Nerds have lost their identity

Nerds have lost their identity

Back in the days they were ostracized by society and practiced their shameful interests in secret

They had created their own underground culture

But nowadays every normies are interested in comics, play video games, browse the internet, a lot even call themselves "geeks"!

We have lost what made us special because normalfags keep appropriating our stuff

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That being said it's important to not let contrariaenism and horde mentality warp your preferences
That also being said many niche forms of entertainment have been eroded due to too much "exposure", many diehards are lost in the crowd of secondaries and lose what made their hobby fun in the first place, or tanking the community.

nerds were never ostracized, they were always just autists with victim complexes
stacy doesn't want to fuck them? its because popular kids only date popular kids! also popular kids are all just jerks!

Sharing is caring

>what made us special

You were never special and never will be

When people now use the word "incel" they just mean "nerd" before the 2010s. And now that the corporate pendulum is shifting towards pandering to SJWs rather than nerds, nerds are going to be (and already are) being ostracized.

why does the media encourage sjws

"Nerds" back then enjoyed and obsessed over stuff that really wouldn't appeal to anyone, over a certain age, because of the low quality of the production in some aspect.

Now all that's changed and people are willing to accept the sames things that "nerds" enjoy thanks to the advancements in CGI and the manipulation of nostalgia.

Yup. "If you like this thing you're probably a virgin lol." Doesn't really sound like as much has changed as OP thinks.

Because it is filled with lgbt and liberal arts major children of corporate elites

Sad but true

"incel" is the new buzzword

incel is the new nerd

Because it's the new subculture that they can market shit towards. From my own personal experience, the

Punk led to (Grunge?) led to Goth led to Emo led to Nerd led to SJW, as far as what "atypical subculture" was in vogue at the time.

Nerd definitately did not lead to SJWs.
SJWs merely infiltrated various areas of "nerd culture" to try to turn them into new vectors of propaganda, despite despising everything about those subcultures.
That's why they shit everything you love up.

I don't even like nerds anymore.
Fuck you eceleb worshipping dicklickers I'm going to go hiking or to dribble a basketball or something

When I say led, that isn't the right word. It's what became shilled.

It's difficult to fight a group that can stand behind the idea of, "We're fighting for people's rights!". Even if you try to dismantle what they're saying, how they're going about their execution, their flawed logic, etc, it's still very easy for a group who is fighting for something positive to create fallacies and villainize people in order to win an argument.

I mean, when fucking Roseanne Barr of all people is called a racist, the lady who had one of the most progressive shows in the 90's with constant diversity, normalizing gays, speaking on both girl's and women's issues, shedding a light on lower class struggles, and continued that trend into her reboot, there's a problem. It's all too easy to villainize someone with the way misinformation is shared across social media. And nobody wants to be a villain, so they join these groups to avoid it.

>consuming media makes you special


Now they're ostracized for being incels.

And they are not allowed to like tabletop games and comics. Those are for woke fans who like diversity.

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What you should be doing is finding ways to finally make friends in this new climate of pop culture. Nerds and normies finally have some shared interests, capitalize on that shit.

Did Dexter grow up to be an incel?

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No he grew up in the 90s

>its because popular kids only date popular kids! also popular kids are all just jerks!
Most of the time, yes.

>tfw you had to hide that you liked Pokemon, LOTR, Star Wars, Warhammer 40,000, DBZ, comicbooks, and video games as a lad
>tfw it's all been taken away from you now

at least 40k isn't normified yet

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Nerds were ostracized but it was never because you read Superman comics. The only people who would actually shun you based on what kind of cartoons you watched are other nerds.

Nerds were ostracized because they looked and acted differently from everyone else. The hobbies angle was just a way for people to contextualize what was ultimately just lookism and intolerance of the "not normal" personality types. Hence why when super attractive star says they like Evangelion everyone is A-ok with em.

So nerds haven't really lost their identity. They just lost the hobbies angle. If you're still being ostracized in 2019 you have to look into the nitty gritty of why that is. It may be because of how you look or because of how you act and depending on the reason it could be entirely your fault like if you clearly don't shower or it could be other people's prejudiced like if they make fun of your height.

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Is manga mainstream now ?

Not sure about manga but anime's getting there.

>When people now use the word "incel" they just mean "nerd"
"Wraith", actually

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We didn't lose anything aside from our communities and innocence.

Now we've evolved into incels, doomers, and bloomers. We're basically living kryptonite as far as SJWs are concerned, which is why they screech like banshee and try to suppress or contain us every chance they get.

We didn't even try to become the cure for a cancer we didn't even know was developing. It just so happened that one day they popped up and demanded everything pander to identity based demographics in the name of equality, and we just pointed out that makes no goddamn sense

Now we're suddenly the internet bad boy rebels who don't play by the rules and who Twitter thots can't stop gossiping about. That guy thots never leave alone because they're secretly crushing on him? Apparently that's incel communities now, and it fucking sucks. The entire point of nerd hobbies was to get away from cuntish shit tests and the sexual Olympics, not to become the unavailable badass everyone's trying to take down just to seem like less of a cuck.

the only thing lost is the insularity of culture with the advent of fast internet and social media. Now instead of each culture being distinct its all chaotically mixed and accessible to anyone. Nerd as a distinct identity died along with all the other cultural identities, thats why were seeing the advent of new identities like SJW's AntiSJW's incels exc because there more based on personal beliefs than interests or hobbies

Incels and autists are the modern day nerds

>also popular kids are all just jerks!
Have you ever considered that you guys are the problem? You're all so needlessly combative all the time, it isn't surprising people don't want to associate with you.

Normies stole the nerd identity and the hobbies nerds enjoyed went to shit. Now they call nerds incels for not liking their garbage.
Incel is the modern day version of nerd

This post reads like MovieBlob wrote it.

Popular people are arseholes because they get inflated egos and unwarranted self importance.

Unpopular people are arseholes because they resent and envy those they perceive as higher in the social stack

In short everyone is a vapid, self absorbed arsehole.

Fucking normalfags

If your watching Cartoons and Reading comics just to have a "special identity" you are a fucking faggot.

>what made us special
>made us special
>us special

>They had created their own underground culture
What culture did geeks create?

They're both mainstream.. in a very limited sense. There's a very short list of approved manga/anime, the rest is considered toxic.

What culture did geeks create?
a majority of online culture nigga

They've been creating memes since about the late 90s? That's it?

Is the best manga in existence (Sket Dance) mainstream ?

I got into comics because the local Chad at my highschool used to read them during history class instead of paying attention and I sat next to him. He let me read some of them and i got hooked. I never understood this "popular vs incel" thing because at least from my personal experience if you weren't a complete asshole then people would acknowledge you

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Or, you know, because niche things were niche and dont NEED to be for everyone?


I never thought of comics as a 'nerd' thing except if the reader was over 30 or so. But it certainly was a boy thing.

>In short everyone is a vapid, self absorbed arsehole.
I'm not, but you sound butter and refuse to look inside at your own insecurities.

> In January 2010, Sket Dance was announced as the winner of the 55th annual Shogakukan Manga Award for best shōnen manga


Also, get off the internet. How you read things in your head changes it's context and delivery towards you reserved insecurities of victimhood.

That's a Japanese award.

The only good thing about mainstream attention getting shown towards all things nerd culture related is that it suddenly creates an interest in older properties. Sure; it’s made modern comics, games and whatnot turn to shit but it’s also led to more classic properties getting a new life.

Comics from the golden/silver/bronze age getting hardcover reprints, consoles from decades ago getting new mini versions and tons of older games getting new versions, old “nerdy” shows like the Star Trek Animated Series, The Incredible Hulk, Quantum Leap and a horde of 90’s cartoons getting new life on Blu-ray.

All of these efforts are made in an attempt to capture new audiences but, in truth, it’s a goldmine for older fans as well.

>it suddenly creates an interest in older properties

I dare you to ask anyone in the street who dennis o'neil is

This sorta shit is why everyone hated "nerds and geeks" in the first place

>I like Thor

Because the market was saturated and now they "conquering" new "lands", just your typical capitalist behaviour

>dennis o'neil
>obscure writer

you know what, I'm done talking to you

it's called pleb filthering, they just want to know who is the same kind as them and who is an ennemy

You deserve it. You "true nerds" are absolutely horrible people.

Who the hell is Dennis O'neil? Do you honestly expect everyone you talk too to have an encyclopedic knowledge of every writer ever?

When did I say Dennis O'Neil is an obscure writer?
>US VS them mentality
Christ how pathetic

>Who the hell is the best Batman writer ever who created extremely interesting stories in the 70s with adventure, suspense and mysteries and is basically the inspiration for DCAU Batman's characterization and most of TAS episodes??

How can SJWs be considered an atyical subculture when they are practically the dominant mindset in the coasts?

it's a natural thing to do, like when you're in a foreign country you'd want to socialize with your kinsmen if you ever meet some

Probably hes a geniusa, they dont really care about women beyond using them to replicate their genes. Why waste time entertaining a wet hole when you can be experimenting with antigravity instead?

If everyone is a nerd, then nobody is. That's all there is to it, really.

That's a lie perpetuated by the mainstream media. The reality is that popular kids are either apathetic or really nice...which is why they're popular to begin with. Ugly bitches and nerds with victim complexes have always been the biggest assholes in most situations.

Funny how so many people that love Superman and all these Superheroes are also against the ideologies that there "heroes" supportb

Have you ever even been to a foreign country? You strike me as the type afraid to leave their house.

Why do you think that Yea Forums cry harder about their waifus than Yea Forums?, they're just for the self-insertion fantasy.

like what ?

And you, sir, are extremely bald.

stop self inserting, user

Nerds get bullied, of course they have a victim complex, all they do is intelligent stuff and the world hates them for it no wonder they become nihilistic. Popular kids are not nice almost all of them are narcissistic sociopaths that use and abuse nerds and non nerds for shits and giggles.

>taking in life lessons from corporat-made quippy funny men in color costumes
NOW this is pathetic

>My hobby is not enjoyable anymore because more people like it

And redneck kids
Nihilism isn't cool no matter how hard you try to make it

What has been taken from you ? People now literally like and accept the very things you were afraid to show them. How can someone be so retarded

>interested in comics
The comic book industry is dying in terms of sales, even if you account for the Big Two and Third-Party Publishers. They had to add in online content i.e webcomics and online subs as part of the total revenue to convince their shareholders that comics aren't dying, when their current form as we know it concerning their mainstream flagship titles confirm it.

I don't anyone from my college considered normies that reads comics. They watch Cape films, cartoons, and video games, and even webcomics, but not actual physical comics. Comics as a physical medium is dying.

Quality of the product. Everything that made it unique and fun has been stripped down and changed to accommodate the same people who used to hate it

>Nerds are now the internet bad boys and the cure to sjws
What did he mean by this

No one reads comics anymore. They read manga. Marvel and DC screwed up by trying to be hip and trendy to newer generations by replacing familiar heroes instead of creating new ones. But all they did was alienate the older fan bases for a new one that won't even buy their comics, because they were never interested.

hows the magic the gathering scene going?
the 40k?
whoops i was just banned for being transphobic guess i better find a new Oooooh...

I blame the MCU

>nerds are the REAL victims
the smart ones got jobs and integrated into society while the losers got left behind in the dust. Fulfill your duty and kill yourself.

>all of them are narcissistic sociopaths that use and abuse nerds and non nerds for shits and giggles.
Except that doesn't happen. Like ever.

Nerds are just mad they can't fuck girls like this

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>replacing familiar heroes instead of creating new ones.

That's more of a marvel thing though. DC would be wise to not get a legacy version of the trinity. I remember reading a bendis avengers tpb and Bucky was Captain America for some reason. Steve Roger's will always be cap. just because you have the shield doesn't make you captain America
>but muh captain America and Thor are titles and not Steve Rogers or Odison

I didn't mean casuals were suddenly clamoring for Bronze Age Batman, just that a casual audience was mildly curious about comics thanks to movies or video games or whatever. That perceived interest in comics motivates companies like DC to reprint older material in addition to revamping the ongoing comics. They know a new audience is there and they want to offer as much product as possible to ensnare them. Older material is made suddenly viable again.

The benefit to diehard fans is obvious. Reprints of rare and expensive comics in brand new hardcovers and inexpensive trades collecting whole swaths of obscure back issues. Maybe the casuals aren't buying in but at least longtime fans can reap the benefits.

That's because most people are not used to just read runs and ignore everything else, the need to know several runs that more often contradict themselves just so you can be part of the discussion of certain topics (like who can lift Thor's hammer). That's not something you need in anime and manga (nobody needs to read the Yamcha spin-off to know the conditions to become super saiyan).

i like that weird bird tattoo she has

>In short everyone is a vapid, self absorbed arsehole.
>I'm not, but you sound butter and refuse to look inside at your own insecurities.
Talk about projection.

>not being coached by comics is nihilism

Normies ruin everything, anything that is niche or enthusiast orientated eventually becomes normalized once it becomes more profitable. BMW is a prime example of this.

Didn't realize all the overlap Yea Forums has with /r9k/

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I can still be autistic about my hobbies AND married. The trick is not being yourself long enough to trick her into loving you.

You're not fucking married, I don't know who you're trying to fool

this picture is right though
I bathe, shave, dress clean but I'm still ugly, skinnyfat and 1m65 tall so can I never get a gf even if I tried to

You can't claim that you're fat, ugly and short but also dress great and clean up properly.

Hello summer friend

What interests do you get called a virgin for outside of Yea Forums? Normalfags will call you an incel based on your actions or statements.

This isnt about being rejected but rather about coping with how everything panders to no one essentially killing everything "us" used to like.
You can be a social reject, people look up any excuse to shame those who are different, your skin color your language etc it really doesnt matter, everybody has always been in the same boat, people hate whats different, so dont let the world to not only ruin what you love but also who you are.

>being upset that other people enjoy the stuff you like
>being upset that you don't have to hide your hobbies out of fear of being bullied or ostracized anymore
Sounds like a dream come true to me. I hated having to worry about that shit in middle/high school.

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I don't think the average normie even knows what "manga" means.

/pol/ is that way ------>


Not really, Good (If not perfect) Grades in everything but Gym and hobby that is sedentary, THAT is what a Nerd makes not that they eat up Tabletop games and anime, people sure do love to forget the grade thing though. The term is practically useless outside school setting anyway, hence why people try to showboat with it, they are trying to humble-imply they had good grades (AKA Intelligence) to go with their shitty hobby.

Honestly though, pretty sure these days shit is starting to get reversed, with kids that have active hobbies and physical capabillity doing better in school for various reasons and THAT is what really gonna kill the "Nerd" into being "I LOVE MY SHITTY HOBBY".

Honestly, who the fuck even WANTS to be a Nerd? It is cringeworthy to see some of the posts made in this thread. Thankfully im just a fucking idiot so im disqualified from being a Nerd, im just good old retarded manchild.

yet I can ?

Nah, nerds were always considered overachievers who had or would get high paying jobs. Incels work part-time minimum wage jobs. Also, nerds came in every color. Incel implies white supremacist to most people.

I’ve never heard anyone call themselves an SJW, and I’ve never see it used outside of Yea Forums. Ever. It’s a lot like “statist.” You’ll never see that outside of libertarian circles, and it’s always a pejorative for people they don’t like.

now they're just edgy contrarian incels

>Answer a question

Maybe you should've quoted the person asking the question, retard.

This, y'all fuckers gotta learn how to blend in with normal people.
Once you get em hooked, Then you can unleash your power level. They'll be forced to love you otherwise they're a terrible person, and they dont like being terrible people

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Shut the fuck up. Not having friends doesn't make you special.

Well it makes sense that a nerds would have victim complexes and be insecure about their interests. I'm gonna guess most of them probably came into contact with the wrong people at the worst time that caused a shit load of them to be like that. Not quite like how it was these days where everyone preaches love and acceptance.

I mean you had people telling them they're getting too old to still like comics,cartoons, games and shit.Then you also have people who just dont give a shit about what they like and are assholes about it. On top of that, said nerd might even be a little eccentric too, and we all know being weird wasn't really a cool thing to be until recent years. Hell even mainstream media often depicted them as somebody nobody likes,or even the worst version of it. I bet all of that happened when they were still young trying to figure out their place in the world and ended up building it up inside their head that it ended up shaping their world view.

I can tell you for the longest time I thought I was the only person who liked the things I liked. Kept trying to fit in and ended up with more cringy memories than I care to remember. Could barely find anybody else that was also into the same kind of things I was into. Wasn't until College I realized I was actually one of the most average and least weird fuckers ever. even the people who liked the same shit as me were hella more normal than I could be. I just happened to lived in a really small town, where most people really didnt give two shits about the latest games,cartoons,or anime and some of them were assholes about it.

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>My life is shit, is it because I'm a beta cuck with no attitude in life?
>Nah, it's because I like cartoons
You people deserve to stay in the shithole of society

That's the nerd equivalent to that scene in Jaws where the fishermen are showing off their scars. That's just how people who are really into something flex at each other.

It also costs a lot more to create and market something nowadays than it did twenty years ago. So creators need to pander to as large an audience as possible. Being 'niche' doesn't net you good profits.

>they dont like being terrible people
You clearly have never been with a woman long enough to move passed considering them acquaintences at best.

Have you?

God forbid I want to have a conversation with someone who knows more than just the surface of shit. Am I not allowed to have actual conversations with people now?

Remember: Early, and often.

>>being upset that other people enjoy the stuff you like

Because they dont. Not really. They like the idea of liking a fandom. They like consuming content, notice how it seems like everybody likes pretty much everything? It's like food to them.

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You that's the artists irony right?


>which is why they're popular to begin with
No, they're popular because they are rich

Bullshit. Persona will never be the same, thanks to your kind. I least there is mainline SMT, which run casuals away. This is why I like fighting games, the skill ceiling stop most.

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This shit right here.

Spot on, Nerds spend most of their time victimizing themselves. A habit most of them never break out of which causes so many of them to turn into bitter adults.

Also fuck all this "Appropriating my nerdom" bullshit.

Oh no

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No, it is natural to seek out like minded individuals. As a person to another person, I will not shit on you, but I will never attempt to connect with you as we are too different. You are not of my tribe.

Also, completely different points being made. If you think we dont live in a highly consumer-focused society then you've been living under a rock.

Would you say that black Americans have went through the same process?

>it's the responsibility of others to compensate for my hate
have sex no-dilate

I'm sorry that making friends and exploring relationships is objectively more exciting (and therefore more profitable) than mythological pokemon.

Avernum good

*mythological pokemon and philosophical wankery.

Sorry, I left one out.

>Steve Roger's will always be cap
What about that time he was upset with the Republican party so he decided he was The Nomad, the man with no home?

Friends? You think those people are your friends? The moment things fall apart they will abandon you.

You are literally the Elliot Rodgers of the cosmos.

Hmhp! You don't need them, in the end they will only hold you back. kill your friends

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Honestly, I think "gamer" replaced "nerd" now. Sure "incel" and "autist" are often used to point at the same nebulous group of men, but I think "gamer" most closely supersedes "nerd" in the aspects of:
-lack of social clues
-often intense opinions about minute details
-unpleasing to be around
-hates women and minorities

Yeah, no. Most hardcore gamers really don't care about politics and more often are leftists (they hate corporations for microtransactions and other abusive practices), the ones you're talking about are casuals and waifufags.

I am speaking colloquially.

>Most hardcore gamers[...]are leftists

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Really?, I've never heard nobody badmouthing gamers with the exception of the casuals that wanted to victimize themselves and the real SJWs

Real hardcore gamers, not posers that cry because they changed the design of their waifu

That's a volcel

You sound like one of those Reddit/Twitter geek whining on Yea Forums.

Truth is, the only people that would remotely come to Yea Forums that main reddit would be the ones that try to hard to emulate 2007 Yea Forums.

All fandoms have a inner sanctum or group of elites. There is nothing wrong with this. Nobody is going to dumb down Tekken for your casual asses. You got to prove yourself

Telling SJWs to fuck off isnt an "identity".

>Nobody is going to dumb down Tekken for your casual asses
Do I need to link you to a youtube tranny that encourages and helps noobs learn fighting games?
tbf that yt tranny was legitimately just trying to share something he liked, but it's still there

>Being with 3DPD
Naw, it ain't worth the pussy.

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That tranny didn't dumb down the game mechanics. The person still has to become good. Let me give you a example of dumbing down a game. Look at SF4. If you tap diagonal toward you opponent twice, you will DP, rather than inputing forward down forward. This shortcut will not help you learn the game or learn proper inputs for other fighters. Pro and skilled players are going to wax your ass. If you want to get good. Learn fundamentals, learn inputs, learn when to block and when to counter. You WILL lose a lot when learning, so get over your ego. Try out all character and learn what playstyle and move list work for you. Do not pick a character based on looks. Work hard and gut gud. Also learn stick, so you can play on acarde machines.

You’re playing coy if you don’t think Roseanne didn’t dig her own grave

actually the tranny did dumb down the game mechanics, and specifically mentioned fundamental tips like if you don't learn to block, you will never be able to punish your opponent
>You WILL lose a lot when learning, so get over your ego
tranny also said that
>Work hard and gut gud
also that

>Do not pick a character based on looks.
No, everything else you said is fine, but nah heck off with that.

If you want to play a character cause they look pretty cool, then go on ahead. If you like them enough, you'll learn how to play them. Aint no point in playing Shotos and shit if you dont like them. It just makes it take even longer to play the character you want and the fact that it takes awhile to learn the fundamentals already turns away people. I mean you're gonna have to learn how use your character either way.

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>If you like them enough, you'll learn how to play them
ehh, I agree and disagree
Sure, you'll learn how to play them eventually, but if that character's playstyle is fundamentally opposed to the style that you could best utilize, you are doing yourself a disservice

In my experience it’s best to play as whoever you want to play as for whatever reason you have.

If it’s a character that isn’t a good suit, you’ll hit a wall and want to experiment a bit more and probably find someone else. I got skullgirls basically just for peacock, had some fun but hit a wall, then realized I liked rushdowns like filia and fortune so now I play as those two.

You play who you want to play cause that’s how you’ll have most fun, and having fun is what keeps you coming back to the game and getting better. That consistency and enjoyment will take you further than playing who you’re ‘supposed to’. Switching characters sets you back but not as much as you’d think.

I’m a fucking scrub though so eh. I think playing fightans for fun is better than esports shit so that’s a factor too I guess

ehh, I think the best is to choose a very middle-of-the-road character, see which aspects of the gameplay you are best at, and then choose another character that plays more like that.
Then again my entire Street Fighter progression was going from Ryu to Ken so idk.

Maybe, but that depends on what you want to get out of the game.
Do you want to play for fun or do you want to win?

I may not be able to play a character worth a shit, but I enjoy playing them nonethless. But if I need to win a game hands down, I'll pick a character Im actually pretty good at playing.

What about manga?

Shonen is going the same way as American capebooks.

Well said, and screencapped for future reference when I can’t articulate what I mean to say about SJWs

Oh yeah there are definitely some characters kinda designed to teach you how to play.

What I meant was just not forcing yourself to stick to one thing, the only right way to play the game is however you have most fun far as I’m concerned.

You have evidence for that claim friend?

>You have evidence for that claim friend?
No, because it's an opinion.

Counterculture eventually becomes the culture. That's always the way of things.

No because I’d fuck him till he got me pregnant with a genius baby uwu

you'll find a lot who are narcissistic but nerds think they're jerks for not acknowledging them

as if it was a personal insult

>stacy and chad (who i barely know) go to parties and don't invite me!? fucking elitists shitheads!

Nothing good happens when you base your entire identity on the media you consume rather than cultivating an actual personality.

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This shit right here

Your only concern should be the content, not what everyone else is doing. Ya cucked yourself.


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I don't care because i grew up

>m-muh sekrit club is ruined!
normies can take “nerd” from you, but they’ll never take your autistic social degeneracy.

*trannies block their path*

>That guy thots never leave alone because they're secretly crushing on him? Apparently that's incel communities now
Boyo, don't flatter yourself.

Depends on the country.

>literally a reddit screenshot about his uncle who works at Nintendo
user cmon

Does it need to be pointed out that the post is just jerking off to his own fantasy?
Anyone sane person knows the demographic referred to is a minuscule pare of the population.

>GeekComicNews: Why Liking Video Games and Comic Books Makes You Literally Satan
SJWs just ruin everything for groups that are already outcasts to begin with.

no manga like comics and books is still relatively niche compared to stuff like cartoons and anime

no its not, but it became one.