

Attached: 657834634578.jpg (466x466, 18K)

>Hello! Me Peter! Welcome!

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Actually better than the original

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holy crap

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Ok, THIS is epic.

Holy crap Lois, I'm in a relationship with Lapis!

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Given how much of a psychopath Peter is, Retep is probably a pretty nice guy.

Based lapisposter

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Should i watch Family Guy ?

No, watch the last seasons of American Dad instead
Imagine a that every joke that got rejected from the final draft of every TV show/movie/stand up presentation ever written is made into a show without plot or characters, Family guys is where the lame dead jokes go (plus le random meme moments), American Dad is where the decent dead jokes and are put togheter into a surreal plot

For real, American Dad used to be a shitty King of the Hill rip-off about nationalism, but later they just gave up and just made the show be about whatver and it is somehow better

Brian's nose should be white

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>Hey Holly, remember when i went to egypt?

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Family guy is still unironically funny if you put it on in the background and only half pay attention. It's low effort as hell but every episode makes me laugh at least once, which is more than I can say for a lot of modern animated shows.

Yes. It's pure kino

>Is best friends with Doctor Manhattan on your path

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Retep trips Brian and murders a lady.