Post a picture of a Yea Forums character who shares your job,
We try to guess it
Post a picture of a Yea Forums character who shares your job
hint: I'm the rock not the bust
rat/pest exterminator
I mean... has to be a librarian right?
Lore dump.
I've been on Food Network before. Gordon Ramsey yelled at me...
Your job is a stay at home mom
lemme guess...dick sucking?
What was he trying to do the whole movie?
you're unemployed in alaska
Pencil pusher?
Tumblr admin?
Environmentalist/Community Service Officer?
That works too, but I was going more towards apprehending Stitch, whom is a.....
Failed actor.
You're a cop?
Dog catcher?
I can't think of a single Yea Forums character who has my job
Space social worker
I work as a security consultant for a Pakistani oil refinery company(not paki myslef though)
don't know If a Yea Forums character exists with my Job
Most generic henchmen would fit.
I'm not a common henchmen though but the paki i work with does kinda look like a generic henchmen
God I wish that were me
Attorney at law
wage slave
amazon worker
Gordon Ramsey wakes up every morning, goes into the bathroom, and yells at himself in the mirror.
You work at a place that sells produce?
You're the dictator of a failing nation?
I wish that for you.
Neet? Detective?
Kim Jong Un is that you?
You catch illegal aliens?
no I work at a radio station, but I'll take it as a compliment
oh, I had no clue who that character was so I just took a wild swing
Street Busker
Amateur wrestler
don't worry about it user I got a kek out of it
Professional samba dancer.
Well, it was only for one episode, but still.
You'll never guess. Ever.
Specifically for guns
Not gonna happen. I'm a receptionist at a brothel.
No, seriously.
Gun graphic designer?
Systematic literature thief and general dickward?
I'm guessing chef cause of the knife or gimp cause of the skin-tight leather
Owl exterminator?
Kek. Perhaps
closest to what I'm doing
Professional gimp?
Security guard/Small business owner?
Drug addict?
Yes and yes
Come on now
Closest thing I could find relatable.
But we give teeth rather than take them.
Dental hygienist?
Close. We work with them. We are the branch patients hardly ever see. Mostly never.
tooth creator
>tooth creator
Good enough. I'm a dental lab technician. Working behind the scenes.
Do you need to go to dentistry school to do that?
It's a living.
You're the guy who made the tooth part of this shitty implant that's spinning in my gums?
Yes and no. Anyone can start off on an entry level doing modeling work (pouring stone, trimming, deliveries, pick ups, ect) and work your way up to scanning, set ups, porceline buildup, shade consulting, ect. If a person likes the job enough they can go take classes to move up again.
> spinning in my gums
Cementing crowns is not our job. If its shitty then it's the DDS problem.
Job sounds interesting in fiction, is boring as fuck in real life.
it's an alright life but his dick is huge so its kinda painful lol
I've heard it's mostly for spouses that are worried about cheating. Blacksad was a good read even if the polar nazi leader was too cliche for my taste