What are the best comics/graphic novels i should read?

What are the best comics/graphic novels i should read?

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Op here, I did have a stage in mu life where i would read a lot of comics back in highschool but now not so much.

Wich are your recommendations as must read??

Grant Morrison doom patrol and JLA

Swamp Thing

Jeff Smith's Bone

Superman Red Son
The Ultimates
Marvel Civil War
Kick Ass
The Secret Service
The Magic Order
The Unfunnies

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Anything but capes.

Anything published before 1990. It's where the masterworks are.

Batman: Year 100 is great, give it a shot.
Rope yourself, faggot.

Anyone read Mort Cinder? Any good? Thinking of getting it and The Eternaut.

What are their superpowers? Who writes them, Marvel or DC?

Sandman and Hellblazer are both good alternatives to Cape stuff if you have even a passing interest in the occult

Read them, user. Read anything by Oesterheld.

Jonah Hex No Way Back
Fury My War Gone By
Kraven's Last Hunt (pic related)
Starlight (it's a fun book, not transcendental but refreshing when compared to the other books on the list)
Batman Year One
Superman For All Seasons
Judge Dredd Complete Case Files Vol. 5 (my personal favorite but all of the CCF's are really good)

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Here, Take the kino pill

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>Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli
>Black Hole Charles Burns
>Essex County Trilogy by Jeff Lemire
>Fantastic Four by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee
>Flex Mentallo by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
>Hellboy by Mike Mignola
>Mad Magazine (Harvey Kurtzman era)
>Maus by Art Spiegelman
>Miracleman (Alan Moore, Garry Leach, Alan Davis, Chuck Austen, Rick Veitch & John Totleben)
>Saga of the Swamp-Thing by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben and Rick Veitch
>The Spirit by Will Eisner
>Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud

Batman Year One
Punisher Max by Ennis
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow
Savage Dragon 1-75
Supreme The Story of the Year
Understanding, Reinventing, and Making Comics
Battle Chasers
Danger Girl 1-7
WildC.A.T.s/X-Men The Golden Age
Classic X-Men
Milk and Cheese
Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Monkeyman and O'Brien
Spawn 1-10
The Maxx

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Doom Patrol by Morrison
From Hell
Howard the duck
Saga of the Swamp Thing
The Incal
Crossed +100
V of Vendetta

And stand alone graphic novels?
Maus is good. So is My Favorite Thing Is Monsters in my opinion.
A Tale of Sand if you're fascinated by Jim Henson's work.
Pretty much any noir comic by Brubaker/Phillips

I'll pick it Mort Cinder since it's a bit cheaper, thanks.

essential "Yea Forums never talks about them" comics
American Splendor: Our Cancer Year
Strangers in Paradise
Love and Rockets (just read the omnibus collections that start with "Maggie the Mechanic")
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
Y: The Last Man
La Perdida

also shout-out to one of Yea Forums's favorites, The Flintstones (no, we're fucking serious, The Flintstones

Batman Year One
The Dark Knight Returns
Daredevil: Born Again
Alan Moore's Swamp Thing
Garth Ennis' Punisher MAX
Conan (1st Dark Horse volume)
Conan the Cimmerian (sequel to above)
Foolkiller (which you can read right here: )

>Maus by Art Spiegelman
>"durr le nazis are le bad"

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Pantheon (Lone Star Press)
Squadron Supreme (Gruenwald, Marvel)


>the best comics/graphic novels
>people listing capeshit
Ah, summer.

Bet you like the smell of your own farts too

Love and Rockets

No pic related, that's for fucking sure.

>Maus by Art Spiegelman
>"durr le nazis are le bad"
dinah is sickened by your post.jpg

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>Ah, summer.
OP specifically uses a cape book by a big two cape publisher as OP image and Mistah Superior Chimes In

Get off the computer, Geoff.
Your Bo Duke dolls aren't going to play with themselves and you know your father only gave you the extra allowance when you agreed you needed them for 'daily playtime'

Avoid this at all costs.

"Cerebus, as if I need to say so, is still to comic books what Hydrogen is to the Periodic Table." - Alan Moore

You can hate Cerebus and the author and its audience, but if you care about comics, you should read all of Dave Sim's work as soon as possible.

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Grell's Green Arrow run
Morrison's DP run
Moore's Swamp Thing run
Morrison's All Star Superman
Miller's Batman Year One & TDKR
Ordway's The Power of Shazam graphic story
Spider-man Blue

Some of the capes I'd recommend.

But OP is not asking for more capeshit, is he? Obviously he wants good comics since after reading Watchmen he doesn't need more capes.

Why not both. Its not like he specified.

Because he's asking for the best, user.

lol no

Step aside, pleb

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And why not the best of both worlds. They're just personal subjective recommendations anyway. Quit being snotty and post your recs instead of shitting up the thread already.

After all he did say 'which are your recommendations as must read' not give me your favorite non-cape recs because I'm a big boy and I wear big boy pants.

>ctrl+f "Akira"
>0 results

It got a colourised American release by Epic, so have a pre-emptive "fuck off" if you're going to reply "hurr not comics durr" to this post. Also Otomo's other major work, Domu, is also extremely worth reading.

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For capes
Golden age
Ostrander Spectre
All star superman

Careys lucifer
Y the last man

Underwater welder
Essex County trilogy
Acme novelty library

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>The Unfunnies
Oh God, no.

Get your movie script pitches out of this thread.

better post a new "Read Moore" ep soon, Ed

How stupid do you have to be for this to be your take away from it? Of course Nazis are bad you absolute retard

Fear Agent

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Adding to what is already mentioned:
Alack Sinner
Mesmo Delivery
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright

The movie is better. Having Akira as mute autistic child is lame as is the entire second half in the Post-apocalyptic Tokyo. Even the ending is worse in the manga. Hell Domu is a better comic than the manga Akira.

I wouldn't say either the manga or the movie are good. The art is amazing, though.

Love and Rockets
American Splendor, and really everything by Harvey Pekar.
The Eternaut
Herbie Popnecker
Asterios Polyp
Stray Toasters

Kabuki in particular is one of my favorites and really, really, underrated. Then again I can see why many people wouldn't like it. Personally I think pretentious monologues accompanied by surreal imagery is my favorite genre. Probably why I also like Evangelion so much.

>pretentious monologues accompanied by surreal imagery
For some reason, this is very unappealing to me. However, surreal monologues paired with surreal imagery is my shit.

Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'Malley and Seconds also by Bryan Lee O'Malley

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I Kill Giants. Joe the Barbarian. The Saga of the Metabarons. The Redeemer. Giant Killer. Nemesis the Warlock. The Books of Magic. DMZ.