Who the fuck thought these were good interpretations of Kirby's designs?
Who the fuck thought these were good interpretations of Kirby's designs?
Wow, good job, you've totally distracted us from Marvel's terrible interpretations of Kirby's designs that are actually going to be in a major motion picture.
>Being so jaded and cynical that you forgot the 40 minutes to an hour of the previous Thor movie
H. R. Geiger?
Really is no different than MCU shiny keys approach to try to pretending to be Kirby. These designs at least match the world they made and honestly how audiences have accepted similar alien designs like these in the past.
I'm a DCfag so ladderbros be gone. Marvel has nothing to do with these designs, it's all on that hack Snyder.
If you think just shoving neon in our faces makes it Kirby then we have a very hollow generation on our hands lads
>Nobody says anything
>These niggers bring MCU in the discussion for some reason
Sure is inferior complex in here
It looks like pure cheap plastic fucking garbage.
Look at Aquaman to see how you actually make outlandish colorful designs look incredible and dignified on screen and take your fake chuck e cheese looking bullshit to the depths of hell.
At least you can recognize them in the MCU.
The DCEU are unrecognizable and all look the same.
They're pretty sexy.
yeah the company war fucktards' can't help but spout their narrative. like, there's literally zero proof OP is trying to 'distract' anyone and even if that was the case who fucking cares because it's all arbitrary bullshit anyways. DC movies suck ass and didn't earn the most money of any film ever, Marvel did. get over it you lost, dickweeds.
and this is coming from someone who doesn't care if it had been DC. If DC had been the one to build a 12 year, 22 film franchise, I'd be equally as happy for them. but they didn't. if you can't admit that you're literally a man child or an autist with enough privilege to not care about real life problems.
nice set design but they really need more kirby krackle
Are there actually costume designs up for Eternals or is this a lot of company wars bullshit over nothing?
Sure, Snyder's "interpretation" of the New Gods was godawful (pun intended), but I haven't seen anything from Eternals or New Gods.
>Playground lego is Kirby
Kill yourseft mousefag.
Zach Snyder ofcourse
>Look at Aquaman to see how you actually make outlandish colorful designs look incredible and dignified on screen
Physical props > gratuitous CGI
You didn't see the movie, did you?
Third from the left and third from the right have almost the same silhouette.
Are there any Snyderfags that have even tried to defend these designs? Not including the fuckers who try to deflect criticism over to the MCU, but as in, people who genuinely believe that Bayformers Steppenwolf is a good looking character.
...Yes? Most CGI is fake-looking garbage.
>he thinks aquaman didnt look like the cheapest Chinese chuk e cheese bullshit
Did the JL movie look as bad I only saw the flash running and the batmobile scene where it looked like drakengard
From what I've seen they got the Celestials right and the backgrounds with Kirby shit on Sakaar in Ragnarok looked like they should, what are you complaining about?
I think I killed that dude in Destiny.
No retard it's from Mass Effect Andromeda, it's the main villain
I wish we could have kirby stuff not turned into bayformers stuff. Fuck, despite already appearing in the MCU as comics accurate, the celestials have now been turned into bayformers. Fucked up, man.
Aquaman had a fuck ton of practical. Aquaman and Ocean Master's outfits looked literally perfect.
Why watch a film with physical actors when 90% is animated? Might as well go full Beowulf at that point.
How about adding some COLOR?
Despite all my misgivings on the MCU at least we don’t have this garbage in it
>Are there any Snyderfags that have even tried to defend these designs?
I like the face/head but no I won't defend the pile of needles that appears to compose the rest of the body.
I will however defend the likely reasoning that they wanted to make him more alien.
(1) To actually look kin to Darkseid and not just a bulky person in armor.
(2) His N52 design which is cool in a vacuum, is too similar to Ares.
I will defend the final version of Steppenwolf we got. I think he looks good besides his under rendered face and oversized hands. That said he needed more red in his outfit like in the comics and he could have used a long viking beard like pic related.
How someone can seriously think that honestly fucking baffles me. They look like the most generic CGI monsters imaginable.
I know Snyder is allergic to color, but to go THIS far with Kirby's creations is almost insulting.
Even though I like the DCEU designs more than the MCU designs and outright hate what Disney has done to the franchise, "muh Marvel" is really no excuse when you're arguing against something
Thor Ragnarok looked like dogshit, let's be honest. Everything looked like cheap plastic. I was looking forward to Thor 3 the most of all the other movies and I have to say I didn't just feel disappointed but actually cheated on. The one thing Whedon did right in AoU is tease Ragnarok as some sort of huge apocalyptic event. Yeah, fast forward and we got some shitty zero-stakes comedy with zero quality instead. Avengers 1 and GotG1, despite the latter one being pretty alright, were the worst things to happen to the franchise and probably the entire industry because they showed that regular movie audiences will eat literal shit up as long as it has okayish comedy in it
I would usually agree as I'm a huge prop fag but the Waitika guy actually made the props look like crap. Not only did the plastic look take away from all the good stuff, the mixture between CGI and props was executed horribly. Most notably, the greyish colour tone made the movie feel awkward since they tried to cram a lot of colours into the colour palette. I understand making things darker/greyish allow for better CGI but Aquaman showed that you can go all out on colours and contrast since it's all fantasy anyway
Also, Aquaman had beautiful practical sets which actually amazed me. Loved the different countries they filmed in because it actually showed a sense of adventure which I only got from one movie in the MCU (Doctor Strange)
I actually like the designs because they look otherworldly and interesting. I can totally get that some fans might hate it though cause needles are somewhat of an awkward design choice
JL actually looked pretty good until the third act. Snyder usually doesn't settle for such cheap-ass CGI and the trailers started showing shitty CGI way after Whedon joined in so I assume he fucked up the post-production due to time constraints or just straight up because he's a retard
Did Nickelodeon get a new studio?
Yeah. One of those DLC packs. Was that on the moon or that spaceship in the rings of Saturn?
I doubt Zack Snyder even knows who Jack Kirby is.
>everyone is fat
America lol
Not a snyderfag but this looks cooler than what we got
The problem is the lighting of the shot.
It's a darker tone, and emphasizes how fucking gigantic the Celestials are.
And remember our first look at Guardians of the Galaxy?
>first post is a bitter butthurt DCfag
You can't make this shit up, no wonder you guys are the joke of this board.
You're just too dumb to get it. Superman is the new Jesus. Darkseid is the new Satan. They're the new gods. Retard.
kirby's designs suck though
>cheap symbolism like Superman staying on a T-pose multiple times in a single movie is "hard to get"
Everyone got it, even dumb pakistani like you, the only difference is that retards thinks they are seeing the new Lynch, normal people see it for what it is: garbage.
rent free
>now been turned
I don't think you know what a concept art is.
Also this is pretty funny because usually people bitch about the movie designs saying that that "this concept was better" and not the other way around. And the other way around doesn't happen often because it is fucking dumb.
I can't even tell who each of these guys are supposed to be. They're not bad designs in a vacuum but they have absolutely no connection to the New Gods.
>Marvel's terrible interpretations of Kirby's designs that are actually going to be in a major motion picture
Like what? Can't even provide an example?
I resent that. Giger at least had style, and his surfaces had detail that was interesting to look at. This is just platesplatesplatesscalescalescale edgeshit.
I fix
First on the left looks pretty suggestive
>the photo taken from a set without the lightning and the post looks fake
Don't you fucking tell me.
>Aquaman outlandish designs
It's a wild guess, and I hate to say it, but I think second from the right is supposed to be Granny Goodness.
I can tell you’re always the same person because of the Shiraishi picture, and I’ll be damned if you don’t tell me how you feel about the anime adaptation at some point.
It has been years user, you have to let me go. The accident wasnt your fault
>they got eson perfect
>couldn’t care enough to make the other designs match, not even mughead
Is there a bigger crime?
But user, please!
besides Darkseid and Steppenwolf who the fuck at the others supposed to be?
Shit, you can tell which one is meant to be Darkseid?
I assume the robed figure must be Mother Mae-Eye.
One of them is supposed to be Darkseid? What?
I'm guessing, from left to right, it's: Desaad, Grayven, Steppenwolf, Darkseid, also Darkseid, Granny Goodness, Kanto.
How are you making these guesses?
Basic visual cues. None of these are good designs but I can get vaguely link the archetypes of the Apokoliptan New Gods to these figures. The only one I genuinely have no clue at all about is far right, who looks more like a beefed up Parademon than any of the actual New Gods.
I mean, how could you fuck up Kirby's design. If you just need to do a round circle, two feets, two vertical lines for the eyes, a smile and paint that shit pink?
>The rib-ening.
Never forget the Kryptonian cock rockets that send criminals to the Phantom Zone.
Looks as grey as the movie.
>L-Look guys we hate Snyder too so please stop making fun of us for having shitty movies about one-dimensional overpowered unrelatable Mary Sues
DC fans have got to be the most pathetic people on earth
New Gods is getting a movie too dumbass
>the dick pods in Man of Steel are just coincidental forms! COINCIDENCE!
>evil dick people from beyond the stars want to invade yr boom tube
And yet your retarded ass will mock the MCU for "relying too much on greenscreen and CGI"
Why are you so obsessed with shitting on Snyder? He's not even involved anymore and you still keep acting like he's in the process of ruining something.
dude killed his own daughter to get out of this
It's all they have. That and those DC cartoons from the late 90s.
So every day they have to make at least three threads about how Snyder is responsible for every DC movie being shit since the 60s and how DC should just make live action movies based on those cartoons from their childhood
Wasn't the official position on the dildo ships "Krypton is a sexually repressed society where no one fucks not even to procreate so that frustration manifests through genital-centric architecture and design" or some such nonsense?
I don't think there even was an official position, I think they just put dildo ships in and dared people to call them out on it because their movie was made to be awful so that the Siegel estate wouldn't be able to so WB when it flopped on a big budget, and then it didn't flop and they didn't know what to do
>Dude, why did you break into my house and take a steaming dump on my chest?
>Why are you still talking about that? It's in the past
Are you unironically comparing a few divisive movies to someone breaking into your house?
>2 shitty movies out of fucking 40 shitty movies
You DC fans really are retarded aren't you
>5 shitty Superman movies in a row plus Justice League
People are reasonably upset at the general state of things.
>A few shit-eaters worship an awful director
>"He's divisive".
This doesn't look like giger's biomechanical creatures. They look like the sentinels from days of future past.
Who the fuck are these suppost to be? seriously? they just look like generic alien dudes, though I'm digging the first two but as something else
Why does DC feel the need to "edgify" fucking everything
Comics are lame and childish. No adult would ever like them. Only virgins know who Martian Manhunter is. In my movie Batman would get raped in prison.
Man of Steel and BvS were fantastic.
>you're not allowed to like Directors not on the approved Disney list
>Keeps getting work in your path
>Showruns the Sandman TV show in your path
No they weren't. Man of Steel was decent, BvS was shit in the theatrical cut and merely meh in the extended version.
Bullshit DCuck
You retards aren't upset at DC you could NEVER be mad at your precious DCfu so you instead obsessively attack some fucking hack director who made 2 shitty movies 4 years ago and is now doing Netflix shit because you're fucking pathetic.
And when Birds of Prey. Joker, Wonder Woman 2, The Trench, Black Adam, New Gods, and every other DC movie turns out to be shit you fucking morons will STILL be here crying about fucking Snyder
>Goyer ruins Sandman
Oh joy.
At this point I think Bronies or whatever the modern equivalent is are less pathetic than the average DC fan
I mean the designs themselves aren't terrible and if everyone from Apokolips looked like that then it's fine, but are those designs also supposed to be for new gods on New Genesis?
What? DC was shit long before Snyder, I agree with you. Why are you sperging at me?
>I think DC was shit long before Snyder that's why I used quotes from Snyder and the guy who wrote Snyder's movie
Pathetic and retarded just like every other DC fan
My reply was in response to a post specifically asking about Snyder's work though. That's what the OP image is from, sperg.
who the hell?
Im guessing the rightmost two are Mokari and Symian, then Kanto or Kalibak, Darkseid, Vundabar, Granny Goodness and Mantis?
Dude, cut that shit out, not everything is a clubhouse shit flinging contest. I just want good DC superhero movies.
honestly if you'd told me kirby was drunk and came up with the new gods and their names on the back of a napkin for a bet i'd believe you
Well you're never going to get it. I mean maybe if another studio buys them but that's not going to happen any time soon.
they're getting better at it. shazam and wonder woman were decent
Stop that. Stop downplaying how much you enjoyed them for e-cred
>Who the fuck thought these were good interpretations of Kirby's designs?
The same guy who thought that a fight could be stopped by mentioning the name of some woman.
And as everyone keeps telling you dense fucks those were flukes because the person who was in charge when those were being made GOT FUCKING FIRED AFTER JUSTICE LEAGUE BOMBED
Birds of Prey and Gunn's Suicide Squad are the new status quo
I'll take Robin Hood wearing a Guy Fawkes mask over this any day
>2 cents have been deposited into you're mickey Clubhouse account
What the fuck is your problem?
Wait, I'm a DC fan
Well sorry for putting you in my frogpost, but what the hell is up with all that "DKEK RETARDS" crap?