /pol/ ever thought of sneaking big nose messages into fake pro leftist comics slowly until eventually their definition of "evil" included the 6 gorillion

Yep, lolbertarian confirmed. I guess you've never heard of the Maslow pyramid either.

My point is the typical attempt to use a consequentialist argument for state monopoly of force is invalid, what matters is the moral wrong being committed, the utilitarian consideration of what comes after the wrong is righted is secondary. It is more important that justice be done, though (as statists claim, though unlikely in truth) the world perish.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs has nothing to do with freedom from state violence :)

Totally justified reaction.

>discord tranny starts an anti-stonetoss thread, enabled by the mod he sends nudes to
>thread goes sideways for the trannh, people actually like the comic and see where he's coming from
>defeated, tranny signals mod to delete the thread
There, I just spoiled the next three hours for you

"Fundamental moral truth" is a dubious concept in its own right, and it's only made worse by the idea that you think property ownership is closer to it in concept than the idea of supporting your fellow man.

>supporting your fellow man
Already with the emotional arguments

Based spoiling user

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Fucking rich coming from the person arguing that something like a "fundamental moral truth" exists. Go hell off to Ayn Rand some more, will ya?

That's my point numbnuts, anything you call "fundamental" is just whatever happens to appeal to a core enough emotion that the majority of humanity shares it. Sorry you got left out of the loop on the whole "not being a retarded asshole" section of the genome, maybe we can set up an island for you once we hit the singularity.

HmmmYikes, these compelling arguments of yours will surely get me to vote democrat next year

>you think property ownership is closer to it in concept than the idea of supporting your fellow man
Yep. You have more of a right to that which is yours than to that which is not yours; you are recontextualizing theft, even supposedly benevolent theft, as philantrophy, a fundamentally voluntary virtue. By confusing the good of willingly choosing to give to help your fellow man with the evil towards ostensibly good ends of forcibly taking to help your fellow man, you render your ideology morally bankrupt from the start.

Oh I'm not trying to convince you (I'm not even a Democrat, or American for that matter), I'm just calling you a retard for subscribing to libertarianism.

>groups originated on the same land who are stealing land from eachother is the same as an alien race stealing that land

>Sorry you got left out of the loop on the whole "not being a retarded asshole" section of the genome, maybe we can set up an island for you once we hit the singularity
What a womanly way to type, they always love to hear themselves talk more than they care about winning people over. It's at the root of why they lost 2016 and will lose 2020

These two are should just admit that they hate blacks and jews so they can just become Wyatt Mann.

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Why was it ok when Boondocks did it?

But you don't at least in here finland.

>rent hike
>hating capitalism

This is just lazy.

I don't get it.

Hey Nazis, heres a reminder what we do to you.

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>having been called out, the mod and his girlfriend(male) opt for the coward's way out, putting the thread on autosage

Yes user blacks are violent animals. Now if you would have balls you would actually do something about those niggers but you don't.

But commies hate America.

Then just make another thread.

That's why everyone on Yea Forums phoneposts.

what are these dudes beliefs anyway besides just "nazi"

This guy is cool I like his comics

Basedism and Redpillocracy.

I never fucking got this, can anyone spoonfeed me?

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Leftists control twitter/google/pateron/etc., and are the ones saying that if you don't like it, choose an alternative. Last two panels he's realizing that if you don't like democrats censoring/controlling everything, then vote for someone else. Panel 4 he realizes why Trump got elected.


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Why specify liberal white neighborhood? Is it because you know your question would backfire if someone brought up conservative white neighborhoods?