”Ronald Reagan, I miss voting for that man.”

>”Ronald Reagan, I miss voting for that man.”

This scene didn’t age well.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Damn Peggy was crazy


I miss this show...so much...

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>caring about something that happened almost 50 years ago

>This scene didn’t age well.
Is this bait?

It still works if you just read it as Hank being naive.

The great thing about a post like that is if it's bait it's a pretty funny joke, and if he's actually that retarded, that's funny too.
You get to laugh either way!


No, it's pretty perfect. Hank is a guy who likes voting Republican because of what they stand for on paper and because guys like Reagan said a lot of great stuff about what America means and aspires to, but he's also kind of a dipshit either unaware or willfully ignorant of the fact that Reagan and every Republican since him are shamelessly allowing the rich to outsource working class people's futures to other countries. Hank is happy to work so if the show were still going, he wouldn't give a shit that he and Peggy will never have the money to retire after one of them gets cancer and they have to pay out of pocket for treatment because Peggy was never a full time employee and it turns out Buck never paid into Strickland's health insurance program.

you people really believe that, don't you?

Why can't we just have a KotH thread without shit bait?

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>You people really believe facts, don't you?

Hank says a lot of things. I don't know why you think he's the beacon of wisdom.

I love 'ol Hank but he's the kind of idiot that would genuinely believe Reaganomics works.

Why the fuck should my labor be stolen to pay for your healthcare fag?

He probably thinks Thatherton votes Dem.

>mfw retards actually believe socialism would work

>isn't okay with a fraction of a percent of his labor going towards healthcare
>is okay with almost 100% of his labor going to pay some CEO's son


Nope. I had a job where I was underpaid and I told my boss to go choke on a dick, quit without training my replacement, got a job paying 3 times as much with better hours, and they got stuck with a half million dollar paper weight.

Just because you suck at life doesn't mean the rest of us do, commie


The final resort of a loser

That is the dumbest fucking reply I have ever fucking read. How else would you describe a system where the government steals people's labor to buy votes and for the members of government to embezzle?

>He likes sucking corporate cock
what a gay

Its over, you lost my dude

>getting a voluntary job with agreed upon compensation that you can quit at any time is sucking cock.
>having a government that bans guns and steals your labor so bernie sanders can live in a castle and give gibs to illegals and fats isn't sucking cock

The fuck are you talking about retard?

yeah who would have guessed that the entire republican party was traitors to america this whole time? yikes

>party that wants to nuke americans for owning guns aren't the traitors

lol this nigga thinks he owns the fruits of his labor
Unless you own your own business, you're getting screwed by somebody, friend.

gommunism and empty bellies for everybody!

If you think you are getting screwed at your job, get a better job

nice cult programming
buy wayne lapierre another vacation home, redneck

Actually it ages very well, since guys like Hank have been duped into voting for vicious racists with a veneer of civility for decades, and still are

>anyone who is pro gun is in a cult and a redneck

I'd literally vote for a child rapist over a democrat. Their party's platform is that fucking toxic

>party that wants to nuke americans for owning guns aren't the traitors
No one wants to do that

>in b4 "SWALWELL"
The quote was "what are your guns gonna do when the government has nukes," which of course, conservatives interpreted to mean "DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA NUKE GUN OWNERS, PANIC AND BUY MORE GUNS" because conservatives are nothing short of collectively retarded

nigga with all the tax money that goes to retarded stuff they could easily afford a nice healthcare for all ammericans

Or we could just cut all that spending and cut taxes. We waste literally $1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion, as in a thousand billion) each year on welfare and get literally nothing for it. Imagine if we spend that money on something useful like NASA or just not fucking taxing people to death.

>"what are your guns gonna do when the government has nukes,"
That isn't what he said. And even what you said is threatening to use nukes on American soil on American citizens. How fucking retarded do you have to be to nuke your own people? How fucking evil?

Imagine actually saying this to someone in real life and expecting to be taken seriously

Republicans are a death cult that rapes and kills children and teenagers

How did this not age well?

>And even what you said is threatening to use nukes on American soil on American citizens.
Because Americans are better than other humans, right?

>Why the fuck should my labor be stolen to pay for your healthcare fag?
Because there's more of us than there are of psychopaths like you.

Wasn't Epstein a dem, though?

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Imagine being so toxic as a party people think child rapists are better than you

It was later discovered that the Republican party was a front for Russian infiltration.

Pretty sure Bill Clinton is a democrat

>Because Americans are better than other humans, right?
A. Yes
B. Anyone running for any office saying they want to nuke their own citizens is a fucking evil madman.

So was Trump during the 90s, but liberals didn't fall for his scam act so he went for the redneck racist party instead, they have no mental discipline.

I'll stop fucking working and then we will both starve faggot. Just like they did in China, and vietnam, and the USSR, and cuba, and zimbabwe, and north korea...

>the only alternative to Reaganomics is communism!
Holy false dilemma, Batman!

Oh okay, just making sure it's an "it's okay when we rape children" sort of thing. Doublethink is the calling card of the left, after all.

Bernie sanders literally said he loves the USSR and went on his honeymoon there during the cold war.

Nah, it's just that the platform of the dems is really that fucking toxic.

>Anyone running for any office saying they want to nuke their own citizens is a fucking evil madman.
But wanting to shoot their own citizens is fine? Where do you draw the line?

>having the government steal your labor to give free healthcare to criminal invaders and fat people who refuse to work is a good thing

What do you mean shoot their own civilians?


>That isn't what he said. And even what you said is threatening to use nukes on American soil on American citizens. How fucking retarded do you have to be to nuke your own people? How fucking evil?
How evil is the argument this is a counter to, that gun owners will shoot soldiers and police officers who enforce laws they don't like?

He is a russian plant just like that fag in canada is castro's son

>What do you mean shoot their own civilians?
When Trump ran in 2016 he said that "2nd Amendment solutions" are necessary for people like Hillary Clinton

>How evil is the argument this is a counter to, that gun owners will shoot soldiers and police officers who enforce laws they don't like?
It is morally right to use force to protect yourself from tyrants

yeah they only give the healthcare to them not to normal people who are the mayority of hte population and alreay pay taxes

yea, we have the second amendment to protect the people from tyrants.

It didn't age well when it aired. Nixon on the other hand was a good President who did one thing wrong and only now are people are starting to look pass it.

Nice stealth /pol/ thread
It'd be a real shame if someone were to report it.

>consevstism has been reduced to lowering taxes by like percent
Never kind trying to actually limit the power of government and reducing spending.

So you're saying it's okay to shoot people you don't like but not nuke them, okay then

>I'll stop fucking working and then we will both starve faggot.
If I'm going to die either way it doesn't really matter if you kill yourself out of spite.

something like 42% of adults don't pay federal income tax. So no, most people aren't paying taxes when you include kids and illegals. this shit is just a scam to steal your labor to give to roasties and illegals and fats and drug addicts.

You almost had me going there.

It is ok to use force to protect yourself from tyrants. Are you saying the people who shot back at nazis were bad? was george washington bad?

>commie logic

>It is morally right to use force to protect yourself from tyrants
So you support killing US cops and soldiers. Glad we cleared that up.

Did I miss some news about Reagan?

>It is ok to use force to protect yourself from tyrants.
In that case, I arbitrarily declare Trump to be a tyrant, so I'm gonna go over to DC and shoot him in the head since you're okay with it

That canadian fag's "dad" was a known cuckold and communist during the cold war. He had meetings with castro (his wife also fucked mick jagger). He also invited castro over right after the current PM was born. the "dad" was ugly as fuck and looks nothing like the dude.

Democrats have always been the corporate shills. Their government programs line the pockets of several hundred mega corporations, their bailouts protect them from ever dying, and their tax plans actively hurt any possible competition. At least the republican option lets me keep more of my paycheck and stops the Ilk of society from leeching off the system even if it also benefits Rich corporate rats.

>So you support killing US cops and soldiers. Glad we cleared that up.
yes, if they attempt to impose tyranny it is absolutely the right thing to do.

Better than no logic, which is all you've got.

Try it if you want. Trump isn't a tyrant though. There isn't a D next to his name

>How fucking retarded do you have to be to nuke your own people? How fucking evil?
You do know Americans used guns on their own people and burned their lands and other shit and literally deprived them the right to vote or run their own government to put down a rebellion.It was called the American Civil War, stop being retarded.


You get the welfare of your citizens.

I'll be sure to let BLM and Antifa know.

That commies and socialist governments murdered 262,000,000 people in the 20th century not including war and that capitalism is responsible for the greatest jump in living conditions in the history of the world.

americans are so fucking weird

Half of the show is driven by strawman political opinions, it brings that on itself.

What actual platform do the democrats have right now besides "get rid of all borders" and "free abortions for trannies"?

>Try it if you want. Trump isn't a tyrant though. There isn't a D next to his name
Ah, so tyrants are people you disagree with politically. Great. Why don't you go kill some democrats and tell me how well your philosophy holds up in court.

>You do know Americans used guns on their own people and burned their lands and other shit and literally deprived them the right to vote or run their own government to put down a rebellion.It was called the American Civil War, stop being retarded.
And dems are trying for a civil war 2 electric boogaloo

Trump isn't the one trying to pack the courts with anti heller judges.

Not really. The scum on welfare aren't actually people and we would be better off shipping them off somewhere else to die.

Those are both fascist organizations. modern day brown coats. Totally fine to use force to defend yourself from those cunts

yuros are such fucking cucks

What does any of that have to do with anything?

Aside from meme shit like abortion/gays/and other dumb things. Republican and Democrats are literally the same shit you dumb fucks who usually agree with each other on major problems.

Why are you fags so dumb?

Tyrants are the ones who want a secret government list to ban people from owning guns without due process, want gun confiscation, and want to overturn heller

>started the trail of tears
>endorsed slavery
>started the civil war
>created the KKK
>created Jim Crow laws
>interned the Japanese in essentially concentration camps
>voted against the civil rights act
>escalated US involvement in Vietnam
>actively have silenced their opposition on multiple forms of media
Sorry but the dems have an awful long track record of being tyrants

dems and canadians are russian plants

>americucks are not cucked


But the parties flipped!! Reeeee

I mean...

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If you knew the kind of parasites that go on welfare you'd realize its a pointless system.

That line of logic never made sense to me. By that definition, is FDR a republican, or Wilson, or JFK?

>started the trail of tears
>interned the Japanese in essentially concentration camps
>interned the Japanese in essentially concentration camps
>actively have silenced their opposition on multiple forms of media
Both sides agreed to this. Also fuck Indians they deserved it and the US government should do it again. The Japanese being put into camps (Which were not like concentration camps) was a thing that happened because of a scare.

>Started the civil war
The confederacy =/ Democratic Party

>created Jim Crow laws
>endorsed slavery
This is a result of local/state governments not the political party. Along with the rich land owning class who started the civil war.

>created the KKK
The KKK was made by former confederate officers and everyone in America was a part of it in the 1900s.

I'm not a Democrat or Republic, but I'm not retarded like you.

being jelly you can't own guns or deny the holocaust

>implying I am wrong

>we waste 1 trillion dollars a year keeping people alive
> Imagine if we spend that money on something useful like NASA
>something useful like NASA
>something useful
>like NASA

I would love to see a KOTH revival now but at the same time I feel like it would be hot garbage.

>siding with another cog in the hundred year conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people

If welfare was shut down right now, an extremely hugh number of good people would be left to die/starve.

>That line of logic never made sense to me.
Because you know nothing about US history. It's called the Southern Strategy. It's the reason every state in the CSA votes red today.

You are diseased.

Why does someone who can't support themselves deserve a handout from someone who can?

NASA generates somewhere between $7 and $21 for every dollar we put in and if we gave them all the money we waste on welfare we would have moon base, a mars base, a venus base, and be fucking alien QTs

>The confederacy =/ Democratic Party
Yeah I forgot about all of those republican confederates.... Fucking retard

Ah, so the goblins in your head are the tyrants.

>taxing people to death
Cry more faggot.

That is literally socialism. Where Castro, Mao, and Stalin live in castles while everyone starves.

King of the Hill revival would ignore hot topic shit and focus on the still rural life people have. Hank would need to adjust to new technologies that came out and Bobby becoming savy with it.

It would be nice for the show that rural life and the future can be with each other.

>things that never happened.txt

0 good people would die/stave
honestly 0 people would die/starve because the scum on welfare aren't people

cause it's the base of a society.

no, im not on welfare

>Southern Unionist didn't exist
>Northern Confederalists and Supporters didn't exist.

Do you not remember the dems literally having a filibuster and sit in for no fly no buy?\\politico.com/story/2016/06/democrats-stage-sit-in-on-house-floor-to-force-gun-vote-224656

If you don't like how a CEO's salaries are arranged, you can quit working for that company or quit supporting it financially by ceasing to purchase their products or services and encouraging others to follow suit and express outrage.

You know what recourse Brits have when they get fucked over by NHS? They can vote for a candidate who will do literally nothing to reform NHS because socialized healthcare is a goddamned sacred cow.

The confederacy was made because Democrats were pissed Lincoln got into office. It was a partisan move because the democratic party thought the Republicans would repeal slavery. Jim Crow was pushed forward by state governments yes, but they were mainly Democratic law makers and politicians pushing it, look at the states with strict Jim Crow laws and I bet they were blue at the time. You don't know jack shit about American history.

cry more about trump not giving you the gibs you demand cuck

So you have never received anything from anyone? You've "earned" literally everything you have?

literally did happen. I even have my own home unlike you who live in your mom's basement.

Let me put it terms you will care about: there's more of them than there are of you and if you don't support them they will kill you and take your shit anyway.

>welfare leeches
>part of society

>there were people in the USSR that didn't support the communist government. this means the USSR wasn't communist


>you can quit working for that company
How will I feed myself meanwhile? Through, dare I say it, welfare?

Yes because the majority of the wealth isn't controlled by 1% of the population here. Yiur too brainwashed by wealthy funded dogms to realize they are supporting both sides. Ever wonder why corporations pay huge lip service to the left?

>It's called the Southern Strategy
That had little to no role in the parties dominance changing geographic locations. First most southern states were dem up until the 2000 election Look at any electoral map prior to this. Second the switch to republican dominance in the south came with the industrialization of it. Finally of the southern democrats that initially held dominance in the south during the civil rights act only one ever switched to the Republican Party. Stop pushing this retarded conspiracy theory.

>people who live off welfare
>base of society

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>They can vote for a candidate who will do literally nothing to reform NHS because socialized healthcare is a goddamned sacred cow.
Yeah, because it works.

Big if true.

Save your money

>Admits to wanting to steal others' $$$ for gibs
>Insists the victim of his mob-theft is the psycho

If someone can't support themself they are a drain on society.

I have all the guns fag. And if they kill me and take it they will just starve to death like they are in Zimbabwe. Because this is literally what happened in zimbabwe where the communists took all the farms from the whites and now no one has food.

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My nose is still fucked up after an accident two years ago with constant pain, a lack of a sense of smell and looking like shit because the NHS didn't think it was neccesary to operate on. I'm having to save money to get an operation privately after going to a private GP to get fucking basic steroid nasal drops that helped stop the intense constant headaches and give me back some of my smell. Fuck the NHS and fuck everyone who worshipsi t.

Start your own company or find a more ethical company

False others helped pay for the roads you drove on, the school you went to and the infrastructure you use. You’re a socialist cuck my friend I suggest you go kill yourself

The company is too shit for me to be able to save money.

Because big government gives them even more power and that is how they kill the competition.

I thought they would all die out? Now it's threats?

No, it doesn't. It's awful. You're literally brainwashed. The NHS is such a great health system that only two other countries in the world share its model; Cuba and Venezuela.

>t. british person who's had to go private to get his shit treated because the NHS literally does not care despite it being a life changing condition.

Yeah in America you’d have the same problem and paying for it yourself would bankrupt you

Fun fact, private companies used to pay for all major infrastructure without any need for the state. Look at Britain's railway boom.

all those things would be better if privatized.

Blame the Tories for budget slashing.

Reminder that being born in a first world country is already living life on easy mode, thanks to your fellow citizens and your ancestors.

You know who doesn't pay for those things? Welfare leeches, so why do they get a say on how those things are ran and operated? If you are getting any assistance from the government, you should forfeit your right to vote,

I pay for it all myself. None of it is subsidised. The reason why it's so expensive in the US is that the government over there has fucked over the insurance system.

like 95% of the subway system in NYC was built by private companies before it got made public and now they can't build shit

God, you people are so fucking pathetic.

Small does the same, most are monopolies don't pretend they aren't, just in this route they don't need to pay off legislators to do what they are already doing.

>white people made life better for me
Thank you white people

LMAO that’s why everyone I know complains about toll roads? You’re just a cuck and can’t accept it I understand.

Yeah you’re totally right bro the US government never built ports, laid telegraph lines or constructed roads. It was all glorious bootstrappers. Stupid cuck

What about people who are legitimately disabled? Should they just fall through the cracks?

monopolies don't form without government intervention to create them.

When did I ever say white schizo.

>I'd take a child rapist over a party that wants to give everyone better healthcare any day, and I'm proud of saying it!

Doubling down on stupidity and voting against your personal interests? Yeah, that's your average Republican all right.

>welfare leeches don’t pay sales tax
Ok retard

It was even worse before the ACA

Yeah it works in certain areas aka blue states and major cities aka liberals because they aren’t retarded. Without socialism red states and small towns would be literal 3rd world

imagine only being able to think on race terms. literal caveman mind.

>LMAO that’s why everyone I know complains about toll roads? You’re just a cuck and can’t accept it I understand.
"this road is the only way for people to get to my store to buy my good" "better make it a toll road"
You are retarded. Dominos fixes the roads for free because it makes them more money to have roads everyone can drive on

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yes. and disabled people can still get jobs

And it's already happened they got exactly what they wanted.

>providing better healthcare
The middle class would like to discuss Obamacare with you.

>first world
>not white
pic one

>Trump was a democrat
Is this a joke

Hank get ipad

good job commie user you pissed off the summer frens

Not all of them are lucky enough to be able to work without their limbs.

>better healthcare
Nope. under dems my healthcare would cost more because I would be subsidizing illegals and fats and poors and would be worse. And even if it wasn't I don't want my money helping gun control advocates. I want anti gunners to die preventable deaths.

it aged fine libtard

Highly unlikely. Russia is more than satisfied fighting us in proxy wars.

>>It was even worse before the ACA
My parent's healthcare costs went up and their actual coverage went down due to the ACA

>implying they didn't get there through raping the rest of the known world, both people and the environment

>thinking federal income tax is the only tax

>Yeah it works in certain areas aka blue states and major cities aka liberals because they aren’t retarded. Without socialism red states and small towns would be literal 3rd world
dominos literally makes roads fag

Socialism is what propelled Russia from a economically backwards agricultural state into a world super power in 2 decades while every other country was suffering a depression

he was the one saying first world countries and thank my ancestors.

I hope this show is never remade, rebooted, or revived. Because holy shit, just look at this thread.

We can't just be americans anymore, we have to be left or right. We have to be 'the good' party and the other guys are 'the bad ones' and we'll cherrypick anything and everything besides what matters.

We need a new civil war.

>Citizens of United States are leeches
>I'd rather suck off giant corporations who pollute the air, soil and water and exploit me over helping my fellow American who's disfranchised and in need of help

>implying /pol/ is summer

What year do you think it is faggot? We literally have robot arms

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You literally just endorsed socialism there bud. One small sacrifice ensures more people benefit

>being mad white people kicked your ass

The fact that that white people are at the top is pure coincidence, based on geopolitical factors, not racial ones.

Those people also get more in gibs than they pay in all their other taxes put together

>welfare leeches don’t pay sales tax
Guess what? They don't!

You know when you do your taxes, oh how who am I kidding you still live with your parents, but when you eventually do your taxes you can get a thing called a tax return for funds that you may need more or that the government over taxed you on depending on your financial circumstances. If you qualify for certain government assistance guess what? Your tax return is higher than what you were taxed. Essentially they don't pay taxes, the IRS pays them.

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Like 80% of their population fucking died due to starvation or government purges.

Maybe you should have evolved harder you fucking nigger.

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>What is trickle down economics

There's really a whole class of mouthbreathing hicks retarded enough to believe this shit.

The are shills, yeah, but that's only because they wanted in on GOP action.

What is
>fellow citizens

Why is it my job to help?

>>I'd rather suck off giant corporations who pollute the air, soil and water and exploit me over helping my fellow American who's disfranchised and in need of help
Poor people tend to be anti gun
I want anti gun people to die of preventable means
making sure they don't get gibs on my dime and die from it sounds fucking great

>helping my fellow American who's disfranchised and in need of help
There a thing called charity faggot, if you're that concerned go volunteer or provide to a charity.

Who will pay for them, if they can't work without them?

>fixing a pothole is making a road
Wew big brain lad here

>he doesn’t know about state sales tax
Don’t call some underaged retard when you don’t understand how taxes work

>Projecting this hard

We know for a fact Reaganomics didn't work for anybody outside of the wealthy. Nobody mentioned whether or not social would work except you.

dominos is a private company. the government isn't making anyone do anything in the example I provided.

>muh 60 gorrillion
even the guy who made that statistic up said it was a fabrication look it up if you dont believe me

>being upset that white people are superior

Because you should care about your fellows. A healthy community is a happy one.

Except as we proved during the Great Depression that doesn’t work

The issue would be when there'sno over gain for a private company they'd just let it fall to shit.

>reddit posting

ITT: /pol/ retards clash with twitter turds.

I'm mad that you're so shallow that you think they won because of their race. That's a disservice to the white conquerors too btw

It always goes back to sex with you incels. If you can't fuck a human, what makes you think you can fuck an alien?

Any time I hear the whole THE RICH PAY ALL THE TAXES!!! spiel, I'm just reminded of the bible story about the old woman and her two copper coins.

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Yea, the ones who aren't on welfare are white or asian

charity. bill gates gives out tons of charity. You think people won't voluntarily give robot arms?

>Two decades
>Stalin dies
>Stagnation begins
>Gets BTFO by ragheads
The U.S has been a powerhouse since it's inception. Fuck off trannie commie.

>Types this while posting on Yea Forums

>Except as we proved during the Great Depression that doesn’t work
You've never heard of Carnegie have you?

I'm whiter than you son. And I like to think my achievements are due to myself, not my race.

>not on welfare
What is farm, oil and other corporate subsidies you dumb faggot

When you file your income tax return the government sends you money back and for some people they send back a tax credit to cover how much they theoretically spent on all their taxes.

>Because you should care about your fellows.
Why they don't care about me.

Yeah Carnegie sure fixed the dust bowl and no one in America ever starved! Good effort, I know it’s hard for you to try and think

>i'm superior because i have the bigger stick

>Implying any of you 2nd amendment faggots could stop the police or US army at this point in history

Why do you assume that?

>First most southern states were dem up until the 2000 election Look at any electoral map prior to this.
Huh, right out of the gate and you're full of shit. Pic related.
> Second the switch to republican dominance in the south came with the industrialization of it.
lol no it didn't, unless you think republicans dominated the south since the early 20th century.
>Finally of the southern democrats that initially held dominance in the south during the civil rights act only one ever switched to the Republican Party.
Strom Thurmond, Richard Shelby, George Wallace to name 3 off the top of my head. Admittedly I'm only immediately familiar with Alabama politics as I'm from there, but I'm not going to waste any time researching more just to satisfy a moron on an anonymous image board.
>Stop pushing this retarded conspiracy theory.
It's called history.

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Because you might be helped in turn when you need it? Or will you shoot yourself when you can't work anymore?

Nice strawman, faggot.

Reaganomics uplifted the majority of the middle class into better living conditions

>it is ok when communists kill people

>Yeah, because it works.
American healthcare got me a same-day appointment with a GP, a referral to a specialist in a week, and a surgery scheduled and performed a week and a half after that and my insurance covered 90% of the costs.

By comparison average wait time for a surgery in the UK is 2-3 months.

>I'm having to save money to get an operation privately after going to a private GP to get fucking basic steroid nasal drops that helped stop the intense constant headaches and give me back some of my smell.
And you've had to do the same thing without the NHS.

Yeah you uh don’t get your sales tax back retard. You can read right?

how will people deliver pizzas if there are no roads?

Literally socialism. Also, I'd rather depend on the government than in the mercy of the overlords.

I think what OP is poking fun at is tbe recent events surrounding Reagan.

No, they won because white people are gods chosen people

>not wanting to fuck humans and aliens
also you can't be an incel and white. literally just swipe on any nonwhite chick and she will match you and fuck you

>Or will you shoot yourself when you can't work anymore?
I'll shoot myself while I can still work thank you very much.

How much do you spend on insurance? I spend 500 a month and I still have a $3000 deductible.

no one cares about your children's book

Affluent people have money because they hate to give away. Only the absolute minority gives to charity, and it's either for virtue signaling, or for tax deductions.

People don't go quietly into that good night.
Nah, pretty sure some of them have guns too.

the USSR didn’t collapse due to economic reasons it happened because of military coupes headed by former KGB ops, fucking american textbooks never teach people real history.

yes yourself, that has white genes that make you a superior person

It's the nature of humanity.

we should end all subsidies. Tax cuts aren't welfare though

Take it back to /pol/ homo, this is a (new) god-fearing board.

That's weird, I'm seeing a lot of blue in the south just 8 years later

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People don't die from paying taxes idiot.

>Because you should care about your fellows. A healthy community is a happy one.
They literally don't care about me. They want to deny me my gun rights

that’s not my point retard, do you have no reading comprehension skills whatsoever?

Poor people can't buy guns, so they'd be defenseless either way. Actually they would be safer.

FDR had the government buy up corn and then burn it so more people would starve