That episode where Tiny Toons acknowledged the existence of Bosko and Honey...

>that episode where Tiny Toons acknowledged the existence of Bosko and Honey, but reskinned them as nebulous inkblot mammals that looked vaguely like the animaniacs

why even bring them up, then?

Attached: Boskohoney.jpg (400x293, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you can't draw over your sins, WB

Attached: boskoinperson1.jpg (499x351, 31K)

Didn't they end up taking over the show and Buster and Babs went on a game show because "Toons don't die, they just go on game shows."

Bosko is OG. Plus I'm pretty sure they changed him long before TT.

>"According to Terry Lindvall and Ben Fraser, Bosko and Honey "were the most balanced portrayals of blacks in cartoons to that point". They had the same type of formulaic coy adventures as Mickey and Minnie Mouse."

How times change, eh?

Attached: BOSKO-Honey-1930.jpg (600x363, 78K)

what gets me is that they don't even look like racist caricatures, none of their exaggerated features say "nigger" to me, they just look like regular ass monkeys.
they just drew some cartoon monkeys and said they were black people.

Attached: Bosko and Honey.png (211x156, 48K)

Mary Melody is an offshoot of Coal Blsck

What was weird for me was, years later, finding out that Goopy Geer actually was an existing Warner Brothers' cartoon and not just a Tiny Toons parody of Goofy.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

goopy pls

Because Bosko shorts were included in Looney Tunes programs that aired during the 90s.

That episode made me cry as a child for some reason. I remember it being strangely emotional for Tiny Toons

Krazy Kat was the first black and trans cartoon character.

Attached: krazykatklub-580x716.jpg (580x716, 79K)

Bosko's initial incarnation was just a black guy, and they soon made him a chimpanzee. Watch his first short and you'll understand.

That was Foxy and Roxy.

>be me
>look up old toons on YouTube
>look at all the Oswalds
>holy shit these are awesome
>look at most of the Betty Boops
>such amazing jazz music, such provocative animation
>look at a few Felix the Cats
>holy shit, a lot of black stereotype caricatures

i wonder what cartoons of black characters drawn by black people would have looked like. surely some did, at least comic strips? do any survive?

Attached: angry-ozzie.png (220x234, 6K)

That music battle was a pretty good fight scene for Tiny Toons of all things though

Attached: Screenshot-Tiny Toons ep Two Tone Town PT 1.mp4-1.png (480x360, 149K)

see by the one drop rule

Attached: Herriman_Johnson_LAExaminer_090105.png (640x438, 114K)

i did find this, which seems fair for something drawn by a white guy

Attached: Tempus Todd 6-2-23.png (1500x428, 243K)

Attached: Tempus Todd 6-18-23.png (1500x473, 269K)

>I think I first got interested in Campbell when I heard the story of how he got into New York night clubs back in the 1940s and even 1950s. He’d be out doing the town with other cartoonists, and to get him past the color bar at some establishments, the other cartoonists introduced him as an Arabian prince.

Attached: e simms campbell Harlem.jpg (600x878, 369K)

Attached: RCH-08_Harlem.jpg (600x1539, 995K)

Post the link. Post the linkPOST THE LINKS


They're supposed to be black ? I thought they were monkeys

Oh my god, i loved the animaniacs and i cant believe this is where it evolved from. Oh well. I mean they all became more than what they are and they arent that anymore.

Well black people were referred to as that. I know you didnt think that but many people viewed them like that back then.

>I'll be in the neighborhood of a heap of pretty flowers I can't smell and soft music which I can't hear
Good stuff.

Attached: jono.png (213x284, 100K)

This episode precedes Animaniacs by several years. The Warners were originally conceived as duck characters, but were retooled into the generic inkblot designs they used for Bosko and Honey in TT, presumably as a form of continuity.

These are supposed to be racist caricatures?

They look like Felix the Cat without pointy ears. I just thought they were generic toon bodies.

Attached: f5998403784140a20d865a0889749dd6.jpg (400x300, 18K)

>Redesign him to be more offensive


Attached: Color_Bosko.jpg (349x500, 88K)

Well that and Disney already had both Ducktales and Darkwing Duck going with large duck based casts. They might have felt people would write it off as WB trying to just ape Disney's current TV successes.

That was exactly the reason. To quote Tom Ruegger at the time, "Ducks have been done to death."
>The three ducks in "the rings" were based on characters from an animated cartoon I made in my film school days: "The Premiere of Platypus Duck." Spent two years animating, painting and shooting this 11-minute "epic," then used this film as the showpiece in my job-interview with Bill Hanna at Hanna-Barbera. (I got the job -- as an assistant animator. I was very happy.)
>This particular drawing of "the three ducks in the green rings" was done by Ken Boyer and/or Alfred Gimeno and has the influence of both. Over the course of a week or two, Ken, Alfred, Lynn Naylor, a few other artists and I were involved in turning these ducks into "the generic 30's-style cartoon characters" (the Warner brothers and their sister Dot) that we've come to know. Once we had a handle on their origin story, the designs came together fairly quickly.

Attached: ysmwduck.jpg (600x298, 25K)

>Oh my god, i loved the animaniacs and i cant believe this is where it evolved from. Oh well. I mean they all became more than what they are and they arent that anymore.

Attached: 1563380196495.png (454x520, 13K)

What's your damage?

That's the joke.

How is that offensive, I know kids that look exactly like that.


shoulda known based lynn naylor had something to do with this

yeah. I'm not thrilled about the dialect but I saw a silent film with real black actors on TCM once, and every dialogue title card was all "fo' sho' de derp be dat" and it's actually kind of hard to read.

not sure if a white person made the decision to write like that. it's really impossible to tell this far in the future on sight, it's like I have to research it...

except they're doing a goddamn minstrel show right there in the pic

that's how hollywood, america in general and lots of other places in the world depicted black people in media back then, as resembling monkeys

Attached: the-pop-up-little-black-sambo-based-on-the-story-of-little-black-sambo-FF34T1.jpg (1008x1390, 195K)

>a goddamn minstrel show
even Mickey Mouse has done a Tom show. look up "Mickey's Mellerdrammer".

In Oswald's "Africa Before Dark" there are monkeys that are clearly in nature, and not stand-ins for African-Americans.

however there is a 1928 cartoon ("Oh, Teacher") that had a blackface gag cut out of it in the surviving 1932 release. it happened when the bus exhaust hit the bully in the face, he's covered in soot for a little while. i guess this illustrates that some people found it Not Cool even in 1932.

>i wonder what cartoons of black characters drawn by black people would have looked like. surely some did, at least comic strips? do any survive?

I think this was storytimed once, maybe it's still archived

Milestone before Milestone.

based and cuckpilled

>What's the difference?

Attached: Patrick.jpg (269x418, 11K)

Bosko wasn't even racist.

He was an anthropomorphic ink blot. Yes, he was also coded black. But black characters simply existing is not racist. Bosko personality wise is indistinguishable from Mickey Mouse, just slightly more musically inclined.

Attached: 1339714524843.gif (480x559, 158K)

No way that's a real ad.

And I meant that literally, he was a ink blot kid.

Later he was redesigned as a real human black boy, in this hideous thing , but originally he was ink.

who are the rest of those dudes on that picture? i see mickey, oswald, felix, bosco, betty's boyfriend? and...

Flip the Frog
Buddy (Boskos replacement)
I forget, I think it's Scrappy

>These are supposed to be racist caricatures?
Originally. But what's weird about Bosko is how he kind of evolved past that over time due to both the audience and creators growing fond of him. They deliberately got rid of his caricature traits over time and turned him into an everyman hero.

Hilariously enough, when WB lost the rights to him for a while they tried to replace him with a white version named Buddy, but no one liked him. To this day Buddy is known as one of the worst cartoon characters ever made.

Attached: Buddy1.jpg (365x273, 15K)

Speaking of obscure references.

Attached: Buddy animaniacs.jpg (640x480, 35K)

Am I blind?

Dancing (I guess?) on stage

>Playing piano and dancing, typical Vaudeville and old performance fashion

>Holding a title card with an ink pen and a paint brush


If you knew zero about these characters backstory, someone would watch these old shorts and just assume it was some old rubberhose cartoon character doing generic sound cartoon shit.

Attached: 1hips.jpg (400x304, 18K)
Skip to 9:00 and excuse the shit quality, not my rip

Wait. did he fuck his client's wife?

>Felix the Cat is an evolution of the same racist caricature
>Sonic the Hedgehog is an evolution of Felix the Cat and has racist caricature DNA

Pre Looney Tunes Cartoons either leaned heavily towards Surrealism, or Vaudeville and Jazz acts. I think the Old Man of the Mountain cartoon was what caused the Hays Code.

"Making love" had a much tamer meaning back then -- today, we would say "romance" (as a verb). Also, from context I gather she'd not his wife but rather his quasi-girlfriend.

What I need to ask is, why doglike? I know they're meant to be blackface characters but the original designs were close enough to chimps to say that's what they were.

Attached: Bosko_2.jpg (255x276, 15K)