This episode did not age well

This episode did not age well

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I like playing the pig in dead by daylight and call myself manbearpig.

This thread will most definitely stay on topic and won't even remotely segue into politics at all the.

>Actually beliving in global warming in 2019

Your mom’s ass so hot she causing the poles to fucking melt

For a moment I thought this thread was about a new animal species.

I mean proof that anthropogenic causes far overweight natural ones has just become manstream.

Sorry you're a literal suicidal, but don't drag the rest of us to hell.

Redpill me on this. What would be the point of faking global warming? It creates regulations that are bad for big companies, so that's bad for them. Who is, at the same time, powerful enough to create such an hoax, and would benefit from it?

to control people with guilt

I feel like the people who still continue to deny it are sociopaths who just don't like taking responsibility for anything and will come up with any excuse to avoid reality

i believe in human made climate change
i just don't think its as big of a problem as the people who want to use it as a means of control act like it is.
the world is ending in 10 years has been a climate change motto for like 50 years now. i think the latest one was AoC's 12 year prediction.

nuclear power or death

Control them to do what? Recycle? Even then I don't think people feel guilty on a personnal level. Big companies causes most of the pollution after all.

It's not that the world will end in 10 years. It's that if we keep going at the rate we're going, in 10 years there will be no going back. The damage will be irreversible

well according to to the people ten years ago, we're already here

>i think the latest one was AoC's 12 year prediction
that's not her 'prediction', that's the finding of the IPCCs 1.5 degree paper, which states emsissions need to be halved within the next twelve years and then be net negative by 2050 to keep warming at or below 1.5c.

Combine hat with the Hot House Earth paper brought out last year that says a 2 degree warming will kick off massive positive feedbacks shooting us out of the inter-glacial cycle and we start seeing apocalyptic scenarios projected.

It's not at all accurate to say the world will end in ten years, but even sober groups are saying a collapse of global human civilization is a real possibility by 2050 at our current pace without deep and real global efforts to reduce emissions.

Name me a single reputable climate scientist who made that claim 10 years ago

>inb4 Guy McPherson

damn nigga i guess we better go to war with china and india to make them stop polluting the world, huh?

>they're not doing anything about so we don't have to either

Who’s saying that today?

Professor Albert Gore

there is literally nothing we can do. If we had 0 emissions, it would change nothing, because theirs are so fucking high.
chinese people do not care about the climate, let alone life.

It's a hoax created by thw jews and the chinks to crater the US econmey and further the white genocide. Why do you think the liberal media has been pushing the narrtive so hard or why so many (((scitenist))) are jews

Hey its this bullshit again.

India is the only major polluter that actually is doing 'enough'. Every reputable body has said they're the only major power that actually has policies and measures compatible with a 2c pathway. China and the USA are neck and neck for worst offender with Saudi Arabia and Russia fighting for third place.

So blow it out your ass.

1. Countries like America or Australia pollutes more capita than China
2. A good portion of China's CO2 emissions are because they produce for western countries who outsource their industries there
3. China is the country that invested the most money in renewable énergies in the last few years

>If we had 0 emissions, it would change nothing, because theirs are so fucking high.
That's just plain fucking wrong. Sure, China nearly doubles the US in total emissions. But the US is still shitting out something like 5 billions tons of CO2 every year

You do realise China is already truning green.

A decade ago, people say we shouldn't turn green because China would continue to emit CO2. Nowadays, the argument is that Turning green is a China hoax so that they can sell us their Green tech.

well, maybe if we had started changing ten years ago, WE would be the one selling green tech to china.

You got a source on these claims?

This is bait, but the actual truth will be apparent soon enough.

What's funny is that they made a sequel to this episode last season.

It's climate change now silly.

It's still Global Warming.


Go on believing whatever (((scitienst))) tell you. If you just take a look at any temperature graph longer then the last hundred thousand years thn you'll see the truth

Feels over reals, am I right?

Climate change. Use the correct verbiage please.

>Nowadays, the argument is that Turning green is a China hoax so that they can sell us their Green tech.
I’ve never heard this

Because he just made it up.

Attached: 2017_global_temp_recap_620_0.gif (620x413, 83K)

45 floated it around when he was campaigning.

Attached: temperature year by year.gif (360x360, 3.55M)

[Citation Needed]

Attached: icevol_2017.gif (1242x1323, 873K)

didn't they recently make an episode where they tell Gore he was right about "Manbearpig"

>Climate change.
It's Global Warming.

Attached: 0.png (598x353, 21K)

Fearmonging by the kikes at it's best. Do you know how pathetic a differnce of 1f is? Oh wow. Shocked... not


I thought Matt and Trey went to college, why were they so dumb about basic shit at times?


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its 1c you fucking mong

yes they did

What the fuck is Saudi Arabia lighting on fire to compete with all of fucking Russia? Or is it just in proportion to their landmass?

The term is officially recognized in the scientific community as climate change and no longer global warming. Go eat a dick.

>It's Global Warming.

Attached: climate change vs global warming in the scientific litterature.gif (495x305, 5K)

this website tracks individual national targets and pledges

Who fucking cares abot metric. How about you convert it into proper units before making that retarded graph

Kill yourself, you spamming and ban evading /pol/tard. Everyone else, report him for breaking >>>/global/rules/3 >>>/global/rules/9 >>>/global/rules/10 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1

>Nowadays, the argument is that Turning green is a China hoax so that they can sell us their Green tech.
I wasn’t saying I hadn’t heard the Chinese hoax part, but the ‘so they can sell us their green tech’ part

nice offtopic thread with 3 people making 10 posts each

>blaming the jew

how else would they render US manufacturing non-competitive?

But Global Warming is still being used
I still see it growing.

We gotta stop the farting cows guys!

>But it's still being used
Incorrectly. Hopefully those people will learn to use the correct terminology.

If I jack off to the invisibles enough times will that help fight global warming?

Actually, due to the way the process food, most of the CO2 come from the belching, not the farting. And it's actually manageable

It isn't.

Global Warming is a correct terminology and describe aptly the phenomenon it designate.

We are
Most of the damage is irreversible
It's no excuse to not stop going down this suffocating rabbit hole.

He's coming for youuuuu

it doesn't mean shit when we were already under a global warming period naturally thanks to the whole ice age cycles anomaly.

I can't even tell if these post are satire. That's how bad the /pol/vermin infestation has gotten.

Not saying I believe it but the concept behind the conspiracy is
>World: Everyone, do not use fossil fuels, it might be cheaper but it’s destroying the planet.
>America: uh ok, if you say so (energy costs more driving up prices)
>China: sure sure (does not stop using fossil fuels, making their prices more competitive by comparison)

>it doesn't mean shit
Yes it does.

It require complete bad faith to pretend it's meaningless.

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>it doesn't mean shit
I t mean the temperature is sill increasing when it shouldn't.

Problem is that this is not enough data. Earth's has gone several changes during it's life time and what we're glimpsing at is, not enough. All you can tell from this is that the numbers go up. But when did they go down and what was the last time they went up?

If you guys actually want to do a significant help to pollution, stop funding over population projects. Don't feed the nigger.

>Problem is that this is not enough data. Earth's has gone several changes during it's life time and what we're glimpsing at is, not enough.
It is actually enough. And a vat consensus among climatologist consider it's enough evidence to show global warming is man-made.

>stop funding over population projects. Don't feed the nigger.
Okay, now I know you are a moron. there is no such thing as overpopulation. All demographic curves indicate nativity rate is diminishing for everyone.

>But when did they go down and what was the last time they went up?
You mean you dont have enough data. Those are not unknown variables to anyone that makes a living studying climate science

You do realise that China has been investing in solar and wind far more than America, right?

And climate change is and always was the term used over it by the scientific community

>who the fuck cares about metric
Every scientific community in the world you drooling retard

Amercia doesn't use metric retard

Tell that to the american climatologist that made this graph then you fucking baboon.

Then why is my soda in a 2 liter bottle? Checkmate.


come back when you have real science to offer and not women magazine astrologists

>when it shouldn't.
you don't really know. you are mad a prediction didn't work, and instead of checking the global thing, you want culprits for easy money and guilt trips

1. Retard
2. What does NASA have to do with womens magazine

That's because you're buying from shitty made in china products?
Probably not american
NASA uses imperial retard. Look at moon landing, all feet and miles. No retarded metric shit here

Which prediction didnt come true that I should be mad about?

No, NASA and the US military use metric. Moon landing was not made yesterday you moron

How did this issue become so convoluted in the public perception that it became something you "believe in, or not"?
There's at least four different mainstream climate models that make radically different long-term predictions, and that's not mentioning the hundreds that preceded them. Do climatecucks even know what they're supposed to be "believing" in?

>There's at least four different mainstream climate models that make radically different long-term predictions
such as

A slow-moving disaster is difficult to convince people who live in a world of car crashes and layoffs. If it's inconvenient for their ideology, they'll say it doesn't exist.

most of them. no end of the world in sight, not even a notable extinction wave, or anything. stretching 2 years of data to "fit" prediction for the next 50 years is not science.

Which scientific paper claimed there would be the end of the world?

I'm far more concerned about our dwindling oil supply than I am about everyone spontaneously lighting on fire next year tbph.