We need a Penny thread again

We need a Penny thread again.
What would fem Spider-Man be like?

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A loli.

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You will never pass, you dumb tranny.

You're not going to attack anons and demand free art again, are you?

>Symbiote Penny is far more aggressive in bed
>Marty is worried it will fall off fro mover use

Is she the female Spider-Verse Spidey from the Ultimate cartoon?

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it's just regular Spider-Man except it's a woman.

Okay so those are her looks, now how about her social life and powers? What would she even fight? Would she be treated different?

what if the other characters stay the same gender?

Jameson asks for double as many pictures, then promptly locks himself in his office each time he gets them. For some reason they never end up in the paper

hairy forearms, legs and armpits

That is very creative.

How nerdy should she be?

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>What would fem Spider-Man be like?
Ultimate spider-woman is literally a clone of Peter Parker altered to be female so... Like that.

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In keeping with Spidermans 'down on his luck, relatable to the everyman' trend, we eventually get Penny Parker as a single mom trying to do the right thing.

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She cute

Who's the dad?

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I am

Grant Stacy, before his death. He died never knowing he was going to be a father.

Didn't Grant Stacy also knock up the green goblin?

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Besides Peter, the rest suck, Miles because the design triggers my costume/secret identity autism by showing too many identifiable traits.
And that Stacy seems to have min maxed by diverting all the breast mass into the ass, so the guy looks like he has a three times the ass female Gwen does, even has a bigger ass than that Miles who by all means should have crazy ass game from being half black and half latina

Sort of? Comics are weird.

Goblin used some DNA from Grant to make a science baby she carried to term so that she would have someone that was Grants kid that she could raise as a villain and use against Spider-woman to taunt her.

And then there was that 'Changeling' arc where its revealed that Goblin actually swapped the two kids at some point (because as brothers they look a lot alike) and had her kid spying on Penny while pretending to be her and grants kid. Which was dumb, because her kids should be like a full year younger and shouldn't look IDENTICAL and what kind of mom doesn't notice that their kid suddenly doesn't look and sound the same, but fine whatever.

tldr: Goblin had Grant's baby, but sex never happened.

Nah, Norman's still a guy but wants Penny to bare his true heir.

I just love the idea of spunky Penny Parker and her actor stud boyfriend Marty Jones
>”Hey Tigress, how about we blow this after party and go see that science exhibit you’ve been gushing about all week?”

> Be spiderwoman villian
> Hate spiderwoman
> Spiderwoman gets knocked up and starts showing
> wearing that skintight spandex spider suit, which does almost nothing to hide the growing swell of her belly as the months pass
> holy shit, what is this boner?
> new fetish acquired which completely derails your previous villain motivation into something weird and twisted that even the other villains think is creepy

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She'd likely stop heroing for a while to raise the kid. Or Reed/Tony helps with some iron womb shit to let them have kids while Penny keeps heroing

I see why Spider-Grant never visits 616 penny

I miss the days when marvel drew Felix with a huge bulge

Considering comic book science, it would be more likely that Spider Woman would get Reed to help her set up a kind of artificial womb to place her embryo in, despite what current year Marvel does, no actual hero would willingly but their unborn child in constant danger.
It's either get that baby out of her so she doesn't get an accidental abortion or end up with a fucked up baby, or she steps down from crime fighting for the 9 months she needs minimum to carry it to term and recover.

Its Spiderwoman, so the drama would be that Penny is supposed to not be fighting crime during the pregnancy, but she keeps getting drawn into doing it anyway even though she knows its dangerous because she can't sit by and let people be in danger.

It turns into a weird reversal where instead of hiding her superhero activities from her normal life, she has to hide her superhero activities from the rest of the superhero community because she knows they will chew her out if they find out.

Presented without comment.

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No man, this is the kind of shit that turns characters into reprehensible pieces of shit, no well adjusted woman puts their children in danger, Penny would be better than that, she's all about that responsibility and at that point her responsibility would be to the life growing inside her, hence why she would either use her smarts along with another scientist to try and safely place it outside of her (She might just do it like this to begin with rather than get knocked up) or barring that ask for help keeping her grounds clean while she waits it out.

There's nothing moral, just or heroic in this, if we were in a timeline where Spider-Man was actually Spider-Woman and a writer decided to go with this it would go down as a low point for Spidey that did nothing but use forced drama and irrevocably screwed up her approval.
This is the super equivalent of women who do drugs while pregnant. Peter is better than this.

Would MJ still be her girlfriend though?

the most we'd get is penny in civilian attire like, breaking up a mild dispute between people in between doing sedetary work at her job/home.

Honestly if Marvel will bench Jessica Drew w/baby they'd likley dial back Penny as well, but you'd probably get one fucking righteous mood swing penny kicking down a neighbours door because she heard them threaten their wife or kids or something.

You are asking, then, for some variation of Peter to let other people die for his own personal benefit rather than risk something of his own. Which is the antithesis of his entire character.

Whether or not its safe or smart is irrelevant. Penny wouldn't be able to stop herself, because the guilt of inaction would be too great. Letting Penny sit by and do nothing in a situation that almost perfectly mirrors the situation that got Uncle Ben killed would be a greater character assassination than putting her unborn kid in danger could ever be.

honestly I think
has got it, but at the worst like you said, Inaction fucks up Pete so much, to the point in that Red Goblin event when his leg was broken he went to micromanage his allies. I could see Penny becoming a Oracle like figure amongst her allies, utilizing what she knows about her rogues gallery to keep on the streets in spirit.

>constantly busy single mom Penny trying to balance being a superhero and parenthood

In a way, this is better than canon because it would completely derail One More Day. With her own kids involved, there’s no way Penny would reveal her identity in public. In fact she’d probably stay out of Civil War altogether.

Granted, that didn’t work out well for the last Spider-Woman who tried to stay out of a Civil War.

Period style aside, pretty much the hair style I expected from Penny.

Are we constructing a Rule 63 scenario of all Marvel or just in Penny’s material? Because I like the idea of Spidey material getting flipped while everything else remains the same. In fact Penny would probably hate Stark

>for his own personal benefit
Nigga, that baby's life isn't a "personal benefit" and neither is it something of her own, it's another life separate from her, she's putting another at risk while being a hero, something Spidey doesn't fucking do.
These guys get it

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It existed.
It was much beloved, managing to be feminist without pissing off the pre-/pol/ /pol/tards.
Bendis hated it, so it was retconned from being the future of 616 and nobody even references it.

The current Yea Forums crowd is too young to have heard of it.

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It actually ended with a non-shit version of Clone Saga.

The one that her parents raised was a clone, the real one was kept comatose but getting all the memories and experiences of the clone.

They decide to live the same life, so one acts like her civilian self and the other is Spider-girl, and they switch places. That enables them to have an alibi and a social life.

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> the real one was kept comatose but getting all the memories and experiences of the clone.
how the hell does that even work?

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I actually don’t remember and am too lazy to look it up.
I haven’t read it in like 15 years.

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So does Penny hold back tears whenever JJJ rips into Spider-Woman with another rant?

depends if Aunt Irma is visiting

>Scorpion picked the worst day to rob a tour bus


I’m assuming that means Male Jessica Drew?

Yeah I used the name from one of Gwen and Silk's adventures.

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So who did Jesse knock up?

Carol obviously. If this is a universe where only the Spider-Man cast is genderswapped, you KNOW he and Carol would be fucking like rabbits.

"That costume in the middle looks like they crossed a spider-suit with--oh, that's the joke, isn't it?"

I mean, comics Peni is even more of a ripoff of that.

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I’m assuming She Hulk isn’t on her call list because she kept hitting on Marty?

Haha :D

>Sorry to disappoint you Jen, but I'm married if you haven't been watching the news

>Jen and Janet keep teasing Penny about snatching away Marty
>Tony Stark keeps hitting on Spider-Woman
>”This is why I don’t associate with Tge Avengers”

>Tony "ya know penny, I could make all those student loans melt away, NOT A BRIBE, just a fact"
>Penny : :|

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This took too long cause I wasn't sure how to transition the scenes.

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>FRIDAY: “Sir, Miss Potts is on line one about that harassment suit against you”

You’re a scholar and a gentleman


Can't wait to see the next one

Thank you, have these transparent heads while I eat real quick.

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Might exploit this in the future

More importantly, what would a fem Peter B. be like?

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Imagine Mei from overwatch squeezed into Spiderman's suit.

I hate that I feel the desire to draw that now.

Trust your feelings, you KNOW them to be true.

You know theoretically Penny would have to invent the worlds best support bra in order to fight crime properly. If her bust size is above average, hanging upside down may be very uncomfortable without proper support.
>”Sssst ow! Rhino just punched me right in the boob!”

I feel like with how often big chests are in crime fighting, this has to be a solved problem by now. If Black Cat can do it, Penny can too.

She uses double sided tape. Penny so also be really annoyed every time her suit gets damaged and has to repair it. Peter has vocally expressed his frustration about patch jobs before, and I think Penny would be even more angered by the constant sewing

you say that but we miss "Black Cat the early years" where she kept spilling out from gymnastics. Likewise you can bet rookie Penny would be having pretty awful issues.

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okay, thats hot.

Also Ultimate Jessica/FemPete did some good things.

Like Bang Johnny Storm.

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>Are we constructing a Rule 63 scenario of all Marvel or just in Penny’s material? Because I like the idea of Spidey material getting flipped while everything else remains the same. In fact Penny would probably hate Stark

I assume it's just Spidey material getting flipped. It would actually be more challenging to think of the interaction with the rest of the regular Marvel Universe and how dynamics would change.

I'm of the opinion that in scenarios like this, you limit changes to the immediate cast around that hero, and you should never feel forced to change a character. If flipping a character makes them worse, then don't both flipping them. Leave them as-is. Only flip them if it makes things better or opens up new and interesting interactions.

Thank you

i'd fuck it

pretty much

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the problem with these threads isn't that they're the gayest thing on Yea Forums, the problem is they're lame.


Hope folks enjoyed. Shilled at the end there cause the thread slowed down and I had fun doing this.

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Nice job


Thank ya'lls, if this thread stays up i'll be down to draw more. Gotta get to twit real fast to hop on this boob train then I'll see if i can't-

Dope work user

Amazing Spider-Girl is the only spin off "Spider-Person" that matters

No April went evil, killed May, and then 50 years in the future went back to the day she killed May and switched places with her

This is probably what Jess's pregnancy arc should have been. I chuckled

I just noticed the pickles. The only thing better would be her dipping them in chocolate or such. Pregnancy cravings can be out there

Thanks yo, it really means a lot, I'll still be lurking if folks still spit-ball ideas for Penny scenarios.

How about Marty Jones transfixed on Penny's booty in her Spider-Woman outfit?

>"So Marty Watson isn't taking any big or even small movie parts outside of NYC because his wife Penny is pregnant, do you guys think this is a good move?"
>"I don't have any real like or dislike for Marty and wish him best luck on fatherhood, he'll need it"
>"I think it could affect him since he's taking a lot of local guest star appearnces to pay bills because his wife is on maternity leave from her job, though I hear she's phoning in some work from home. Rumor has it he'll play a part in L&W SVU"

honestly the idea of Marty Watson as like.

Dr Heartthrob M.D. on a soap kills me. Especially if Penny teases him into recreating it at home.

Maybe it'd be a soap about super science ala FF? He'd be the Reed expy or maybe the Johnny one?
>Penny helps him train to be nerdy, the rest of the FF too

>"Oh Doctor Trixler!~ My symptoms include sweating, increased heart rate, and salivating. What do you recommend?"
>"I recommend you get your butt to work so we can pay rent. Go get'em, Tigress"
>"FINE!........Play doctor later?"
>"I'll bring my thermometer"

>Penny actually gets sick from falling in the Hudson one too many times
>"You must've picked up something from that show"
>"Hey Tigress you watched it, I just starred in it, are you forgetting which one of us is the super scientist?"
>"I.. just thought that maybe..."
>"You want me to wear the outfit"
>"I want you to wear the outfit..."

Penny isn't Jessica, she'd never fight while pregnant.

Also, she would likely go back to study\work on more theoretical SCIENCE.
Penny getting a few papers out of her pregnancy would fit.

Where did I say she'd be fighting? The rest is true